How much better is it to eat a boiled egg for breakfast?

Eating a boiled egg for breakfast can offer several benefits compared to skipping breakfast or consuming other types of foods. Here are some reasons why eating a boiled egg for breakfast can be beneficial:

1. **Nutrient-rich:** Eggs are packed with essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins (including B vitamins and vitamin D), minerals (like iron and zinc), and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. Consuming a boiled egg for breakfast can provide a good source of these nutrients, contributing to overall health and well-being.

2. **High-quality protein:** Eggs are considered a complete protein source, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. Protein is crucial for muscle repair, satiety, and maintaining lean muscle mass, making boiled eggs an excellent choice for breakfast, especially for those looking to support muscle health or manage weight.

3. **Satiety:** Protein and healthy fats in eggs help promote feelings of fullness and satiety, which can help prevent overeating later in the day and stabilize blood sugar levels. Including a boiled egg in your breakfast may help keep you feeling satisfied and energized until your next meal.

4. **Convenience:** Boiled eggs are easy to prepare in advance and are portable, making them a convenient breakfast option for busy mornings or when you’re on the go. You can boil several eggs at once and store them in the refrigerator for quick and easy breakfasts throughout the week.

5. **Weight management:** Research suggests that eating eggs for breakfast may support weight loss or weight management efforts. Protein-rich foods like eggs can help increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.

Overall, including a boiled egg in your breakfast can be a nutritious and satisfying choice, providing essential nutrients, promoting satiety, and supporting overall health and well-being. However, it’s essential to balance your breakfast with other nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats for optimal nutrition.

Beat the Clock, Beat Diabetes: How Breakfast Timing Influences Your Risk

Breakfast Morning Art Concept

Research suggests that eating breakfast after 9 a.m. can significantly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to an earlier breakfast. The study examined the eating patterns of over 100,000 participants, finding that meal timing affects the risk of diabetes, with a late breakfast adversely impacting glucose control and insulin levels.

A study that followed more than 100,000 participants for seven years suggests eating breakfast after 9 a.m. increases type 2 diabetes risk by 59%, highlighting the importance of meal timing in disease prevention.

Eating breakfast after 9 a.m. increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 59% compared to people who eat breakfast before 8 a.m. This is the main conclusion of a study in which ISGlobal, an institution supported by “la Caixa” Foundation, took part and which followed more than 100,000 participants in a French cohort. The results show that we can reduce the risk of diabetes not only by changing what we eat, but also when we eat it.

The Impact of Meal Timing

Type 2 diabetes is associated with modifiable risk factors, such as an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and smoking. But another factor may be important: the time at which we eat. “We know that meal timing plays a key role in regulating circadian rhythms and glucose and lipid control, but few studies have investigated the relationship between meal timing or fasting and type 2 diabetes,” says Anna Palomar-Cros, ISGlobal researcher and first author of the study.

In this study, a team from ISGlobal joined at team from INSERM in France to investigate the association between meal frequency and timing and the incidence of type 2 diabetes among 103,312 adults (79% women) from the French NutriNet-Santé cohort. Participants filled in online dietary records of what they ate and drank over a 24-hour period on 3 non-consecutive days, as well as the timing of their meals. The research team averaged the dietary records for the first two years of follow-up and assessed the participants’ health over the following years (an average of seven years).

Breakfast, Dinner, and Diabetes Incidence

There were 963 new cases of type 2 diabetes during the study. The risk of developing the disease was significantly higher in the group of people who regularly ate breakfast after 9 a.m., compared to those who ate breakfast before 8 a.m. “Biologically, this makes sense, as skipping breakfast is known to affect glucose and lipid control, as well as insulin levels,” explains Palomar-Cros. “This is consistent with two meta-analyses that conclude that skipping breakfast increases the risk of type 2 diabetes,” she adds.

The research team also found that a late dinner (after 10 p.m.) seemed to increase the risk, while eating more frequently (about five times a day) was associated with a lower disease incidence. In contrast, prolonged fasting is only beneficial if it is done by having an early breakfast (before 8 a.m.) and an early dinner.

Conclusions and Implications for Chrononutrition

“Our results suggest that a first meal before 8 a.m. and a last meal before 7 p.m. may help reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes,” concludes Manolis Kogevinas, ISGlobal researcher and co-author of the study. In fact, the same ISGlobal team had already provided evidence on the association between an early dinner and a lower risk of breast or prostate cancer.
Taken together, these results consolidate the use of chrononutrition (i.e. the association between diet, circadian rhythms, and health) to prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Should we eat omelettes or eggs every day for breakfast?

