Archaeologists Uncover First Direct Evidence of Drug Use From the Bronze Age

Drugs — whether psychedelics or otherwise — are experiencing a bit of a renaissance.

Gone are the decades when LSD, marijuana, or magic mushrooms carried a heavy and often criminalized stigma. Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, is now being used to alleviate major depression, as well as alcohol use disorder, and midomafetamine (MDMA) is being considered a potential treatment for PTSD.

But if we dip back in human history long before psychedelics and other stimulants got their infamous bad rep, it seems our ancestors had no qualms about getting lit on a Friday night (or maybe a Tuesday afternoon).

Whether in South America, where some ancient civilizations used psychedelic plants before ritual human sacrifice, or opium in ancient Greece for healing and channeling the divine, humanity’s drug use was globally pervasive and incalculably old.

But there’s been one problem: Finding direct evidence connecting our blissed-out forebears with their abandoned paraphernalia or drug-inspired rock art. For that, the best evidence is human remains, some of which archaeologists have largely uncovered from ancient hair and bone samples of mummies.

In a paper published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, archaeologists have found more direct evidence of ancient drug use — arguably the first for Europe — from a prehistoric cave in Menorca, one of the Balearic Islands off of eastern Spain. Hair strands recovered from this cave (known as Cova d’es Càrritx) dating back 3,000 years ago tested positive for a whole slew of plant-derived compounds, specifically atropine, scopolamine, and ephedrine. Given where and how the hair was stashed and the amounts of chemicals contained, the researchers believe the plants were used as a part of a ritual ceremony overseen by a shaman, in line with other archaeological finds pointing to drug use as entwined with ancient spiritual traditions and practices.

The inner chamber of Cova d’es Càrritx cave.ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

A cave dating back to the Bronze Age

Cova d’es Càrritx was first excavated in March 1995 by archaeologists in the U.K. and Spain and discovered to hold not one but seven connected chambers that branch like a single trunk burrowing into the interior of the Algendar Canyon, a rocky landscape that’s considered to be one of the most important of the Late Bronze Age — so about 3,300 years ago — on Menorca.

Judging from the artifacts excavated, the cave served as a sort of mortuary around 3,600 years ago, chamber one being the main funerary space. Archaeologists believe while the dead were being prepared in this chamber, a piece of hair was cut, sometimes dyed red with plant extracts, and then placed in tubular containers made of wood or antler. These containers would remain with the dead but at some point in the cave’s history, select containers of hair were being put for safekeeping within the mid-section of Cova d’es Càrritx in chamber five.

In the new paper, archaeologists led by Elisa Guerra-Doce, an associate professor of prehistory at the University of Valladolid in Spain, who’s previously done research in the use of psychoactive substances in prehistoric Eurasia, unearthed 10 of these containers but only did a toxicology study of the reddish, five-inch long hairs nestled inside one container. (Whenever someone ingests or is exposed to a substance in their immediate environment, the chemical compounds tend to get incorporated into hair cells on the scalp and body and into strands of hair themselves.)

Close-up of hair strands retrieved from containers in Cova d’es Càrritx.ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Guerra-Doce and her team found that the hairs, dating back 3,000 years ago, contained atropine, a chemical belonging to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics, often used to dilate the pupil before eye exams. Toxicology results also came back positive for scopolamine, a drug that we now use to treat nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness or from the surgical anesthetic, and in a drug that’s long been found in many diet pills and sports supplements (but since banned in the US), ephedrine.

Drug use was likely associated with medicinal and maybe spiritual practices

But where did these potent chemicals come from, and why were our ancient ancestors using them? To answer the latter, researchers surmise they were used for medicinal purposes and maybe for spiritual ones as well.

Atropine and scopolamine can both be found in plants and vegetables belonging to the nightshade family Solanaceae, the same family as potatoes, eggplants, and tomatoes. There are plenty of nightshade plants on Menorca, such as mandrake, henbane, and thorn apple (also known as jimsonweed). Various parts of these plants have been used medicinally; mandrake has been used as a sedative and painkiller for over 2,000 years.

In the Mediterranean, ephedrine can be found in plants like joint pine, a poisonous shrub that’s been highly prized for its medicinal and stimulant properties (it can increase alertness and physical activity) since antiquity.

Dyeing scene in the funerary chamber.Oriol Garcia i Quera, ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

It’s hard to say when exactly the individual who the hair belongs started partaking in any of these plants, but it was probably over a period of a year or longer and right up until this person’s death.

