What’s the ‘Avocado Effect’ on Inflammation, Blood Pressure, and Brain Aging? Any Avocado Side-Effects?

Avocados are known for their healthier fat content—healthier at least than what is commonly in processed food, like take-out burgers and fries. What are avocados’ benefits to heart, gut, and brain health; and in what cases do they pose a health risk?

The average avocado contains nearly 70 percent (15 grams) of monounsaturated fat. Studies suggest that when this fat replaces saturated fats and trans fatty acids, the risk of type 2 diabetes comes down. But does this mean we should wipe all saturated fats from our diets, like those found in butter, red meat, and cheese?

What link did a UCSF study find between eating monounsaturated fat (aka “healthy fat”) and obesity and fatty liver disease?

Nearly 20 percent (4 grams) of avocado fat is polyunsaturated fat, rich in omega 3 fatty acids. How can these and the B6 vitamins in avocados influence how the brain ages?

On Vital Signs, Brendon Fallon breaks down avocado’s anti-aging effect and its broad array of health benefits, including to the brain, the eyes, and blood pressure.