Asteroid Strikes May Have Frozen Past Earth Into ‘Snowball,’ Study Argues

Asteroid impacts at key moments in the Earth’s past could have set off global freezes that covered the entire planet in ice for thousands or even millions of years.

This is the conclusion of a study led by researchers at Yale University, who modeled the climatic consequences of a large asteroid strike at four points in our planet’s past in a study published in the journal Science Advances.

An asteroid impact would eject a considerable amount of material into the Earth’s atmosphere, blocking out the sun’s rays and leading to cooling as a result. The team found that, in an already suitably cold climate, this effect could tip the Earth system into runaway cooling, leading to what scientists have dubbed a “Snowball Earth.”

However, experts not involved in the study told Newsweek that, at present, there is no evidence to suggest that any asteroids did strike Earth around the times in the past when such global glaciations are known to have occurred.

Thanks to their modeling, climate scientists have known since the late sixties that if the Earth were to get sufficiently cold, it would create a positive feedback loop leading to runaway cooling until the entire planet was covered in ice.

This “Snowball Earth” outcome begins with the ice sheets spreading out further from the poles. As ice is more reflective than water or land, this would increase the amount of sunlight cast back into space, leading to further cooling.

This, in turn, leads to the formation of more ice, colder temperatures, and so forth—a cascade that would only stop when the entire planet was completely covered in ice and had entered into a new equilibrium state.

Based on the projected distributions of glacial sediments, alongside other evidence, scientists believe that Earth has entered a “snowball” state at least twice in the past, at points between 720 and 635 million years ago.

Exactly what set off these episodes of runaway cooling, however, has been a subject of considerable debate.

The conventional hypothesis, however, has been that the level of Earth-warming greenhouse gasses somehow decreased to such a point that the “snowballing” process began.

An artist's impression of a Snowball Earth
An artist’s impression of a Snowball Earth. Scientists believe Earth has experienced at least two such episodes in its history.NASA

“We decided to explore an alternative possibility,” said paper author and climate dynamicist Minmin Fu of Yale University in a statement.

“What if an extraterrestrial impact caused this climate change transition very abruptly?”

In their study, Fu and his colleagues made use of the same kind of model that is employed to predict future climate scenarios. Such models can simulate both atmospheric and ocean circulation, as well as the formation of sea ice, under different scenarios.

The team explored the aftermath of a hypothetical large asteroid collision—equivalent in size to the dinosaur-killing Chicxulub impactor—during four quite different periods in the Earth’s past.

These included the Neoproterozoic Era (1 billion–542 million years ago); the Cretaceous Period (145–66 million years), the Last Glacial Maximum (21,000 years ago, when ice sheets covered much of Northern America, Northern Europe and Asia), and the pre-industrial period (more than 150 years ago).

The researchers determined that in the two warmer periods they examined—the pre-industrial and Cretaceous Periods—it is unlikely that an asteroid impact would have been able to trigger a “Snowball Earth” condition.

The picture appeared very different, however, when they considered an impact scenario in the Neoproterozoic, or at the Last Glacial Maximum.

During these periods in Earth’s history, the team explained, global temperatures may have been cold enough to warrant calling them an ice age.

The effects of an asteroid impact during these chilly periods, they added, may have pushed the Earth over a climate tipping point and into a global glaciation.

Sea ice
File photo of sea ice. Climate modeling has shown that a sufficient spread of sea ice from the poles can result in a runaway cooling effect.

The modeling indicated that an asteroid-triggered shift to a frozen Earth would have been relatively rapid.

“What surprised me most in our results is that, given sufficiently cold initial climate conditions, a ‘Snowball’ state after an asteroid impact can develop over the global ocean in a matter of just one decade,” said paper co-author and Yale climate scientist professor Alexey Fedorov.

“By then, the thickness of sea ice at the Equator would reach about 10 meters [33 feet],” he added.

“This should be compared to a typical sea ice thickness of one-to-three meters [around 3–10 feet] in the modern Arctic.”

Professor Ian Fairchild, a geoscientist with the University of Birmingham, England, who was not involved in the present study, told Newsweek that the work is an interesting theoretical study.

However, Fairchild said, “there is a lack of observational evidence in the geological record for such an impact.”

He explained: “The onset of the earlier Snowball glaciation around 716 million years ago appears too gradual for such a mechanism to have operated.”

An artist's impression of an asteroid impact
Artist’s impression of an asteroid impact. Scientists modeled the effect on the climate of an asteroid the size of the one that brought about the extinction of the dinosaurs.

