For the First Time Ever, Cannabis Oil Will Be Used in a Hospital — To Save a 2-Month Old Baby Girl

Amylea, a sweet baby girl, was born in December, in Aurora, CO. Unfortunately, when her parents,  Nicole and Ernie Nunez, brought their baby at home, things went seriously bad.

 Nicole explains: “About a day after we went home from delivery is when she had her first seizure. She has a rare form of epilepsy. They don’t know exactly the type.”

These parents are desperately seeking a way to save the life of their baby for 2 months and try to treat her specific condition. Since the doctors In Albuquerque, New Mexico, were not able to detect the cause and thus could not provide a proper treatment, the Nunez family decided to go to Colorado.

Nowadays, the mother stays at the hospital in Aurora, while Ernie travels all the time, as he also needs to take care of their other children at home.

In order to stop the seizures, doctors in the Aurora hospital continued to prescribe the same drug cocktail. Yet, it is a fact that these medications provide severe adverse effects as well.

Therefore, the couple decided to try cannabis oil. As Ernie says:

“The medication she’s on is hard for her liver, and so we’re trying to do something different that’s not so bad on her body.”

They heard about the impressive effects of the treatment with Charlotte’s Web, a strain of cannabis, and this made them hope that there is a cure for their daughter.

The name of Charlotte’s Web was given after a young girl, Charlotte Figi, who was treated with it. Namely, the girl had her first seizure when she had only three months, and in the following several months, her seizures were frequent and lasted from 2-4 hours. Due to all this, the girl was constantly hospitalized.  Yet, her parents discovered this cannabis strain and managed to save their little girl. Since then, numerous other children were treated with the same plant.

Nicole added:

“I sat for a good three weeks fighting with the doctors and trying to talk them into giving me the okay. I’ve been working with the case study team and the neurology team here at children’s and I’m hopeful this will work.”

Finally, the doctors of her daughter decided to treat Amylea with cannabis oil.

Nicole said: “For us to get the approval for us to administer it while she in the NICU while she’s a patient…it’s kind of like a miracle. Because they were completely against it saying, ‘No you can’t do it, you have to wait until she’s an out-patient.”

However, the doctors agreed to use the cannabis oil, but the parents needed to administer it to her. The girl received it in small amounts, but her nurses noticed great improvements. The family claims that their daughter is the youngest patient who has ever received cannabis oil in a hospital.

This case is evidence that the cannabis is a viable medical option, and it being classified as a Schedule 1 drug by the federal government is absurd. This miraculous plant has been shown to treat epilepsy, cancer, and numerous other health issues.

A study, whose findings were reported by The Free Thought Project, found that this oil effectively treats intractable epilepsy. The study involved 261 patients, and even the frequency of seizures was reduced in 45% of them.

Additionally, 9% were seizure-free at three months. Even after the end of the study, some children continued to experience the benefits of the treatment, months and even a year afterward.

Therefore, it is up to us to raise the awareness of the general public about the reality and the positive outcome of the treatments with cannabis oil, and do all we can to change things, as apparently, we have the cure for the deadliest illnesses of the modern era, and it has been banned due to immoral reasons.

This MAN Healed 5000 People from Cancer: This Is a Recipe That Kills Tumors in 90 Days – See more at:

Hemp or cannabis oil was used by numerous people for centuries, but it was banned in the second half of the 20th century, as a result of the rise of the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry.

Rick Simpson is a mechanical engineer and a self-taught doctor, who was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2002 and fought this disease using this miraculous oil. Nowadays, he is one of the greatest world activists for legalization of hemp oil. Using this treatment, he has cured over 5,000 people.

He attended a debate organized in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, on this topic. He states that hemp or cannabis oil can cure a vast variety of serious health issues, like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, asthma, psoriasis, as well as some of the deadliest forms of cancer.

Rick recounted his story to the Serbian magazine Telegraph “I always tell people – Cannabis will cure you, and you will see that at present, it is the best cure there is in the world!”

