Breast Cancer Cover-Up Continues

Breast cancer is one of the major killers of women in the United States. It is also one of the most overdiagnosed and overtreated conditions. Sadly, most women have no idea that simply not wearing a bra can have a major impact on the likelihood of developing breast cancer. 

You probably didn’t hear about a recent study from Brazil, published in May, 2016 in the journal Advances in Oncology Research and Treatments.

Entitled, “Wearing a Tight Bra for Many Hours a Day is Associated with Increased Risk of Breast Cancer”, the study echoes another recent study, done in 2015 in Kenya, which also confirmed the bra-cancer link.

This study demonstrated the existence of a relationship between the use of a tight bra when associated with an increased number of hours wearing it and the risk of breast cancer among pre- and post-menopausal women.”

Studies from Venezuela, Scotland and numerous studies out of China also agree. Wearing tight bras for long hours each day is a leading cause of breast cancer.

But you probably haven’t heard about any of this. That’s because the multi-billion dollar cancer industry doesn’t want you to know about it, and they control mainstream media’s coverage of cancer.

And with Pink October just around the corner, they want you to open up your purses, not your minds.

Cancer is big business, and Pink charities rake in the dough donated by hard working women who walk and run for a cure – while wearing cancer-causing bras!

Fortunately, more women are questioning the need for a bra, and that leads to questioning the need to accept the discomforts and diseases bras cause. Headaches, backaches, nerve damage to the hands, deep shoulder grooves, droopy breasts, breast pain, cysts and lumps, and breast cancer are some of the problems bras cause.

Like the corset, bras are harmful garments that constrict and shape the body through pressure, which impairs circulation, especially the circulation of the immune system’s lymphatic pathways. This results in fluid accumulation in the breasts, causing cysts, pain, and tissue toxification.

As the new study from Brazil explains, breast cancer most likely has to do with the compression and impairment of the lymphatic system by tightly worn bras. “Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow cutting off lymphatic drainage so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast.”

From our research and our U.S. 1991-93 Bra and Breast Cancer Study, which is described in our book, Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, we found that bra-free women have about the same incidence of breast cancer as a man, while the tighter and longer the bra is worn the higher the incidence rises, to over 100 times higher for a 24/7 bra user compared to bra-free.

The cancer industry has been covering up the bra-cancer link. It doesn’t fit into their world of mammograms, chemotherapy, surgery, and lifetime drug treatments.

It takes the wind out of the cancer sales pitch when the public knows how to prevent breast cancer by simply no longer wearing constricting bras for long hours each day of their lives.

It should sound obvious that tight bras are a health hazard. As studies continue to be published around the world proving bras are causing breast cancer, and women experience the health benefits of being bra-free, the cancer industry will somehow have to find a way to accept a bra-cancer link that it has been denying for over 20 years.

In the meantime, if the Susan G. Komen Foundation or American Cancer Society or any other cancer charity asks for your money for a cancer cure while denying the bra-cancer cause, I suggest you send them your bra instead of your money. They may get the message.

Breast Cancer Cover-Up Continues

Breast cancer is one of the major killers of women in the United States. It is also one of the most overdiagnosed and overtreated conditions. Sadly, most women have no idea that simply not wearing a bra can have a major impact on the likelihood of developing breast cancer. 

You probably didn’t hear about a recent study from Brazil, published in May, 2016 in the journal Advances in Oncology Research and Treatments.

Entitled, “Wearing a Tight Bra for Many Hours a Day is Associated with Increased Risk of Breast Cancer”, the study echoes another recent study, done in 2015 in Kenya, which also confirmed the bra-cancer link.

This study demonstrated the existence of a relationship between the use of a tight bra when associated with an increased number of hours wearing it and the risk of breast cancer among pre- and post-menopausal women.”

Studies from Venezuela, Scotland and numerous studies out of China also agree. Wearing tight bras for long hours each day is a leading cause of breast cancer.

But you probably haven’t heard about any of this. That’s because the multi-billion dollar cancer industry doesn’t want you to know about it, and they control mainstream media’s coverage of cancer.

