Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water

We all know not drinking enough water can cause the body dehydration and in the meantime obviously make us very thirsty. But, not only is purified water good for the body and the way we feel, but also the way we look. Have you ever stopped and wondered…what are the affects that dehydration is having on our appearance?

Our body is made up of roughly 70 percent water, which keeps our cells plump and healthy. When you don’t drink enough purified water, the effect of dehydration sucks all the moisture from our body and leaves our organs no choice but to steal that moisture from our skin, hair, and fingernails.  By stealing the moisture, it leaves our skin looking and feeling dry, hair looking lifeless and dull, and nails brittle and weak. Now I don’t know about you, but that is not the look I am going for.

When we’re talking appearance, these are the 3 parts of our body that suffer the most when we aren’t getting enough purified water:


Your skin is the largest organ of the body and skin cells like any other organ cells require water to function properly.  You need to drink throughout the day, whether you are thirsty or not, to help keep your skins’ moisture and elasticity. Improvements to the skin are often the most obvious benefits of drinking purified water, along with improved energy.  One of our customers, Angela from Coombabah, suffered from really bad eczema and since only using the  chemical free water her skin started to clear up!



Our hair thrives on moisture-rich environment and purified water is one of the best ways to quench its thirst. Just like our skin, hair also needs lubrication from inside out. Dehydration has a direct impact on the growth and a lack of moisture results in dry and brittle hair. It may even stop growing at the maximum genetic rate if you don’t drink enough purified water to meet your daily needs.  Why not also protect your hair even more by showering in chemical and chlorine free water.



Just like the water in your hair and skin, the water in your fingernails is important to the healthy look and feel of your nails.  Purified water will help in keeping your nail plates healthy and this will provide a strong base for your nails to grow. If you walk around dehydrated all the time your nails will be dry and brittle and they will peel and break easily.


Drinking purified water helps replenish the moisture back in our bodies and thus helping skin to be more supple and radiant, hair to be shinier and even nails will grow longer and be less brittle. To make sure you’re staying hydrated, be sure to keep a water bottle with you throughout your day and fill it up with purified water from your Pure Water Systems Water Purifier. To learn more about how Pure Water Systems products can benefit you and your family’s health and body, visit Pure Water Systems or call 1300 808 966 and you will get excellent customer service to help you choose the best water treatment product type for you.