He began his story: “It was 2002. The doctors had given up on me because I’d had more than one unsuccessful operation on three pigmented lesions on my face’s skin. As soon as these were removed, they would reappear even more infected! Since I had been studying plants as a hobby for years, one day as I was looking at my wounds in the mirror, I remembered a study from the University of Virginia that said that THC, an active component of cannabis could cure cancer. I took some cannabis oil I had prepared beforehand from the cabinet and dripped a few drops directly on the wound.”
No significant results could be noticed at first. He bandaged his wounds again after applying the oil and waited for few days.

Then, he went on: “After four days I removed the bandages and I couldn’t believe my eyes! The wound was no longer there, and my skin was regenerated! I immediately started talking to people about how I had cured skin cancer with cannabis oil… Everyone laughed at me, but then eleven and a half years have passed, and the cancer still hasn’t returned.”

From then on, Simpson decided to help people in need for this cure, and his work resulted in thousands of cases effectively solved. His last case was an 80-year-old man who was dying from lung cancer.

“The man was all swollen from chemotherapy, open wounds on his legs and was barely breathing! After the doctors had given him no more than 48 hours, his son brought him to me. As I had recommended cannabis oil therapy, the young man had also consulted his father’s doctor. The doctor, of course, rejected such treatment, so in the end the young man took the oil from me, soaked a small cracker in it and gave it to his father.”

In less than thirty minutes, the old man finally started breathing normally again and his breathing completely stabilized during the night.

“Although the doctors “explained” that before death, his vital functions would return briefly, his son didn’t want to wait any longer so he checked his father out of the hospital the next morning. He also stopped all of his father’s prescribed therapy. After six weeks of cannabis oil treatment, the old man no longer needed insulin, and after three months he was completely cured from cancer,”says Rick/
Moreover, he stated that cannabis oil therapy is equally effective in all cases, for it knows no age limit. It can even be given to babies.

In order to supply fresh raw ingredients for his hemp oil, Rick soon started growing marijuana, but his field was raided four times in three years by the police. People who publicly claim to cure cancer are threatened 5-40-year imprisonment, according to laws in North America.

So, Jack was imprisoned for four days in Canada in 2005, for cultivating, owning and selling marijuana. However, at one point he was liable for 12 year imprisonment. He was fined 2,000 dollars.
“The worst of all was that the jurors were people whose dearest I had cured with cannabis oil. Even the judge knew it was all a farce! At one point he even told me that I should be rewarded, instead of tried! All knew, and no one could do anything! They didn’t even allow ten patients I have cured to testify! They also didn’t allow the doctors to come out on the bench, nor me to show a pile of medical documents about the effects of my oil. If you don’t know the meaning of a “coward court,” go to Canada and you will see what I mean,” claims Jack.

Rick claims that he has never sold weed, but only hemp oil, and as he was deeply disappointed by the Canadian government and corrupted doctors, he even put the recipe for hemp oil on the web page

According to him, the preparation of this miraculous oil is extremely easy. Simpson’s treatment starts with several drops of hemp oil three times a day.

“The usual dose I give to cancer patients is 60 grams within 90 days. And, it is never too late for the patient to start cannabis oil therapy. There isn’t such an excuse as, “It is late”… If you ask me, if I approve of smoking marijuana, I will tell you it isn’t as effective as cannabis oil, but it is scientifically proven that people who smoke marijuana live six years longer than those who don’t.”
Moreover, he adds that as opposed to Europe, North America still puts a blind eye when it comes to legalization of cannabis. He believes that every country in the world should allow their citizens to cultivate and use cannabis for medical purposes. He also points out that pharmacies should be opened for those who can’t cultivate it.