Since this hair was stored in a container farther down from the main chamber and was covered in an interesting pattern of concentric circles surrounding a single dot (the researchers say this pattern could be interpreted as dilated pupils under the influence), this individual might have held some special importance in ancient Menorcan society, perhaps a shaman. The researchers speculate that this container made of olive tree wood was probably placed in the deeper chamber by individuals who sought to preserve their ancient traditions as society evolved and modernized.

Mosquito fossil found so well-preserved still has blood in its stomach.

Scientists discover mosquito fossil so well-preserved that it still has blood in its stomach

  • The mosquito perished soon after feeding in the Middle Eocene and its body has been trapped in shale ever since
  • A team of international researchers used non-destructive mass spectrometry to create a chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents
  • The find extends the fossil record of blood-feeding in this family of insects by 46 million years
Blood sucked by a mosquito that died 46 million years ago has been discovered by scientists.Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the animal’s last meal to prove that the insects have been feeding on blood all this time and could even have feasted on dinosaurs.The mosquito that was discovered perished soon after feeding in the Middle Eocene and its body has been trapped in shale ever since.

Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the mosquito's last meal

Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the mosquito’s last meal to prove that the insects have been feeding on blood all this time and could even have feasted on dinosaurs. The creature’s fossilised body (pictured) has been trapped in shale for 46 millions years

The animal died when the spectacular mountain ranges in Montana, where it was dug up, had just finished forming.

The ancient insect was so well-preserved because it had been trapped in shale – a type of mudstone in which organic remains decompose much more slowly – and the soft mud material that surrounded it compressed the creature’s body without distorting it.

The fine grain size of shale also preserves more details and the process of fossilisation is much like holding the fossil flat and pressing it like a book protects a dried flower.

Paleobiologist Dr Dale Greenwalt, a researcher at the Smithsonian’s National History Museum, who led the study, used a state-of-the-art technology called non-destructive mass spectrometry to produce a detailed chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents.

The findings show the insects have been feeding on blood for millions of years and around 14,000 living insect species including fleas, ticks and modern mosquitoes feed on blood today.

Although this feeding strategy appears to have evolved independently across a variety of animals, fossil evidence of this behaviour is extremely rare.

The find extends the fossil record of blood-feeding in this family of insects by 46 million years, according to Dr Ralph Harbach, a researcher at the Natural history Museum in London who was involved with the study.

Dr Dale Greenwalt used non-destructive mass spectrometry

Dr Dale Greenwalt used non-destructive mass spectrometry to produce a detailed chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents. The findings show the insects have been feeding on blood for millions of years and around 14,000 living insect species including fleas, ticks and modern mosquitoes (pictured) feed on blood today

After finding high levels of iron in the fossilised insect’s abdomen, the researchers analysed the specimen and identified the source as haem – the protein in the blood responsible for the transport of oxygen.

Although large and fragile molecules such as DNA generally do not survive fossilisation, the mosquito proves certain complex organic molecules such as haem can be preserved.

It was one of two mosquitoes discovered in the shale deposits that reveal just how remarkably little the parasites have changed in the last 46 million years.

The new fossils – one female and the other male – are so detailed scientists were able to determine they represent two previously unknown species.

The female, named Culiseta lemniscata, had eaten the blood meal. The male has been named Culiseta kishenehn.

Their fossils contain details as intricate as wing veins, sexual organs, scales and hair-like structures on the wings.

Richard Attenborough in the film is pictured

Dr Greenwalt said it’s not surprising that it is the first discovery of its kind despite the misconception of dinosaur DNA recovery from mosquitoes preserved in amber popularised by Jurassic Park twenty years ago – Richard Attenborough in the film is pictured

Dr Greenwalt and colleagues, whose findings are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said the preservation of the fossil was ‘extremely improbable’.

‘The insect had to take a blood meal, be blown to the water’s surface and sink to the bottom of a pond or similar structure to be quickly embedded in fine sediment – all without disruption of its fragile distended blood-filled abdomen.’

He said it is not surprising that it is the first discovery of its kind despite the misconception of dinosaur DNA recovery from mosquitoes preserved in amber popularised by Jurassic Park twenty years ago.

‘The existence of this rare specimen extends the existence of blood-feeding behaviour in this family of insects 46 million years into the past,’ Dr Greenwalt said.

‘This is the only known fossil of a blood-engorged mosquito ever found and represents the first clear evidence that some organic molecules can be preserved in a fossil of this age.

‘We made the assumption that genetic material like DNA was not preserved. We didn’t even attempt to look at it because DNA degrades very quickly.

‘Without question there are probably other things contained in this fossil. We just don’t know what they might be,’ he added.