American Diabetes Association trying to normalize fatness with new recommendation that obese diabetics eat more PROCESSED SUGAR

One of the latest pieces of bizarre “fat acceptance” propaganda to come from the establishment is a “sweet and sour cucumbers” recipe from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that encourages diabetics to add a whopping 60 grams of processed sugar to their pre-fermented cukes.

Calling those who run the ADA “sadistic biomedical profiteers,” Armageddon Prose‘s Ben Bartee says the recipe is “damn near criminal” in that it advises diabetics to consume the opposite of what they should be eating for their condition.

“Diabetics should all, without exception, in perpetuity until their metabolic dysfunction is resolved and insulin sensitivity restored, be on either ketogenic or extremely low-carb diets,” Bartee writes.

“To the metabolically compromised, sugar is poison, and all the more so when it’s processed and unfiltered through fiber.”

If the ADA were in the business of actually curing diabetes, it would provide helpful information about how to reverse it through diet and self-discipline. Instead, the organization is pushing sugar on diabetics, which is a death sentence.

“But then, if diabetics suddenly discovered their own power to heal themselves, the executives over at the ADA who make a killing off of the proliferation of disease might be forced to do an honest day’s work,” Bartee says. “And that they would never abide.”

(Related: Did you know that optimizing vitamin D levels can reduce the risk of diabetes by 43 percent?)

“Fat acceptance” driving pro-sugar insanity at ADA

To advise against sugar intake on the basis of the metabolic damage it causes, as well as weight gain, would be “fatphobic,” which is probably why the ADA is pushing loads of sugar on diabetics.

Consider a recent “FatCon” event where large people gathered to emotionally support one another in some kind of quest for self-acceptance. The types of people who attend FatCon want to be told that being fat is beautiful and normal, and that their bodies are still healthy.

The ADA seems to have embraced that same sentiment, or at least the organization does not believe that diabetics need to change their diet in any way to see their disease subside.

Another thing to consider is the fact that the new ADA recommendation that diabetics consume more sugar was paid for by a company that profits from treating kidney patients at its vast network of kidney centers.

“This dubious recommendation for diabetics to eat sugar was paid for by DaVita Corp which runs kidney centers,” tweeted Dr. Robert Lufkin, M.D. “The leading cause of renal failure is … diabetes.”

In the comments, someone wrote that he stopped eating processed sugar years ago, and has not consumed even a speck of fast food since 1994.

“Nothing from a ‘factory’ based box or bag,” this person added. “No weight or health problems at all.”

Another wrote that the ADA’s sweet-and-sour cucumbers recipe is no surprise because the Alzheimer’s Association does the very same type of thing by recommending that dementia patients consume seeds oils, which are highly inflammatory and toxic by nature.

“It’s not about health and never has been,” this person added. “It’s about keeping folks on the Big Pharma and Big Medicine train until the state gets its windfall from burial and estate taxes. We are but commodities to our government overlords.”

Someone else stressed that a big part of the globalist agenda right now is to divide everyone up into little “special communities” with the hope that doing this will herd everyone into supporting one of the two main political parties, which are technically a uni-party in disguise.

World’s most popular cereals contain ingredients that are registered with EPA as “biopesticides”

Image: World’s most popular cereals contain ingredients that are registered with EPA as “biopesticides”

Biopesticides are particular types of pesticides, derived from the bacteria in plants and animals, that kill insects. Scientists in laboratories insert the genes of these bacterial pesticides into the DNA sequences of seedlings (i.e. Mycogen seeds) of our most popular crops, like corn, soy, and canola, and then claim they’re all totally safe for human consumption, even though they dissolve the digestive tracts and destroy the reproductive capabilities of worms, beetles, frogs, bees, birds, and just about anything else that eats them.

Biopesticides are commonly found in conventional foods like canola oil, cereal, granola bars, and oatmeal. One gleaming example is a certain brand of Corn Flakes, which contains ingredients registered as pesticides under EPA codes 524.581 and 68467-7. Many organisms in the GMO BT corn used for this nightmarish Monsanto-manufactured product produce bug killing pesticide.

After the toxic corn grows in the field, but before harvest, it’s also dosed with toxic neonicotinoid pesticides (that are killing off our bee population in droves), and then, to top it all off, the corn is further coated with carcinogenic weed killer herbicide (Roundup’s glyphosate), which functions as a drying agent, before the corn is cut down and stored in silos for further processing. The same horrific poisoning process is used for most U.S. grains also, including wheat and oats.

Still, medical doctors can’t seem to figure out why cancer and dementia cases are debilitating every other American, including children. Should there be a pesticide aisle at the supermarkets instead of a cereal aisle? This is not food, it’s poison.


Biopesticides target crop pests, but do they also target humans?

Biopesticides registration action documents reveal that most conventional processed foods contain ingredients that are genetically modified and also registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as bug killers, also known as “target pests.” Corporations like Monsanto, Dow AgroSciences, Bayer, and Syngenta are in the business of using chemicals and bacteria to kill anything that eats corn, soy, cotton, canola, sugar beets or alfalfa. If those same chemicals give animals cancer and dementia in the long run, so be it. It’s all about profits, with no regard for human health, farm animal health, environmental health, or sustainability.

