Hallucinations Are Far More Common Than We’ve Been Led to Believe, Study Suggests

If you’ve experienced hallucinations, you’re not alone.

New research has found that hallucinations are far more common among the general population than most people realise – and they aren’t limited to disorders commonly associated with psychosis, such as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.

A study looking at more than 7,400 people in the UK found that 4.3 percent of participants had experienced either visual or auditory hallucinations in the past year – this included people with and without mental health issues, and showed that the phenomenon wasn’t limited to those with psychosis.

“There is a general idea in psychiatry that hallucinations are a feature of psychosis,” lead researcher Ian Kelleher from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland told Léa Surugue at the International Business Times.

“But when we looked at a whole range of mental health diseases we found that hallucinations are symptoms that occur in a wide range of mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety.”

Generally, when we talk about mental health issues, there’s a divide between the psychotic disorders, such as borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia, and non-psychotic disorders, including depression and anxiety.

For this study, the researchers used borderline personality disorder as an example of a psychotic disorder.

There’s plenty of unnecessary stigma surrounding all of those conditions, but in particular, people with psychotic disorders are usually considered unique in that they see and hear things that aren’t there.

But the new study suggests that this divide might not actually exist.

“There is a general idea in psychiatry that hallucinations are a feature of psychosis,” lead researcher Ian Kelleher from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland told Léa Surugue at the International Business Times.

“But when we looked at a whole range of mental health diseases we found that hallucinations are symptoms that occur in a wide range of mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety.”

Generally, when we talk about mental health issues, there’s a divide between the psychotic disorders, such as borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia, and non-psychotic disorders, including depression and anxiety.

For this study, the researchers used borderline personality disorder as an example of a psychotic disorder.

There’s plenty of unnecessary stigma surrounding all of those conditions, but in particular, people with psychotic disorders are usually considered unique in that they see and hear things that aren’t there.

But the new study suggests that this divide might not actually exist.

The team looked at data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity survey, which included surveys over the space of a year on the mental health of 7,403 people in England aged over 16.

As you’d expect, many of these participants had been diagnosed with a mental health condition – in England, it’s estimated that one in six people suffer from mental health problems in any given week.

But the team wanted to narrow down whether hallucinations were any more common among people with psychotic disorders compared to those with non-psychotic ones.

To do this, the researchers looked at how many people with borderline personality disorder (which is associated with psychosis) reported seeing or hearing things that other people couldn’t in the past year, compared with the number of participants with non-psychotic depression or anxiety.

The results showed that hallucinations weren’t significantly more prevalent in individuals with borderline personality disorder (13.7 percent) than those with a non-psychotic mental disorder (12.6 percent).

Not only that, but more than 4 percent of all respondents reported hearing or seeing things that others couldn’t – including those who’d never been diagnosed with mental health issues.

Based on the results, the team suggests that hallucinations aren’t exclusively symptoms of psychosis, and shouldn’t be stigmatised.

“Hallucinations are more common than people realise. They can be frightening experiences, and few people openly talk about it,” Kelleher told Surugue.

“Our research is valuable because it can show them they are not alone and that having these symptoms is not necessarily associated with having a mental health disorder. It breaks the taboo.”

But this is just one study and it has its limitations – for starters, the team relied on participants to self-report whether or not they’d experienced hallucinations, which isn’t the most accurate technique.

And although it was a decent sample size, the researchers only looked at people in England, which is not a diverse enough demographic to draw any far-reaching conclusions about hallucinations in general.

But the findings echo the results of a much larger study published in 2015, which looked at data on more than 31,000 people from 19 countries.

Similar to these latest results, that paper found that around 5 percent of the general population reported experiencing hallucinations, whether or not they were diagnosed with a mental illness.

“We used to think that only people with psychosis heard voices or had delusions, but now we know that otherwise healthy, high-functioning people also report these experiences,” said lead researcher John McGrath, from the Queensland Brain Institute in Australia, when the study came out.

As research into hallucinations continue, it’s becoming apparent that many of the symptoms we once associated with mental health disorders are actually more common than we once thought.

In fact, a separate study that came out last week showed that people who go through life without experiencing any mental health problems are more unusual than those who do.

By further investigating who does and doesn’t experience visual or auditory hallucinations and how they occur, researchers will hopefully get a better idea of who’s at risk of developing serious mental health conditions in future.

The research has been published in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

schizophrenia is more common than you might think.

Schizophrenia isn’t a specific, rare or rigorously defined illness. Instead, it covers a wide range of often unrelated conditions, all of which are also seen in people who are not mentally ill.

Which illness frightens you most? Cancer? Stroke? Dementia? To judge from tabloid coverage, the condition we should really fear isn’t physical at all. “Scared of mum’s schizophrenic attacks”, “Knife-wielding schizophrenic woman in court”, “Schizo stranger killed dad”, “Rachel murder: schizo accused”, and

“My schizophrenic son says he’ll kill… but he’s escaped from secure hospitals 7 times” are just a few of dozens of similar headlines we found in a cursory internet search. Mental illness, these stories imply, is dangerous. And schizophrenia is the most dangerous of all.

A crowed street in Edinburgh

Such reporting is unhelpful, misleading and manipulative. But it may be even more inaccurate than it first appears. This is because scientists are increasingly doubtful whether schizophrenia – a term invented more than a century ago by the psychiatric pioneer Eugen Bleuler – is a distinct illness at all. This isn’t to say that individuals diagnosed with the condition don’t have genuine and serious mental health problems. But how well the label “schizophrenia” fits those problems is now a very real question.

