12 Books That Destroyed and Rebuilt My Mind

“If the book we’re reading doesn’t wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we reading for? … A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. That is my belief.”

― Franz Kafka

Some books are not books at all.

They’re sticks of dynamite.

They blow things apart.

In your mind. In your world.

Often things you didn’t even know were there.

Things you didn’t think to consider.

Things you didn’t have the courage to look at.

And you’re not the same afterwards.

In fact you might be a mess, grappling to pick up the pieces of your shattered mind and put them back together.

You’re changed.

Stronger, broader, deeper, less certain.

And that’s the point.

Here are 12 books that broke things in me and taught me more about the world than I can ever say.

1. The Undiscovered Self: The Dilemma of the Individual in Modern Society by Carl Jung

carl jung undiscovered self best books ever life changing booksFor such a slender book, this one packs a serious wallop. Jung doesn’t waste any time. In the first page or two he’s already digging straight into his profound case for why truly self-aware human beings are our only hope for resisting the all-engulfing forces of mass-scale extreme tribalism, dogma, and tyrannical government that threaten to destroy our world. Jung’s fundamental premise is that man does not know himself. Humankind is, by and large, enslaved to vast forces that the average person cannot see. Most will not even peer honestly into the depths of their own souls and acknowledge their dark side. But it is precisely this that we need to do, Jung argues: It is only through rigorous reflection, self-scrutiny, and an individual relationship to the Vast that we become capable of understanding and withstanding the forces that threaten to tear our world apart. Please read this book.

“Ultimately everything depends on the quality of the individual, but our fatally short-sighted age thinks only in terms of large numbers and mass organizations…”

― Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

2. The Portable Nietzsche by Friedrich Nietzsche

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

friedrich nietzsche portable nietzsche gay science thus spoke zarathustra will to power beyond good and evil life changing booksIf there’s one writer who has been “the axe for the frozen sea within” me, it’s Friedrich Nietzsche. Let’s just say I have one tattoo, and it’s Nietzsche’s maxim, “Become what you are.” When I first read him nearly five years ago, he hit me like a deep-space asteroid. Reading Nietzsche is like finding some dusty ancient scrolls in a mountain cave that were left by a demigod who once visited Earth—like reading something secret and forbidden that humans shouldn’t really have access to. No one’s words have leapt off the page and punched me in the face in the same way. I’m still not sure how such a person actually walked this planet.

“At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.”


If you’re curious, there is no better book for you to get your hands on than The Portable Nietzsche. Walter Kaufman’s translation of Nietzsche is impeccable, and the volume includes four of Nietzsche’s major books, in full: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra (I recommend starting with Zarathustra). Kaufman also brings together selections from Nietzsche’s other books, notes, and letters to give a full picture of the development of one of the most influential and controversial philosophers ever to breathe. One thing I love about this book—and about Nietzsche—is that you can simply flip open to any page, start reading, and get something precious. I haven’t read all of its 700+ pages, but Nietzsche’s incomparable spirit shines forth in all that I’ve absorbed. He’s an endless fountain of some of the most soul-stirring insights of all time—on individuality, art, death, morality, religion, and the human condition. For the love of Nature, read Friedrich Nietzsche.

“If we affirm one single moment, we thus affirm not only ourselves but all existence. For nothing is self-sufficient, neither in us ourselves nor in things; and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event—and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power

3. Cosmic Trigger, Volume I: Final Secrets of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson 

robert anton wilson cosmic trigger I final secrets of the illuminati life changing booksIf you want to test whether your mind is truly open, this is the book to read. Don’t let the semi-satirical title fool you: This is a book written by one of the most skeptical philosophers who ever lived—a genius who just so happened to undergo one of the most uproarious journeys into the realm of the Weird ever recorded. This is a record of his peculiar travels. Robert Anton Wilson, though unknown to many, had a major influence on iconic figures such as George Carlin, Philip K. Dick, and Vinay Gupta. Wilson considered himself akin to an astronaut exploring the inner space of conscious experience, experimenting with a variety of methods of “deliberately induced brain change.”