Eggs have long been a staple breakfast food, and omelets are a popular way to enjoy them. But is it healthy to eat omelets or eggs every day for breakfast? In this article, we will explore the nutritional benefits and potential drawbacks of including eggs in your daily morning routine.

1. Nutritional Benefits of Eggs:

Eggs are highly nutritious and packed with essential nutrients. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is important for building and repairing tissues. Eggs also contain vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins like vitamin B12 and folate. Additionally, eggs are rich in minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium, as well as antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that are beneficial for eye health.

2. Complete Protein Source:

Eggs are considered a complete protein source as they contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs. This makes them a great choice for breakfast as they can help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the morning. Protein is also important for maintaining muscle mass and supporting various bodily functions.

3. Weight Management:

Including eggs in your breakfast can be beneficial for weight management. The high protein content of eggs can help curb appetite and reduce calorie intake throughout the day. Studies have shown that individuals who eat eggs for breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during the day compared to those who have a carbohydrate-based breakfast.

4. Cholesterol Concerns:

One concern often associated with eggs is their cholesterol content. Eggs are relatively high in dietary cholesterol, but research has shown that dietary cholesterol doesn’t have a significant impact on blood cholesterol levels for most people. In fact, eggs are considered a part of a healthy diet for the majority of individuals, even those with elevated cholesterol levels. However, if you have specific medical conditions like familial hypercholesterolemia, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional about your dietary choices.

5. Variety and Balance:

While eggs are a nutritious food, it’s important to maintain a balanced and varied diet. Relying solely on eggs or omelets every day for breakfast may limit the diversity of nutrients that you get from other food sources. It’s essential to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other protein sources in your meals to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients.

6. Allergies and Intolerances:

Some individuals may have allergies or intolerances to eggs, which would make it unsuitable for them to consume eggs or omelets regularly. It’s important to be aware of your own dietary restrictions and consider alternative breakfast options if necessary.

7. Cooking Methods and Ingredients:

The way you prepare your eggs can also impact their nutritional value. Omelets can be a healthy choice if they are prepared with minimal added fats and include a variety of vegetables. However, if you load your omelet with cheese, processed meats, and excessive amounts of oil or butter, it can increase the calorie and fat content significantly.

In conclusion, eggs are nutritious food and can be a part of a healthy breakfast routine. They provide high-quality protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and can support weight management. However, it’s important to maintain a balanced and varied diet, considering other food sources as well. Additionally, individual dietary restrictions and preferences should be taken into consideration. As with any dietary choice, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure that your breakfast choices align with your specific needs and goals.

Unlock the power of meal timing to reduce your cardiovascular risk

Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is widely emphasized, but here’s a groundbreaking revelation: the timing of your meals, including lunch and dinner, could significantly influence your cardiovascular health.

A recent analysis in Nature Communications underscores this, highlighting that when you eat might be as crucial as what you eat in mitigating cardiovascular risks.

Why “chrononutrition” may soon become the health industry’s new buzzword

Chrononutrition, meaning the strategic timing of meals, will likely be one of the hottest health and nutrition trends in the new year.  We have transitioned from meals at the family dinner table to grabbing unhealthy fast food on the go in less than half a century.  The decline of the family unit combined with the ever-competitive rat race has led to harmful outcomes for too many people throughout the modern world.

The analysis linked above delves into the time at which food is consumed.  The examination aimed to determine if the strategic timing of meals improves human health.  Though it was already known that exposure to light plays a part in circadian rhythms, there was still some debate as to whether chrononutrition had merit.

The scientists who conducted the chrononutrition study analyzed data from 103,389 individuals.  Precisely 79% of the women in the study were women.  The average age of participants was 42.  The research team also accounted for numerous confounding factors ranging from participant sleep cycle to lifestyle, diet quality, and even nuanced demographics such as age.

The data makes the case for timing every meal

The results show timing one’s first meal of the day is especially important.  Consuming breakfast late in the morning or skipping it in favor of lunch is linked to an elevated risk of heart disease.  The researchers determined there was a 6% hike in the risk of cardiovascular disease for each hour that the initial meal was delayed.

For example, an individual who waits until 11 a.m. to eat breakfast has a 6% greater increase in developing cardiovascular disease than someone who consumes breakfast at 10 a.m.

The data shows the timing of the day’s first meal and fasting periods synch the body’s circadian rhythms, affecting cardiometabolic functionality including blood pressure.  Moreover, the study results also provide insight into the importance of the day’s last meal.

Eating food late at night, meaning after 9 in the evening, is linked to a 28% hike in the development of cerebrovascular disease compared to taking the last bite of the evening before 8.  Stroke is a typical example of cerebrovascular disease.  The risk of cerebrovascular disease was higher in female study participants.