And with Pink October just around the corner, they want you to open up your purses, not your minds.

Cancer is big business, and Pink charities rake in the dough donated by hard working women who walk and run for a cure – while wearing cancer-causing bras!

Fortunately, more women are questioning the need for a bra, and that leads to questioning the need to accept the discomforts and diseases bras cause. Headaches, backaches, nerve damage to the hands, deep shoulder grooves, droopy breasts, breast pain, cysts and lumps, and breast cancer are some of the problems bras cause.

Like the corset, bras are harmful garments that constrict and shape the body through pressure, which impairs circulation, especially the circulation of the immune system’s lymphatic pathways. This results in fluid accumulation in the breasts, causing cysts, pain, and tissue toxification.

As the new study from Brazil explains, breast cancer most likely has to do with the compression and impairment of the lymphatic system by tightly worn bras. “Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow cutting off lymphatic drainage so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast.”

From our research and our U.S. 1991-93 Bra and Breast Cancer Study, which is described in our book, Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, we found that bra-free women have about the same incidence of breast cancer as a man, while the tighter and longer the bra is worn the higher the incidence rises, to over 100 times higher for a 24/7 bra user compared to bra-free.

The cancer industry has been covering up the bra-cancer link. It doesn’t fit into their world of mammograms, chemotherapy, surgery, and lifetime drug treatments.

It takes the wind out of the cancer sales pitch when the public knows how to prevent breast cancer by simply no longer wearing constricting bras for long hours each day of their lives.

It should sound obvious that tight bras are a health hazard. As studies continue to be published around the world proving bras are causing breast cancer, and women experience the health benefits of being bra-free, the cancer industry will somehow have to find a way to accept a bra-cancer link that it has been denying for over 20 years.

In the meantime, if the Susan G. Komen Foundation or American Cancer Society or any other cancer charity asks for your money for a cancer cure while denying the bra-cancer cause, I suggest you send them your bra instead of your money. They may get the message.


Wearing A Bra While Sleeping? Read This!

Scientists Have Said To STOP Wearing A Bra Right Now.

Ah bras, those expensive things that women are told to wear underneath their tops. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and even materials. October 13th has been dubbed “National No Bra Day,” and was invented in order to promote breast cancer awareness, as well as raise money for research. Some people either swear by bra usage, while others are vehemently opposed to them. They’re often touted for giving support and reducing the sagging of breasts, as well as other things. Bras have become something major in today’s society.

Recently, however, bras have come under fire. The reason for this is that scientific research into the usefulness of bras has been conducted and it has actually shown that bras are detrimental, not beneficial, to breast health. Sports science researcher Jean-Denis Roullion conducted a 15-year study on the effect of women from ages 18 to 35. Within his research, he found that bra usage at a young age actually provided no benefit in terms of breast support. His findings actually showed the complete opposite, stating that there was a 7mm lift in the nipples of women who did NOT use bras. He claims that bras could reduce circulation and breast tone over time.

fire animated GIF


Is it time to burn your bras?

The women who showed an improvement in nipple lift were the women who chose, by their own will, to not wear bras (so they weren’t forced to for the study). Another doctor who was not part of the research stated that the removal of bra usage could actually increase collagen production and elasticity, which would then lead to an improved lift in the breasts. While this research is very compelling, the researchers still caution people to take it with a grain of salt. The research does show that bra usage may be potentially harmful, but the research sample was 330 women, so generalizing to every woman across the world would be a bit of a stretch. To conclude, the researchers believe that more research should be done on the harmful effects of bra usage since they believe their research to be “preliminary.” It’s also worth noting that not all women wear bras for breast support. Some women simply don’t want people to see the exposed breast and nipple, so they use bras for a different reason than the study was focused on. Basically, hold off on torching those bras.

Ladies, Ditch the Bra.

I realize it may feel some combination of uncomfortable, unprofessional, or unnecessarily provocative. Societal convention has most of us trussing up before going out.

If you are reading this at home, do me a favor and unhook. Then keep reading.

Ladies, Ditch the Bra

There’s Some Evidence of a Relationship Between Bras and Breast Cancer.

