Inducing Deep Sleep after Head Injury May Protect the Brain

A new study in rats could one day benefit people suffering neurological conditions associated with the buildup of unwanted proteins in the brain, including traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s

Last week a senior National Football League official acknowledged for the first time the link between head injuries in professional football and a degenerative brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. The admission—which has been compared with Big Tobacco’s 1997 disclosure that smoking causes cancer—comes at a time when the dangers of less severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), including concussions, have also been making headlines.

Scientists do not yet understand the biological mechanisms underlying the detrimental effects of TBI—and as a result, effective treatments remain elusive. In fact, how to deal with even a mild concussion is the subject of debate: Some doctors prescribe rest for several weeks whereas others claim this may have negative consequences and urge patients to stay active.

Now it turns out that the type of rest patients get may be key. In a study on rats published this week in The Journal of Neuroscience a team of researchers at University Hospital Zurich (UHZ) found that enhancing the slow-wave cycle of sleep after a traumatic head injury preserves brain function and minimizes damage to axons, the long projections from neurons that send signals to other cells in the brain.

Previous research has shown that TBIs cause axonal damage as well as the buildup of neurotoxic molecular waste products that result from injury. In the new study the researchers examined two different methods of inducing a slow-wave sleep state—the deepest sleep stage characterized by low-frequency, high-amplitude waves. During this stage, the brain clears out protein buildup, leading the researchers to question whether it could help treat rats that had suffered a brain injury.

The team first dealt a blow to the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats. They then divided the animals into three groups, treating the first group with sodium oxybate, a drug used to produce slow-wave brain function in people suffering from narcolepsy. (The exact mechanism for this drug’s effect is unclear but the prevalent hypothesis is that sodium oxybate improves daytime vigilance by inducing deep sleep when people rest.) In the second group the researchers restricted sleep by gently handling the rats—keeping them awake for long periods of time. Previous research has shown that after sleep deprivation, slow-wave activity increases during a period of “rebound sleep.” Meanwhile, the third group received a placebo injection.

The researchers used electroencephalography, a method for recording electrical activity in the brain, to confirm that they had successfully enhanced slow-wave sleep in the rats in the first two groups. They then assessed the rats’ cognition based on the animals’ ability to recognize a novel object, and found that both groups of rats receiving the enhanced sleep treatments performed better on the object-recognition tests than the untreated rats. The deep sleeping rats also showed less memory impairment.

The team then tested for brain damage in the cortex and hippocampus by staining the rats’ brains for amyloid precursor protein, a biomarker used to detect axonal injury. The rats whose sleep had been modulated had significantly reduced levels of the protein—nearly 80 percent less, as compared with the control group. The team concluded that immediate treatment with slow-wave sleep—using both a physiological and pharmacological method—had helped preserve brain function and prevent axonal damage in rats suffering from a TBI.

The findings are promising but many questions need to be answered before they can be translated to possible human treatments. For one, determining an underlying mechanism for the effects the researchers observed requires further research. “These results could have something to do with enhancing the clearance of metabolites,” says Marta Morawska, a PhD candidate in neurology at UHZ and one of the study’s authors. “Or it could be preventing further accumulation of these metabolites. More studies are needed to untangle this.”

The researchers plan on tackling this distinction in future research. They are also collaborating with other institutions to find another nonsurgical technique for further improving slow-wave sleep—one that would not depend on sleep deprivation or sodium oxybate. (The compound, although used off-label for several disorders such as cluster headaches and fibromyalgia, is not used for trauma patients because it can also induce a sleeplike state during which patients cannot be neurologically monitored.) “[We’re working based on] the increasingly confirmed hypothesis that slow-wave activity is in fact essential for clearing the brain of waste products, including amyloids,” Morawska says.

Uzma Samadani, a neurosurgeon at the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, who is not affiliated with this study and is taking a different approach to researching treatment for TBI patients, says Morawska’s findings are interesting but maintains that we must remain cognizant of the research’s limitations. “The study is an interesting one, supporting the idea that sleep modulation may be important for recovery from brain injury,” she says. “But I’d caution overinterpretation of the study’s importance. Often in neuroscience studies in rodents do not translate to humans.” In particular, rats’ metabolic rates and sleep patterns, including the proportion of time spent in slow-wave sleep, differ significantly from those of humans.

