5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

Simply incorporating a good apple—that is to say, 100 percent organic, nonirradiated, etc.—into your daily diet should constitute an extremely pleasurable experience. (Dean Drobot/Shutterstock)

Simply incorporating a good apple—that is to say, 100 percent organic, nonirradiated, etc.—into your daily diet should constitute an extremely pleasurable experience.

Given what we are exposed to through food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove naturally occurring environmental toxins or manmade chemical toxicants, we are bound to get sick.

So what are some simple, effective ways to rid our body of its daily toxic burden?

1) Pop a Probiotic

Of course, you don’t have to “pop a pill” to get a probiotic. In fact, it is preferred you ingest either a probotically cultured food (e.g. kombucha, yogurt [preferably plant-based], cultured veggies, etc.) or eat more raw fruits and vegetables grown in truly healthy soil, as the Earth’s microbiome is where “good bacteria” come from.

How will getting probiotics help? Fascinating research indicates that probiotics actually help us break down foods (e.g. gluten, casein) and chemicals (pesticides, Bisphenol A [BPA]) which can harm our bodies and which our own detoxification pathways do not handle effectively. It’s kind of a wonder that germs can help save us from ourselves in this way!

Epoch Times Photo
The reality is that we are meant to move our bodies, the result of which is the release of profoundly uplifting and regenerative hormonal and neurochemical secretions. 

2) Break a Sweat

Sadly, sweating has become synonymous with something gross that should be blocked with antiperspirants/deodorants—which ironically only further exacerbates the problem of body odor, as these keep one of your primary channels of detoxification from doing its job.

The reality is that we are meant to move our bodies, the result of which is the release of profoundly uplifting and regenerative hormonal and neurochemical secretions. And this is just the obvious “reward” we receive by pushing ourselves through the discomfort of sustained, intense bodily exertion to the point where we are profusely sweating.

Deeper benefits include the activation of the lymphatic system, which, while it is a part of the circulatory system, lacks a pump (like the heart) to push the lymphatic fluid through. This means the lymphatic system requires the activation of our entire skeletal musculature via exercise.

While one does not necessarily need to break a sweat to move the lymph (walking will suffice), you can “free two birds with one hand” by eliminating various heavy metals and chemicals via profuse sweating if you bring your physical activity toward that threshold, which incidentally overlaps with that sweet spot that activates feel-good secretions.

3) Don’t Break the Fast

In wealthier countries, where we suffer from the Orwellian paradox of being incredibly overnourished and simultaneously dying of nutritional deficiencies, one of the best ways to optimize your detoxification systems is to stop eating before sundown (which, I believe, is hard-wired into our bodily design) and skip your breakfast entirely. In other words, skip breakfast and continue through your day until you are truly hungry (not craving nutritionally dead gunk, or confusing the putrefaction-associated acidity of last night’s poorly digested or poorly food-combined dinner with an actual need to eat more), wherein you’re eating something wholesome, organic, and preferably living to get your fill.

If you eliminate and/or minimize the consumption of nutritionally vapid foods such as processed grain products and beans (soybean, peanut, and other “vegetable oils”) and have a salad, eat an apple, or consume some organic nuts, etc., then focus on eating one really good meal later in the day, you will be surprised by how little you will be hungry. Much of that craving is a byproduct of chronically elevated insulin, which is largely caused by overconsumption of processed, grain-based foods, and/or simple carbohydrates way beyond what you need to replenish your glycogen stores.

This doesn’t have to be painful. If you wake in the morning, have your cup of coffee or tea (if you imbibe), and feel that hunger and low energy driving you toward French toast, or whatever you would normally eat, try taking a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. This will provide you (and your grumpy morning brain) with a near-immediate source of fuel. Sixty-six percent of coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides that your body can use for energy very quickly, and that your liver breaks down into ketone bodies for your brain. Ketone bodies are the brain’s only other source of energy beyond glucose.