For Wilson, agnostic mysticism was a kind of internal science—a way of “studying the nervous system directly by varying the parameters on which your nervous system functions.” In this spirit, Wilson conducted extensive experiments, using psychedelics, rituals, forms of meditation, and other means, and in the process encountered events and synchronicities that were truly Stranger Than Fiction. All the while, though, he remained skeptical of his experiences, never elevating any finding to the status of Absolute Truth. His stated life goal was to get as many people as possible into a state of “generalized agnosticism”—not just agnosticism about God, but agnosticism about everything. I’m not quite finished with this book, but it’s everything I dreamed and more; I was already a huge fan of Wilson’s work via YouTube, and this just took things to the next level. Read it, read it, read it.

“Since we all create our habitual reality-tunnels, either consciously and intelligently or unconsciously and mechanically, I prefer to create for each hour the happiest, funniest, and most romantic reality-tunnel consistent with the signals my brain apprehends. I feel sorry for people who persistently organize experience into sad, dreary and hopeless reality tunnels, and try to show them how to break the bad habit, but I don’t feel any masochistic duty to share their misery.”

— Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger

4. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jon Haidt

moral matrix jonathan haidt the righteous mind yin and yang life changing booksIn the depths of my soul I wish everyone in the world would read The Righteous Mind. Within it, psychology professor Jon Haidt drops a proverbial atom bomb on everything you thought you knew about morality, revealing a much more complex, fascinating, and empathy-inducing picture of things. Haidt explores the foundations of our moral psychology—why we see certain behaviors as “right” and “wrong,” and more importantly, why different people have totally different perspectives on what moral behavior looks like. After reading this book, everything in the world will make more sense, and you will possess much more compassion and understanding for those who disagree with you about politics, religion, and morality. 

You can buy the book via Amazon or read the key insights in 15 minutes for freewith Blinkist. Also, Dr. Haidt is great on Twitter.

“Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into ideological teams that fight each other as though the fate of the world depended on our side winning each battle. It blinds us to the fact that each team is composed of good people who have something important to say.”

― Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind

5. Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

life changing booksFor me, Letters to a Young Poet was one of those books that seems to come to you at precisely the time you most need it. I read it when I had first moved to South Korea and was going through a period of loneliness and uncertainty. It offered me new ways of understanding my solitude and my questions, challenging me to embrace them as unavoidable aspects of life. Its author, Rainer Maria Rilke, was a renowned Bohemian-Austrian poet who passed away in 1926. Between 1903 and 1908, Rilke penned a series of responses to a would-be writer, offering advice on being an artist and a sensitive individual in an often cruel and unforgiving world.

Reading Letters to a Young Poet gives me the sense that Rilke was a man who was channeling the eternal wisdom of the cosmos into a language humans could understand. And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t really say things like “the eternal wisdom of the cosmos.” There are just so many passages in this book of the sort that make you stop reading, widen your eyes, and stare off into the distance as you soak in the impact of the words on your life. It’s like Rilke is talking to you. I really feel that everyone—especially anyone involved in a creative endeavor—would be enriched by this book. Read the following passage slowly, and really taste it. It’s one of the passages that I found exquisitely insightful and liberating during my “dark night of the soul” in South Korea:

“You are so young, so much before all beginning, and I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

6. Meaningness by David Chapman

meaningness david chapman life changing booksDavid Chapman is a Buddhist and artificial intelligence specialist who has influenced my worldview more than perhaps anyone else in the last couple years. His perspectives on human development, ethics, politics, science, and the nature of meaning and existence have profoundly shaped the way I see the world. Meaningness (his main site) is an in-progress hyper-text book, one of the best books I’ve ever explored, and an attempt to synthesize Dzogchen Buddhist thought and Robert Kegan’s model of adult development (among other things).

Admittedly, Chapman can be difficult to get into, as he’s invented his own lexicon in order to more precisely describe his views, but once you get a handle on his terminology and realize what he’s talking about, life will never be the same. Among other things, he’ll show you why almost everyone throughout history who has made claims about the ultimate meaning or meaninglessness of the universe has been wrong. Here are some great entry-points into his work: this chapter on the purpose of life in Meaningness | an interview with David on the ‘Deconstructing Yourself’ podcast | David’s essay on the American culture war | David’s summary of Robert Kegan’s model of adult development. I also heartily recommend his tweets and other blogs: VividnessBuddhism for Vampires, and Approaching Aro.

“Various religions, philosophies, and systems claim to have answers. Some are complicated, and they all seem quite different. When you strip away the details, though, there are only a half dozen fundamental answers. Each is appealing in its own way, but also problematic. Understanding clearly what is right and wrong about each approach can resolve the underlying problem.”