“Little is known that cannabis has been used as one of the most healing remedies hundreds of years before Christ. In the ancient Persian religious scripts, which among other things describe the most healing herbs, cannabis takes the first place,” concludes Rick.
His biggest wish and goal is to live in a world without cancer. – See more at:

Cannabis oil is a highly efficient natural cancer cure

Ever since the mid 70s, medical scientists have been well aware of the beneficial effects of cannabinoid compounds over cancerous cells. Thanks to modern science, over a dozen studies conducted during recent years have been able to partially reveal just how it works. Yet cannabis is still not endorsed by pharmaceutical companies as a cancer cure, and since it is not promoted through mainstream channels, very few people are aware of its benefits. Consequently, it is not sought after as an alternative to disfiguring chemotherapy and other harmful drugs.

Laboratory tests conducted in 2008 by a team of scientists formed as a joint research effort between Spain, France and Italy, and published in The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, showed that the active ingredient in marijuana, known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, can function as a cure for brain cancer by inducing human glioma cell death through stimulation of autophagy.

The study concluded that via the same biochemical process THC could terminate multiple types of cancers, affecting various cells in the body. Other studies have shown that cannabinoids may work by various mechanisms, including inhibiting cell growth, inducing cell death, and inhibiting tumor metastasis.

What is amazing is that while cannabinoids effectively target and kill cancerous cells, they do not affect healthy, normal cells and may actually protect them against cellular death. Moreover, cannabinoids are also researched for their pain-modulation and anti-inflammatory abilities as they bind to special receptors in the brain, much like opioid derivatives that are commonly prescribed today.

Further evidence to support the effects of cannabis extract on malignant cells comes from the real life experience of individuals who have successfully overcome cancer by using cannabis oil. Examples include a patient, who managed to completely cure his skin cancer by simply applying cannabis oil onto the affected areas of the skin, as well as another, who recovered from a severe head injury with the aid of hemp oil.

One of the cannabinoids that has displayed amazing medical properties is cannabidiol, or CBD – a non-psychoactive compound that is regarded by some as the medical discovery of the 21st century, and with good reason. Research indicates that CBD can relieve convulsions, reduce inflammation, lower anxiety and suppress nausea, while also inhibiting cancer development. In addition, CBD has exhibited neuroprotective properties, relieving symptoms of dystonia and proving just as effective as regular antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia.

What stands out is that from the vast amount of research and data available, as well as the personal experiences of cancer survivors, is that no chemotherapy currently being used medically can match the non-toxic anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumorigenic effects of these natural plant compounds.

Learn more:

Understanding Cannabis Oil

Although I’ve been aware of the recent positive discussion  of cannabis oil as a treatment for various serious diseases, I was still skeptical to consider this as a viable solution for certain health disorders. After all, so many people these days are looking for the perfect miracle pill to solve their health issues! Is this another panacea? Is this another way of buying into the mentality of one-size-fits-all treatments that come in  a  bottle without making any necessary dietary and life style changes?

In the end, it all depends on how we really make use of these extracts that nature provided us and how clearly we see the “big picture” of true healing.

So it was time I found out more! I interviewed one of my colleagues with extensive knowledge on the matter – Steven Sinay, VP of Nutritional Science for Empower Genetics and a fellow Metabolic Typing practitioner.  This article is what  he kindly shared with me on  the  very interesting topic of cannabis oil.

Understanding Cannabis Oil - Main

Understanding Cannabis Oil

Raluca Schachter: What is cannabis oil and how does it work?

Steven Sinay: Cannabis Oil is a thick, sticky, resinous substance that is extracted from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica). Cannabis oil is a base product that is prepared by separating the resins from the cannabis flowers (buds) using a solvent extraction process. Cannabis oil contains several Cannabinoids including Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component, and Cannabidiol (CBD), the medicinal component of cannabis.

For legal purposes becoming more commonly used over Cannabis oil, is Hemp oil which is being grown in Europe to have higher levels of CBD and with no THC. In 2001, the DEA issueda rule banning all import and cultivation of industrial grade hemp. In 2003, the Hemp Industries Association filed an Urgent Motion for Stay in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court sided with the Hemp Industries Association.