Of course, this is not going to work for everyone, but it certainly may fit better into a busy lifestyle than the “heroic fast” concept of just not eating anything at all—which has its place, especially for the very sick under professional guidance, or those on a spiritual mission. Heroic fasting does not suit those with kids, several jobs, and who just want a way to jumpstart the internal house-cleansing, metabolism-boosting process.

Garlic Peeling Hacks Used by Restaurant Chefs-tribunecontent
If you LOVE garlic, great. You are already a step ahead of those who only tolerate it. In the former case, you might want to ratchet up your romance a bit. In the latter case, don’t ignore its potential application in foods you are already enjoying.

4) Spice Up Your Life! 

Basic culinary spices can work wonders to stimulate bodily detoxification. A recent study, which we highlighted in the article, “Garlic Beats Drug in Safely Detoxifying Lead from the Body,” illustrates how you can use your food as medicine. If you LOVE garlic, great. You are already a step ahead of those who only tolerate it. In the former case, you might want to ratchet up your romance a bit. In the latter case, don’t ignore its potential application in foods you are already enjoying. The point is that we have plenty of help all around us, in our kitchen cupboards, on our spice racks, etc. And do you know what’s cool? There is a huge list of spices, foods, and nutrients—over 75, last time we counted—that we have indexed on GreenMedInfo.com that can stimulate detoxification pathways in the body.

5) An Apple a Day Isn’t Going Away

One of the most amazing nutritional stories of our time is what happened to tens of thousands of so-called “Chernobyl Children” after the meltdown of that reactor. In our article, “Why Apple Is One of the World’s Most Healing Superfoods,” we discuss the radioisotope-detoxifying properties of this incredible healing agent:

“Post-Chernobyl, for instance, apple pectin was used to reduce Cesium-137 levels in exposed children, in some cases by over 60 percent.[x] From 1996 to 2007, a total of more than 160,000 “Chernobyl” children received pectin food additives. As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30–40 percent.[xi] Significant reductions were noted in as short a time period as 16 days.[xii] Apple pectin has even been found to prevent the most deadly, and entirely manmade radioisotope, Plutonium-239, from absorbing in the gastrointestinal tract of animals fed it.[xiii]

The great thing about an apple, of course, is that it’s a whole food. Rather than take mega-doses of apple pectin (assuming you don’t live in Fukushima or were exposed to its fallout in some way; otherwise, please do!), simply incorporating a good apple—that is to say, 100 percent organic, nonirradiated, etc.—into your daily diet should constitute a pleasurable experience (especially if you incorporate this healthy snack as the “break” in our no break-the-fast strategy). We can be nourished, pleasured, and detoxified all in one act; and this is indeed the way nature designed things, in its inexhaustible wisdom.

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, please avoid getting poisoned in the first place. Easier said than done, I understand. But here are some important things to remember to make sure you aren’t unintentionally throwing yourself on a chemical grenade every day.

Unless you need your receipts, don’t take them.

Next to canned food (with that darn alphabet soup of bisphenols in its can liners—yeah, it’s not just BPA, but BPS and others the industry is now using), receipts are the primary route of exposure to this profoundly damaging class of gender-bending, heart-damaging, brain-damaging petrochemicals. Avoid touching thermal printer receipts—especially if you use lotion, which only accelerates the skin’s absorbance of these chemicals.

Stop slathering petrochemicals on your body.

If you are putting it on your skin, it’s likely worse than eating it. How’s that? Unlike what you put into your mouth, where your liver determines whether it will be allowed into your bloodstream, your skin has no such guardian to keep poisons out. If something you are using as a body care product has an ingredient that requires a degree in chemistry to understand, ditch it (that is, recycle it), or don’t buy it. If you can’t eat an ingredient, don’t put it on your body. Even better, try using coconut oil or related food-cosmetic medicines, with thousands of years of prior use backing up their effectiveness and safety.

Don’t drink the water.