“Bold hypotheses like this serve a valuable purpose in stimulating discussion,” said Professor Thomas Gernon, a geologist at the University of Southampton, England, who was also not involved in the present study.

He told Newsweek: “But as [astronomer] Carl Sagan said, ‘Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence’—and where this hypothesis currently falls down is in the lack of geological evidence for such a huge impact at this critical time in Earth history.”

Scientists are not aware of any impact craters preserved on Earth that match up with the timings of Earth’s previous “snowball” episodes, Gernon said.

“In summary, I remain open-minded but skeptical,” he said, concluding: “Time will tell whether there is a whiff of space rock in the critical geological sections.”

In their paper, Fu and colleagues suggest that a hypothetical impact crater preceding past global glaciations might have been destroyed by either erosion, burial, or subduction of the corresponding crust back into the Earth’s mantle.

On the risk of a global glaciation in our future should Earth be struck by an asteroid, the researchers believe that such an outcome would be unlikely.

The reason, they explained, is that global temperatures were already too warm for a “Snowball Earth” outcome in the pre-industrial period, and we have since increased temperatures even further through the emission of greenhouse gasses.

That said, depending on the size of the impactor, the other consequences of such an impact—which, alongside blotting out the sun, might include fires, tsunamis, and acid rain—could be just as devastating, the team said.

How Did Some Animals Survive the Asteroid that Killed the Dinosaurs?

When an asteroid slammed into Earth 66 million years ago, it wiped out nearly 75 percent of all living species. In the face of global death and destruction, what allowed the survivors to withstand the impact?

Dinosaurs and a meteor falling from the sky in back background.

When a 6-mile-wide asteroid struck Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period some 66 million years ago, it wiped out the majority of living organisms. Many victims were instantly fried by fires or drowned in tsunamis. The rest, meanwhile, succumbed to hostile conditions and the gradual collapse of entire ecosystems. In the end, about three-quarters of all species were swept into oblivion.

Yet many also survived and, eventually, repopulated the planet. Every living thing today is descended from the resourceful (or lucky) few who found ways to eke out an existence in that apocalyptic landscape. But how did those organisms persist long enough to see the world through to better days?

Which Animals Were Able to Survive the Asteroid Impact?

The challenge to life was immediate — within minutes of the impact, a global pulse of thermal radiation raised Earth’s surface to lethal temperatures. Marine species were safely insulated, but the survival of land-dwellers demands explanation.

In 2004, a University of Colorado Boulder researcher named Douglas Robertson and his colleagues introduced the sheltering hypothesis: The animals with the best shot at lasting through those initial hours were the ones who could escape to cooler environments. From crocodiles and lizards to birds and mammals, as Robertson put it in a later paper, “all the surviving species were plausibly able to take shelter from heat and fire underground or in water.”

In addition to the radiation, fossil evidence suggests the asteroid also flung tons of molten rock into the atmosphere. There, it hardened into deadly glass shards which then fell back to Earth, shredding any animals stranded in the open.

This first hurdle rewarded specific characteristics, namely small bodies and a burrowing or semi-aquatic lifestyle. Dinosaurs, for the most part, didn’t fit the bill, and many experts believe the vast majority died before the end of that cataclysmic day.

What Challenges Did the Survivors Face?

As for the survivors, their trials were far from over, and shelter was no guarantee of long-term security. As soon as they emerged, they had to confront a land ravaged by wildfires — and soon to be shrouded by “impact winter” as a result of dust, soot and other atmospheric particles blocking the sun. The world’s forests had been reduced to ash, and they wouldn’t be growing back soon.

With photosynthesis on hiatus, animals that depended on living plant matter were in for a bad time. Without plants, the herbivores starved; without herbivores, the carnivores starved. Specialized diets were a great idea when the getting was good, but became a liability when primary producers — plants and other microorganisms, like algea and certain kinds of bacteria, that get their energy from sunlight — stopped producing.

That left the unfussy insectivores, scavengers and seed-eaters to pick up whatever scraps they could find and carry on as vegetation slowly returned. University of Wisconsin paleontologist Peter Sheehan writes in Geology that because their food chains were based on detritus rather than living biomass, “there was a food supply adequate for the interval when photosynthesis was halted.”

What Came After the Dinosaurs?

The big post-extinction story is the sudden rise of mammals. When the asteroid struck, it deposited a thin layer or iridium around the globe: Below that layer, fossils show that dinosaurs were Earth’s undisputed rulers; above it they disappear, leaving a few unimposing, shrew-like creatures to take charge.

