Neighbouring cells help cancers dodge drugs.

Proteins in a tumour’s microenvironment play a part in drug resistance.

Cancers can resist destruction by drugs with the help of proteins recruited from surrounding tissues, find two studies published by Nature today. The presence of these cancer-assisting proteins in the stromal tissue that surrounds solid tumours could help to explain why targeted drug therapies rapidly lose their potency.

Targeted cancer therapies are a class of drugs tailored to a cancer’s genetic make-up. They work by identifying mutations that accelerate the growth of cancer cells and selectively blocking copies of the mutated proteins. Although such treatments avoid the side effects associated with conventional chemotherapy, their effectiveness tends to be short-lived. For example, patients treated with the recently approved drug vemurafenib initially show dramatic recovery from advanced melanoma, but in most cases the cancer returns within a few months.

Many forms of cancer are rising in prevalence: for example, in the United States, the incidence of invasive cutaneous melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — increased by 50% in Caucasian women under 39 between 1980 and 2004. So there is a pressing need to work out how to extend the effects of targeted drug therapies. But, until now, researchers have focused on finding the mechanism of drug resistance within the cancerous cells themselves.

Two teams, led by Jeff Settleman of Genentech in South San Francisco, California, and Todd Golub at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, expanded this search into tumours’ surrounding cellular environment.

Settleman’s team tested 41 human cancer cell lines, ranging from breast to lung to skin cancers. The researchers found that 37 of these became desensitized to a handful of targeted drugs when in the presence of proteins that are usually found in the cancer’s stroma, the supportive tissue that surrounds tumours. In the absence of these proteins, the drugs worked well1. By growing cancer cells along with cells typically found in a tumour’s immediate vicinity, Golub and his colleagues showed that these neighbouring cells are the likely source of the tumour-aiding proteins2.

Protein culprit

One of the most startling results of the teams’ experiments was the discovery that a protein called hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) boosts melanoma’s resistance to treatment with vemurafenib. Intrigued by this result, both teams looked at blood samples from people who had undergone treatment with vemurafenib, and found the higher a patient’s HGF levels, the less likely they were to remain in remission.

Martin McMahon, a cancer biologist at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not affiliated with either study, explains that the results have immediate implications for the design of clinical trials, which he says could combine targeted drug therapy with drugs capable of knocking down the production of proteins such as HGF.

“These papers show that the influence of the cell’s microenvironment is important not only for melanoma, but also for pancreatic, lung and breast cancer,” McMahon says, adding that they are “very exciting, because they expand the focus of where we should be looking for the mechanisms of drug resistance”.

Source: Nature.


MicroRNA-122 sensitizes HCC cancer cells to adriamycin and vincristine through modulating expression of MDR and inducing cell cycle arrest

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a hypervascular cancer characterized by rapid progression as well as resistance to conventional chemotherapy. It has been shown that microRNAs play critical roles in pathogenesis of HCC. MicroRNA-122 (miR-122) is a liver-specific microRNA and is frequently downregulated in HCC. In the present study, we investigated whether restoration of miR-122 in HCC cells could render cells sensitive to chemotherapeutic agents adriamycin (ADM) or vincristine (VCR). Our data showed that overexpression of miR-122 in HCC cells induced by adenovirus expressing miR-122 could render cell sensitive to ADM or VCR. Analysis of cell cycle distribution showed that the anti-proliferative effect of miR-122 is associated with increase of cell number in the G2/M phase. Moreover, treatment with Ad-miR122 and ADM or VCR resulted in high accumulation of HCC cells in G2/M phase. We further demonstrated that overexpression of miR-122 could modulate the sensitivity of the HCC cells to chemotherapeutic drugs through downregulating MDR related genes MDR-1, GST-π, and MRP, antiapoptotic gene Bcl-w and cell cycle related gene cyclin B1. Taken together, our findings demonstrated that combination of Ad-miR122 with chemotherapeutic agents inhibited HCC cell growth by inducing G2/M arrest and that this arrest is associated, at least in part, with reduced expression of MDR related genes and Cyclin B1.

source: cancer letter


cancer chemotherapy resistance

Primary or acquired drug resistance remains a fundamental cause of therapeutic failure in cancer therapy. Post-hoc analyses of clinical trials have revealed the importance of selecting patients with the appropriate molecular phenotype for maximal therapeutic benefit, as well as the requirement to avoid exposure and potential harm for those who have drug resistant disease, particularly with respect to targeted agents. Unravelling drug resistance mechanisms not only facilitates rational treatment strategies to overcome existing limitations in therapeutic efficacy, but will enhance biomarker discovery and the development of companion diagnostics. Advances in genomics coupled with state-of-the-art biomarker platforms such as multi-parametric functional imaging and molecular characterisation of circulating tumour cells are expanding the scope of clinical trials – providing unprecedented opportunities for translational objectives that inform on both treatment response and disease biology. In this review, we propose a shift towards innovative trial designs, which are prospectively set up to answer key biological hypotheses in parallel with the RNA interference elucidation of drug resistance pathways in monotherapy pre-operative or ‘window of opportunity’ early phase trials. Systematic collection of paired clinical samples before and after treatment amenable to genomics analysis in such studies is mandated. With concurrent functional RNA interference analysis of drug response pathways, the identification of robust predictive biomarkers of response and clinically relevant resistance mechanisms may become feasible. This represents a rational approach to accelerate biomarker discovery, maximising the potential for therapeutic benefit and minimising the health economic cost of ineffective therapy.