11 Ways to Detoxify Your Third Eye And Reignite Your Pineal Gland .

The pineal gland is derived from the Latin word Pinea and is the size of  a grain of rice. It received its name because of its likeness to a pine cone. The pineal gland is responsible for production of melatonin. When your body is deficient in melatonin, symptoms will erupt such as premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, alzheimers and mental disorders such as Bi-polar.

The pineal gland is known as the third eye, because of its resemblance to the retina in the physical eyes. Light enters the body through the retina of the eyes and is sent to the brain which then sends it to the gland.









The third eyes’ function gives also the ability of extra-sensory perception, enhanced intuition, psychic awareness, and is the house of your inner wisdom or inner eye (I) of the metaphysical body or spirit. It is your vortex of command.

The pineal gland or third eye is a crucial piece of the brain and one that is the most susceptible to danger of calcination.

The accumulation of fluoride, mercury thimerosal (in vaccines) and other toxins in the blood, cause it to calcify by forming a protective layer over the gland. Its like having a cataract on your third eye.

Artificial foods and ingredients, toxic hormones in animal bi-products, poor nutrition, a weak immune system and sodium fluoride in our drinking water, can be considered to blame for the calcification of the pineal gland on a world wide level.

When you’re pineal gland is calcified the following symptoms can appear:

  • weight gain
  • digestive disorders
  • poor circulation
  • confusion
  • lack of vision
  • mood disorders
  • mental disorders

Not to mention the fact that with a inactive pineal gland, the ability to tap into universal knowing, oneness, and heaven like euphoria that is all around you, at every moment has been stripped away. Which is largely where humanity is at today as a whole. With our third eyes closed we are unable to see the realms and beings that are around us all the time. Our connection has been cut off before we even had the time to understand what was happening.

Here are 11 Ways to Decalcify and Reignite the Health of Your Pineal Gland
  1.  Clean Drinking Water (fluoride free)
  2. DMT-Ayahuasca (plant medicine)
  3. Eat Organic
  4. No GMO Foods
  5. Sun Gazing
  6. Citric Acid (acid breaks down calcium deposits)
  7. Iodine (helps release fluoride in the body)
  8. Boron (known fluoride remover in the body)
  9. Meditate
  10. Chakra Healing with Essential Oils
  11. Eating Raw Chocolate (detoxify-er & antioxidant)

Watch the video. URL:https://youtu.be/oevn8pRZuP0