In the decision, Judge Betty Fletcher wrote, “[T]hey (DEA) cannot regulate naturally occurring THC not contained within or derived from marijuana-i.e., non-psychoactive hemp is not included in Schedule I. The DEA has no authority to regulate drugs that are not scheduled, and it has not followed procedures required to schedule a substance. The DEA’s definition of “THC” contravenes the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and cannot be upheld.”

Judge Fletcher is essentially saying that the DEA cannot regulate hemp or the chemicals within it because hemp contains no THC, is not marijuana, and is therefore not covered under  the controlled substances act; and the DEA cannot regulate substances that have not been scheduled. This is why you can purchase and sell CBD hemp oil.

Over the last 20 years Cannabis has been at the center of one of the most exciting and underreported developments in recent modern science. Research on marijuana’s effects led directly to the discovery of an unknown biochemical communication system in the human body, the Endocannabinoid System, which plays a crucial role in regulating our physiology, mood, and everyday experience.

The discovery of receptors in the brain that respond pharmacologically to Cannabis and the subsequent identification of endogenous cannabinoid compounds in our own bodies that bind to these receptors has significantly advanced our understanding of human biology, health, and disease.

It is an established scientific fact that cannabinoids and other components of cannabis can modulate many physiological systems in the human brain and body. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that trigger cannabinoid and other receptors. More than 100 cannabinoids have been identified in the marijuana plant. Of these, THC and CBD have been studied most extensively. In addition to cannabinoids produced by the plant, there are endogenous cannabinoids (anandamide and 2AG) that occur naturally in the body, as well as synthetic cannabinoids created by pharmaceutical researchers.

Cannabinoids promote homeostasis at every level of biological life, from the sub-cellular, to the organism, and perhaps to the community and beyond. Here’s one example: autophagy, a process in which a cell sequesters part of its contents to be self-digested and recycled, is mediated by the cannabinoid system. While this process keeps normal cells alive, allowing them to maintain a balance between the synthesis, degradation, and subsequent recycling of cellular products, it has a deadly effect on malignant tumor cells, causing them to consume themselves in a programmed cellular suicide. The death of cancer cells, of course, promotes homeostasis and survival at the level of the entire organism.

Scientists associated with the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) have elucidated a number of molecular pathways whereby CBD exerts a therapeutic impact. A preclinical study by Dr. Sean McAllister and his colleagues at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco reports on how CBD kills breast cancer by down regulating a gene called ID-1, which is implicated in several types of aggressive cancer. Silencing the ID-1 gene is thus is an excellent strategy for a cancer treatment.

Extensive preclinical research much of it sponsored by the U.S. Government (see U.S. Patent below) indicates that CBD has potent anti-tumoral, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective properties. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, causing an anti-depressant effect, as well.

The United States Government holds U.S. Patent 6,630,507 (filed 1999) on Cannabinoids stating in their patent: “Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.”

Raluca Schachter: Under  what conditions has cannabis oil proved to be most successful?

Steven Sinay: According to many CBD Researchers the following are a list of conditions that the use of CBD has been shown to improve: Acne, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anorexia, Antibiotic Resistance, Anxiety, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Cancer, Colitis/Crohn’s, Depression, Diabetes, Endocrine Disorders, Epilepsy/Seizure, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, Heart Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Inflammatory Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Migraines, Mood Disorders, Motion Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea, Neurodegeneration, Neuropathic Pain, Obesity, OCD, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Prion/Mad Cow Disease, PTSD, Rheumatism, Schizophrenia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Skin Conditions, Sleep Disorders, Spinal Cord Injury, and Stress Stroke/TBI.

Understanding Cannabis Oil - Cannabinoid Education

Raluca Schachter: What should we look out for, in terms of the quality of  cannabis oil?

Steven Sinay: Since cannabis oil products have only been in the market place for a short period of time, it is important to source these products just as you would your produce, meat, fish, etc. As far as I can tell there are not a lot of regulatory organizations monitoring the quality and purity of these sources. Be sure to look for a product that has gone through some sort of third party lab testing that detect contaminants like pesticides, fungicides, mycotoxins, microbes, etc. Equally as important consumers need to be aware of the concentration of their medicinal cannabis.