— David Chapman, ‘An appetizer: purpose,’ Meaningness

7. A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy by William B. Irvine

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”

— Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher, 50AD – 135AD

william irvine a guide to the good life life changing booksStoicism is probably not what you think it is. When we think of the Stoics, we tend to think of emotionless creatures trudging through life in a state of passive indifference, perhaps even pessimism. In this remarkable and highly readable introduction to Stoicism, William B. Irvine takes a hammer to this myth, illuminating an entirely unexpected portrait of Stoicism as a philosophy of tranquility, mental fortitude, joy, and appreciation in the face of life’s inevitable shit storms.

This is another book I’m currently reading, but I can already tell it’s one I’ll never forget. It’s already inspired me to begin simultaneously reading Marcus Aurelius’ famous Meditationsand to eagerly await the day I crack open Seneca’s Letters From a Stoic and Epictetus’ EnchiridionIt’s already abundantly clear to me that Stoicism is an approach to life that will have a lifelong impact on me. It’s so simple, yet so wise and pragmatic: its emphasis on self-mastery and discipline, rejoicing in our blessings, and focusing on what we can control resonates deeply with recent (re-)realizations of mine about the vital importance of healthy long-term habits of body and mind. I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who wants to live a more serene and contented life.

(Purchase it via Amazon or read the key insights in 15 minutes for free with Blinkist.)

“And when asked what he had learned from philosophy, Diogenes replied, ‘To be prepared for every fortune.’”

— William B. Irvine, A Guide to the Good Life

8. The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically by Peter Singer

“Effective altruism — efforts that actually help people rather than making you feel good or helping you show off — is one of the great new ideas of the 21st century.”

— Dr. Steven Pinker

how to help the world how you can help the world effective altruism global priorities project peter singer most good you can do life changing booksThe philosopher Peter Singer is renowned for his power to completely alter your understanding of what it means to be a good person. He’s perhaps most well-known for his book Animal Liberation, which convinced millions of people of the vital importance of treating animals with compassion. In The Most Good You Can Do, Singer outlines a blossoming ethical movement called effective altruism. In essence, effective altruists use evidence and reason to determine the most effective means of helping the world—of saving the most lives, human and non-human.

Astonishingly, effective altruists have demonstrated that the most effective charities are literally 1,000+ times more effective than the least effective—i.e. they save 1,000+ times more lives with the same amount of donations. This is an earth-shattering revelation that revolutionized my approach to charitable giving. And this is just the tip of the iceberg: effective altruism is an ethical phenomenon of superheroic proportions. I want so badly for more people to learn about it that I made a rap album about it.

9. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“’What I mean is that if you were successful in persuading a man that there was nothing for him to cry about, he’d stop crying, wouldn’t he? That’s obvious. You think he wouldn’t?’

‘Life would be much too easy then,’ replied Raskolnikov.”

— Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

fyodor dostoevsky crime and punishment life changing booksIt’s difficult to explain the way in which I was so completely swept up in the torrent of psychological desolation that characterizes Crime and Punishment. Utterly torturous in its suffocating examination of the deterioration of the protagonist, demoralizingly tragic in its fearless portrayal of the suffering of righteous individuals, and unapologetically depressing in its vision of despair and hopelessness, the book is hardly for the faint of heart. Truthfully it haunted me. I couldn’t put it down, and I became so attached to the protagonist, Raskolnikov—a murderer suffering the terrible wrath of his own conscience—that I literally began to experience his confusion, anxiety, and guilt as if they were my own. This novel is the work of a master and possibly my favorite book of all time. I literally named my rap alter-ego after Dostoevsky after reading this book. If you’re feeling courageous, read it.

10. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

“The question you should be asking isn’t, “What do I want?” or “What are my goals?” but “What would excite me?”

― Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

free life high autonomy lifestyles freedom culture digital nomadism life changing booksDon’t let the cheesy title and gaudy cover art fool you; this is one of the most life-changing, paradigm-shifting books I’ve ever read. It’s the first book I recommend to aspiring world travelers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads. In it, Tim Ferris systematically dismantles pretty much every myth you’ve ever heard about work, productivity, retirement, and world travel. He lays out a detailed, easy-to-follow map for stopping spending most of your time doing things you don’t want to do and building a life with plentiful time to do things that truly excite you. This is the absolute Bible of lifestyle design. If you have a single rebellious bone in your body, or the vaguest inkling that you want your life to be more than what it’s shaping up to be, read the fuck out of this book. Yesterday.