If you get your water through a municipal system, and it hasn’t been effectively purified (ideally, distilled with minerals reintroduced), you shouldn’t drink it. Also keep in mind that you can get pristine water from Iceland or Fiji (or wherever marketers like to take our imagination), but if it’s been sitting in plastic for a year, it’s not as good as it would seem due to the widespread contamination of plastic bottles with microplastics. The problem with municipal drinking water isn’t just the fluoride residues, but with the 600-plus disinfectant byproducts it carries, all of which are known to be toxic to the body, damage DNA, and probably contribute to cancer. It still boggles my imagination that anyone would willfully expose themselves to this, even in its secondary iteration as cooking water, i.e. using it to make pasta. Water composes the majority of our bodies. Learn to savor “biological water,”—that is, water that comes from pure food, e.g. watermelon. This water is “structured” by the universe itself, and is unparalleled in what it can do for your body.

So we’ve covered some problems and solutions; certainly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just take it all with a grain of sea salt, and take what works for you and leave the rest.

Just Breathe – Ancient Practice of Pranayama Can Help you Detoxify, Shed Excess Weight and Boost Overall Vitality

Forget the detox pills, fasts and other painful cleansing techniques – instead, take a cue from the yogis of India and look to the breath. Using yogic breathing techniques, we can effortlessly detoxify, burn fat and increase metabolism. With the basic act of bringing in more oxygen, vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed, white blood cells multiply and the lymphatic system is enhanced. Through the exhale toxins are removed from the bloodstream, which revitalizes the organs and clarifies the intellect. Techniques range from a few deep breaths before a meal to more complex practices. Either way, by using this free detoxification method daily, we can easily (and economically) cleanse the body and mind.

Ancient Practice of Pranayama

The time-honored art of breathing

Yogis of long ago recognized the merit in calming, cleansing and balancing the body and mind with the breath. Developed over 5,000 years ago, pranayama (Sanskrit for ‘vital energy’ and ‘extend’) is an integral aspect of yogic practice. Below are several examples of how to use the breath to keep the system healthy on all levels.

Simple breath

Before each meal, take three deep breathes. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Although seemingly basic, this technique sharpens the senses of smell, taste and texture while promoting clarity. When we are clear and focused during our meals, digestion is improved and over-consumption minimized. The end result: efficiency of digestion and weight loss.

Relaxing breath

Lie flat on your back with knees bent together, bringing the feet close into the buttocks. Place hands on both sides of the naval region. Breath in a slow, deep rhythmic manner for 20 repetitions. Since the naval region is dense with nerves, relaxing this area calms emotions, strengthens the nervous system and fortifies the immune system – ultimately aiding in the removal of unnecessary thoughts and toxins from the body.

Bhastrika (Breath of Fire)

This technique helps to slim and tone the belly, boost metabolism and detoxify the body. Sit cross-legged on the floor and place both hands on the lower abdomen. Take a deep breath then begin to ‘pump’ the breath rapidly through the nose, expanding and contracting the entire belly. For visual instructions, see here.

Ujjayi (Victorious Breath)

Sitting in a comfortable position, inhale through the nose and lift the chest. Hold for two seconds. While exhaling through the nose, guide the breath to the back of the throat, creating a ocean wave like sound (sometimes referred to as the ‘Darth Vader breath’). When practiced properly, ujjayi pranayama should energize and relax. It also oxygenates the blood, builds internal body heat and removes toxins.

A note of caution: Pranayama is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.

Article Sources

Clean your Body’s Drains: How to Detoxify your Lymphatic System

Did you know that we are exposed to 82,000 different toxins, chemically-based products and processed foods in our environment weekly?

Detoxification is the body’s natural, ongoing process of eliminating harmful toxins from the body so that it can function at its best. Toxins are man-made chemicals found in the air, water, food, household cleaners and cosmetic products as well as waste products produced by normal cellular activity.


When toxins enter the body through the skin, nasal passage or mouth, the body prevents “pollution” by surrounding the toxins with fat and water and stores them in different areas of the body.  This can put a strain on our body’s own detox system (the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood and lymphatic systems). These systems can become burdened as they try to safely excrete toxins.