The traditional, simplified explanation is that dinosaurs held their would-be competitors at bay by filling all the major ecological niches. While the top dogs were still kicking, mammals were forced to remain diminutive and unspecialized .(Today, these critters are described by some scientists and journalists as rat-like creatures “scurrying in the shadows.”)

In reality, several mammalian lineages flourished throughout the dinosaur age, growing to medium size and acquiring all sorts of novel diets and behaviors. An extinct group of rodent-like animals called multituberculates was particularly prosperous, as were the forebears of modern marsupials.

What Were the Eutherians?

A group of organisms called eutherians (our direct ancestors) were indeed archetypal scurriers, subjugated by more dominant powers. But that turned out alright for them in the end — not only did they eventually get the chance to proliferate into the 6,000 diverse placental mammals we see today, but it’s likely they survived because of their abilities to live in the shadow of the dinosaurs.

As generalized creatures low on the totem pole, eutherians were primed for disaster. They hid until the coast was clear, then got by eating whatever they could. Even their slightness played to their advantage: Besides not needing many calories, small-bodied species typically have shorter gestation periods and reach sexual maturation faster, allowing them to quickly replenish their numbers.

Why Did Some Animals Survive While Others Were Wiped Out?

In the end, however, it’s hard to know why certain animals survived and others perished. Extinctions are often described, aptly, as the greatest mysteries of all time — it’s nearly impossible to determine what killed who, and why (not to mention why it didn’t kill everything else).

Even the best theories come with conundrums. Why did crocodiles fare better than mosasaurus, both being aquatic carnivores? Why didn’t a single one of the small, omnivorous non-avian dinosaurs make it out alive?

In many cases, survival may have been no more than a matter of chance. It’s possible some branches of the animal kingdom endured to the present simply because a pocket of their late-Cretaceous representatives, for whatever reason, lucked out with uniquely tolerable circumstances while the rest of the planet withered. For all we know, that’s the only reason we’re here today.

Water and a new mystery in main-belt comet stun astronomers

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This artist’s concept of Comet 238P/Read shows the main belt comet sublimating—its water ice vaporising as its orbit approaches the Sun. (Image credit: NASA).


The absence of carbon dioxide came as a bigger surprise as it typically accounts for around 10 per cent of the volatile material in a comet that can be easily vaporised by the Sun’s radiation 

Astronomers have observed a rare comet in our solar system, using the James Webb Space Telescope as they stumbled upon a new cosmic mystery while making a long-sought scientific breakthrough. 

Scientists have been studying the origins of Earth’s abundant water and according to new observation, the chemical compound was discovered for the first time in a main belt comet or a com(et located in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). 

The astronomers used various observing methods for 15 years before making the finding. 

They have detected gas – especially water vapour – near a comet in the main asteroid belt for the first time using Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph).

It indicates that water ice from the primordial solar system can be retained in that region. But they came across a mystery as well, as unlike other comets, Comet 238P/Read had no detectable carbon dioxide. 

As quoted by NASA, Stefanie Milam, who is Webb’s deputy project scientist for planetary science and a co-author on the study reporting the finding, said: “Our water-soaked world, teeming with life and unique in the universe as far as we know, is something of a mystery – we’re not sure how all this water got here.” 

“Understanding the history of water distribution in the solar system will help us to understand other planetary systems, and if they could be on their way to hosting an Earth-like planet,” she added. 

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Comet Read is a main belt comet, which is an object that lives in the main asteroid belt but has a halo, or coma, and tail like a comet. Comet Read was one of the first three comets used to establish the category of main belt comets, which is a relatively new classification. 

Previously, it was believed that the comets live in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, beyond Neptune’s orbit, where their ices might be kept away from the Sun. 

Missing carbon dioxide is a mystery

Meanwhile, the absence of carbon dioxide came as a bigger surprise as it typically accounts for around 10 per cent of the volatile material in a comet that can be easily vaporised by the Sun’s radiation. 

Scientists think that the Comet Read may have possessed carbon dioxide when it formed, but it has since lost it due to heated temperatures. 

As quoted by NASA, astronomer Michael Kelley of the University of Maryland, lead author of the study, said: “Being in the asteroid belt for a long time could do it – carbon dioxide vaporizes more easily than water ice, and could percolate out over billions of years.” 