(You can also read the key insights free in 15 minutes with Blinkist.)

“For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.”

― Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

11. Consider the Lobster and Other Essays by David Foster Wallace

consider the lobster david foster wallace life changing booksDavid Foster Wallace was a literary wizard and you should read him, plain and simple. His writing style alone was a complete epiphany for me. His ability to map the micro-contours of the human condition and convert raw experiential data into zinging, singing, poetic prose never ceases to astound me. He is a wonder to behold and you should read him just to witness his literary genius, if nothing else.

Of course, Wallace offers much beyond his writing style to adore. Consider the Lobster and Other Essays is a rare sort of book—one which traverses boldly across numerous disciplines to dissect the dark underbelly of modern American culture, politics, and society with a razor-sharp scalpel. Published a little over 10 years ago, Wallace’s incisive, far-seeing commentary remains utterly poignant today, and its central theme—that we, as individuals, must take responsibility for becoming thoughtful and scrupulous cultural participants lest we be led as blind cattle to doom by the misguided or maligned agendas of those in power—is arguably timeless. Thus, a passionate recommendation to anyone with a pulse: purchase and read Consider the Lobster.

“Is it possible really to love other people? If I’m lonely and in pain, everyone outside me is potential relief—I need them. But can you really love what you need so badly? Isn’t a big part of love caring more about what the other person needs? How am I supposed to subordinate my own overwhelming need to somebody else’s needs that I can’t even feel directly? And yet if I can’t do this, I’m damned to loneliness, which I definitely don’t want … so I’m back at trying to overcome my selfishness for self-interested reasons.”

― David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster

12. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

“She leaves behind a damp pillow, wet with her tears. You touch the warmth with your hand and watch the sky outside gradually lighten. Far away a crow caws. The Earth slowly keeps on turning. But beyond any of those details of the real, there are dreams. And everyone’s living in them.”

— Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

kafka on the shore haruki murakami life changing booksI had to include Haruki Murakami in this list. When I discovered him while living in Asia, I was blown away by a proverbial tornado. Entering his stories is honestly like entering a dream, and finishing them leaves you with the same sort of “What just happened?” feeling as when you awaken from a vivid sleep-space. I’ve never encountered another author who creates this effect in the same way—it feels akin to a consciousness-expanding magic trick. This novel is my favorite of Murakami’s and a beautiful example of the surrealistic, infinitely imaginative style and engrossing storytelling that had led to his acclaim. Murakami’s signature blend of magic realism and metaphysical mischief abound in these pages, and it will leave you a deeper, broader person with more questions and fewer answers. A novel I could never forget.

Bonus: Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, 604BC – 531BC

tao te ching lao tzuThis list would not be complete without turning the spotlight on Taoism for a moment. I discovered Taoism circa 2013 and took a deep dive into its ideas and principles during my time in Asia. Interestingly, one of my all-time favorite rappers, KOOL A.D., has been perhaps my greatest Taoist teacher and sage over the years. The Taoist attitude of playful non-resistance, which you can think of as more or less “going with the flow,” is abundantly present in KOOL A.D.’s music, and for this reason I find it deeply therapeutic to listen to—a poignant reminder to stop taking everything so seriously and trying to control the things that are not within my power to control. When I saw in an interview that KOOL A.D. periodically reads the Tao Te Chingthe ancient original Taoist text, I knew I needed to as well, and it was like a breath of fresh mountain air.

Having been taught as a child to always be thinking of the next goal and milestone and to perform unenjoyable labor in the present for some hypothetical future gratification, my discovery of Taoism was a truly profound paradigm shift for me. So much so that I think the pendulum of my mind swung a little too far in the Taoist direction, and for a while all I wanted in life was to be goalless, flowing, living purely in the moment. I’ve since realized that some amount of goal-setting and future planning are actually good ideas for me, but the Taoist attitude of flowing with whatever happens, approaching reality playfully, appreciating life in this moment, and not resisting what we cannot change, has sunken deep into my bonesIt’s become so automatic for me to flow with the currents of life (not struggle against them) and to accept things immediately when I have no hope of changing them, that I barely notice this attitude anymore—it’s become part of me. Of course I’m no sage and my feathers can certainly be ruffled, but Taoism has been an invaluable medicine for me in this world. Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching (I recommend the Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English translation) is the book to read on Taoism, though if it resonates I highly recommend supplementing it with Alan Watts’ Tao: The Watercourse Way

“Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.”