It is fundamental in allowing the consumer to choose the correct medicine for their symptoms, as well as determining the proper dose. It’s good practice to find a manufacturer that is not afraid to allow access to each Certificate of Analysis on every batch they produce.  Here in the United States a non THC CBD product is classified as a dietary supplement and is legal in all 50 states.

Raluca Schachter: The nutritional world is quite flooded with hypes these days. But as we know through Metabolic Typing ®, there is no nutrient, remedy or food that can be beneficial for everybody. Any nutrient has different effects in different metabolisms, biochemically speaking. So there are no one size fits all remedies, really. From your experience, have you had the chance to observe how this remedy had different effects in different metabolisms?

Steven Sinay: As previously mentioned, at the right dosage, CBD has been shown to significantly help with anxiety, pain, neurodegeneration, inflammation, etc. An appropriately high dosage of CBD will give you all the desired effects you need, and there is really no risk of overdose as CBD is harmless even in high concentrations. However, most people will feel little effect if they take too low a dosage, effectively wasting CBD’s powerful beneficial properties.

With the above in mind, the importance of correct CBD dosage becomes obvious. People with different requirements and different metabolisms will need accordingly different CBD dosages to experience CBD’s positive effects, and dosages can vary dramatically because there is no one-size-fits-all “typical CBD dosage.” While there is no such thing as “too much CBD,” you can in fact take too little to feel a difference. Dosage can range anywhere from 2-3 mg, up to 100 mg, 200 mg,  or 500 mg to 1000 mg on the super high end. Remember, you cannot overdose and there are no reported side effects from taking high concentrations of CBD. Most people only need around 2-3 mg per day to start feeling a difference. Yet people with stronger needs may need to start at a lower dose and work their way up until they find the right dose for their body.

Raluca Schachter: What are your thoughts regarding the future of cannabis in the medical field?

Steven Sinay:  This is the $64,000 Dollar Question! With our government holding a patent on several Cannabinoids, it leads one to be a little skeptical. Why? The forces that would keep cannabis illegal are vocal and very well-funded, but they are not impervious to persistent effort. The lynch pin in the War on Drugs has always been cannabis. Without the suppression and interdiction of this popular and widely used substance, there simply would not be enough “illegal drug use” going on to justify the huge amount of money and resources spent on “fighting drugs.” Once again all based on the all mighty dollar!

I feel CBD and other Cannabinoids with the persistence from those who can, and are truly benefiting from its medicinal properties, along with natural healers promoting its use, will find its place in future modern medicine. Time will tell.

Cannabis Oil Unveiled


Although I’ve been aware of the recent positive feedback of cannabis oil to various serious diseases, I was still skeptical to consider this as a viable solution for certain health disorders. After all, so many people these days are looking for the perfect miracle pill to solve their health issues!

Was this another panacea? Was this another way of buying into the one size fits all treatments that come into the bottle, without being necessary to make any dietary and life style changes? Well, in the end, it all depends on how we really make use of these extracts that Nature provided us and how clearly we see the “big picture” of true healing. So it was time to find out more! I interviewed one of my colleagues with extensive knowledge on the matter – Steven Sinay, a fellow Metabolic Typing® practitioner, as well as VP of Nutritional Science for Empower Genetics,and below is what he kindly shared with me regarding this interesting topic:

Raluca Schachter: What is cannabis oil more specifically and how does it work?

Steven Sinay: Cannabis Oil is a thick, sticky, resinous substance that is extracted from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica). Cannabis oil is a base product that is prepared by separating the resins from the cannabis flowers (buds) using a solvent extraction process. Cannabis oil contains several Cannabinoids including Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component, and Cannabidiol (CBD), the medicinal component of cannabis.

For legal purposes becoming more commonly used over Cannabis oil, is Hemp oil which is being grown in Europe to have higher levels of CBD and with no THC. In 2001, the DEA issued a rule banning all import and cultivation of industrial grade hemp. In 2003, the Hemp Industries Associationfiled an Urgent Motion for Stay in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court sided with the Hemp Industries Association.

