Dietary fiber may curb appetite by acting on brain .

Fiber’s ability to curb appetite may come from gut molecules traveling to and acting on the brain, not the gut alone. As mice digest fiber, their guts release a molecule called acetate that appears to influence appetite suppressionchemicals sent from the brain, researchers report April 29 in Nature Communications. The finding could open up new possibilities for weight management, the scientists say. It’s unclear exactly how the gut-made acetate influences the brain chemicals that regulate appetite, and it’s unknown wheather the amount of fiber given to the mice in the study would be part of a realistic diet.

Health Benefits of Kiwi.

What’s in a Name?

The kiwi, originally called the Chinese gooseberry and later the “sunny peach”, was renamed the kiwi by New Zealand natives after their national bird. There are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, much like grapes are cultivated.



People are attracted to kiwi fruit because of its brilliant green color and exotic taste. But, the real uniqueness of kiwi fruit comes from its health benefits. Read the kiwi’s fourteen health benefits:.

1. Helps Your Digestions with Enzymes

Raw kiwi contains actinidain, a protein-dissolving enzyme that can help digest a meal much like the papain in papaya or bromelain in pineapple.

2. Helps Manage Blood Pressure

Kiwi’s high level of potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium.

3. Protects from DNA Damage

A study showed that the unique combination of antioxidants in Kiwi fruit helps protect the cell DNA from oxidative damage. Some experts conclude this can help prevent cancer.

4. Boosts Your Immunity

Kiwi’s high vitamin C content along with other antioxidant compounds has been proven to boost the immune system.

5. Smart Carb for Weight Loss

Kiwi’s low glycemic index and high fiber content means it will not create a strong insulin rush like other fruit with high sugar contents — so the body will not respond by storing fat.

6. Improves Digestive Health

Kiwis are a great source of fiber. This prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.

7. Helps Clean Out Toxins

The fuzzy fiber of Kiwi helps bind and move toxins from your intestinal tract.

8. Helps Fight Heart Disease

Eating 2-3 kiwis a day has been shown to reduce the potential of blood clotting by 18% and reduce triglycerides by 15%. Many individuals take aspirin to reduce blood clotting, but this causes many side effects including inflammation and intestinal bleeding. Kiwi fruit has the same anti-clotting benefits with no side effects, just additional health benefits!

9. Suitable For Diabetics

Kiwi is in the ‘low’ category for glycemic index, meaning it does not raise your blood sugar quickly. It has a glycemic load of 4 which means it is safe for diabetics.

10. Protects Against Macular Degeneration and Other Eye Problems

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. A study on over 110,000 men and women showed that eating 3 or more serving of fruit per day decreased macular degeneration by 36%. This is thought to be associated with the kiwi’s high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin — both of which are natural chemicals found in the human eye. Although both fruits and vegetables were studied, this same effect was not shown for vegetables.

11. Create Alkaline Balance

Kiwi is in the ‘most alkaline’ category for fruits, meaning it has a rich supply of minerals to replace the excess of acidic foods most individuals consume. A few of the benefits of a properly acid/alkaline balanced body are: youthful skin, deeper sleep, abundant physical energy, fewer colds, less arthritis, and reduced osteoporosis.

12. Great for the Skin

Kiwis are a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant known to protect skin from degeneration.

13. Exotic Taste and Look for Food Variety

Kiwis look and taste great. Kids often love them because they are so different from most fruits.

For nutritional balance it is always good to eat a variety of foods. Each food has its own unique qualities and powers. The trouble with most people’s diet is that we eat such a limited number of foods. It increases our chances of not getting enough of important nutrients.

14. Naturally Organic

Kiwi fruit is on the list of foods that are generally safe from a lot of pesticide residues. For 2012 it came in with the top 10 safest foods. While it is always good to support organic when you can as a matter of principle, it’s also good to know whether there is a big danger if organic is not available or viable for you.


Selecting, Storing, and Eating a Kiwi


How do I choose a kiwi?

-Look for a fruit that is plump and fragrant with no visible bruising or wrinkles and a slightly firm feel

What if I chose a fruit that isn’t yet ripe?

-Kiwis ripen quickly when placed in either a paper or plastic bag with a banana. However, once they are ripened, store them away from other fruit or they will decompose more quickly!

How long are kiwis good for once I buy them?

-Ripe kiwi fruit can last in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Can I eat the skin?

You can, but wash carefully to remove unwanted pesticides! Rub it a bit to minimize the fuzz. The skin actually provides more fiber to your sweet snack. If you’re not fond of the fuzzy exterior, simply “sloop” it out by slicing the kiwi in half horizontally and spooning out each end to enjoy.

The Kiwi Craze
Kiwi fruit can be enjoyed in smoothies, sprinkled into your morning yogurt, mixed into fruit salad, or eaten plain. For a few more creative ideas to incorporate kiwis into your daily meals, check out the ideas below:

-Make a “fruit pizza” out of graham crackers and a creamy topping (peanut butter, honey, ricotta cheese- the possibilities are endless!) and sprinkle chopped kiwi on top.


