This Easter, New Zealand mulls unleashing deadly virus for culling rabbits to curb ‘plague’

The Otago council is waiting for approval from the government to spread Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)—a sure-shot viral killer


First introduced in the 1840s for both food and sport, this furry animal has slowly and gradually turned into an invasive creature, threatening the bio-diversity and agriculture of the southern region of Central Otago

Rabbits—the furry widely loved and petted animals—have turned out to be a nuisance for a region in New Zealand that is employing every trick in its trade to eliminate the long-eared animal from the face of their part of the earth.

First introduced in the 1840s for both food and sport, this furry animal has slowly and gradually turned into an invasive creature, threatening the bio-diversity and agriculture of the southern region of Central Otago.

To tackle the menace, the local administration introduced the Central Otago Great Easter Bunny Hunt in the 1990s—an annual bunny hunt event where the landowners have a legal obligation to control them.

However, the central government banned the event for this year due to fire risks and health and safety concerns.

But this hasn’t stopped the rural folks from carrying on with their long tradition as they fear that a lack of alternatives to killing rabbits will lead to a further explosion of the population.

Now, the Otago council is waiting for approval from the government to spread Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)—a sure-shot viral killer.

This strain of the virus was first imported and introduced illegally to New Zealand in 1997, devastating rabbit populations at the time. Another version from Korea was later legally imported and released in early 2018. However, rabbits have become increasingly immune over time.

Now, local councillors are investigating if it is viable to remove RHDV from the biosecurity’s “unwanted organism list”, which could pave the way for its reintroduction.

In parts of the South Island, the boom is reaching “plague” proportions, a spokesperson for Otago Regional Council (ORC) told the Guardian on Wednesday.

New Zealand’s ministry of primary industry estimates that rabbits cost the country an estimated NZ$50 million (US$31m) in lost production, and a further $25m in direct pest control each year.

“Densities of up to 16 rabbits per square kilometre have been logged in some places during ORC night-count monitoring,” the council said in a statement.

“Rabbits have an impact on pasture and crops with just 10 rabbits devouring the equivalent of what one sheep requires.”


May all be blessed with infinite love and harmony.
Everyone is LOVE…
Celebrate the greatness and true symbolic meaning of Easter…
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus…
Jesus represents the core being the pure consciousness..

Celebrate the resurrection of ALL perfected beings anywhere in the world….
All who TRULY follow the path of TRUTH and LOVE…the one who lives for ALL…the one who considers NO 1 an enemy….the one who thinks speaks and does no evil, the one who realizes …ALL are ONE… the one who dares to BE THE PUREST OF THE PURE ….WILL BE RESURRECTED…regardless of faith /religion nationality, gender…colour ..
This is the order of the day.
For those who believe, it is not possible to be must know the truth …Jesus came to ‘show the way’…but man’s evolution was /remained low and so could not perceive Jesus’s birth purpose..He was of tremendous evolution hence he was chosen and chose to play out this MAGNIFICIENT COSMIC ROLE so that man may awaken and learn to be truthful and just.
Many great souls have appeared on earth since then to reiterate the message of truth…but man always killed later… ‘revere him’ …funny isn’t?


Today in ‘our time’ of evolution we are ALL being given the chance to embrace greatness.
You too can be resurrected …if you followed the path truthfully with Yoga thrown in.
Jesus studied intense Yoga in India in the Himalayas. …..
The best way to honour Jesus,(pure consciousness’) is to opt for resurrection yourself…that would be truly following the master.
Start with YOU….YOUR resurrection….to merge with Christ/ pure consciousness .
Praise…. Jesus.
I offer healing love to everyone …every and anywhere in the world … wherever there is suffering…grief…loss….tragedy…..

Please join me in the same on this day and every day .


Dr Chandan

Administrator of this blog page.

How to make an Easter tree with painted eggshells. Happy Easter to all my blog visitors,readers,subscibers and blog followers.