DART mission altered the orbital path of the asteroid, confirms NASA

Sample from speeding asteroid shows its made of stuff similar to that which formed the Sun

Representational image of an asteroid | Wikipedia

Analysis of samples collected from a speeding asteroid has revealed that the objects is made of the same stuff that merged into our Sun four-and-a-half billion years ago.

In late 2020, Japanese space agency JAXA’s Hayabusa2 returned to Earth after a six-year journey. The space craft brought a handful of rock dirt that researchers have been studying since.

Now, the first results from the analysis of the sample have begun to come in.

Previously meteorites samples were those that fell to Earth. Many of these had been stored in museums for decades, or even centuries, which changed their compositions.

According to the researchers, it is thus incredible to have pristine samples as they allow us to study parts of the solar system that have not been otherwise explored.

In 2018, Hayabusa2 landed atop a moving asteroid named Ryugu and collected particles from above and below its surface.

The rock is similar to a class of meteorites known as Ivuna-type carbonaceous chondrites. These rocks have a similar chemical composition to what we measure from the Sun and are thought to date back to the very beginnings of the solar system, approximately four-and-a-half billion years ago, before the formation of the Sun, the Moon and Earth.

The fragments show signs of having been soaked in water at some point. 

Antarctic glaciers losing ice at fastest rate in 5,500 years

The rate at which the Antarctic is currently losing ice is the fastest in over 5,500 years, which could contribute to as much as 3.4 meters to global sea level rise over the next several centuries.

Antarctica is covered by two huge ice masses — the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets (EAIS & WAIS) — which feed many individual glaciers. Because of the warming climate, the WAIS has been thinning at accelerated rates over the past few decades.

Within the ice sheet, the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers are particularly vulnerable to global warming and are already contributing to rises in sea level.

Researchers from the University of Maine, British Antarctic Survey and Imperial College London have measured the rate of local sea level change — an indirect way to measure ice loss — around these glaciers.

They found that the glaciers have begun retreating at a rate not seen in the last 5,500 years. With areas of 192,000 square kilometre and 162,300 square kilometre respectively, the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers have the potential to cause large rises in global sea level.

During the mid-Holocene period, over 5,000 years ago, the climate was warmer than it is today and thus sea levels were higher and glaciers smaller. To study fluctuations in sea level since the mid-Holocene, the researchers examined seashells and penguin bones.

New maps of Earth’s tectonic plates

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have created new models that show how the Earth’s continents were assembled, providing fresh insights into the history of the planet.

The research will help provide a better understanding of natural hazards like earthquakes and volcanoes.

The team looked at the current knowledge of the configuration of plate boundary zones and the past construction of the continental crust to solve the puzzle.

The study found that plate boundary zones account for nearly 16 per cent of the Earth’s crust and 27 continents. The team produced three new geological models — a plate model, a province model and an orogeny model.

There are 26 orogenies — the process of mountain formation — that have left an imprint on the present-day architecture of the crust. Many of these are related to the formation of supercontinents, according to the team.

The new plate model includes several new microplates including the Macquarie microplate, which sits south of Tasmania, and the Capricorn microplate, which separates the Indian and Australian plates. 

An inventory of microbes living in coldest & oldest parts of Earth

Scientists from EPFL, Switzerland, have created an inventory of microorganisms living in cryospheric ecosystems — frozen parts of the ocean, such as waters surrounding Antarctica and the Arctic.

Cryospheric ecosystems, which are some of the oldest on Earth, have a unique genetic signature, according to the team.

The team has complied the information into a database, which will be a useful resource for future studies on climate change microbiology.

Cryospheric ecosystems cover nearly 20 per cent of the Earth’s surface and include polar ice caps, mountain glaciers, glacial lakes, permafrost soils and coastal areas fed by glacier streams.

The microbiome of these ecosystems is still poorly understood by the scientific community. Meanwhile, many of the microorganisms are under threat from climate change.

The research team’s database contains information from no less than 695 samples collected from diverse cryospheric ecosystems around the world. It will serve as a useful reference for further research on cryosphere microbiology and the effects of climate change, according to the team. 

‘Superworm’ that can eat through plastic

Scientists at the University of Queensland have discovered that the common Zophobas morio ‘superworm’ can eat through polystyrene, thanks to a bacterial enzyme in their gut.

The team fed superworms different diets over a three week period, with some given polystyrene foam, some bran and others put on a fasting diet.

The worms fed a diet of just polystyrene not only survived, but had marginal weight gains, suggesting that they can derive energy from the polystyrene.

