Eosinophilic esophagitis: How the drug Dupixent has improved treatment

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Dupixent (dupilumab) for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) in individuals aged 12 and above, the first approved therapy for this condition.
  • EoE, characterized by chronic inflammation and the presence of eosinophils in the esophagus, commonly manifests in symptoms such as swallowing difficulties and food impaction.
  • Researchers reported that Dupixent, a monoclonal antibody designed to target the inflammatory process, demonstrated effectiveness and safety in clinical trials, marking a significant breakthrough in EoE treatment.

In May 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approvalTrusted Source for Dupixent (dupilumab) for people ages 12 and older with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE).

EoE is characterized by the presence of eosinophils, a specific type of white blood cell, in the esophageal tissue.

In adults and adolescents with EoE, common symptoms include difficulty swallowing, eating challenges, and food getting stuck in the esophagus.

Dupixent is a monoclonal antibody designed to inhibit a part of the inflammatory pathway.

Dr. Brooks Cash, a professor and chief of the division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at UTHealth Houston, told Medical News Today that “there are multiple different types of immune reactions that the body uses to protect itself depending on the target (for example viruses, parasites, bacteria, allergens).”

“In the case of EoE the type of immune response is called a type 2 immune response, which is the type of immune response directed toward allergens,” he explained.

“Other examples of this type of immune response include asthma, hives, allergic rhinitis, and certain food allergies,” Cash added.

“In the case of EoE, when the body is exposed to certain allergens, an immune cascade occurs that results in trafficking and accumulation of specific immune cells called eosinophils in the esophagus,” Cash pointed out.

“These cells contain molecules such as histamine that are released when the cells are activated and release of these molecules can cause additional inflammation, swelling, and edema and eventually an increase in connective tissue in the wall of the esophagus,” he added.

“This final process is known as fibrosis. The inflammation and fibrosis that occurs with EoE can cause symptoms of dysphagia, or food getting stuck in the esophagus,” Cash said.

This can lead to food impaction, especially with foods such as meats which may require removal with upper endoscopy and are considered emergencies due to the risk of esophageal rupture. EoE can affect adults as well as children and may be accompanied by other allergic symptoms such as hives and allergic rhinitis.

Dr. Brooks Cash

Cash noted that “while the most common cause of dysphagia is complications from gastroesophageal reflux disease (aka GERD), EoE is an important cause of dysphagia to consider in patients with dysphagia, especially if they do not suffer from chronic GERD symptoms or heartburn or regurgitation.”

The clinical trial looking at the efficacy and safety of Dupixent

The efficacy and safety of Dupixent for EoE were evaluated in a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial, conducted at multiple centers.

In the study, researchers conducted two separate 24-week treatment periods, Part A and Part B. In Part A, participants were given either a placebo or a 300-milligram dose of Dupixent weekly. In Part B, participants were given a 300-milligram dose of Dupixent weekly, a 300-milligram does of Dupixent every two weeks, or a placebo once weekly.

Researchers measured the reduction in eosinophil levels in the esophagus (throat) at week 24, which is determined by looking at tissue samples under a microscope, and the change in a questionnaire called the Dysphagia Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ) score from the beginning to the end of the 24 weeks.

The DSQ helps assess how difficult it is for people to swallow, with higher scores indicating more severe symptoms.

In Part A, 60% of the participants who received Dupixent achieved the desired reduction in eosinophil levels, compared to only 5% of those who got a placebo.

Participants in Part A who received Dupixent also reported an average improvement of 22 points in their DSQ score, while those on placebo reported a 10-point improvement.

In Part B, target eosinophil reduction was achieved in 59% of participants on weekly Dupixent and 60% of participants on Dupixent every two weeks, compared to just 6% of those on placebo.

Participants in Part B who received Dupixent weekly reported an average improvement of 24 points in their DSQ score, while those receiving it every two seeks and those on placebo reported a 14-point improvement.

