Childhood obesity is a more serious concern than coronavirus, says Childhood obesity

The well-known medical researcher defined obesity as a “disease caused by ultra-processed food just like cancer is caused by tobacco”.

childhood obesity

Dr Tulleken says that ultra-processed food is the only reason for childhood obesity. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock))

Childhood obesity is a growing health concern in the world, especially in India. The World Health Organization (WHO) has termed childhood obesity as one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. According to Narayana Health, India has the second-highest number of children suffering from obesity in the world, with 14.4 million obese kids. With its worrying upward trend and serious health implications, it is important to immediately shift focus towards it.

Addressing this issue is the documentary ‘What are we feeding our kids?’ in which doctor and medical researcher Dr Chris van Tulleken takes us through his month-long experiment of eating ultra-processed food and reveals its impact on children’s developing bodies. He explains how its consumption could alter the way a child’s body and brain works.

In conversation with, Dr Tulleken defined obesity as a disease caused by ultra-processed food just like cancer is caused by tobacco. “Around the world, I feel, it is a more serious concern than coronavirus.”

“It a huge concern because of three reasons. Firstly, child obesity, at the moment, is incurable. Children do not lose weight and become healthy. They become adults with overweight who end up having enormously expensive chronic health problems. They live a difficult life as their physical and mental health suffer. This is also a huge problem economically because as children suffer, their education suffers too. Lastly, it is very bad for the environment because we cut down tropical forests to grow palm trees to make oil, and for other resources. So, it’s very damaging for the planet,” he added.

Obesity also goes hand in hand with malnutrition. Many children who are overweight are also suffering from diseases that you normally associate with not eating enough food. Ultra-processed foods are very low in nutritional content,” he said.

Dr Tulleken revealed that while working on the documentary, he realised that ultra-processed food is the only reason for childhood obesity. “Any food that is marketed in plastic packets and has ingredients you don’t have in your kitchen is ultra-processed food. These foods surround us, certainly in the UK and increasingly in India as well. They are designed to be over-eaten.”Childhood obesity

Obese children not only find it difficult to sleep but also difficult to learn. (File photo)

While it is widely believed that other lifestyle factors such as exercise also play a key role in childhood obesity, Dr Tulleken disagreed.

“Though exercise is very good for children, lack of exercise is not the reason for obesity. Food is the only reason for it. These food companies, very deliberately, aggressively market and sell foods that are designed to make you fat and are very unhealthy.”

Obesity is not just a childhood health issue but also leads to increased health concerns during adulthood. Type 2 diabetes, joint pain, increased risk of cancer and heart attack, depression and digestive problems are some of the common ways childhood obesity manifests itself during adult years. “Almost every known medical problem is made worse by obesity,” he said.

Obesity could, further, also hamper children’s mental growth. “These children not only find it difficult to sleep but also difficult to learn. The food has no nutrition in it so they don’t perform well. They also get badly treated and bullied by their peers, leading to poor mental health,” Dr explained.

With ultra-processed foods at the heart of obesity, a well-balanced healthy diet is essential to prevent obesity, according to Dr Tulleken. He said, “In India, a traditional Indian diet is very healthy consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses, grains, rice etc. It doesn’t matter if there is fat, oil or salt. The new western breads, cereals, candy bars, flavoured yoghurts, chips and convenience meals among others should be avoided.”

“Anything that your grandmother must have made is good. Traditional food is healthy for you. It is the replacement of Indian food culture with a corporate food culture that will drive ill-health. Ultra-processed foods are not really food, it’s just edible junk,” he concluded.

Childhood obesity and risk of the adult metabolic syndrome: a systematic review

While many studies have demonstrated positive associations between childhood obesity and adult metabolic risk, important questions remain as to the nature of the relationship. In particular, it is unclear whether the associations reflect the tracking of body mass index (BMI) from childhood to adulthood or an independent level of risk. This systematic review aimed to investigate the relationship between childhood obesity and a range of metabolic risk factors during adult life.


To perform an unbiased systematic review to investigate the association between childhood BMI and risk of developing components of metabolic disease in adulthood, and whether the associations observed are independent of adult BMI.


Electronic databases were searched from inception until July 2010 for studies investigating the association between childhood BMI and adult metabolic risk. Two investigators independently reviewed studies for eligibility according to the inclusion/exclusion criteria, extracted the data and assessed study quality using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale.


The search process identified 11 articles that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Although several identified weak positive associations between childhood BMI and adult total cholesterol, low-density lipo protein-cholesterol, triglyceride and insulin concentrations, these associations were ameliorated or inversed when adjusted for adult BMI or body fatness. Of the four papers that considered metabolic syndrome as an end point, none showed evidence of an independent association with childhood obesity.


Little evidence was found to support the view that childhood obesity is an independent risk factor for adult blood lipid status, insulin levels, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. The majority of studies failed to adjust for adult BMI and therefore the associations observed may reflect the tracking of BMI across the lifespan. Interestingly, where adult BMI was adjusted for, the data showed a weak negative association between childhood BMI and metabolic variables, with those at the lower end of the BMI range in childhood, but obese during adulthood at particular risk.

Source:International Journal of Obestity Research.