US violated UN treaties on biological weapons by funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine

The Russian Federation has released new documents showing that Ukraine has been developing biological weapons near the Russian border in violation of United Nations (UN) treaties.

Using American taxpayer dollars funneled there by the Pentagon, these Ukrainian labs were tasked with developing deadly biological agents such as anthrax and the plague.

Right after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Pentagon ordered these biolabs to destroy everything inside of them in order to clear out the evidence.

A memo translated into English reads: “The Ministry of Health of Ukraine in connection with the imposition of martial law in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine from 24.02.2022 No 64/2022, requests to ensure the emergency destruction of biological pathogens used to ensure quality management system laboratory tests in the attached order.”

In other words, Ukraine, the United States and NATO realized that if Vladimir Putin found these biolabs intact, it would be immediate game-over for them. So, they ordered that these biolabs be purged of all evidence immediately.

The real enemy in this war is the Pentagram (Pentagon)

As we reported, the Pentagon has been secretly operating a large network of bioweapons laboratories in some 25 different countries, one of them being Ukraine.

These facilities are being used to develop biological weapons that mysteriously match those that have caused outbreaks in the past, including Ebola in West Africa and H1N1 all around the world in 2009.

A $2.1 billion military program run by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) manages these biolabs under the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP).

“Ukraine has no control over the military bio-laboratories on its own territory,” one report revealed about how these labs are directly run by Washington, D.C., via its proxy puppet governments (i.e., Volodymyr Zelenskyy).

“According to the 2005 Agreement between the U.S. Department of Defense (Dod) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government is prohibited from public disclosure of sensitive information about the U.S. program and Ukraine is obliged to transfer to the U.S. DoD dangerous pathogens for biological research.”

These revelations explain why the corporate-controlled media is having a fit about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, calling on ordinary citizens to send as much cash as they can afford to the Ukrainian government so it can “defend” itself.

Much like the first two years of the plandemic (the coronavirus phase), this third year (the war phase) is seeing the same coordinated media misinformation and brainwashing campaigns at play.

Last year it was face masks that leftists wore to identify themselves. This year, it is Ukrainian flags plastered all over social media.

“No need to wonder why people are living with more diseases and disease outbreaks than people alive 100+ years ago,” pointed out a Natural News reader about how the Pentagon is more than likely responsible for every disease outbreak that has occurred in recent years.

“To top that off, the peasants are expected to forfeit every human right and their humanity in the fake fight against disease eradication by adding more carcinogens into the bloodstream,” the same person added, that last bit referring to “vaccines.”

Another person wrote that at least someone, in this case Putin, is willing to go after these biolabs in an attempt to destroy them. They are a planetary scourge pumping out biological weapons aimed at humans, and thus deserve to be eradicated.

“Sheeple believed the COVID lies and ran out for their death shots and now wait for their bonus after affects,” wrote someone else.

Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

 At a recent online symposium on covid science that was organized by Doctors for COVID Ethics, the most detailed evidence yet against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” was presented for the world’s consideration.

This international group, which has long opposed the mass rollout of Fauci Flu shots, argued that the human immune system, provoked by the injections, could end up attacking its own tissues (autoimmune disease) when it detects the presence of synthetic spike proteins.

Image: Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

Untold thousands of deaths have already occurred from this, though most of them never make it into the government databases. Numerous presenters, including Dr. Peter McCullough, who has also long stood against the injections, revealed scientific evidence to support these and other claims.

McCullough, by the way, has actually come out to say that covid “vaccines” are the “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.” He remains one of the most vocal opponents to the current agenda.

German pathologist and professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who has more than 40 years of experience in the field, also presented at the symposium. He conducted his own research on the tissues and organs from 15 different patients where a post-mortem had been performed.

Eight of the bodies were women and seven were men, all between the ages of 28 and 95. Each of these individuals died between seven days and six months post-injection.

What Burkhardt found is that in nearly every case, the jabs caused the individuals’ bodies to self-destruct. A specific type of immune cell called a lymphocyte was found to have invaded various parts of the body, eventually causing early death.

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Burkhardt presented slides showing that lymphocytes had infiltrated the heart muscle in particular, causing systemic inflammation. The resulting lesions were small and probably overlooked, “but the destruction of just a few muscle cells may have a devastating effect,” he warned.

“If the inflammatory infiltration is found where the impulse for the contraction of the heart is given, this may lead to heart failure,” he further said.

It was also discovered that a lymphocyte invasion occurred in other vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, uterus, brain, thyroid and skin, all of which showed signs of autoimmune damage.

How much mRNA poison can the body handle before it goes kaput?

Canadian microbiologist and professor Dr. Michael Palmer summed up Burkhardt’s presentation by explaining that anyone with honest medical training will clearly see “just how devastating the effect of these vaccines can be, at least in those who die after the vaccination.”

“We also now know why the authorities were very hesitant to have autopsies performed on such victims,” Palmer added.

As to why some people are not suffering such an extreme fate post-injection, Palmer warned that the total lifetime dose of messenger RNA toxins is limited, suggesting that it varies from person to person.

Due to a lack of experimental data, it is unknown what these thresholds are. And according to Palmer, this is “one of the great scandals of these vaccines, that no proper toxicity studies have been carried out.”

We do know from animal studies that the contents of the jabs do not remain at the site of injection. They circulate throughout the entire body, combining with receptors and lining blood vessels, which in many people causes clotting and excessive bleeding.

The long-term risks of this are what will really be telling once the contents of the jabs really make their way throughout people’s bodies over the long haul. Widespread death from seemingly no specific cause is likely to occur in the coming months and years.

More related news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at

Biological Weapons: Tracing Their Evolution From Ancient History To The Present

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Biological weapons are, quite simply, ancient history. The most persuasive proof is contained in the unthinking words that spill from your own lips: The noun “toxin” is derived from the ancient Greek term for arrow poison. Tracing the evolution of bioweapons from ancient times to today, one simple truth emerges. Throughout time, humans have harnessed whatever knowledge of destruction they possessed to benefit themselves and protect against enemies.

Click “View Slideshow” to see the range of biological weapons humans have used throughout history.

military gas mask