Our bodies were not meant to work this hard to maintain optimal functioning.  By adding a  detox program to your wellness regimen, you can help pull these toxins, along with the excess fat and water, out of the body and improve your health quickly.

The Lymphatic System: Forgotten Hero

The lymphatic system is the most forgotten and least understood system in the body. It is critical to the detoxification process. The lymph travels parallel with the blood system and is responsible for the removal of wastes from every cell in the body, in addition to regulating the immune system. The lymph is thus a very important system to support optimal health.

Keep Your Body’s Drains Clean

The lymphatic system is like the garbage system of the body. Proper functioning of the lymphatic system is essential in order to properly eliminate wastes. Our lymphatic system can become and remain congested and stagnant for many years. Thus, we often live in an environment of toxins that weakens our immunity. Proper lymph drainage will eliminate these toxins and assist the body to function optimally.

Digestion: Where It All Begins

The body’s ability to detox starts in digestive system, in the villae of the small intestine.  The “lacteals” in the villae are part of the lymphatic system and they pull nutrients and fat-soluble toxins off the intestinal wall. If the gut is constipated or there is excessive reactive mucus bogging down the villi, the lymph and its white blood cells may not provide immunity or detoxification.

The highest concentration of lymph is found lining the outside of the gut wall and is called the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). The skin of the intestinal tract is constantly being exposed to toxins and undesirable microbes that could present a problem. So, the body has an immunity army waiting in the GALT just across the wall of the gut.

Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)

Lymph vessels are also found under our skin throughout the body. These vessels support circulation, drainage of waste and immunity. When the lymph flow slows, the skin will appear dull and toxins will build up.

Since the lymph moves against gravity, it is common for the lymph and veins to congest, yielding an unsightly appearance in the feet, legs, thighs, hips, belly and arms.

Dr Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle rhythmical technique that gently works on the lymphatic vessels to enhance the flow of lymph throughout the body’s tissues.

MLD also helps to support the healthy function of the immune system and the autonomic nervous system, thereby reducing stress. The therapy cleanses the connective tissue of wastes, thus decongesting and reducing edema, pain and swelling.

Benefits of Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy

• Faster recovery and less scarring from surgery and other types of trauma by making lymph flow faster and stimulating the formation of new connections between lymph vessels

• Clears congestive conditions such as chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, acne, and headaches

• Strengthens the immune system

• Relieves heaviness tightness and swelling in those suffering from lymphedema.

• Increases overall relaxation by decreasing stress

• Relieves retention of fluids during pregnancy and menstrual cycle

• Decreases local edemas and hematomas from orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery scars, and burn scars; leading to a decreased in healing time and increase in client mobility

• People who suffer from insomnia, stress, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and rheumatism benefit greatly from MLD

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify .

Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove environmental toxins, we are bound to get sick.

So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body of its daily toxic burden?

Break a Sweat

Sadly, sweating has become synonymous with something gross that should be blocked with antiperspirants/deodorants – which, ironically only further exacerbates the problem of bodily odor, as it keeps one of your primary channels of detoxification from doing its job.

detoxifying healthy 300x228 8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

The reality is we were designed to move our bodies, the result of which is the release of profoundly uplifting and regenerative hormonal and neurochemical secretions. And this is just the obvious ‘reward’ we receive by pushing ourselves through the discomfort of sustained, intense bodily exertion to the point where we are profusely sweating.

Deeper benefits include the activation of the lymphatic system, which while being part of the circulatory system lacks a pump (like the heart) to push the lymphatic fluid through; this requires the activation of our entire skeletal musculature via exercise.

While one does not necessarily need to break a sweat to move the lymph – walking will suffice – you can ‘free two birds with one hand,’ by eliminating various heavy metals and chemicals via profuse sweating if you bring your physical activity towards that threshold, which incidentally also overlaps with that ‘sweet spot’ that activates the ‘feel good’ secretions we talked about.