The researchers also found the longer one waits when fasting at night, meaning the time difference between the final meal of the day and the first bite in the morning, influences the risk of cerebrovascular disease.

In short, it is in your interest to resist the temptation to enjoy a “fourth meal” late at night.  Instead, build up your hunger after dinner or dessert so you can kick off the next day with a nutritious and fulfilling breakfast.

Tips to strategically time your food intake

Kickstart your metabolism early by eating a balanced breakfast within an hour of waking up.  This sets the tone for your body’s energy utilization throughout the day.

Establish regular meal times and stick to them.  This helps regulate your body’s internal clock, optimizing digestion and nutrient absorption.

Try to finish your dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.  Late-night meals can disrupt sleep patterns and slow down metabolism.

Be mindful of when you consume caffeinated drinks.  Late afternoon or evening consumption can interfere with sleep quality and affect meal timing the next day.

Prepare meals and snacks in advance to ensure you have nutritious options readily available.  This can help prevent impulsive eating and ensure you consume balanced meals at the right times.

If your appetite is lacking early in the morning or afternoon, engage in a light workout before eating.  Use your scheduled meals as positive reinforcement for exercising, and you’ll find eating at designated intervals much easier.

Is Pizza Really a Healthier Breakfast Than Cereal?

slicing pizza close up
Sometimes, a sound bite is taken too far. That was the case when a fellow dietitian was quoted in an article as saying that a slice of pizza would be a better choice for breakfast than most cereals (the article went viral, of course).

My hunch is that she was illustrating a point about sugary cereals—and I highly doubt she’d recommend a greasy, pepperoni-covered slice over a bowl of high-fiber shredded wheat.

As with everything, you need to read past the headlines. It’s true that some cold cereals pack a lot of sugar and are made with fiber-poor refined grains, giving you a quick, sweet lift—and leaving you hungry an hour later. On the other hand, pizza does have some protein (and fat) to keep you satisfied.

But pizza also covers some pretty wide territory. A whole-wheat crust topped with veggies will deliver more fiber and vitamins (and far less sodium) than, say, a triple-meat on white.

Same goes for cereal. There are hyper-sweetened varieties that contain very little filling fiber or protein. But there are also low- and no-sugar whole grain cereals that, when topped with milk and some berries or banana slices, make a meal that’s got up to half the fiber you need in the day, valuable vitamins and minerals like iron and calcium, and even a decent dose of protein. In fact, a serving of shredded wheat with milk has about 12 grams of protein—compared to 10 grams in a slice of thin-crust pepperoni pizza.

In other words, cereal’s bad rap isn’t necessarily deserved. Ditto for pizza’s health halo here. When a headline flies in the face of common sense (like this one touting ice cream as a brain-boosting breakfast), it probably is.

If you’re worried about the sugar in cereal, use my label-reading rule of thumb: I look for roughly 6 grams or less of added sugar per serving. You can also sprinkle a low- or no-sugar cereal (like plain o’s) with a teaspoon of sugar. Still sweet, but far less sugar than most varieties. Or swap out cereal for plain oatmeal, adding your own sweetener, fruit, and nuts.

If you’re looking for something with more savory, eggs are proven to be one of the most filling breakfasts around. You can also put a savory spin on oatmeal, topping it with avocado, veggies, and cheese.

And guess what? There’s also nothing wrong with an occasional slice of cold pizza for breakfast.

7 Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day

After a more relaxed summer schedule, it’s time to get back into the routine of things. If you tend to do more meal planning during the school year, here are seven low-carb breakfast recipes to put on your radar.

Blueberry Protein Smoothie Bowl

From Sugar-Free Mom: “What exactly is a smoothie bowl? Basically taking your traditional smoothie in a glass to another level. Instead of sipping it, you enjoy it like soup and add some delicious toppings! It’s taking your smoothie to another level, and it’s a whole lot more satisfying for a meal.”

Bacon Breakfast Enchiladas

From 24-7 Low Carb Diner: “Egg wraps stand in for the standard tortilla. A cream cheese sauce goes over the top instead of a chili based enchilada sauce. No one would stop you from adding some green chiles or jalapenos. They are far easier to make than you would suspect.”

Coconut Porridge

From Low Carb Yum: “A high fiber low-carb coconut porridge that’s easy to make on the stove top or in an electric pressure cooker. It’s a perfect hot keto cereal.”