The researchers used a technique called metagenomics to find the enzymes that helped degrade polystyrene and styrene. The long-term goal is to engineer enzymes to degrade plastic waste in recycling plants through mechanical shredding, followed by enzymatic biodegradation.

The team hopes to then try and upscale this process to a level required for an entire recycling plant.

We Still Don’t Know Why the Reign of the Dinosaurs Ended

The asteroid strike on the Yucatán Peninsula 66 million years ago is only part of the story

Dino Asteroid Strike
Although the asteroid strike that created Chicxulub crater in modern-day Mexico dramatically affected life on Earth, the fiery crash isn’t the whole story of the fate of the dinosaurs.

The reason our planet lost the terrible lizards of eras long past may seem self-evident. About 66 million years ago, an asteroid came screaming out of the sky and smacked into what is now the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. The devastation that followed was unprecedented, with tsunamis, an overheated atmosphere, darkened skies, a terrible cold snap, and other apocalyptic ecological events clearing away an estimated seventy five percent of known life on Earth.

Paleontologists know this catastrophe as the K/Pg extinction event because it marks the transition from the Cretaceous into the Paleogene period of Earth’s history. But even though it has been studied constantly, the details of this event still puzzle experts. The case wasn’t closed with the recognition of the impact crater in the 1990s, and exactly how the extinction played out—what differentiated the living from the dead—continues to inspire paleontologists to dig into the cataclysm of the Cretaceous.

To better understand the full story, researchers are pulling back from the moment of impact to examine the broader patterns of life at the time. Dinosaurs were not living in a stable and lush Mesozoic utopia, nor were they the only organisms around at the time—far from it. The world was changing around them as it always had. As the Cretaceous drew to a close, sea levels were dropping, the climate was trending toward a cooler world, and a part of prehistoric India called the Deccan Traps was bubbling with intense volcanic activity. Sorting through how these changes affected life on Earth is no simple task, particularly after the cataclysmic meteorite mixed things up in the rock record, but paleontologists are sifting through the wreckage to better understand what happened.

“In order to get an idea of what happened in the wake of the asteroid impact, we need solid baseline data on what rates of background extinction were like before the K/Pg took place,” Natural History Museum paleontologist Paul Barrett says. A moment of catastrophe can only make sense within the broader context of life before and after. “This would make the difference between the cataclysmic events at Chicxulub being either the primary cause of the extinction or merely the coup de grace that finished off an ecosystem whose resilience had been gradually worn away.”

Asteroid Impact
An artist’s rendering of an asteroid impacting the Earth. (NASA / Don Davis)

While the K/Pg extinction was a global crisis, how it played out at various locales around the planet is largely unknown. The amount of information at any given location depends on how well the relevant rock layers are preserved and how accessible they are to scientists. Some of the best exposures happen to be located in western North America, where there’s a continuous sequence of sedimentary layers recording the end of the Cretaceous straight through to the beginning of the Paleogene. These rocks offer before and after shots of the extinction, and it’s these exposures that has allowed Royal Saskatchewan Museum paleontologist Emily Bamforth to investigate what was happening in the 300,000 years leading up to the explosive close of the Cretaceous.

Looking at the geologic record of southwest Saskatchewan, Bamforth says, local conditions such as the frequency of forest fires and the characteristics of a particular habitat were as important as what was happening on a global scale when determining patterns of ancient biodiversity. “I think this is an important message to keep in mind when thinking of causes of the extinction,” Bamforth says. “Each different ecosystem could have had its own smaller scale biodiversity drivers that were in operation before the extinction, which underlay the big, global factors.” What was good for turtles, amphibians, plants, dinosaurs and other organisms in one place might not have been beneficial in another, underscoring that we can’t comprehend global shifts without the foundation of local diversity. “Ecosystems are complicated things, and I think that is worth keeping in mind when considering the cause and duration of the mass extinction,” Bamforth says.

As far as Saskatchewan goes, the ecological community at the time leading up to the extinction was like a big game of Jenga. “The tower remains standing, but factors like climate change are slowly pulling blocks out from it, weakening the system and making it vulnerable,” Bamforth says. The constantly shifting ecological stability made major upsets—like an asteroid striking at the wrong place, at the wrong time—especially disastrous.

This picture of shifting ecosystems inverts the focus of the K/Pg disaster. While the reason non-avian dinosaurs and other organisms died off always grabs our attention, it’s been harder for scientists to determine why the survivors were able to pass through to the next chapter of life’s history.