Of course, you don’t have to ‘pop a pill’ to get a probiotic. In fact, it is preferred you ingest either a cultured food (e.g. kombucha, yogurt (preferably non-cow’s milk based), cultured veggies, etc.) or eat more raw fruits and vegetables grown in truly healthy soil, as this is actually the root of where ‘good bacteria’ come from.

How will getting probiotics help? Fascinating research indicates that probiotics actually help us break down foods (e.g. gluten; casein) and chemicals  (pesticides, Bisphenol-A) which can cause great harm to our bodies, and which our own detoxification pathways do not handle effectively. Its kind of a wonder, isn’t it, that ‘germs’ can help save us from ourselves in this way?

Learn more: 8 Ways Microbes Can Save Us From Ourselves

Don’t Break-The-Fast

In wealthier countries, where we suffer from the Orwellian paradox of being incredibly over-nourished and simultaneously dying of nutritional deficiencies, one of the best way to optimize your detoxification systems is to stop eating before sundown (which, I believe, is hard-wired into our bodily design) and skip your break-fast entirely. In other words, don’t break-the-fast and continue through your day until you are truly hungry (not morbidly craving nutritionally dead gunk, or confusing the putrefaction-associated acidity of last night’s poorly digested, or poorly food-combined dinner with an actual need to eat more), wherein you’re eating something wholesome, organic, and preferably living to “get your fill.”

If you eliminate and/or minimize the consumption of nutritionally vapid foods such as processed grain products, and beans (soybean, peanut, and other “vegetable oils”  included), and have a salad, eat an apple, or consume some organic nuts, etc., and focus on eating one really good meal later in the day, you will be surprised by how little you will be hungry; much of that craving is a byproduct of chronic, elevated insulin, which is largely caused by over-consumption of processed grain-based foods, and/or simple carbohydrates way beyond what you need to replenish your glycogen stores.

Now consider, this doesn’t have to be painful. Literally, if you awake in the morning, have your cup of coffee or tea (if you imbibe), and feel that empty hunger and low energy driving you towards you French toast, or whatever you would normally eat, try taking a couple tablespoons full of coconut oil, which will provide you (and your grumpy ‘morning brain’) with a near immediate source of fuel (66% of coconut oil is medium chain triglycerides which your body can use for energy very quickly, and which your liver breaks down into ketone bodies for your brain, which is the brain’s only other source of energy beyond glucose).[1]  Consider, of course, this is not going to work for everyone, but it certainly may fit better into a busy lifestyle than the ‘heroic’ fast concept of just not eating anything at all – which has its place, especially for the very sick under professional guidance, or those on a spiritual mission, but not those with kids, several jobs, and just wants a way to jump-start the internal house-cleansing, metabolism-boosting process.

Spice Up Your Life!

Basic culinary spices can work wonders at stimulating bodily detoxification. A recent study, which we highlighted in the article “Garlic Beats Drug at Safely Detoxifying Lead from the Body,” illustrates how you can use your ‘food as medicine.’ If you LOVE Garlic, great. You are already a step ahead of those who tolerate it. In the former case, you might just want to ratchet up your romance a bit. In the latter case, just don’t ignore its potential application in foods you are already enjoying. The point is that we have plenty of help all around us, in our kitchen cupboards, on our spice racks, etc.

And do you know what’s cool? There is a huge list of spices, foods, and nutrients – over 75 last time we counted – that we have indexed on GreenMedInfo.com that can stimulate detoxification pathways in the body. Here’s how you navigate to it: GreenMedInfo.com > Menu Item: Research Database  > Pharmacological Action > Detoxifier.

An Apple A Day

One of the most amazing nutritional stories of our time is what happened to tens of thousands of so-called “Chenobyl Children,” after the meltdown of that reactor. In my article “Why Apple Is One of the World’s Most Healing Superfoods” I discussed the radioisotope-detoxifying properties of this incredible healing agent:

“Post-Chernobyl, for instance, apple pectin was used to reduce Cesium-137 levels in exposed children, in some cases by over 60%. From 1996 to 2007, a total of more than 160,000 “Chernobyl” children received pectin food additives. As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30-40%. Significant reductions were noted in as short a time period as 16 days. Apple pectin has even been found to prevent the most deadly, and entirely man-made radioisotope, Plutonium-239, from absorbing in the gastrointestinal tract ofanimals fed it.”