In the decision, Judge Betty Fletcher wrote, “[T]hey (DEA) cannot regulate naturally occurring THC not contained within or derived from marijuana-i.e., non-psychoactive hemp is not included in Schedule I. The DEA has no authority to regulate drugs that are not scheduled, and it has not followed procedures required to schedule a substance. The DEA’s definition of “THC” contravenes the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and cannot be upheld.”

Judge Fletcher is essentially saying that the DEA cannot regulate hemp or the chemicals within it because hemp contains no THC, is not marijuana, and is therefore not covered under the controlled substances act; and the DEA cannot regulate substances that have not been scheduled. This is why you can purchase and sell CBD hemp oil.

Over the last 20 years Cannabis has been at the center of one of the most exciting and underreported developments in recent modern science. Research on marijuana’s effects led directly to the discovery of an unknown biochemical communication system in the human body, the Endocannabinoid System, which plays a crucial role in regulating our physiology, mood, and everyday experience.

The discovery of receptors in the brain that respond pharmacologically to Cannabis and the subsequent identification of endogenous cannabinoid compounds in our own bodies that bind to these receptors has significantly advanced our understanding of human biology, health, and disease.

It is an established scientific fact that cannabinoids and other components of cannabis can modulate many physiological systems in the human brain and body. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that trigger cannabinoid and other receptors. More than 100 cannabinoids have been identified in the marijuana plant. Of these, THC and CBD have been studied most extensively. In addition to cannabinoids produced by the plant, there are endogenous cannabinoids (anandamide and 2AG) that occur naturally in the body, as well as synthetic cannabinoids created by pharmaceutical researchers.

Cannabinoids promote homeostasis at every level of biological life, from the sub-cellular, to the organism, and perhaps to the community and beyond. Here’s one example: autophagy, a process in which a cell sequesters part of its contents to be self-digested and recycled, is mediated by the cannabinoid system. While this process keeps normal cells alive, allowing them to maintain a balance between the synthesis, degradation, and subsequent recycling of cellular products, it has a deadly effect on malignant tumor cells, causing them to consume themselves in a programmed cellular suicide. The death of cancer cells, of course, promotes homeostasis and survival at the level of the entire organism.

Scientists associated with the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) have elucidated a number of molecular pathways whereby CBD exerts a therapeutic impact. A preclinical study by Dr. Sean McAllister and his colleagues at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco reports on how CBD kills breast cancer by down regulating a gene called ID-1, which is implicated in several types of aggressive cancer. Silencing the ID-1 gene is thus is an excellent strategy for a cancer treatment.

Extensive preclinical research much of it sponsored by the U.S. Government (see U.S. Patent below) indicates that CBD has potent anti-tumoral, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective properties. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, causing an anti-depressant effect, as well.

The United States Government holds U.S. Patent 6,630,507 (filed 1999) on Cannabinoids stating in their patent: “Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.”

Raluca Schachter: With what conditions has cannabis oil proved to be most successful?

Steven Sinay: According to many CBD Researchers the following are a list of conditions that the use of CBD has been shown to improve: Acne, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anorexia, Antibiotic Resistance, Anxiety, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Cancer, Colitis/Crohn’s, Depression, Diabetes, Endocrine Disorders, Epilepsy/Seizure, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, Heart Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Inflammatory Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Migraines, Mood Disorders, Motion Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea, Neurodegeneration, Neuropathic Pain, Obesity, OCD, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Prion/Mad Cow Disease, PTSD, Rheumatism, Schizophrenia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Skin Conditions, Sleep Disorders, Spinal Cord Injury, and Stress Stroke/TBI.


Raluca Schachter: What should we look for in terms of quality when we choose cannabis oil?