Species that survived the impact were typically small, semi-aquatic or made burrows, and able to subsist on a variety of foods, but there are some key contradictions. There were some small non-avian dinosaurs that had these advantages and still went extinct, and many reptiles, birds and mammals died out despite belonging to broader groups that persisted. The badger-sized mammal Didelphodon didn’t make it, for example, nor did the ancient bird Avisaurus, among others.

“This is something I struggle to explain,” Barrett says. Generally speaking, smaller dinosaurs and other animals should have had better chances at survival than their larger relatives, but this was not always the case.

T. Rex
Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the western United States from about 66 to 68 million years ago, right up until the K/Pg extinction event. (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History)

Pat Holroyd of the University of California Museum of Paleontology likens these investigations to what happens in the wake of airline accidents. “They go in and they gather all the data and they try to figure out, ‘Well, ok, why did the people in the tail section survive, and the people in the other parts of the plane didn’t make it?’” Holroyd says. And while such disasters may be singular events with unique causes, it’s still possible to look at multiple incidents collectively to identify patterns and inform what we may think of as a singular event.

As far as the K/Pg extinction goes, the patterns are still emerging. Holroyd estimates that much of the relevant research about which species survived the impact has only been published or uploaded to the Paleobiology Database in the last decade. This new information allowed Holroyd and colleagues to study patterns of turnover—how long species persisted on land and in associated freshwater habitats—long before and after the asteroid impact. The team’s findings were presented earlier this fall at the annual Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Some of the patterns were familiar. Fish, turtles, amphibians and crocodylians all generally fared better than strictly terrestrial organisms. “People have been observing this pattern since at least the 50s, and probably before,” Holroyd says. But the resilience of waterbound species had never been quantified in detail before, and the new analysis is revealing that the solution to the extinction pattern puzzle may have been right in front of us all along.

The surprise, Holroyd found, was that the difference between the survivors and the extinct of the K/Pg event mimicked a pattern that has held true for tens of millions of years before and after the asteroid impact. Species living on land, particularly large species, tend not to persist as long as those living in freshwater environments. Terrestrial species often go extinct at a greater rate than those in aquatic environments even without a massive catastrophe to take them out of the picture. Species that lived in and around freshwater habitats appear to have persisted longer even when there wasn’t a crisis, and when the extinction at the end of the Cretaceous struck in full force, these organisms had an advantage over their purely terrestrial neighbors.

But even in their relatively safe aquatic environments, everything wasn’t peachy for water-faring animals. Holroyd notes that Cretaceous turtles, for example, lost fifty percent of their diversity globally, although only about twenty percent in the more localized area of western North America, further underscoring the importance of understanding local versus global patterns. Even lineages that can be considered “survivors” still suffered losses and may not have bounced back to their former glory. Marsupial mammals, for example, survived the mass extinction as a group but had their diversity and abundance drastically cut back.

Chicxulub Crater
A shaded relief image of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula showing the indication of the Chicxulub impact crater. (NASA / JPL)

How local ecosystems were affected by these changes is the next step toward understanding how the extinction event affected the world. Holroyd points to the familiar “three-horned face” Triceratops as an example. This dinosaur was ubiquitous across much of western North America at the end of the Cretaceous and was clearly a major component of its ecosystem. These animals were the bison of their time, and, given how large herbivores alter their habitats through grazing and migration, the extinction of Triceratops undoubtedly had major implications for ecosystems recovering in the wake of the Cretaceous catastrophe. Plants that may have relied on Triceratops to disperse seeds would have suffered, for example, whereas other plants that were trampled down by the dinosaurs might have grown more freely. How these ecological pieces fit, and what they mean for life’s recovery after the extinction, have yet to fully come into focus.

“The western interior of North America gives us our only detailed window on what happened to life on land during the K/Pg extinction, but it’s totally unclear if this was typical,” Barrett says. “We don’t know much about how the intensity of the extinction varied around the world,” especially in locations that were geographically distant from the asteroid strike. “It seems unlikely that a one-size-fits-all model would be responsible” for cutting down organisms as different from each other as Edmontosaurus on land and coil-shelled ammonites in the seas, among so many other species lost to the Cretaceous. Research in Europe, South America, Asia and Australia is just beginning to form the basis of a much sought-after global picture of the most famous extinction event in history.

“It’s like one gigantic jigsaw puzzle that we’ve started to turn up more of the pieces to,” Bamforth says. The resulting picture of this critical moment in Earth’s history will only be revealed in time.

Previously Unknown Asteroid Just Whizzed Past Earth at Close Range

NASA has been tasked with finding giant asteroids that pose a potential threat to Earth, but the smaller, less destructive ones aren’t always on their radar.