The great thing about an apple, of course, is that it’s a whole food. Rather than take mega-doses of apple pectin (assuming you don’t live in Fukushima, or are exposed to its fallout in some way – then please do!), simply incorporating a ‘good apple’ – that is to say, 100% organic, non-irradiated, etc. – into your daily diet, should constitute an extremely pleasurable experience (especially if you incorporate this healthy snack as the “break” in our “Break-The-Fast” strategy). We can be nourished, pleasured, and detoxified all in one act; and this is, indeed, the way nature designed things in Her infinite wisdom. [insert “He” and “God” if you prefer, but don’t hold the story of Adam and Eve against this sacred fruit!].

Avoid Common Toxins

The last thing we should say on the topic, which may be the most important thing of all, is please void being poisoned in the first place. Easier said than done, I understand. But here are some really important things to remember, to make sure you aren’t unintentionally throwing yourself on a chemical grenade every day….

  • Unless you need your receipts, don’t take them. Next to canned food (with those darnalphabetic soup of bisphenols in their can liners … yeah, its not just BPA, but BPS, and others the industry is now using), what is likely our primary route of exposure for this profoundly damaging class of gender-bending, heart-damaging, brain-damaging petrochemicals is going to be touching thermal printer receipts – especially if you already use lotion, which only helps to accelerate the skin’s absorbance of these chemicals.
  • Stop slathering petrochemicals on your body! If you are putting it on your skin, it’s likelyworse than eating it. How’s that? Unlike what you put into your mouth, where your liver determines if what you eat will be allowed into your bloodstream, your skin has no such ‘guardian’ to keep the poisons out. If something you are using as a body care product has an ingredient that requires a degree in chemistry to understand, ditch it (that is, recycle it) or don’t buy it.  If you can’t eat an ingredient, don’t put it on your body. Even better trying using coconut oil, or related food-cosmetic-medicines, with thousands of years of prior use backing it up for effectiveness and safety. If you want to learn more on the topic, read about how everyone now has actual crude oil derivatives in their body from years of eating FDA/USDA-approved “food grade petroleum,” and aforementioned exposures: [“Crude Awakening: Mineral Oil Contaminates Everyone’s Bodies“]
  • Don’t drink the water. What I mean by this is, if you get your water through a municipal system and it hasn’t been effectively purified (ideally, distilled with minerals reintroduced), you shouldn’t drink it. Keep in mind, also, you can get ‘pristine’ water from Iceland or Fiji, or wherever marketers like to take our imagination, but if it has been sitting in plastic for a year, it’s not as good as it would seem.Keep in mind that the problem with municipal drinking water, isn’t just thefluoride residues but the 600+ disinfectant byproducts, all of which are known to be toxic to the body,[2] to damage DNA, and probably contribute to cancer. It still boggles my imagination that anyone would willfully expose themselves to this, even in its secondary reiteration as ‘cooking water,’ ie. using it to make pasta. Water is what the majority of our bodies are composed of. Learn to savor ‘biological water,’ that is, water that comes from pure food, e.g. watermelon. This is ‘structured’ by the universe itself, and is unparalleled in what it can do for your body.

So, we’ve covered some problems and solutions, and certainly this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just take it all with a grain of sea salt, and take what works for you and leave the rest. If you find the time to comment on your own experience with detoxification, or how some of these strategies played out in your life, please feel free to below.

[1] GreenMedInfo.com, MCT Fats Found in Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose.

[2] Susan D Richardson, Michael J Plewa, Elizabeth D Wagner, Rita Schoeny, David M Demarini.Occurrence, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity of regulated and emerging disinfection by-products in drinking water: a review and roadmap for research. Mutat Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;636(1-3):178-242. Epub 2007 Sep 12. PMID:  17980649