Steven Sinay: Since cannabis oil products have only been in the market place for a short period of time, it is important to source these products just as you would your produce, meat, fish, etc. As far as I can tell there are not a lot of regulatory organizations monitoring the quality and purity of these sources. Be sure to look for a product that has gone through some sort of third party lab testing that detect contaminants like pesticides, fungicides, mycotoxins, microbes, etc. Equally as important consumers need to be aware of the concentration of their medicinal cannabis.  It is fundamental in allowing the consumer to choose the correct medicine for their symptoms, as well as determining the proper dose. It’s good practice to find a manufacturer that is not afraid to allow access to each Certificate of Analysis on every batch they produce.

Raluca Schachter: In what countries can cannabis oil be bought, legally speaking?

Steven Sinay: As long as the CBD oil product is purchased from a non THC Hemp oil source it should be legal in all countries. Here in the United States a non THC CBD product is classified as a dietary supplement and is legal in all 50 states.

Raluca Schachter: The nutritional world is quite flooded with hypes these days. But as we know through Metabolic Typing, there is no nutrient, remedy or food that can be beneficial for everybody. Any nutrient has different effects in different metabolisms, biochemically speaking. So there are no one size fits all remedies, really. From your experience, have you had the chance to observe how this remedy had different effects in different metabolisms?

Steven Sinay: As previously mentioned, at the right dosage, CBD has been shown to significantly help with anxiety, pain, neurodegeneration, inflammation, etc. An appropriately high dosage of CBD will give you all the desired effects you need, and there is really no risk of overdose as CBD is harmless even in high concentrations. However, most people will feel little effect if they take too low a dosage, effectively wasting CBD’s powerful beneficial properties.

With the above in mind, the importance of correct CBD dosage becomes obvious. People with different requirements and different metabolisms will need accordingly different CBD dosages to experience CBD’s positive effects, and dosages can vary dramatically because there is no one-size-fits-all “typical CBD dosage.” While there is no such thing as “too much CBD,” you can in fact take too little to feel a difference. Dosage can range anywhere from 2-3 mg, up to 100 mg, 200 mg,  or 500 mg to 1000 mg on the super high end. Remember, you cannot overdose and there are no reported side effects from taking high concentrations of CBD. Most people only need around 2-3 mg per day to start feeling a difference. Yet people with stronger needs may need to start at a lower dose and work their way up until they find the right dose for their body.

Raluca Schachter: What are your thoughts regarding the future of cannabis in the medical field?

Steven Sinay:  This is the $64,000 Dollar Question! With our government holding a patent on several Cannabinoids, it leads one to be a little skeptical. Why? The forces that would keep cannabis illegal are vocal and very well-funded, but they are not impervious to persistent effort. The lynch pin in the War on Drugs has always been cannabis. Without the suppression and interdiction of this popular and widely used substance, there simply would not be enough “illegal drug use” going on to justify the huge amount of money and resources spent on “fighting drugs.” Once again all based on the all mighty dollar!

I feel CBD and other Cannabinoids with the persistence from those who can, and are truly benefiting from its medicinal properties, along with natural healers promoting its use, will find its place in future modern medicine. Time will tell.

Mindblowing Microscopic Footage of Cancer Cells Being Eliminated by Cannabis Oil

Did you know that studies showed the effectiveness of cannabis at killing cancer cells as long ago as 1974?

In 1974, a study from The Washington Post said that THC effectively “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36%.”

The information was suppressed and people were incarcerated for up to decades for using or selling the harmless, absolutely miraculous medicine from 1974 to 1998 (and further on, as you know). In 1998, another study came out from Madrid’s Complutense University that indicated THC can cause cancer cells to die, and unlike chemotherapy the THC kills nothing but the cancer cells, leaving the brain of course completely unharmed.

ust think about all of the people who died of cancer, or were paralyzed or injured in whatever way from chemotherapy.

Aren’t we so much more collectively awake now? Our desire for prosperity and good health, and the frustration we should feel with the establishment and federal government for criminalizing cannabis and keeping secret this information is such a powerful fuel for the total legalization of cannabis in America.

With the idea that knowing this is fuel to motivate us to push for total cannabis legalization, please share this information with absolutely as many people as possible.

watch the video: URL: