Vitamin B12 deficiency reduces RBCs, affects nervous system: Know what are the symptoms associated with it

Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin is a water soluble vitamin

Vitamin B12 comprises cobalt, hence it is named as cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin.Vitamin B12 is required for the regulation of the nervous system, formation of healthy red blood cells and DNA synthesis.Now that you know the benefits of vitamin B12, you can estimate the damage your body must be going through when it is deficient in this vitamin. Therefore it is crucial to know the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and get medical treatment for it at the earliest.

02/8Pale skin

Lack of vitamin B12 in the body affects the amount of red blood cells in the body and leads to anemia. This affects the color of the skin.Due to vitamin B12 deficiency the skin appears yellowish or has a pale appearance.

03/8Frequent headache

Recurrent episodes of headache, which do not have any other reasons or causes, can be linked to vitamin B12 deficiency especially if other symptoms of it are seen.Headache is said to be a neurological effect of the deficiency of cobalamin.

04/8Gastrointestinal issues

When the body does not have adequate vitamin B12 it leads to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and bloating. While these symptoms overlap with several other gastrointestinal issues, if they occur paired with other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency you should get it checked without any delay.


Lack of vitamin B12, triggers irritability in an individual. Since the vitamin is linked to the proper functioning of the central nervous system, lack of it can impact your mental health.Several studies have also associated vitamin B12 deficiency with the onset of depression and anxiety.

06/8Other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency

The other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are: mouth ulcers, pricking sensation in the body, disturbed vision, and decline in cognitive function.Vitamin B12 induced anemia causes extreme fatigue, lethargy, breathlessness, feeling faint, palpitations and sometimes tinnitus.

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Five areas on your body that can show signs

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Signs of ‘neurologic damage’ caused by low vitamin B12 in the body

07/8Who is at more risk of having vitamin B12 deficiency?

Though vitamin B12 deficiency can happen to anyone, there are certain groups of people who are more at risk of developing this condition:The gastrointestinal health of older adults affects the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12 as a result of which they are at a higher risk of getting deficient in the vitamin.People with pernicious anemia, an autoimmune disease are also likely to be deficient in vitamin B12.Individuals who have celiac’s disease and Crohn’s disease are also likely to be deficient in cobalamin.People who consume less or no animal products or are strictly vegetarian tend to have lower levels of vitamin B12.

08/8How to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency?

The golden method to prevent the deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body is by consuming foods that are rich in the said vitamin. Vitamin B12 is found abundantly in animal food products. Foods like red meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.If you are deficient in the vitamin you can have fortified foods that have vitamins added to them. Another way to improve the body’s ability to absorb more vitamin B12 is by checking for gastrointestinal issues like Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease.