Why is it harder for some people to build muscle than others?

How do muscle cells grow after a workout? And how do your genetics affect your experience as a gymgoer.

in the foreground, we see a woman wearing atheletic clothing and smiling as she lifts a dumbell off the ground while holding a plank position. Two men are completing the same exercise in the background

Resistance exercises, like weightlifting, push muscle cells to make new proteins and thus fuel muscle growth. (Image credit: martin-dm via Getty Images)

If you’re looking to gain muscle mass, a quick web search will tell you to “bulk” on a high-calorie, high-protein diet, progressively challenge yourself with heavier weights and rest in between workouts. But have you ever wondered how these measures actually boost the size of your guns? Whether you’re a novice gymgoer or an experienced bodybuilder, learning the biology of skeletal muscle growth can help you understand the process at the cellular level. 

Everyone can benefit from weight training, even if getting ripped isn’t your end goal. You lose muscle mass with age, and it becomes exceedingly difficult to reverse course the frailer you become, Kevin Murach, who researches muscle growth at the University of Arkansas, told Live Science.

Growth occurs when cells in the muscle make, or synthesize, new proteins faster than existing proteins are broken down. Tension from weightlifting and other exercises in which you lift or pull against resistance triggers synthesis. Muscle damage that occurs during exercise and leads to soreness can also trigger growth, lending credence to the phrase “no pain, no gain.” 

But if you’re not used to working out or if you complete high-intensity training, muscles can incur too much damage and a significant amount of synthesis will be used to repair broken muscle fibers and to clear away inflammation during rest rather than to pump up muscles, Murach explained. Focusing on concentric contractions, in which the muscle shortens as resistance is applied, more so than eccentric ones, in which the muscle lengthens, can maximize tension and minimize damage, he suggested. 

Within individual muscle fibers, some proteins, like the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), are activated by tension and support growth by promoting muscle protein synthesis. Other proteins, like myostatin, keep muscle growth in check. 

Some animals genetically suppress myostatin and thus maximize their gains, including some incredibly buff racing dogs called “bully” whippets. “The breaks are taken off of muscle growth, so the muscle becomes very large,” Murach said. In people, regular resistance training lowers the amount of myostatin secreted by muscle cells over time, he added, which could lead to faster gains.

Muscle fibers are tubular muscle cells. Unlike other body cell types, they contain multiple nuclei, none of which can divide. Although protein synthesis can boost muscle mass, these non-dividing nuclei limit the potential for muscle growth. Muscle stem cells called satellite cells compensate for this by donating their nuclei into growing muscle fibers. You lose satellite cells as you age, which could be one reason why it’s harder to recover muscle mass in your later years. But this loss can be partially offset by exercise, which causes satellite cells to proliferate. CLOSE

How do genetics affect muscle growth?

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle to see results, even if they bulk on protein and pump iron to their limits? Muscle growth is controlled by genetic factors, as well. 

Everyone has a variable mixture of two muscle fiber types that are specialized for different exercises. Fast-twitch fibers are geared toward powerful, explosive movements, whereas slow-twitch fibers support sustained, endurance exercises and joint stabilization. Fast-twitch fibers grow more readily than slow-twitch ones, so people who struggle to put on muscle mass may have a smaller proportion of these. 

Although the ratio is largely genetically predetermined, Murach said “it can shift — you’re not stuck with what you have.” Focusing on weightlifting over endurance training could make fast-twitch fibers dominant, but these changes are localized to the muscles you train, he explained.

Sex differences can also affect muscle growth. The “male” hormone testosterone boosts protein synthesis and activates satellite cells. The higher levels of testosterone that members of the male sex experience during puberty could explain why males typically have more muscle mass than females at baseline. But when adults are put on the same weightlifting programs, their gains relative to their size tend to be equivalent between the sexes, Murach said, because the transient bursts of testosterone that occur with exercise don’t contribute massively to growth

Ribosomes — the molecular machines that synthesize proteins — have recently been identified as another potential genetic factor behind muscle gains. Due to genetic differences, people possess different types and quantities of ribosomes, which could affect levels of protein synthesis and the types of muscle proteins produced.

These genetic factors can unfairly burden some gymgoers, making it more difficult to put on muscle mass. The encouraging news is that several lines of evidence — including that you can lower myostatin, proliferate satellite cells and tune your muscle fiber ratio — suggest everyone’s muscles can be adapted to grow.

Why is it harder for some people to build muscle than others?

How do muscle cells grow after a workout? And how do your genetics affect your experience as a gymgoer?

Resistance exercises, like weightlifting, push muscle cells to make new proteins and thus fuel muscle growth.

If you’re looking to gain muscle mass, a quick web search will tell you to “bulk” on a high-calorie, high-protein diet, progressively challenge yourself with heavier weights and rest in between workouts. But have you ever wondered how these measures actually boost the size of your guns? Whether you’re a novice gymgoer or an experienced bodybuilder, learning the biology of skeletal muscle growth can help you understand the process at the cellular level. 

Everyone can benefit from weight training, even if getting ripped isn’t your end goal. You lose muscle mass with age, and it becomes exceedingly difficult to reverse course the frailer you become, Kevin Murach, who researches muscle growth at the University of Arkansas, told Live Science.

Growth occurs when cells in the muscle make, or synthesize, new proteins faster than existing proteins are broken down. Tension from weightlifting and other exercises in which you lift or pull against resistance triggers synthesis. Muscle damage that occurs during exercise and leads to soreness can also trigger growth, lending credence to the phrase “no pain, no gain.” 