Morawska agrees. “I’d like to highlight that this is not a cure,” she says. “It needs to be developed more for use in clinical practice.” Even so, she has high hopes for the possibilities her team’s findings may open up, given more research directed at humans. “We strongly believe that this study will stimulate human research in this direction, and that inducing slow-wave sleep will prove beneficial for human trauma patients,” she says. “It could be used as a noninvasive treatment in pretty much any disease that’s primarily due to protein or metabolite accumulation, including Alzheimer’s disease.”

E-books ‘damage sleep and health,’ doctors warn.

Reading under the sheets

If you curl up under the duvet with an e-book for a bedtime read then you are damaging your sleep and maybe your health, US doctors have warned.

A team from Harvard Medical School compared reading paper books and light-emitting e-readers before sleep.

They found it took longer to nod off with a back-lit e-reader, which led to poorer quality sleep and being more tired the next morning.

Original Kindle readers do not emit light so should be fine, say experts.

Experts said people should minimise light-exposure in the evening.

Whether you are perusing the Man Booker shortlist or leafing through Zoella, the impact of reading on your sleep is probably the last thing on your mind.

But there has been growing concern about the dangers of light before bedtime.

Body clock

Our bodies are kept in tune with the rhythm of day and night by an internal body clock, which uses light to tell the time.

But blue light, the wavelength common in smartphones, tablets and LED lighting, is able to disrupt the body clock.

Blue light in the evening can slow or prevent the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

Book vs ereader

Twelve people were locked in a sleep laboratory for two weeks.

They spent five days reading from a paperback and five days from an iPad.

Regular blood samples showed the production of the sleep hormone melatonin was reduced by reading an e-book.

People also took longer to fall asleep, had less deep sleep and were more tired the next morning.

The researchers said other e-readers such as the Nook and Kindle Fire produced similar wavelengths of light and would have the same impact.

The findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Lead researcher Prof Charles Czeisler told the BBC News website: “The light emitted by most e-readers is shining directly into the eyes of the reader, whereas from a printed book or the original Kindle, the reader is only exposed to reflected light from the pages of the book.”

He said disrupting sleep in turn affected health.

“Sleep deficiency has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes, and cancer.

“Thus, the melatonin suppression that we saw in this study among participants when they were reading from the light-emitting e-reader concerns us.”

Sleep hygiene

Dr Victoria Revell, who researches the impact of light on the body at the University of Surrey, told the BBC: “This is a very good study and I think it’s really interesting.

“We should be advising people to minimise their [light-emitting e-reader] use in the evening, particularly teenagers who are a group that are using their phones and tablets late in to the evening.”

Teenagers naturally have a late body clock, which makes them slow to rise in the morning and up late at night.

“People who already have a delayed body clock are delaying themselves much further and that is a very important message,” Dr Revell added.

Prof Czeisler agreed, saying there was “special concern” for teenagers who were already sleep deficient by being forced to get up early for school.

Scientists unveil clues to deep sleep mystery

Researchers have identified a specific type of neuron in the parafacial zone (PZ) in the mammalian brainstem that is associated with deep sleep.

The study, conducted by researchers at Harvard School of Medicine and the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences indicates that the neurons as the second “sleep node” control sleep-promoting activity in the brain.

Located in the primitive brainstem, the neuron makes the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which is responsible for deep sleep, according to the study report published in the journal of Nature Neuroscience.

“The brainstem is a primordial part of the brain that regulates basic functions necessary for survival, such as breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature.”

The team used a set of innovative tools to precisely monitor these neurons and control them remotely. The tools provided the researchers to have ability to turn the neurons on and off at will.

“To get the precision required for these experiments, we introduced a virus into the PZ that expressed a ‘designer’ receptor on GABA neurons only but didn’t otherwise alter brain function,” explains the senior author of the study Patrick Fuller, assistant professor at Harvard.

“When we turned on the GABA neurons in the PZ, the animals quickly fell into a deep sleep without the use of sedatives or sleep aids,” Fuller stated.

Funded by the National Institutes of Health, the study makes the researchers be able to answer fundamental questions of brain function.