Yes, seriously.

Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer authored a book called Dressed To Kill. They interviewed 4,000+ women in five major U.S. cities over two years. Half the women had been diagnosed withbreast cancer. They found:

  • 75% of women who slept in their bras developed breast cancer
  • 1 in 7 who wore their bras 12+ hours per day developed breast cancer
  • 1 in 168 who did not wear a bra developed breast cancer
  • Within one month of ditching their bras, women with cysts, breast pain, or tenderness found their symptoms disappeared.

Breast Size, Handedness, and Breast Cancer Risk

A 1991 article in the European Journal of Cancer found that premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared with bra users. The data also suggest that bra cup size (and breast size) may be a risk factor for breast cancer.

Cancer Is Not a Disease

Andreas Moritz revealed that Japanese, Fijians, and women from other cultures were found to have a significantly higher likelihood of developing breast cancer when they began wearing bras. His book explains how cancer is an adaptive healing mechanism, arguing that people would die more quickly if the body did not form cancer cells.

Bras and Girdles Can Reduce Melatonin Levels

Japanese researchers found they can lower melatonin by 60%. Melatonin has anti-cancer properties. And Spanish researchers wrote about the use of melanonin in breast cancer prevention and treatment.

There’s No Downside to Being Cautious.

Am I suggesting this scanty fact base offers definitive proof of a causal relationship? No.

Am I suggesting you should be comforted that the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the New York Times all believe it to be bunk? No.

That’s a longer discussion, but it’s sufficient to say that politics and economics create active bedfellows and the absence of a commercial imperative might have something to do with the dearth of research.

Many of us don’t need to wait in order to do something that intuitively seems to make a lot of sense. Frankly, in view of the alarming rate of breast cancer prevalence in this country (12.3% of women) and the growing trend to remove body parts in an attempt to improve our odds, it seems we might be receptive to a bit of behavior modification.

Go braless as much as possible.

It actually gets easier. When these muscles and ligaments are forced to bear the weight of our breasts, muscle tone returns. The more you wear a bra, the more you need to wear a bra. Chest muscles and breast ligaments atrophy, which then makes it feel uncomfortable to go braless.

15 year French study conducted by Besancon CHU professor Jean-Denis Rouillon found that “medically, phyisiologically, and anatomically, breasts gained no benefit from their weight being supported in a bra.” There was some evidence that eliminating bra use helped ease back pain. He described bra wearing as a “false need.”

Remove your bra when you get home. Don’t wear a bra to bed. And if you’re self-conscious when going out, try wearing camisoles, thicker material, or nipple pads. It does make sense to wear a support bra while exercising.

Wear Loose Bras in Softer Materials and Avoid Underwires.

Tight bras and underwires restrict lymphatic drainage, promoting congestion and stagnation of toxic waste materials that are supposed to be flowing out for excretion. Further, the closing of lymphatic vessels reduces the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Michael Schachter, MD, FACAM wrote that bras and tight clothing can impede lymph flow and contribute to the development of breast cancer.

John MacDougall, MD wrote in The Lancet that repeated inflammation from constricting bras are implicated in painful breast cysts and lumps, scar tissue develops, and milk ducts become plugged, all of which is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

The metal in underwire bras can create an “Antenna Effect” according to the father of Applied Kinesiology, George Goodheart, DC. Repeated pressing of metal over an acupuncture point can cause longer-term stimulation of neuro-lymphatic reflex points corresponding to the liver, gallbladder, and stomach. “It will likely make her sick; slowly and quietly,” said John Andre, ND, DC.

Here’s a list of no-underwire bras recommended by Donna Eden, Vicki Mathews, and Titanya Dahlin. Donna adds that plastic underwires have the same negative impact as metal underwires.

Slide the Wires Out!

There’s no need to toss your expensive underwire bras. If you cut a small opening at one end of the wire, you can manually remove it from each cup. You’ll probably find that your bra supports you nearly as well without them. Oh, and don’t be fooled. They make look like plastic, but they’re actually plastic-coated metal. If you find you still need the support, you can buy and insert plastic wires. Andre explains how.