Vanilla Ricotta Pancakes

From Sugar-Free Mom: “When all you need is just four ingredients to make a quick and easy breakfast, you never have to feel deprived on a sugar-free, low-carb diet. Simple recipes like these are what can keep you feeling satisfied and happy and ready to take on the day ahead!”

Egg Muffins

From Butter Is Not a Carb: “I was determined to make some zero carb egg muffins for breakfast that I can bring with me all week for lunch at work, too. These muffins are extremely easy to put together and have the perfect low-carb, high-fat, moderate protein macro ratio.”

Fat Head Dough Bagels

From Low Carb Yum: “If you haven’t been making your own Fat Head dough because of the almond flour, you need to give this coconut flour version a try. One advantage of coconut flour over almond flour is that you use less. A little bit of coconut flour goes a long way as it seems to expand like a sponge when absorbing the liquid.”

Glazed Donuts

From Caroline’s Keto Kitchen: “If you miss Krispy Kreme, you’re in luck. This morning I made glazed donuts that look just like the real deal, and they are light, fluffy and delicious.”

How to Make Oatmeal Recipe Breakfast for Weight Loss

Oatmeal is a satisfying, healthy morning meal. It’s a whole grain something that most people don’t eat often enough.

It is high in soluble fiber, which may help to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, and has a healthy amount of protein, both of which will help you feel satisfied till lunch.

Try these delicious oatmeal recipes below and remember these recipes is going to be your favorite healthy breakfast for weight loss.

 And don’t worry your, favorite childhood flavors are included below, like blueberries and banana, yogurt, honey and raspberries, and they are tasty, healthy, and will help you start you day with energy.

If you’re on a gluten-free diet, look for oats that are certified gluten-free. Though oats themselves don’t contain gluten, they can get tainted with gluten when they’re being processed or growing, according to the Whole Grains Council.

Oatmeal Recipe 1

Lemon Blueberry Oatmeal 280 calories


 1 cups almond milk

1/2 cup old-fashioned oats

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 Cup raspberries

1 teaspoons lemon zest

1 tbsp. honey


In a small sauce pan combine the almond milk, oatmeal, and heat on low until all the milk is absorbed about 10-15 minutes

When the oatmeal has absorbed all the milk turn off heat and add vanilla extract, raspberries, lemon zest, and honey to the oatmeal and mix well, move to a bowl and top with raspberries.


Oatmeal Recipe 2

Chocolate Oatmeal 300 calories


1/2 cup water

half cup milk (I use almond milk)

1/2 cup oats

1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder

1 tbsp. honey

2 blueberries

two raspberries

1/2 banana mashed


 In a small sauce pan combine water and almond milk, oatmeal, and heat on low until all the milk is absorbed about 10-15 minutes

When the oatmeal has absorbed all the liquid turn off heat and add cocoa powder, banana, and honey to the oatmeal and mix well, move to a bowl and top with raspberries and blueberries.



Oatmeal Recipe 3

Blueberries Oatmeal 290 calories


1 cups water or milk

1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal

10 blueberries (1 oz.)

 1 tablespoons yogurt

one teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon honey

Directions In a small sauce pan combine the almond milk, oatmeal, and heat on low until all the milk is absorbed about 10-15 minutes.

While the oatmeal is doing its thing smash 10 blueberries with the back of a spoon or a fork in a small bowl, mix in yogurt, vanilla and honey and set aside.

 When the oatmeal has absorbed all the milk turn off heat and add the yogurt mixture to the oatmeal and mix well, move to a bowl and top with blueberries.


Oatmeal Recipe 4
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal 290 calories


1 cup water

1/2 cup quick oats

1 apple cut into bite sized chunks

one teaspoon cinnamon

1 tbsp. honey

Directions In a small sauce pan combine water, oatmeal, and heat on low until all the water is absorbed about 10-15 minutes.

When the oatmeal has absorbed all the water turn off heat and add the apple, cinnamon, and honey to the oatmeal and mix well, move to a bowl and top with apple. Enjoy!

38 nutrition experts tell us what they eat for breakfast .

Breakfast has its own month in America, but we think the most important meal of the day should be celebrated around the world.

Study after study shows that breakfast boosts brainpower and helps to control cravings later in the day. Lots of highly successful make sure to fuel up before they face the world.

But some breakfasts are more well-rounded than others.

To see what a healthy breakfast looks like, we asked dozens of nutrition experts what they ate for breakfast and why.

There are clear favorites, like oatmeal and Greek yogurt, but everyone puts their unique spin on these traditional morning foods.

Hopefully these responses will inspire you.

Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD

Breakfast: Eggs with avocado and salsa in a soft corn tortilla, or oatmeal with nuts and fruit.