— Chuang Tzu, Taoist sage, 370BC – 287BC

Conclusion: Books are Sacred

And that, as they say, is all she wrote. Or all I wrote. Or something.

Ahem, so, uh, I feel kind of naked right now. I’ve just revealed to you the 13 books that have probably had the greatest impact on my lifeworld. I drilled deep into my being to discern this list. I feel like you’re staring into my mind-soul and I need to hastily cover up with a shower curtain or something.

Because I can, here are four final honorable-mention books that nearly made this list:

    • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: Another truly genius, haunting, mind-shattering novel that ranks among my favorite books of all time. What does it truly mean to be human? What does it truly mean to be a monster?
    • The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: The book that’s become my go-to wedding gift when loved ones of mine get married. Timeless, soothing wisdom on love, death, morality, community, and other universal aspects of the human experience.
    • In My Own Way: An Autobiography by Alan Watts: Watts needs little introduction around here. One of the most talented, eloquent orators of the 21st century, and perhaps the foremost Western articulator of Eastern thought, Alan Watts is That Dude. His autobiography is a stunning, captivating tale bursting with insight and sagacity.
    • Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel: One of the absolute best books to read on startups, entrepreneurship, and what it takes to innovate the future. I couldn’t put it down. Thiel’s clear thinking and no-bullshit, contrarian approach to existence are truly a joy to behold.

In conclusion, books are sacred gifts: time capsules of knowledge passed through the ages, allowing us to know what it was like inside an individual’s mind, long after they’ve left this planet.

If you think about it, that’s pretty magical—almost psychic-transmission type of stuff. The written word was a technology that utterly transformed human civilizations, paving the way for the inventions that resulted in the world we see around us today.

Despite all our marvelous technological advancements, we have yet to come up with a better way to radically and rapidly expand a person’s understanding of the world than a good ol’ fashioned paperback.

Countless leaders, innovators, and visionaries throughout modern history have been voracious readers and sworn by the power of books. Books genuinely make you smarter, fuel creativity, and put you in a much better position to be effective in almost any undertaking. Plus there’s that whole thing about showing you entire mental galaxies you never knew existed. Books are adventures.

As you can tell, I treasure books with all my corazón. I absolutely would not be who I am without them, and I’m not sure I’d want to live in a world devoid of them. They’re my default gifts for all occasions. I l-o-v-e love them, man.

Anywho, I truly hope you’ve benefitted from this list and will take the time to read some of these remarkable tomes. If not these, find others. But make sure they’re good ones. And never forget these words from that most wily of scriveners, Mark Twain:

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

New Study Shows It Does Matter Which Books You Read to Your Baby

Not all stories are equal when it comes to development.

Parents often receive books at pediatric checkups via programs like Reach Out and Read and hear from a variety of health professionals and educators that reading to their kids is critical for supporting development.


The pro-reading message is getting through to parents, who recognise that it’s an important habit. A summary report by Child Trends, for instance, suggests 55 percent of three- to five-year-old children were read to every day in 2007.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 83 percent of three- to five-year-old children were read to three or more times per week by a family member in 2012.

What this ever-present advice to read with infants doesn’t necessarily make clear, though, is that what’s on the pages may be just as important as the book-reading experience itself.

Are all books created equal when it comes to early shared-book reading? Does it matter what you pick to read? And are the best books for babies different than the best books for toddlers?

In order to guide parents on how to create a high-quality book-reading experience for their infants, my psychology research lab has conducted a series of baby learning studies.

One of our goals is to better understand the extent to which shared book reading is important for brain and behavioral development.

What’s on baby’s bookshelf

Researchers see clear benefits of shared book reading for child development. Shared book reading with young children is good for language and cognitive development, increasing vocabulary and pre-reading skills and honing conceptual development.

Shared book reading also likely enhances the quality of the parent-infant relationshipby encouraging reciprocal interactions – the back-and-forth dance between parents and infants. Certainly not least of all, it gives infants and parents a consistent daily time to cuddle.

Recent research has found that both the quality and quantity of shared book reading in infancy predicted later childhood vocabulary, reading skills and name writing ability.

In other words, the more books parents read, and the more time they’d spent reading, the greater the developmental benefits in their 4-year-old children.