Such was the case with 2016 QA2, which came within 50,000 miles of our planet on Sunday. In astronomical terms, that’s quite close. The moon is an average of about 239,000 miles away from our planet.

According to Seeker, the asteroid was discovered about a day before it passed.

It is, at minimum, about 80 feet wide, a bit larger than the one that caused damage and injuries in Russia roughly 3-and-a-half years ago.

Had it entered Earth’s atmosphere, the fallout would not have been dinosaur-extinction level, but may have caused some troubles in the immediate area.

Notably, NASA is in the process of engaging equipment that will allow for the detection of such small and close space objects.

NASA to land on asteroid that could have once seeded life, but may now destroy Earth.

NASA is about to launch a $1 billion 7-year mission to probe asteroid Bennu, which may carry the building blocks of organic life, but also has a chance of hitting Earth late in the next century.

“It may be destined to cause immense suffering and death,” Dante Lauretta, professor of planetary science at Arizona University and the lead researcher on the OSIRIS-REx mission, told the Sunday Times.

Discovered in 1999, Bennu measures about 500 meters across, weighs over 60 million tons, and travels at over 100,000 kilometers per hour.

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Its trajectory is unpredictable due to what is known as the Yarkovsky effect, in which the asteroid absorbs the energy of sunlight and then gives it off as heat, which serves as a thruster that constantly makes slight shifts to its path.

Lauretta says that, if Bennu were to hit Earth, its impact would be equivalent to setting off 3 billion tons of high explosives, similar in potential effect to the asteroid that may have wiped out most life on the planet 66 million years ago – though that asteroid is thought to have been about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) across.

“We estimate the chance of impact at about one in 2,700 between 2175 and 2196,” said Lauretta.

While OSIRIS-REx will help refine our estimate of the asteroid’s trajectory, largely by helping researchers to get a better grasp on its Yarkovsky effect, this is not the prime reason for sending it to Bennu, which is named after an Egyptian deity.

Aged over 4 billion years, Bennu is a contemporary of asteroids that, according to a hypothesis known as Panspermia, could have brought new elements and water to Earth in its early stages, giving it a ready-made foundation from which life may have emerged.

“Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid, an ancient relic from the early solar system that is filled with organic molecules,” said Lauretta. “Asteroids like Bennu may have seeded the early Earth with this material, contributing to the primordial soup from which life emerged.”

To learn Bennu’s secrets, the 1.7-ton OSIRIS-REx, which is due to be launched on September 8, is equipped with one of the most sophisticated scanning suites in space exploration history.

OSIRIS-REx Approaches Bennu © NASA

When the spacecraft approaches the asteroid in 2018, it will first carefully examine it with visible and infrared spectrometers to determine which parts of the asteroid are likely to contain the most biologically interesting samples.

It will land only after identifying the perfect spot for collecting a sample of between 60 grams and one kilogram. The capsule containing the material will then be thrust towards Earth, where it will hopefully land somewhere in Utah in 2023.

“We need to know everything about Bennu – its size, mass and composition,” said Lauretta. “This could be vital data for future generations.”

How big does an asteroid need to be to wipe out Manhattan?

There’s a perfectly good reason why scientists around the world want to step up efforts to prevent the prospect of an asteroid hitting Earth: in a nutshell, it would only take a small near-Earth object (NEO) to generate massive destruction on the surface, whereas larger NEOs… well, they’re dangerous on a whole other scale.

And that’s where this awesome Business Insider video comes in. When you’re talking asteroids, it can be hard to visualise how NEOs of different sizes would unleash such different levels of havoc on our vulnerable little planet.

But this animation makes it easy to understand, with three simple examples showing how different kinds of space rocks would lead to three very different (but all bad) scenarios if they made landfall at the Big Apple.

In scenario 1, we’ve got a 12-metre (40-foot) asteroid, approximately the length of a bus, travelling at 19 kilometres (12 miles) per second, and with a density of 8,000kg/m3 (about the same as iron). When it hits the southern tip of New York City, the impact crater takes out the bottom half of the city, with buildings being destroyed over a diameter of nearly 6 kilometres (3.6 miles).

Pretty scary, but nothing compared to what a much larger asteroid could manage. In scenario 2, with a 274-metre (900-foot) rock – about the length of three football fields – travelling at the same speed, the impact crater now extends to much of Brooklyn and Jersey City.