Why it’s good: The avocado not only adds creaminess, says Moore, but the fat increases the absorption of certain antioxidants, like lycopene, from the salsa. Salsa is also an original way to sneak in a serving of vegetables. Oatmeal contains a type of fiber known as beta-glucan, which has been shown to help maintain healthy cholesterol and glucose levels, says Moore.

Toby Smithson, RDN, LDN, CDE, author of “Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition for Dummies”

Breakfast: 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal; 5 ounces plain Greek yogurt with sugar substitute, cinnamon, and three to six chopped whole almonds; freshly brewed tea.

Why it’s good: Smithson uses Greek yogurt for an extra boost of protein and prefers to add no-calorie flavorings like cinnamon. Nuts help maintain Smithson’s blood-glucose levels, which is important for managing her Type 1 diabetes.

Vandana Sheth, RD, CDE

Breakfast: Nonfat Greek yogurt mixed with berries and a small handful of a whole-grain, high-fiber cereal; or steel-cut oatmeal cooked in soy milk with chia seeds, walnuts, cinnamon, and honey; or sauteed vegetables (onion, garlic, jalapeno, tomato, and spinach) topped with cubed tofu or shredded mozzarella cheese along with a slice of whole-grain toast.

Why it’s good: Sheth chooses a parfait when she’s in a hurry and needs something quick to go. She enjoys sauteed vegetables on relaxing weekend mornings and hot oatmeal on winter days.

Kim Larson, RDN, CD, CSSD, owner of

Breakfast: Steel-cut oats made with skim milk and topped with sliced almonds, fresh blueberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a splash of fat-free half-and-half; a small glass of orange juice or tomato juice; coffee.

Why it’s good: Larson says this hearty dish fuels her through a spin class and a core workout after.

Judy Caplan, MS, RD, author of the “GoBeFull” series

Breakfast: Sweet potato with butter, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper; hot chocolate with raw cacao, almond milk, sweetened with maple syrup.

Why it’s good: Caplan likes this wintertime grub because it’s warm and filling but also loaded with vitamin A and other nutrients.

Ruth Frechman, MA, RDN, CPT, author of “The Food Is My Friend Diet”

Breakfast: Oatmeal with unsalted peanuts and a heavy sprinkling of cinnamon for flavor.

Why it’s good: Frechman finds this meal economical because she buys her oats in bulk. The peanuts add a crunchy quality to the smooth texture of the oatmeal. She can easily add variety by tossing in oat bran or substituting prune juice for water.

Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN, FAND, author of “Nutrition & You”

Breakfast: A blended smoothie of plain nonfat Greek yogurt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon cocoa, and 1/2 cup frozen strawberries.

Why it’s good: The protein in the yogurt gives you staying power in the morning, says Blake. The cocoa provides delicious, heart-healthy flavanols, and the strawberries provide fiber and sweetness. You can top it with a whole-grain cereal for an added crunch.

Ilene Smith, MS, RD

Breakfast: One whole-wheat English muffin with natural peanut butter and half a banana.

Why it’s good: “It’s filling and keeps me satiated until lunch,” says Smith, “and it’s delicious!”

Marjorie Nolan Cohn, MS, RD, CDN, ACSM-HFS, author of “The Belly Fat Fix”

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oats cooked with water; 6 ounces plain fat-free Greek yogurt mixed into the cooked oatmeal; 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds or 1/2 tablespoon almond butter; a Granny Smith apple sliced and dipped into the oatmeal with a generous amount of cinnamon mixed in.

Why it’s good: The most important thing about this breakfast, says Cohn, is that it’s filling and supports her active lifestyle. “I’ve been eating it for more than 2 years now,” she says, “and it’s still not old!”

Anne Danahy, MS, RD, LDN,

Breakfast: Steel-cut and old-fashioned oats cooked with 1% milk, mixed with fruit, walnuts, and a scoop of plain Greek yogurt.

Why it’s good: This meal hits all the food groups. The walnuts provide healthy fat; the fruit is a great source of fiber; the milk and Greek yogurt provide protein; and the oats are a whole grain. “It holds me for at least four hours,” says Danahy.

Sharon Salomon, MS, RD

Breakfast: A smoothie made with almond milk, powdered peanut butter, Fox’s UBet chocolate syrup, frozen bananas, and frozen strawberries, cherries, or mango.

Why it’s good: Salomon uses almond milk because she’s casein-intolerant. The powdered peanut butter provides protein but is fat-free. “I love that it’s so cold and frosty,” says Solmon, “almost like soft-serve ice cream.”

Colleen Gill, MS, RD, CSO

Breakfast: A cup of oatmeal with some walnuts broken up on top; a cup of tea.