-Involve your kids and make fruit kabobs with kiwi as the star (Make sure to use blunt end skewers so the little ones don’t hurt themselves!).-


-Incorporate kiwi into a citrusy jam, jelly, or chutney.


-Rub on meat for an all-natural meat tenderizer- the kiwi contains enzymes that aid in breaking down protein.




Health Benefits Of Blueberries.


With practically no fat and loads of nutritious components this is one fruit you can rely on completely for the health factor.

Blueberries are the fruit that pack in nutrition and delicious taste all-in-one, tempting blue package!

With practically no fat and loads of nutritious components this is one fruit you can rely on completely for the health factor. Read on to know how exactly blueberries prove beneficial to health:

1. Packed with Antioxidants

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, as they contain Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as copper, zinc, iron and loads of antioxidants to keep the oxygen levels high and immune system strong. These nutrients are very important in the restoration of brain cells and the overall nervous system. What’s more, even Alzheimer’s disease is known t be cured by the consumption of blueberries.

2.Source of Manganese

Manganese is very essential for the development of bones. Moreover, it helps the body convert proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy. Blueberries are rich in manganese, thereby making them the fruits to relish and savour as part of your regular diet.

3. Dietary Fibre

There are very few foods that provide the body with the requisite amount of fibre to keep the system in excellent condition. Fibres help the heart stay healthy and also keep the cholesterol levels in check. A bowl of blueberries consumed every day can take care of your body’s regular fibre requirement. This, in turn, aids in maintaining a healthy heart.

4. Fat-Free Fitness Food

With a host of nutritious actors that blueberries cater to, they can also be highly instrumental in the reduction of belly fat. Since the cholesterol levels are kept in check and essential antioxidants and vitamins are provided, they are definitely a healthy option.

5. Antibiotic Properties

Blueberries have another surprising health benefit. They are fruit with antibiotic properties, making them helpful in the case of infections in the urinary tract. In the case of the latter, the bacteria causing the infection can be treated with the consumption of blueberries on a regular basis.

6. Cancer Treatment

Blueberries contain compounds such as Pterostilbene and Ellagic Acid, which, in combination with other antioxidants, can work wonders in prevention as well as cure of liver and colon cancer. People who consume the fruit are known to be less prone to the risk of cancer than those who do not.

Blueberries are indeed a wonder fruit. So, stock up on them and make sure to include a generous helping in your daily diet for healthier living!


Source: Yahoo

Nature’s Goodies for Diabetics.

We understand that as a diabetic, your diet is of utmost importance. And that sometimes those sweet cravings are just way too hard to resist! So we bring you alist of natural goodies that tantalise your taste buds, are easy to find and as a bonus, are great for your health!

Tempting red strawberries or indigo coloured blueberries or just any berries for that matter. Experts advice that these little colourful fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fibre and are low-carb! So top off your breakfast with some strawberries or just toss them in your mouth. It adds a pop of colour and a dollop of health!

Low in calories and carbohydrate content, this portable fruit can be toted around easily in your bag, making it the perfect snack. Fibrous, with tonnes of vitamins and antioxidants, this diabetes-friendly fruit will add a crunchy and healthy punch to your diet.

Is there nothing this superfood can’t do? Research shows that green, leafy and fresh spinach is extremely low in calories and carbohydrates, which is especially good news if you are a diabetic. In fact, spinach is one of the rare things that a diabetic can eat almost freely!

Kidney beans, black beans or lentils have been shown to have immense health benefits for a diabetic. They are low fat, low calorie and high protein! They make you feel full, slow down your digestion process and prevent blood sugar from spiking.


Despite the fact that an orange contains sugar, it also contains other compounds that help control blood glucose, which makes it good for a diabetes patient. The soluble fibre present in an orange thickens as it’s being digested. This in turn slows down the sugar absorption, offering better control of your blood sugar.

Cabbage has a low glycaemic index of 10 which is very diabetes friendly. It is also a rich source of vitamin C and K. However, keep an eye on the fat content if you are including cabbage in your diet.

Brinjal: Non-starchy, low carbohydrate and soluble fibre, could a vegetable be more perfect for diabetes? Load up on this easily available vegetable and enjoy the goodness that it offers!

Okra (Lady’s Finger) is a sure shot hit with kids and diabetics! Like brinjals and oranges, the presence of soluble fibre in okra makes this humble vegetable one of the best things to eat if you are diabetic.

Pears: Rich in potassium and loaded with fibre, a pear is also low in carbohydrates! Add them in your fruit bowl or mix it up with spinach to get an instant fix for your hunger pangs.
Despite the fact that fruits and vegetables are good for you, there’s no denying the fact that some of them contain sugar and carbohydrates, albeit in small amounts. So keep your portions small and do check with your nutritionist before any major diet changes.