But that’s not all. Buildings would be destroyed in a much wider arc, and intense heat would see your clothing ignite well outside of the city. If you were lucky enough to keep your shirt, those within a blast diameter of approximately 140 kilometres (87 miles) would still experience first-degree burns. And that’s even with a lower density asteroid of 3,000kg/m3 (the same density as rock).

But even that nightmarish example pales in comparison with the uber-badness of what a really big space rock would do to New York and its surrounds (and their surrounds, and so on).

In our final doomsday scenario, we’re about to be hit by an asteroid measuring almost 2 kilometres in length (1.2 miles), which is about five Empire State Buildings stacked on top of one another. Travelling at the same speed and with the density of rock, this bad boy would clean up, well… pretty much a fair chunk of the East Coast and let’s just say Canada wouldn’t be too happy either.

Asteroid ripped apart to form star’s glowing ring system

Asteroid ripped apart to form star's glowing ring system
An asteroid torn apart by the strong gravity of a white dwarf has formed a ring of dust particles and debris orbiting the Earth-sized burnt out stellar core. Gas produced by collisions within the disc is detected in observations obtained over twelve years with ESO’s Very Large Telescope, and reveal a narrow glowing arc. 

The sight of an asteroid being ripped apart by a dead star and forming a glowing debris ring has been captured in an image for the first time.

Comprised of dust particles and debris, the rings are formed by the star’s gravity tearing apart asteroids that came too close.

Gas produced by collisions among the debris within the ring is illuminated by ultraviolet rays from the star, causing it to emit a dark red glow which the researchers observed and turned into the image of the ring.

Led by Christopher Manser of the University of Warwick’s Astrophysics Group, the researchers investigated the remnants of planetary systems around white dwarf stars; in this instance, SDSS1228+1040.

Whilst similar to the formation of Saturn’s rings, the scale of the white dwarf and its debris is many times greater in size. Christopher Manser explains:

“The diameter of the gap inside of the debris ring is 700,000 kilometres, approximately half the size of the Sun and the same space could fit both Saturn and its rings, which are only around 270,000 km across. At the same time, the white dwarf is seven times smaller than Saturn but weighs 2500 times more”.

While debris rings have been found at a handful of other white dwarfs, the imaging of SDSS1228+1040 gives an unprecedented insight into the structure of these systems.

“We knew about these debris disks around white dwarfs for over twenty years, but have only now been able to obtain the first image of one of these disks”, says Mr Manser.

Asteroid ripped apart to form star's glowing ring system
This is the debris disc around SDSS1228+1040 (left) in scale to Saturn and his rings (right). While the white dwarf in SDSS1228+1040 is about seven times smaller than Saturn, it weighs 2500 times more. 

To acquire the image the researchers used Doppler tomography, which is very similar to Computed Tomography (CT) routinely used in hospitals. Both methods take scans from many different angles which are then combined in a computer into an image.

While in CT, the machine moves around the patient, the disk the researchers observed is rotating very slowly by itself meaning they had to take data over twelve years. Discussing what the researchers saw in the image Mr Manser says:

“The image we get from the processed data shows us that these systems are truly disc-like, and reveal many structures that we cannot detect in a single snapshot. The image shows a spiral-like structure which we think is related to collisions between dust grains in the debris disc.”

Systems such as SDSS1228+1040, the researchers argue, are a glimpse at the future of our own solar system once the Sun runs out of fuel. By observing these systems, we can answer questions such as: Are other planetary systems like our own? What will be the fate of our own solar system?

Asteroid ripped apart to form star's glowing ring system
This image of the debris disk around SDSS1228+1040 made from observations taken over twelve years. The application of Doppler Tomography results in an image of the velocities within the disk, which has an ‘inside-out’ structure, gas closer to the white dwarf appears further. The two dashed circles illustrated 0.64 and 0.2 times the radius of the Sun. 

Addressing these issues Professor Boris Gänsicke of the University of Warwick’s Astrophysics Group says:

“When we discovered this debris disk orbiting the white dwarf SDSS1228+1040 back in 2006, we thought we saw some signs of an asymmetric shape. However, we could not have imagined the exquisite details that are now visible in this image constructed from twelve years of data – it was definitely worth the wait.”

“Over the past decade, we have learned that remnants of around are ubiquitous, and over thirty debris disks have been found by now. While most of them are in a stable state, just like Saturn’s rings, a handful are seen to change, and it is those systems that can tell us something about how these rings are formed.”

The research, Doppler-imaging of the planetary disc at the white dwarf SDSS J122859.93+104032.9, is published by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.