Why it’s good: The extra protein and fat from the walnuts help to keep Gill full for longer than eating cereal alone.

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD, author of “Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guide”

Breakfast: 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal, 1/4 cup Grape-Nuts, 1/4 cup granola, 3 chopped dates, and a handful of slivered almonds with a splash milk.

Why it’s good: It’s tasty and combines a mixture of healthy foods.

Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN, author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to The Acid Reflux Diet”

Breakfast: Gnu foods Fiberlove bar; Fage o% Greek yogurt.

Why it’s good: The Gnu bar is packed with 12 grams of fiber and is only 130 calories. It comes in a variety of flavors, like peanut butter chocolate chip and banana walnut. The yogurt provides protein and calcium.

Georgia Kostas, MPH, RDN, LD, author of “The Cooper Clinic Solution to the Diet Revolution: Step Up to the Plate!”

Breakfast: Steel-cut oatmeal with dried cranberries and walnuts, or a blueberry-and-strawberry smoothie made with plain nonfat Greek yogurt and 2% cheese melted on whole-grain toast or a corn tortilla.

Why it’s good: Whether they are dried, fresh, or frozen, berries are important sources of fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, says Kostas.

Peggy Korody, RD, CLT

Breakfast: A homemade smoothie made with yogurt or nut butter, almond milk, frozen fruit, such as a banana, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, or mango, and vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and cucumber.

Why it’s good: Korody likes to hit the gym in the morning and doesn’t want to exercise on a full stomach. She fuels up by drinking half of her smoothie before her fitness routine and finishes the rest post-workout.

Joshh Rager, RDN

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal mixed with 2 egg whites, 3/4 milk, and a handful of frozen berries. Microwave it for 45 seconds, give it a stir, then microwave it for another 45 seconds.

Why it’s good: You can’t even taste the egg whites, says Rager, but they add protein to a high-fiber dish.

Sara Cowlan, MS, RD, CDN

Breakfast: Two eggs on toast and fruit.

Why it’s good: Eggs are high in protein and they’re versatile. To avoid getting bored, Cowlan prepares her eggs in different ways and pairs the dish with different kinds of fruit.

Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT, director of medical nutrition at Oxford Biomedical Technologies

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with lots of vegetables, such as onion, garlic, pepper, mushrooms, spinach, tomato, and jalapeno and herbs, like basil, parsley, oregano, and chives, sprinkled on top with cheese; a sauteed white or sweet potato on the side.

Why it’s good: An egg scramble is a great way to use up whatever vegetables you have on hand in a snap.

Nicole V. Brown, MS, RDN, LD, HFS, nutrition director at the National Center for Weight and Wellness

Breakfast: 1 cup Trader Joe’s Maple and Brown Sugar Shredded Wheat with 1 cup fat-free milk; Earl Grey tea with a splash of the fat-free milk.

Why it’s good: The cereal provides 5 grams of fiber and doesn’t have any sodium, says Brown. It’s also quick and inexpensive.

Sandy Nissenberg, MS, RD

Breakfast: Plain Greek yogurt and oatmeal with nuts, fruit, or granola.

Why it’s good: It’s easy to bring to work, says Nissenberg, and fills her up.

Sophia Kamveris, MS, RD, LD

Breakfast: Cage-free egg whites with avocado and low-fat shredded cheese and a dash of turmeric; a slice of artisan whole-grain bread; organic coffee.

Why it’s good: Turmeric adds a peppery flavor to eggs, and Kamveris says she uses the orange spice for its anti-inflammatory properties. Freshly brewed coffee gives her a jump-start for the day ahead.

Karen Ansel, MS, RDN

Breakfast: Rolled oats and low-fat milk, ground flaxseed, and strawberries.

Why it’s good: This is the ultimate power breakfast, says Ansel, thanks to its combination of fiber from the oats, flaxseed, and berries, plus protein and calcium from the milk.

Joy Dubost, RD, CSSD

Breakfast: One-minute oatmeal made with skim milk, topped with blueberries, chopped bananas, and slivers of almonds; or high-fiber cereal with skim milk, topped with blueberries, in addition to a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt; coffee.

Why it’s good: Cereal is easy if you don’t have time to make oatmeal.

Barbara Ann Hughes, PhD, RD, LDN, FADA

Breakfast: French toast made with whole-grain bread, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, eggs, and skim milk served with chopped fresh, frozen, or canned fruit; or an egg omelet with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, low-fat cheese, red, yellow, and green peppers, herbs, and skim milk.

Why it’s good: During the winter, Hughes likes to warm up with a hot breakfast, like eggs or French toast, rather than cold cereal and milk.