This important finding is one of the first to measure the benefit of shared book reading starting early in infancy. But there’s still more to figure out about whether some books might naturally lead to higher-quality interactions and increased learning.

Babies and books in the lab

In our investigations, my colleagues and I followed infants across the second six months of life. We’ve found that when parents showed babies books with faces or objects that were individually named, they learn more, generalise what they learn to new situations and show more specialised brain responses.

This is in contrast to books with no labels or books with the same generic label under each image in the book. Early learning in infancy was also associated with benefits four years later in childhood.

Our most recent addition to this series of studies was funded by the National Science Foundation and just published in the journal Child Development. Here’s what we did.

First, we brought six-month-old infants into our lab, where we could see how much attention they paid to story characters they’d never seen before. We used electroencephalography (EEG) to measure their brain responses.

Infants wear a cap-like net of 128 sensors that let us record the electricity naturally emitted from the scalp as the brain works. We measured these neural responses while infants looked at and paid attention to pictures on a computer screen.

EEG caps let researchers record infants’ brain activity.

These brain measurements can tell us about what infants know and whether they can tell the difference between the characters we show them.

We also tracked the infants’ gaze using eye-tracking technology to see what parts of the characters they focused on and how long they paid attention.

The data we collected at this first visit to our lab served as a baseline. We wanted to compare their initial measurements with future measurements we’d take, after we sent them home with storybooks featuring these same characters.

We divided up our volunteers into three groups. One group of parents read their infants storybooks that contained six individually named characters that they’d never seen before.

Another group were given the same storybooks but instead of individually naming the characters, a generic and made-up label was used to refer to all the characters (such as “Hitchel”).

Finally, we had a third comparison group of infants whose parents didn’t read them anything special for the study.

After three months passed, the families returned to our lab so we could again measure the infants’ attention to our storybook characters. It turned out that only those who received books with individually labeled characters showed enhanced attention compared to their earlier visit.

And the brain activity of babies who learned individual labels also showed that they could distinguish between different individual characters. We didn’t see these effects for infants in the comparison group or for infants who received books with generic labels.

These findings suggest that very young infants are able to use labels to learn about the world around them and that shared book reading is an effective tool for supporting development in the first year of life.

Tailoring book picks for maximum effect

So what do our results from the lab mean for parents who want to maximise the benefits of storytime?

Not all books are created equal. The books that parents should read to six- and nine-month-olds will likely be different than those they read to two-year-olds, which will likely be different than those appropriate for four-year-olds who are getting ready to read on their own.

In other words, to reap the benefits of shared book reading during infancy, we need to be reading our little ones the right books at the right time.

For infants, finding books that name different characters may lead to higher-quality shared book reading experiences and result in the learning and brain development benefits we find in our studies. All infants are unique, so parents should try to find books that interest their baby.

My own daughter loved the Pat the Bunny books, as well as stories about animals, like Dear Zoo. If names weren’t in the book, we simply made them up.

The ConversationIt’s possible that books that include named characters simply increase the amount of parent talking. We know that talking to babies is important for their development.

So parents of infants: Add shared book reading to your daily routines and name the characters in the books you read.

Talk to your babies early and often to guide them through their amasing new world – and let storytime help.

25 books by billionaires that will teach you how to run the world.

Whether you want to launch an empire or become the best in your field, who better to consult than those who have achieved the peak of professional and financial success?

Bill Gates Summer Books

That’s why we’ve rounded up 25 books by self-made billionaires. From the business insights of Bill Gates to the leadership lessons of Richard Branson, the wisdom collected in these pages extends far beyond the classroom.

Learn how these masters of industry achieved the impossible, in their own words.

Read more. URL:http://www.businessinsider.in/25-books-by-billionaires-that-will-teach-you-how-to-run-the-world/articleshow/55654397.cms

35 Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime

Books have the profound capacity to stay with us for the rest of our lives.

Whether they’re written for children, sci-fi lovers, mathematicians, or fiction aficionados, certain stories transcend their genre and should be read by everyone.

In a recent Reddit thread, users were asked what is a book that everyone needs to read at least once in their life?

Here are the top 35 books based on Reddit responses.


5 Steps to Let Go of Your Past with the Healing Power of Storytelling.

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. ~Henry David Thoreau

I told my Mum that I had something very important to talk about with Dad. With tears running down my face I approached him and started with “Dad, I want to talk to you about your affair with that woman and how it has been affecting me for over 10 years now.”