Overall, researchers said, these results suggest that Dupixent can be effective in reducing symptoms and improving swallowing difficulties in patients with EoE.

Challenges for healthcare providers when treating EoE

Cash highlighted that the main challenge when treating EoE is raising awareness, gaining access to diagnostic tests and finding effective therapies for EoE.

Diagnosis requires upper endoscopy and biopsies. Initial treatments include food elimination diets, acid suppression meds and swallowed steroids, although none are FDA-approved and not universally effective.

Dupixent is therefore a promising option, but its role, cost, and insurance coverage are still uncertain, which can be a limitation, especially for uninsured people.

Dr. Zeeshan Afzal, a health content advisor at Welzo who was not involved in the research, told Medical News Today that “diagnosing EoE can be challenging as its symptoms can overlap with other esophageal disorders. It often requires multiple tests, including endoscopy with biopsy, to confirm the diagnosis.”

“Managing EoE typically involves dietary modifications and medication to control symptoms and inflammation,” Afzal explained.

“Before the approval of Dupixent, there were limited treatment options for EoE. Patients might have had to rely on corticosteroids or dietary restrictions, which may not provide long-term relief,” he added.

Implications for improved patient outcomes

This new medication is a great advance in the care of patients with EoE and it’s exciting to see medications directed toward the pathophysiologic basis for a condition come to market based on good clinical research showing clinical improvement in symptoms as well as the inflammatory changes in the esophagus.

Dr. Brooks Cash

However, “we still need to determine where this medication fits, right now it is generally used in patients who did not have a complete or durable response to other therapies,” Cash pointed out.

“We also need to determine how long patients should be treated with this medication and when and how we should consider decreasing or stopping this medication in patients who respond,” he added.

Afzal noted that the new medication will allow people with EoE to experience symptom relief, “making it easier to eat and swallow.”

This can lead to an improved quality of life for those living with the condition.

However, “access to Dupixent may be a concern for some patients due to its cost, but the approval may prompt discussions around insurance coverage and affordability.”

In conclusion, Afzal said that “healthcare providers will need to educate patients about the benefits, risks and proper use of Dupixent, as well as monitor them for potential side effects.”

Giant cell arteritis presenting with progressive dysphagia and tongue necrosis

A 72-year-old man was admitted to hospital with 1 month of progressive solid food dysphagia that caused a 10-kg weight loss. The patient reported alcohol and tobacco use but had no known medical conditions. An oral examination and head and neck computed tomography (CT) were normal apart from poor dentition. Laboratory investigations showed a raised C-reactive protein level (54.4 [normal < 5] mg/L) and normal leukocyte count (6.83 [normal 4.0–10.0] ×109/L). Gastroscopy and barium swallow test were unremarkable. He was discharged without a diagnosis.

The patient returned to hospital 1 week later with severe oral and maxillary pain and persistent dysphagia. We found a lingual lesion with white coating (Figure 1A). The result for a repeat C-reactive protein test was 117.6 mg/L and the patient’s leukocyte count was 11.04 ×109/L. Two days later, the left lingual lesion had become necrotic (Figure 1B). We suspected malignant disease and performed a panendoscopic examination and biopsied his tongue. No other lesions were found. The histopathology showed complete ischemic tissue necrosis, with no signs of malignant disease or vasculitis. We arranged a CT angiogram to determine the cause of his tongue ischemia, which showed isolated luminal narrowing of the left lingual artery. Because we suspected giant cell arteritis, we performed a temporal artery biopsy. It confirmed a granulomatous arteritis compatible with giant cell arteritis.

Figure 1:

Figure 1:

(A) White-coated lesion of the left border of the tongue in a 72-year-old man with 5-week progressive solid food dysphagia. (B) Secondary necrosis of the left border of the patient’s tongue, 2 days later.

We started treatment with methylprednisolone (250 mg/d for 3 d) followed by prednisone (1 mg/kg/d). The patient’s tongue healed, and his pain and dysphagia resolved.