What’s wrong with the concept of schizophrenia? For one thing, research indicates the term may simply be functioning as a catch-all for a variety of separate problems. Six main conditions are typically caught under the umbrella of schizophrenia: paranoia; grandiosity (delusional beliefs that one has special powers or is famous); hallucinations (hearing voices, for example); thought disorder (being unable to think straight); anhedonia or the inability to experience pleasure; and diminished emotional expression (essentially an emotional “numbness”). But how many of these problems a person experiences, and how severely, varies enormously. Having one doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily develop any of the others.

Why hasn’t this been noticed by clinicians? Mental health professionals, inevitably, tend only to see the most unwell individuals. These patients tend to suffer from lots of the problems we’ve mentioned – the more difficulties you’re experiencing, the more likely it is that you’ll end up being seen by a specialist – prompting psychiatrists like Bleuler to assume these problems are symptoms of a single underlying condition. But defining an illness by looking only at the minority who end up in hospital can be a big mistake.

The traditional view has been that schizophrenia occurs in approximately 1% of people. But it’s now clear that the sort of experiences captured under the label are common in the general population – frequently far less distressing and disruptive, for sure, but essentially the same thing. Take paranoia, for instance. Almost 20% of UK adults report feeling as though others were against them in the previous 12 months, with 1.8% fearing plots to cause them serious harm. We tested the level of paranoia among the general public by asking volunteers to take a virtual reality tube train ride, during which they shared a carriage with a number of computer-generated “avatars”. These avatars were programmed to behave in a strictly neutral fashion, yet over 40% of participants reported that the avatars showed hostility towards them.

Moreover, triggering the odd sensations associated with schizophrenia is remarkably easy. Go without sleep for a night or two and you’re likely to experience some very peculiar thoughts and feelings (as demonstrated by a recent study of sailors in solo races). Consume a lot of cannabis and the effects can be similar. Meanwhile, a classic study by the psychiatrist Stuart Grassian showed that prisoners placed in solitary confinement were soon prey to hallucinations and delusions.

What all this suggests is that schizophrenia isn’t a specific, relatively rare, and rigorously defined illness. Instead, it covers a wide range of often unrelated conditions, all of which are also seen in people who are not mentally ill, and all of which exist on a continuum from the comparatively mild to the very severe. People with conditions like schizophrenia are simply those who happen to fall at the extreme end of a number of these continua.

What causes psychotic experiences? Research has pointed a decisive finger at living in cities, drug use, poverty, migration, traumatic experiences in childhood and later negative events such as being the victim of an assault. Experiences like paranoia are also linked with a number of psychological traits, such as a tendency to worry, feel depressed, sleep poorly, or jump to conclusions. These factors seem to work in what scientists call a “dose-response” manner: the more of them you experience, the more likely it is that your mental health will suffer.

Genetic factors also play a part, though there’s no evidence for a single “schizophrenia” gene. Instead, a multitude of genes are likely to be involved – with their effect, crucially, conditioned by environmental factors. So the people who end up being treated for schizophrenia aren’t the unlucky few who happen to have inherited a rogue gene. Genetic susceptibility exists on a spectrum too. The more of the relevant genes you possess, the further you are to the extreme end of the spectrum and the less of a push you’ll need from life events to become ill. It’s worth remembering, however, that genetic research into schizophrenia has focused on the people who present for treatment: the severest end of the continua. What it hasn’t done is look at the various types of psychotic experiences across the general population.

Not everyone agrees with these new ways of thinking about schizophrenia. An editorial in the British Journal of Psychiatry, for example, lambasted the approach as “scientifically unproven and clinically impractical”. But one thing is certain: deepening our understanding of psychotic problems must be a priority. Diagnostic criteria for mental illnesses change over time, and the same will happen with schizophrenia. Rather than getting sidetracked by day-to-day debates about the symptoms required for a diagnosis, it will be more productive to focus on the individual psychotic experiences, remembering that they don’t only occur in those who come into contact with mental health services but exist on spectra in the general population. This isn’t merely a theoretical issue: if we target specific problems, rather than a loosely defined illness, we’re likely to improve treatment outcomes for the many people struggling with these debilitating experiences.

Quitting smoking ‘reduces anxiety’.


Researchers followed nearly 500 smokers attending NHS stop smoking clinic

Smokers who successfully quit feel less anxious afterwards – despite the belief that smoking relieves stress, researchers say.

The British Journal of Psychiatry study followed nearly 500 smokers attending NHS stop smoking clinics in England.

It found a “significant” decrease in anxiety levels among the 68 smokers who had quit after six months.

The effect was greater among those who had mood and anxiety disorders than those that smoked for pleasure.

The researchers – drawn from several universities including Cambridge, Oxford and Kings’s College in London – said the findings should be used to reassure smokers attempting to quit that concerns about increased anxiety levels were unfounded.


However, the study did suggest that a failed attempt to seemed to increase anxiety levels by a modest degree among those who had mood disorders.

For those who smoked for pleasure a relapse did not alter anxiety levels.

The researchers said it seemed that smokers – particularly those that smoked to cope – were more likely to have a cigarette soon after waking up to stave off withdrawal symptoms, which include anxiety.

By quitting, they removed these repeated episodes of anxiety and felt less anxious as a result, they added.

It comes as the government has launched a graphic anti-smoking advertising campaign, which features a cigarette with a tumour growing from it, and as many smokers prepare to quit as part of their new year resolutions.