Telling stories is not that easy especially when it comes to deeply personal things which we’ve been carrying with us for a long time being unable to voice our pain and fear. Opening up makes us vulnerable which is a challenging thing to cope with. That’s why so many people prefer to suppress their feelings and go with the flow. The problem is that the devastating power of untold stories grows within us year by year making us powerless to create the life of our dreams.

Since I was 11 I’ve been suspecting my father was having an affair with a woman who was his business partner, our neighbor and my mother’s best friend. I remember myself watching their every interaction, trying to find the evidence of a betrayal in the way they greeted each other, the way they talked, in the looks and smiles they’ve exchanged. I sensed every slightest shift of the energy, the dynamics happening between them. I knew something was wrong. I remember how I was afraid to go to school and leave my Dad alone at home. Anxious and frustrated I was always expecting something bad would happen. That woman wasn’t happy with her family life and she wanted to steal a family from my mother. How sweet she was, how frequently she would bring me presents and try to sweet talk her way into my child’s heart.

I’ve always been a Daddy’s girl, I adored this man. We’ve spent long hours talking, walking in the park, watching movies together, playing the fool all the time. The day the truth was revealed to me I felt like the world has crashed. My suspicions were justified – my dearest and closest friend has betrayed me.

The emotional wound was ever since affecting my relationship with men. Subconsciously I was always alert when my partner would interact with other girls. I would feel anxious, frustrated, rejected and fearful of betrayal. And the worst thing was because of that state of alertness I would never be completely free to enjoy conversations with people around me, being open, feeling free, being Myself. I would almost shrink myself in a worry, fear and anxiety.

That’s when I realised that my past should never again control my present and the power of storytelling has started transforming my life. All of us have our own skeletons in the closet and if you are ready to take control over them, there is no better way to heal than to:

1. Tell your story to yourself

Admit that you have an emotional baggage and that it controls your life. Decide at once that you are the architect of your own reality and you are not going to allow your past to hold you back from who you truly are and who you have the potential to become.

I’ve realized I had a tremendous potential to love, grow in love and help those next to me grow. I realised that if I don’t let go of my past I will never become the person I can be. All the great things ever created came from the place of love.

2. Share your story with your loved ones and your close friends

If people who are already in your life love you for who you are, they will still love you even when they get to know the darkest stories of your past. Some of them will need time to process what you’ve just shared but in any case they will support you and moreover they’ll appreciate the fact that you opened up and trusted them in the moment of the highest vulnerability. True love accepts shadows along with lights.

For me things started sorting out when I allowed myself to be vulnerable and shared the story about my father with my partner. Everything that was bottled up for all these years just came out in an avalanche of tears, words, emotions and unbearable pain. I was blessed to have a person next to me who was ready to listen, hear, accept and help me go through this healing.

3. Get into details of your story on a paper

They say that paper doesn’t refuse ink. When you write down every tiniest detail, scene, emotion of what happened to you in the past, you separate yourself from the story, it just stays on paper. Writing helps you live your story again, burn yourself down in the pain of the feeling that you’ve been trying to suppress for such a long time and be reborn from the ashes as the Phoenix.

I did it. I was typing and typing with tears suffocating me and I felt like I was back in those times, I was that little Alla again who was trying so hard to prevent the nightmare of betrayal to happen. After the writing was done I remember myself going back to bed with the feeling of emptiness. There was nothing. No pain, no fear, no happiness, no joy. Nothing. And that was a huge step to stop identifying myself with my past.

4. Talk to those who were the reason for your wound

It is the scariest thing to do but it’s worth it whatever the consequences of the conversation might be. Just face you fear. It is going to be liberating.

I travelled back home for just one thing – to tell my Dad how I felt. I’ve always loved him but the pain of betrayal distanced me from him and kept me from being a truly loving daughter. The conversation happened. I felt that I’ve always been loved and I learned that compassion for those who hurt you is another important step on your way to healing. So do not hesitate to ask, listen and hear those who hurt you for they have their own story to share and they also need to be heard.

5. Share your story with the world through art

To me the biggest beauty of storytelling lies in the fact that telling your story is beneficial for both yourself and the world. When you’re telling your story, not only you are healing yourself, you also stop identifying yourself with it. The story becomes just a story and no longer a part of you. The magic starts when you realise that when sharing your story, the heavy traumatic wound of yours transforms into a lesson others can learn from. It becomes a gift you can give to the world. Write an article, a song, a book, do a spoken word poetry, shoot a short film (or a long one?). Do anything that feels right. Not only you will get your story off your chest but others will get an opportunity to learn from you, get inspired and free themselves from their baggage. Isn’t it beautiful?