Target pests include the European corn borer, the Southwestern corn borer, the Southern cornstalk borer, the corn earworm, the fall armyworm, the Sugarcane borer, the Western corn rootworm, the Mexican corn rootworm, and the list goes on. Monsanto likes to brag in magazines and online about their “insect protected, herbicide-tolerant corn with interspersed refuge.”

In laymen’s terms, this means the corn’s seeds are genetically mutated so the plant grows and produces pesticides, the stalk contains weed-killing genes, and the bug-killing bacteria kills the larvae that nest and travel in the roots.

Are you and your children eating bug-killer and weed-killer daily, at every meal even, and then wondering why you all have severe allergies, headaches, asthma, chronic inflammation, skin disorders, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, depression and anxiety? Stop “wondering” and stop eating poison. You are being targeted for health destruction, just like the bugs and worms. You are being targeted for elimination, just like the weeds.

Monsanto found GUILTY of failing to warn consumers their corn, soy, and canola pesticides cause blood cancer

In a landmark case that’s sure to set the precedent for thousands more, a California jury found the most evil company on Earth, Monsanto (now owned and operated by Bayer), guilty and responsible for nearly $300 million in damages to the health of just one man, Dewayne Johnson. Talk about “weeding out” the truth. Johnson was a groundskeeper for a local school system and was diagnosed with blood cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) after spraying the same poison we find in cereal, grains, and oats, on school grounds for several years. Obviously, some got on his skin and in his lungs.

What’s worse is that Monsanto has known this atrocity for decades, but they cover up the truth with their own falsified research and follow-up propaganda based on that “scientific” fraud.

That means that most conventional cereals not only contain GMOs that are essentially pesticides that cause cancer and dementia, but they’re also coated with the same blood-cancer-causing weed killer that debilitated Dewayne Johnson. How many millions of Americans could sue Monsanto for the same and win millions of dollars? Johnson’s body is now 80 percent covered in lesions and he’s expected to pass away some day in the next couple of years.

Do you use Roundup on your yard? Roundup contains 50 percent glyphosate. It runs into your garden and your pets soak it up through the pads in their paws. Never use Roundup. Switch to 100 percent organic food right now, because the price to pay for eating conventionally is an early death by cancer or dementia, or both.


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Is Monsanto going down like Big Tobacco? FAKE SCIENCE about to be exposed on a global scale

Image: Is Monsanto going down like Big Tobacco? FAKE SCIENCE about to be exposed on a global scale

Monsanto is showing some clear signs that they’re getting nervous as their dishonest practices come significantly closer to being brought to light on a grand scale.

Last week, the peer-reviewed manuscripts of the pilot phase of a study known as the Global Glyphosate Study were revealed at a European Parliament press conference, and it’s all bad news for the maker of the world’s most popular glyphosate herbicide, Roundup.

In the short-term pilot study, glyphosate-based herbicides were shown to change some very important biological parameters in rats at exposure to the level set by the Environmental Protection agency as “safe” of 1.75 mg/kg per day. Some of the parameters that were altered relate to sexual development, the intestinal microbiome and genotoxicity. The papers will be published in the Environmental Health journal later this month.

One author of the report, Daniele Mandrioli, said that they found glyphosate in the gut bacteria of rats born to mothers who weren’t affected by it, something he believes is remarkable. He pointed out that gut microbiome disruptions have been linked to problems like diabetes, obesity, and immunological problems.

Another researcher, Professor Philip J. Landrigan, said that these findings should be investigated further in comprehensive long-term studies given their potential to impact a significant number of people around the world.

Monsanto goes on the attack

Monsanto reacted exactly how you’d expect them to react, by attacking the scientists and institutions involved in the study. The firm’s global strategy vice president, Scott Partridge, told The Guardian that The Ramazzini Institute is an “activist organization with an agenda that they have not disclosed.”

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It’s an unsubstantiated claim in any event, and it’s also worth noting that the Global Glyphosate Study was carried out by many other bodies in addition to The Ramazzini Institute, such as the Italian National Institute of Health, George Washington University, the Icahn School of Medicine at New York’s Mount Sinai, the University of Bologna, and the Genoa Hospital San Martino. Of course, they won’t be able to attack all of those institutes, so they decided to single one out.

In fact, The Ramazzini Institute is a well-respected institution manned by expert scientists for more than four decades. Their goal is to protect public health, and their activities relate to finding carcinogens and evaluating the safety and efficacy of drugs and ingredients. Their long-term studies have a lot of clout, with past research on benzene, vinyl chloride, and formaldehyde leading to changes in global regulations.

One thing that makes the Ramazzini studies so respected is the fact their design mirrors humans very closely. For example, they tend to follow rodents from prenatal life and observe them until their natural death; most labs “sacrifice” rats about two thirds of the way through their lifespan, which equates to around age 60 in humans. Many people develop cancers later in life, so other researchers miss those cancers that tend to show up in old age.

Glyphosate is everywhere

As the most common herbicide in the world, 18.9 billion pounds of glyphosate have been spread across the planet since 1974. Its use has risen 15-fold since the introduction of genetically modified crops, even though they were initially marketed as being able to reduce the need for herbicide. In the last two decades, the levels of glyphosate found in the human bloodstream have risen by more than 1,000 percent.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified the chemical as a “probable human carcinogen” in 2015; Monsanto is now trying to campaign against them and stop the American government from funding them. Now, it looks like the respected institutions involved in the latest study to expose the dangers of their products will also be targeted by their smear campaigns.

Read to stay informed.

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