But if you’re not used to working out or if you complete high-intensity training, muscles can incur too much damage and a significant amount of synthesis will be used to repair broken muscle fibers and to clear away inflammation during rest rather than to pump up muscles, Murach explained. Focusing on concentric contractions, in which the muscle shortens as resistance is applied, more so than eccentric ones, in which the muscle lengthens, can maximize tension and minimize damage, he suggested. 

simple diagram depicts the bundles of fibers that make up the larger bicep muscle
Bundles of muscle fibers make up skeletal muscles, the muscles whose movements we can voluntarily control. The cells that make up skeletal muscle cannot divide, but they can get larger. (That’s compared to smooth muscles, which contract without any voluntary control and whose cells are able to divide.) (Image credit: ttsz via Getty Images)

Within individual muscle fibers, some proteins, like the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), are activated by tension and support growth by promoting muscle protein synthesis. Other proteins, like myostatin, keep muscle growth in check. 

Some animals genetically suppress myostatin and thus maximize their gains, including some incredibly buff racing dogs called “bully” whippets. “The breaks are taken off of muscle growth, so the muscle becomes very large,” Murach said. In people, regular resistance training lowers the amount of myostatin secreted by muscle cells over time, he added, which could lead to faster gains.

Muscle fibers are tubular muscle cells. Unlike other body cell types, they contain multiple nuclei, none of which can divide. Although protein synthesis can boost muscle mass, these non-dividing nuclei limit the potential for muscle growth. Muscle stem cells called satellite cells compensate for this by donating their nuclei into growing muscle fibers. You lose satellite cells as you age, which could be one reason why it’s harder to recover muscle mass in your later years. But this loss can be partially offset by exercise, which causes satellite cells to proliferate. 

How do genetics affect muscle growth?

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle to see results, even if they bulk on protein and pump iron to their limits? Muscle growth is controlled by genetic factors, as well. 

Everyone has a variable mixture of two muscle fiber types that are specialized for different exercises. Fast-twitch fibers are geared toward powerful, explosive movements, whereas slow-twitch fibers support sustained, endurance exercises and joint stabilization. Fast-twitch fibers grow more readily than slow-twitch ones, so people who struggle to put on muscle mass may have a smaller proportion of these. 

Although the ratio is largely genetically predetermined, Murach said “it can shift — you’re not stuck with what you have.” Focusing on weightlifting over endurance training could make fast-twitch fibers dominant, but these changes are localized to the muscles you train, he explained

Sex differences can also affect muscle growth. The “male” hormone testosterone boosts protein synthesis and activates satellite cells. The higher levels of testosterone that members of the male sex experience during puberty could explain why males typically have more muscle mass than females at baseline. But when adults are put on the same weightlifting programs, their gains relative to their size tend to be equivalent between the sexes, Murach said, because the transient bursts of testosterone that occur with exercise don’t contribute massively to growth

Ribosomes — the molecular machines that synthesize proteins — have recently been identified as another potential genetic factor behind muscle gains. Due to genetic differences, people possess different types and quantities of ribosomes, which could affect levels of protein synthesis and the types of muscle proteins produced.

These genetic factors can unfairly burden some gymgoers, making it more difficult to put on muscle mass. The encouraging news is that several lines of evidence — including that you can lower myostatin, proliferate satellite cells and tune your muscle fiber ratio — suggest everyone’s muscles can be adapted to grow.

How many rest days should I have when trying to build muscle?

When it comes to building muscle, rest days are an essential part of the process. During exercise, you create micro-tears in your muscles, and it is during the rest and recovery period that your muscles repair and grow stronger. The specific number of rest days you should have can vary depending on several factors, including your individual fitness level, training intensity, and overall recovery capacity. However, there are some general guidelines you can consider.

For resistance training, it is generally recommended to have at least one to two days of rest between sessions that target the same muscle groups. This allows your muscles time to recover and adapt to the stress placed on them during training. If you’re just starting out or if your workouts are particularly intense, you may need more rest days initially.

In addition to rest days, it’s important to incorporate variety into your training routine. This can involve alternating between different muscle groups on different days or incorporating different types of exercises. By doing this, you can give specific muscle groups a chance to rest while still engaging in physical activity.

It’s worth noting that rest days don’t necessarily mean you have to be completely sedentary. You can engage in active recovery activities such as light cardio, stretching, or yoga on your rest days. These activities can help promote blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and aid in the recovery process.

Ultimately, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your rest days based on how you feel. If you’re feeling excessively fatigued, experiencing persistent muscle soreness, or not making progress in your workouts, it may be a sign that you need more rest. On the other hand, if you feel fully recovered and energized, you may be able to reduce the number of rest days.

It’s also recommended to consult with a qualified fitness professional or trainer who can assess your individual needs and provide personalized recommendations based on your goals and circumstances.

Older people ‘should exercise to build muscle even into their 80s’

Older people should exercise to build their muscles even into their eighties, according to a new review which suggests it will help them with everyday tasks.

Senior man, woman, couple exercising: Older people 'should exercise to build muscle even into their 80s'

Today’s over-50s are very different to the over-50s of previous generations

Climbing the stairs, housework, walking and even washing were made easier if elderly people worked out two or three times a week, researchers found.

People lose muscle as they age, which can make daily chores more difficult.

But working out by using small weights or elastic bands can help to rebuild these muscles, a review of the available evidence shows, while the risks of developing an injury are low for older people.

Chiung-ju Liu of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Indiana University, who carried out the study, said: “Older adults seem to benefit from this type of exercise even at the age of 80, and even with some type of health condition.

“The data support the idea that muscle strength is largely improved after the training, and the impact on older adults’ daily activities can be significant.

“Simply having enough strength to do things such as carrying groceries would make a difference for senior (citizens).”

The study, published by the Cochrane Library, looked at 121 trials, involving 6,700 people over the age of 60, all of whom exercised between two and three times a week.