Source: Purpose Fairy

The Human Checklist – What Every Human Being Needs to Know.


The Weight of the World

Hello Earthling! How nice of you to have dropped by this titillating planet filled with such great diversity and beauty.

What was that you said?  Did you say that you:

Feel burdened by society and all that is wrong with the world?

You feel an overwhelming pressure to change the world?

Did I hear you right?  Did you say that you even feel guilty or responsible for the state of the world?

What an awful burden it is to bear when we decide to take on the weight of the world, or on a lesser degree, the weight of another person’s choices or life.

Are you guilty of this?  Yes…no…perhaps a little?

Are You Suffering From Mad Cow Disease?

Let me get clear on this.  Sit down and make yourself comfortable because I need your undivided attention.

Holy cow!  I only recently realized that I’ve been a complete idiot — a buffoon of the highest degree.

In what textbook did I read that I need to change the world, take over if I saw someone else suffering along their path or put every effort into making people see the world the way I see it?

Nope, can’t think of the name of that book so I must have somehow imagined it.  But how many of you can say you feel the same way?

You may feel responsible for your partner, your grown up children, your friends and other members of your family.  You may even take on the responsibility of complete strangers.

Light Bulbs and Cricket Bats

Let’s get straight to the juicy bit of this article — either you’re going to have an ‘a-ha’ moment or you are going to have to beat yourself over the head a couple of times with a bat to whack the sense home.

You were born here on planet Earth and the global problems were here, social structure (no matter how much you may dislike it) was already in place.  Thanks to our ancestors, the worlds configuration was in place the moment you catapulted into reality — the good, the bad and the ugly.  You are not responsible for what came before you.  However, you ARE responsible for how you affect the world with your presence from this moment onwards.  Every choice you make is part and parcel to your responsibility.  Own it.

You were born on planet Earth and you needed to work out some of your own lessons and you’re doing great.  When you decide to shift your focus onto another person’s lessons and try to tamper with their version of reality — you have made a crucial mistake.  You don’t think the other person is capable of handling their own lives so you intervene.  You may think you need to because your version of reality and what you think is the right way as it is working so well for you.  True?

Nope.  It is YOUR truth but it may not necessarily be another’s.  When you try to control another individual or their path you are basically saying that they are weak and you are strong.   Oops…not very nice.  What’s more is you’re not even helping yourself out, you’re just taking on extra baggage.

Helping or Hindering?

Everyone needs to work out their own journey through life.  It is your responsibility to love and respect them enough to give them space and to only help out when you are asked to.  Get it?

You are disempowering another human being when you try to seize control or mold them into how you want them to fit into your life.

You are not responsible for any other human being but yourself (barring minors under your care, of course).  Focus on yourself and be the best person you can be so that you can be that shining example to others.  That is the only way you will make a positive change in someone’s life.  You can’t go into their space and try to effect change.

The Prime Directive

You are responsible for your life.  Your main responsibility is to be happy — you could even call this your ‘prime directive’or ultimate goal.  If you are not happy it is your responsibility to sniff out the causes as to why you are not living in joy.

So, now say you have found your bliss but it hurts you when you see other people suffer and you want to help.

Keep Your Nose on Your Face

The stark truth is that they need to take responsibility for their life and choices.  You can always help another human being but you should never force yourself or your way of life onto someone else.

To truly love someone is to accept them as they are and respect their life path.  Can you do that?

Can you step into owning your life and taking responsibility for your choices today?  If you do, the weight of the world will be lifted from your shoulders and you will experience a freedom like no other.

It’s okay to be here, it’s okay to be you and it’s okay to let other people be themselves.

You are only responsible for you.  And thanks to the wise words of Gandhi, try to be the change you want to see in the world.

Source: purpose fairy

How Nanotechnology Could Reengineer Us?


Nanotechnology is an important new area of research that promises significant advances in electronics, materials, biotechnology, alternative energy sources, and dozens of other applications. The graphic below illustrates, at a personal level, the potential impact on each of us. And where electrical measurement is required, Keithley instrumentation is being used in an expanding list of nanotechnology research and development settings.