Patsy Catsos, MS, RDN, LD, author of “Flavor Without FODMAPs Cookbook”

Breakfast: 1/3 cup of quick-cooking oatmeal, a pinch of brown sugar, a tablespoon each of raisins and slivered almonds; black coffee.

Why it’s good: Catsos enjoys this dish because it’s easy to prepare, and filling. She pours boiling hot water over the oats, almonds, and raisins, then pops it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Victoria Shanta Retelny, RDN, author of “The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods”

Breakfast: Chunky peanut butter or almond butter smeared on a whole-grain English muffin with sliced strawberries or bananas; skim latte sprinkled with cinnamon.

Why it’s good: The crunchy peanut butter and fruit make this breakfast the perfect combination of savory and sweet.

Karen Giles-Smith, MS, RDN, owner of At Ease With Eating

Breakfast: Oatmeal made with milk, mixed with a tablespoon of flax meal, and topped with dried cherries and chopped walnuts; coffee with a little whole milk and caramel mixed in.

Why it’s good: “I love it because it tastes so wonderful, is nutrient-rich, and tides me over until lunchtime.”

Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD, author of “MyPlate for Moms”

Breakfast: A fried egg, cheese, and avocado sandwich on a whole-wheat English muffin.

Why it’s good: This savory sandwich includes healthy fats, dairy, and protein.

Jessica Candell, RDN, CDE

Breakfast: Sweet-potato hash with bell peppers, onions, egg substitute, and whole-wheat toast.

Why it’s good: Sweet potatoes aren’t just a Thanksgiving food; this root vegetable is rich in fiber, vitamin E, and potassium.

Robert Anding, MS, RD, LD, CDE, CSSD, director of sports nutrition at Texas Children’s Hospital

Breakfast: Trader Joes’s frozen steel-cut oats with walnuts, raisins, and 2 tablespoons freshly ground peanut butter.

Why it’s good: If you have a sweet tooth, this healthy breakfast bowl “tastes like a peanut butter and oatmeal cookie,” says Anding.

Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RD

Breakfast: Whole-grain breakfast cereal (containing less than 5 grams of sugar per serving) with unsweetened almond milk, berries, and apple chunks or banana slices.

Why it’s good: Cereal is a hassle-free breakfast that doesn’t require any cooking time.

Stephanie Song, MS, RD, CDN

Breakfast: Fruit with hot cereal, such as oat bran, with skim milk, or a small homemade bran muffin.

Why it’s good: Song makes her own muffins so that she can control the portion size and what goes in them. The premade food is great to grab and go.

JoAnne Lichten ‘Dr. Jo,’ PhD, RD

Breakfast: Freshly ground peanut butter on a toasted whole-wheat English muffin, a glass of soy milk, and a clementine or other fruit.

Why it’s good: Lichten lives in Florida but still loves to eat a warm breakfast. The peanut butter helps her to reach her goal of consuming 20 to 30 grams of protein daily, while adding a nice crunch.

Libby Mills, MS, RDN, LDN

Breakfast: A smoothie of vegetables, fruit, and low-fat yogurt. Some examples include spinach, kiwi, and low-fat lime yogurt or ginger, beet, cabbage, apple, and low-fat berry yogurt.

Why it’s good: The combinations are endless, says Mills, who puts everything in a blender with a small amount of water. Plus, it’s a refreshingly sweet way to get a couple servings of the recommended 2.5 cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruit and, 3 cups of dairy we need every day, she says.

Michaela Ballmann, MS, RD, CLT, founder of Wholify

Breakfast: A serving of fruit (usually seasonal from the farmers market, but sometimes blended with kale, Swiss chard, and unsweetened almond milk into a green smoothie) with raw, cubed Organic Super-Firm Tofu sprinkled with kala namak black salt.

Why it’s good: Tofu is a good alternative source of protein and fat for vegans who don’t eat eggs. “The salt,” says Ballmann, “makes the tofu taste like eggs, which is nice for vegans who are used to eating eggs and miss the flavor.”

Lindsay Livingston, RD, founder of The Lean Green Bean

Breakfast: 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup fruit, microwaved for 2 minutes and topped with 1 tablespoon nut butter and a handful of pumpkin seeds.

Why it’s good: The nut butter and seed provide extra protein that keep Livingston full all morning long.

Joey Gochnour, BS, BS, MEd, RDN, LD, NASM-CPT

Breakfast: 1 cup old fashioned oats, 1/4 cup soya granules, 1/3 cup dry milk, 1 serving of frozen mixed berries, cinnamon, curry, salt, cocoa powder, paprika, 1-1.5 handfuls of pumpkin kernels, 1 medium carrot

Why it’s good: This meal packs a generous amount of protein — 35 to 45 grams — which is important for vegetarians likes Gochnour.

