Eating spinach every day could make your brain 11 years younger

We all know that vegetables are good for us – but did you know that eating just one portion of leafy greens a day could stave off dementia?

Delicious: spinach cooked with ginger

Researchers at Rush University in Chicago evaluated the diet and mental ability of around 950 older people every year for two to 10 years.

Participants, who had an average age of 81 years, participated in 19 tests to assess their mental function and identified, from a list of 144 items, what food and drinks featured in their diet.

Those adults who ate leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale once or twice a day experienced significantly less cognitive decline than those who did not, even when other factors such as education, exercise and family history of dementia were taken into account.

Om average, participants who ate greens halted their mental decline by an average of 11 years, the researchers revealed this week at the Experimental Biology Conference in Boston.

Lead researcher Martha Clare Morris said: “Losing one’s memory or cognitive abilities is one of the biggest fears for people as they get older. Since declining cognitive ability is central to Alzheimer’s disease and dementias, increasing consumption of green leafy vegetables could offer a very simple, affordable and non-invasive way of potentially protecting your brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.”

Morris said that the benefits of leafy greens were probably linked to their high levels of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta-carotene.

Low Intelligence Linked To Racism

Frankly, those who give in to racism and prejudice may just simply be rather unintelligent. One study suggested that those who gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies were more inclined to form and hold racist and prejudice views, because the conservative ideologies stress hierarchy and “resistance to change.” But we all know that progress just for the sake of “progress” is equally meaningless.


It may be that those who hold deeply rooted prejudice, and racist views, may actually just not know any better, or are cognitively incapable of being free from bias. Several studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between intolerance, racism, and prejudice in general, with reduced cognitive ability, and lower integrative complexity (putting different, separate, ideas together). In an analysis of two large-scale data sets, it was found that lower intelligence in childhood predicted greater racism in adulthood. A secondary analysis of a U.S. Data set, also confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on anti-homosexual prejudice. People with lower cognitive abilities were found to interact less with individuals of other races.

Although valid, this data shouldn’t imply that all racists are of low intelligence: it is likely that some are merely manipulative psychopaths.  But the findings could suggest that those children of lesser intelligence are more likely to establish and hold racist, homophobic and other small-minded and prejudice views.

GAY MARRIAGE OPPONENT HOLDS SIGN IN PROTEST OUTSIDE STATEHOUSEIn one study conducted in the United States, researchers Hodson and Busseri compared 254 people with the same amount of education, but who had varying levels of ability in abstract reasoning. They found that people who were poorer at abstract reasoning were more likely to exhibit prejudice against homosexuals. It doesn’t really come as a surprise that those who are less-tolerant would fall on the slightly close-minded side, because perhaps they lack the ability to abstract or think critically about information for themselves.

Understanding the roots of racism and bias could help eliminate them (prejudice). Anti-prejudice programs encourage participants to see things from another group’s point of view, but that mental exercise may be too taxing for people of low IQ, Hodson said.

Retired American statesman Dr. Ron Paul, has stated that the libertarian movement is the enemy of all racism:

“Racism is a collectivist idea, you put people in categories, you say blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here…but we don’t see people in forms [of groups, like] gays, you don’t have rights because you are gays or women, or minorities, you have rights because you are an individual. So we see people as strictly individuals and we get these individuals in the natural way, so its the exact opposite of all collectivism and its absolutely anti-racism because we don’t see it in those terms”

Although there is a constant movement towards individuals being accepted or who they are, except to some extent from the state, there remain those whowill always hold their passionate and hateful close-minded views toward others.  And maybe some will just never know any better than to operate as such. For the rest of us, we see each individual as a sovereign being deserving of equal rights. And “race” as concrete catagories is socially constructed, to cleverly distract us from recognizing the universal truth that we are all simply human: we all bleed red. Sure there are cosmetic and external differences, but we each posses the same organs and same functioning human body. We do not need to place ourselves into sealed boxes, and decide to see others as being ‘lesser’ than us because, by blind chance, we were born into a different box. Contemporary views of race continue to reject the validity of any biological basis of race, and in the early twenty–first century it is most common to view race as being constructed from societal beliefs and actions.

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