Fukushima’s Radiation Has Finally Arrived: U.S. Mainland Now Covered With ‘Invisible Blanket Of Death’

It has always been postulated that the radioactive cesium-137 particles from the leaking nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, would find its way to the United States. Has this day now finally come? Just this last month, whales have been found washed up and dead on shores along the West Coast. Birds and fish are also being found lying dead in droves in Alaska. And judging by this chart below, which is a report of measurements last week from around the country, this is not only isolated to the West Coast. The following chart is provided by CoyotePrime-RunningCauseICantFly.BlogSpot.com.

Image via AllNewsPipeline.com

All radiation counts reported are partial counts. Uncounted types of radiation include alpha, beta, neutron and X-ray radiation. Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual count higher and more dangerous.

Normal radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. 50 CPM is an alert level.
2,323 CPM,  464.6 Times Normal,  Billings, MT  Gamma, Beta.
1,913 CPM,  382.6 Times Normal,  Ft Wayne IN  Gamma, Beta.
1,508 CPM,  301.6 Times Normal,  Pittsburgh, PA,  Gamma, Beta.
1,435 CPM,  287 Times Normal,  San Diego, CA  Gamma, Beta.
1,431 CPM,  286.2 Times Normal,  Portland, ME  Gamma, Beta.
1,365 CPM,  273 Times Normal,  Spokane, WA.  Gamma, Beta.
1,359 CPM,  271.8 Times Normal,  Champaign, IL  Gamma, Beta.
1,359 CPM,  271.8 Times Normal,  Miami, FL.  Gamma, Beta.
1,300 CPM,  260 Times Normal,  Kansas City, KA,  Gamma, Beta.
1,199 CPM,  239.8 Times Normal,  Aberdeen, SD.  Gamma, Beta.
1,143 CPM,  228.6 Times Normal,  Concord, NH  Gamma, Beta.
1,038 CPM,  207.6 Times Normal,  Rapid City, SD.  Gamma, Beta.
1,028 CPM,  205.6 Times Normal,  Atlanta, GA.  Gamma, Beta.
997 CPM,    199.4 Times Normal,  Boston, MS  Gamma, Beta.
944 CPM,    188.8 Times Normal,  Albuquerque, NM  Last Report
905 CPM,    181 Times Normal,  Los Angeles, CA Gamma, Beta.
902 CPM,    180.4 Times Normal,  Ft. Worth, TX  Gamma, Beta.
886 CPM,    177.2 Times Normal,  New York City, NY  Gamma, Beta.
883 CPM,    176.6 Times Normal,  Tulsa, OK  Gamma, Beta.
879 CPM,    175.8 Times Normal,  Indianapolis, IN.  Gamma, Beta.
870 CPM,    175.8 Times Normal,  Bakersfield, CA  Gamma, Beta.
869 CPM,    173.8 Times Normal,  Lubbock, TX  Gamma, Beta.
815 CPM,    163 Times Normal,  Chicago, IL  Gamma, Beta.
798 CPM,    159.6 Times Normal,  Montgomery, AL.  Gamma, Beta.
792 CPM,    158.4 Times Normal,  Little Rock, AR  Gamma, Beta.
765 CPM,    153 Times Normal,  Des Moines, IA.  Gamma, Beta.
652 CPM,    130.4 Times Normal,  Tucson, AZ  Gamma, Beta.
651 CPM,    130.2 Times Normal,  Sacramento, CA  Gamma, Beta.
641 CPM,    128.2 Times Normal,  San Angelo, TX.  Gamma, Beta.
640 CPM,    128 Times Normal,  St. Paul, MN.  Gamma, Beta.
634 CPM,    126.8 Times Normal,  Lincoln, NE  Gamma, Beta.
619 CPM,    123.8 Times Normal,  San Francisco, CA.  Gamma, Beta.
575 CPM,    115 Times Normal,  Dallas, TX.  Gamma, Beta.
543 CPM,    108.6 Times Normal,  Washington, D.C.  Gamma, Beta.
480 CPM,    96 Times Normal,  Las Vegas, NV.  Gamma, Beta.
476 CPM,    95.2 Times Normal,  Phoenix, AZ  Gamma, Beta.
428 CPM,    85.6 Times Normal,  South Valley, NM  Gamma Only.
364 CPM,    72.8 Times Normal,  Grand Junction,  CO Gamma Only

When weighing out the possibilities of what could be causing these distinct kinds of gamma and beta radiation spikes, there are very few real culprits to choose from.  Radiation from Fukushima is on the top of the list and is likely responsible.  The real scary part is that, with the 35-year radioactive shelf life of cesium-137, this problem is likely to only get worse as time progresses.  Don’t wait for the government to intervene; prepare yourselves and your family now, as it might not be long until 100 times the normal accepted radiation level is considered a “safe zone.”

Simple Steps to Help Protect Against Radiation Exposure.

Our lives are so very busy that sometimes it seems that worrying about one more environmental health threat is too much to bear.  But there are some simple steps to take on a daily basis that can help to protect our internal environment from man-made radiation.


When considering radiation exposure it’s crucial to understand the Principle of Selective Uptake, as explained in nutritionist Sara Shannon’s book Radiation Protective Foods.  Simply put, when we load and maintain adequate stores of vitamins and minerals in our systems, the unhealthy minerals (think heavy metals and radionuclides) are less likely to be absorbed. Stable elements in our diet are similar to unstable and radioactive elements, the body doesn’t know the difference at first. If we have a sufficient amount of the stable type stored in our system, we won’t absorb their radioactive counterparts as readily. Just as we’ve heard that taking potassium iodide helps to protect the thyroid against radiation, the same principle applies to calcium, magnesium and other healthy minerals that are required so that Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 to name a few, won’t be readily attracted to the bones, heart, and other organs.  There is always a point to consider where the total body burden could potentially be too high to maintain a healthy state, but steps can be taken on a daily basis to help manage toxins while we also address the problem at it’s core.

Taking a high quality, digestible multivitamin and mineral supplement formulation takes some of the guesswork out of the equation while helping to keep the body from a depleted state.   While vitamins have been generally given more attention,  healthy minerals must not be overlooked and are just as critical for human health.  (Due to reports of radiation contamination from Fukushima Daiichi, please examine labels carefully to ensure that the iodine is not sourced from kelp, and that omega 3′s are plant based and not from fish, especially tuna.)

Ms. Shannon deserves a huge amount of credit for both her first book, Diet for the Atomic Age and her updated book cited above, Radiation Protective Foods.  She also understands that it’s not enough try to protect ourselves from the effects of man-made radiation. Indeed the problem must be addressed at it’s very source ~ the nuclear power industry. Radiation is not only coming from Fukushima, far from it.  Every operating nuclear reactor in the world emits radiation via planned “batch releases” as an inherent part of reactor functionality.

In addition to a multivitamin and mineral supplement, there are some other tools to keep on hand for an immune system regimen including Vitamin C, apple pectin fiber, fresh garlic, chlorella, spirulina and zeolite tincture.  Be sure to research the source by calling the company or searching online.

And last (for now) but not least, always be sure to maintain a positive outlook.  Repetitive stress endangers us by our lowering our immunity. When dealing with stress responses, the body’s natural healing functions are essentially disabled.  Daily meditation, even for five minutes, has been proven to help reduce stress and improve health.  Prayer or giving thanks to an entity larger then ourselves has also been shown to be beneficial to our health. And giving thanks before eating meals helps redirect us away from a stress response to a more healthy way of being.

Simple, small steps to take to give us, our families and communities a fighting chance in a stressful world.