Giant cell arteritis, or temporal arteritis, has a prevalence of 1 in 500 individuals,1 and involves large and medium arteries such as carotid artery branches. Common symptoms include headache, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, ocular ischemic manifestations and inflammatory arthralgia. Dysphagia and tongue necrosis are uncommon manifestations of giant cell arteritis associated with a high (50%) risk of recurrence.2 Tongue necrosis has many differential diagnoses in addition to vasculitis, including malignant disease, embolism and drug- or radiation-related adverse effects.1

Corticosteroid therapy should be started as soon as giant cell arteritis is suspected. Treatment with prednisone is suggested at 1 mg/kg/d for 6 weeks

Natural capsaicinoids improve swallow response in older patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia.


Objective There is no pharmacological treatment for oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD). The aim of this study was to compare the therapeutic effect of stimulation of oropharyngeal transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) with that of thickeners in older patients with OD.

Design A clinical videofluoroscopic non-randomised study was performed to assess the signs of safety and efficacy of swallow and the swallow response in (1) 33 patients with OD (75.94±1.88 years) while swallowing 5, 10 and 20 ml of liquid (20.4 mPa.s), nectar (274.4 mPa.s), and pudding (3930 mPa.s) boluses; (2) 33 patients with OD (73.94±2.23 years) while swallowing 5, 10 and 20 ml nectar boluses, and two series of nectar boluses with 150 μM capsaicinoids and (3) 8 older controls (76.88±1.51 years) while swallowing 5, 10 and 20 ml nectar boluses.

Results Increasing bolus viscosity reduced the prevalence of laryngeal penetrations by 72.03% (p<0.05), increased pharyngeal residue by 41.37% (p<0.05), delayed the upper esophageal sphincter opening time and the larynx movement and did not affect the laryngeal vestibule closure time and maximal hyoid displacement. Treatment with capsaicinoids reduced both, penetrations by 50.% (p<0.05) and pharyngeal residue by 50.% (p<0.05), and shortened the time of laryngeal vestibule closure (p<0.001), upper esophageal sphincter opening (p<0.05) and maximal hyoid and laryngeal displacement.

Conclusion Stimulation of TRPV1 by capsaicinoids strongly improved safety and efficacy of swallow and shortened the swallow response in older patients with OD. Stimulation of TRPV1 might become a pharmacologic strategy to treat OD.

Source: BMJ

Dysphagia in a young woman.

A 31-year-old woman presented to our clinic with a history of intermittent dysphagia to both solid and liquid food for several years. Her dysphagia increased in severity, and in recent months, was accompanied by frequent postprandial chest tightness, and vomiting. Physical examination and routine laboratory workup showed no obvious abnormalities. Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy ,showed an elongated pouch with a blind end originating from the mid-oesophagus. A demarcation was clearly seen between the epithelium in the pouch and the normal oesophageal mucosa. Upper gastrointestinal series .showed an 8·4×2·8 cm pouch stemming from the thoracic oesophagus. The tubular structure’s blind end did not connect with the distal oesophagus, suggesting an incomplete duplication of the oesophagus. CT of chest () also showed a tube-like lesion with internal air-fluid level. Video-assisted thoracic surgery was done to remove the duplication, resulting in improvement of her symptoms.


Oesophageal duplication is a rare congenital malformation and occurs in about one in 8200 livebirths. It can be categorised into cystic or tubular forms, with the cystic type accounting for nearly 90—95% of cases. Oesophageal duplication can cause recurrent dysphagia, hoarseness, vomiting, respiratory distress or even haematemesis. Most duplications are detected before 2 years of age; 25—35% of the duplications were first identified during adulthood. Surgical resections should be considered in symptomatic patients, and close follow-up is recommended for the asymptomatic individuals because malignancy can develop from the pouch.

Source: Lancet