Ginger Cochran, MS, RDN, HFS-ACSM

Breakfast: A hard boiled egg and whole grain toast with raw almond butter and cinnamon.

Why it’s good: Hard boiled eggs are easy to prepare ahead of time. “The cinnamon on the toast also adds a nice little sweetness without using sugar,” says Cochran.

Exactly How Much Protein To Eat At Breakfast To Burn Maximum Fat

Toast eaters, it’s time to change your ways. A new study in the International Journal of Obesity shows that eating tons of protein in the morning—think at least double what you’re eating now—can help you consume 400 fewer calories throughout the day and burn more fat over time.

How much protein are we talking about here? The overweight young adults in the study who experienced the perk ate high-protein breakfasts with 350 calories and 35 g of protein—that’s the protein equivalent of almost 6 eggs—for 12 weeks. Those who ate an average breakfast with about 13 g of protein or skipped the morning meal altogether didn’t fare so well, eating 400 more calories throughout the day while experiencing more hunger and, overall, gaining more body fat.

The likely reason for the high-protein perk? Improved glycemic control, says Heather Leidy, PhD, study author and assistant professor in the department of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri. Basically, these people had more stable blood sugar, which contributes to reduced desire to eat and improved body composition.

But do you really need 35 g of protein to reap all those benefits? Fortunately, recent data suggests that a more doable range of 24 to 30 g of protein in the morning will have similar positive effects, says Leidy. Here are 3 delicious—and speedy!—ways to achieve just that.

Omelet in a Mug: 30 g protein
Spray a large mug with cooking spray. Add 2 to 3 whisked eggs; 2 oz sliced deli ham, chopped; 2 Tbsp diced bell pepper; and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir and break up any large chunks with a fork, then cook again on high until eggs are set, about a minute. Top with a sprinkle of cheese.

Protein-Boosted Overnight Oats: 24 g protein

In a jar with a lid, combine ½ cup rolled oats, ¾ cup milk, 1 scoop whey protein (we like Source Organic Whey Protein Concentrate), and toppings like blueberries, slivered almonds, and cinnamon. Mix well and store in the refrigerator, covered, overnight.

Children who eat breakfast score higher marks

Nutritionists have already shown a link between eating breakfast and staying healthy. Now, a study of 5,000 nine to 11-yearolds by Cardiff University reveals the first authoritative link between eating breakfast and academic performance. The study states that children are twice as likely to score higher than average marks in assessments if they have started the day with a healthy breakfast.

In a report by The Independent, Hannah Littlecott, lead author of the study, says, “While breakfast consumption has been consistently associated with general health outcomes and acute measures of concentration and cognitive function, evidence regarding links to concrete educational outcomes has until now been unclear.”

Professor Chris Bonell, professor of sociology and social police at the University College London Institute of Education, adds: “Many schools throughout the UK now offer their pupils a breakfast.Ensuring that those young people most in need benefit from these schemes.”
As reported by the Medical News Daily, the research further cites growing evidence that break fast items with a lower glycemic index, which release energy steadily throughout the morning, may have a positive effect on cognitive functioning, health, school attendance and academic outcomes The level of educational performance was significantly associated not only with the number of healthy breakfast items consumed, but also with other dietary behaviours, such as the number of sweets, chips and portions of fruit and vegetables eaten throughout the rest of the day. In India, in a recent study on the nation’s breakfast habits conducted by College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai, with support from Kellogg’s India, only 40% of the 3,600 people surveyed felt that breakfast was the most important meal of the day .

In a sample size of 3,600 subjects in the age groups of 8 to 40 years, the survey conducted within a SEC A and B sample population found that nearly 24% of kids below 12 skip breakfast, and 32% adolescents (of which more higher number of girls than boys are skipping breakfast). The study also found that for 72 % of Indians breakfast is nutritionally inadequate. And the nutrients missed at breakfast are not being compensated for through the consumption of a mid-morning meal or through other meals in the day .

The breakfast for all the people studied is poor for all nutrients except calcium. The calcium intake at 30% of the day’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is high due to the consumption of milk at breakfast.

However, there are gross inadequacies in the intakes of iron, fibre and most B group vitamins in breakfast across all age groups.

Protein intake in children was significantly lower than 25% of the RDA. Breakfast skipping is seen more in Mumbai, followed by Delhi and Kolkata. Though there is very little skipping in Chennai, the trend for an inadequate breakfast rather than no breakfast is seen across all age groups.