Why Asia is the frontier of mobile security

Security professionals can safeguard their enterprise by studying advanced hacking techniques from China, India and Korea

Security professionals know that hackers are an invisible army with infinite patience, and a bottomless bag of tricks. Against these odds businesses are at a disadvantage, because the only surefire way to know you’re vulnerable to hackers is after an attack has occurred. By then it’s too late to plug any holes that lead to a breach.

So how can you keep your apps safe, and stay ahead of the curve? Look to Asia, particularly China and Korea.

Why Asia?

Asia is Ground Zero for mobile app hackers who target video game developers. And while Asian mobile developers seem like an isolated target, the implications are much larger than one market, or one specific form of mobile technology. Mobile hacks–often originating in China and India–quickly become a global contagion with the potential to unleash untold havoc for companies of any size.

Asia is the world’s largest Internet market, with the highest number of smartphone users. Asian consumers are avid gamers and fast adopters of mobile trends, such as mobile commerce, and in-game/in-app purchases. And as early technology adopters, Asia’s developers are the first to experience new threats to their mobile apps.

App piracy

App piracy is a costly problem for Asian app developers.

Asian consumers have a long-standing relationship with pirated content, such a movies, and premium merchandise. Culturally it is common to see knockoff designer items and pirated games/movies on the streets, and it is accepted as a part of life. The in-app sale of premium items is a business model first pioneered in Asia as a response to rampant piracy of video games.

Today app piracy serves as a way for unscrupulous developers to dramatically reduce production cycles. With access to a rival’s source code, a copycat app version is released with identical functionality, allowing the thieves to shift development funds to marketing and new user acquisition. Hard-working developers unwittingly provide a generous subsidy to their competition when they fail to lock down or obfuscate their code. In this new world, the copycat can sometimes be more popular than the original.

Advanced evasion techniques with high sophistication

The piracy problem has many faces, and aids, in advanced evasion techniques favored by hackers.

The duplication of certificates and security credentials from compromised apps often become components of new attacks against enterprise targets. With these bogus credentials hackers can deploy malicious code in an otherwise secure environment, because it appears to be coming from a trusted source.

Today’s most advanced hackers function like startups, with a chain of command and compensation structure like any legit technology firm.But the businesslike nature of their illegal enterprises does not mirror the companies they target.

Hackers are opportunists. Hackers spend weeks or months looking for one hole to exploit. Once they have breached a company’s defenses they may wait months more before selecting the right moment to launch a crippling offensive.

Transoceanic mutation

The Asian mobile security market has unique characteristics, but it is dangerous for IT professionals to treat threats as a purely local phenomenon. In a connected world, cybergangs in China, India, Pakistan and Eastern Europe are not limited by geography.

The attack patterns that originate in Asia inevitably become standard tactics used against European and American enterprise targets. Asian cybercriminals who bring battle-tested techniques to new shores, are better able to avoid detection, and more resilient to inoculation attempts, like antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause deadly outbreaks.

Protecting your apps

The threat posed by hackers is very real; just ask Sony, Tesco, Macy’s or Nieman Marcus, retailers who suffered costly and serious brand damage after hackers gained access to millions of customer records and credit cards.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure. There are no bulletproof security solutions to stop all attacks, however, there are simple and often-overlooked steps you can implement today, such as binary-level obfuscation, source code obfuscation, key encryption (private/public) and secure communications between client/server (HTTPS, not HTTP)

Think like a hacker to stop hackers

Identify weak links in your security environment by proactively educating yourself about emerging threats.

Asia is at the forefront of hacking techniques, therefore paying close attention to the latest security research will give you a leg up on hackers, before you become front page news.

The best hackers will always find a way to make mischief. Because they are opportunists first and foremost, the more difficult you make their job, the more likely they are to target someone else.

Targeted therapies for NSCLC underused

Nearly a quarter of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Europe, Asia and North America are started on first-line therapy before their EGFR mutation testing results are available, which compromises their access to individualized treatment.

The data, presented at the  European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC) 2015 held recently in Geneva, Switzerland, came from an international survey that looked at the treatment practices of 562 treating physicians from 10 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, UK and USA). [ELCC 2015, abstract LBA2_PR]

Mutation testing rate was similar in all three regions (82 percent in Asia, 77 in Europe and 76 in NA). “That’s suboptimal, as international guidelines recommend that all advanced NSCLC patients with nonsquamous histology should be tested, so they can receive appropriate treatment according to their mutation status,” remarked Dr. James Spicer of Guy’s hospital, London, UK, who reported the results.

The main reasons for not testing all patients, aside from tumour histology, are insufficient tissue, poor performance status, smoking, and long turnaround time for test results.

“In Asia, more patients are being tested for EGFR mutations and getting the results in a timely manner. Only 10 percent of Asian patients do not have the results before treatment decisions are made, vs 21 percent in North America and 26 percent in Europe,” noted Spicer.

The most important factor in the choice of first-line treatment across all regions was a clinically relevant increase in overall survival, but the survey showed that prescribing practices for EGFR-positive patients vary among regions.

“Physicians in North America and Asia offer significantly more first-line EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors [TKIs] than those in Europe [83, 81 and 76 percent, respectively]. Even when available, the use of mutation status to inform treatment decisions is variable, and a significant minority of EGFR-positive patients worldwide receive chemotherapy first, contrary to established guidelines,” he pointed out.

According to Spicer, the reasons why many patients with EGFR mutations receive chemotherapy first need to be understood. “Not being tested or being tested but not given a treatment associated with significant benefits affects patient outcomes,” he concluded.

The discussant, Professor Tony Mok of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, pointed out the survey’s limitations, including the small sample size, selection bias, and differences between types of physicians between continents.

“We don’t know whether the respondents were academic oncologists or private physicians, which may affect their access to EGFR analysis facilities,” he said. “Moreover, we don’t know whether testing or treatment selection had any financial implications for the patient or the physician. For example, were the respondents paid? Are testing and TKI therapy reimbursed?”

Mok also pointed out that a 2011 survey on EGFR mutation testing in Asia showed that overall, only 32 percent of Asian patients were tested, ranging from 18 percent in China to 65 in Japan. “The good news is that the proportion of those tested has been increasing steadily in the past few years,” he said.

“As for the choice of first-line therapy, I don’t think Europe is that different from Asia and North America,” he added.

Flying robots to work as waiters in Singapore .

Visitors are served by an Infinium-Serve Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that is designed to serve food and wait tables, at the National Productivity Month exhibition in Singapore October 7, 2014.(Reuters / Edgar Su)

Visitors are served by an Infinium-Serve Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that is designed to serve food and wait tables, at the National Productivity Month exhibition in Singapore October 7, 2014.(Reuters / Edgar Su)

Flying robotic waiters, known as Infinium-Serve, will be launched in a Singapore restaurant chain by the end of 2015, local media reported on Thursday.

In what is believed to be the world’s first commercial attempt at replacing humans with machines in this field, Timbre Group plans to have robots waiting tables by the end of next year, Channel News Asia reported.

Infinium Robotics and Timbre Group – one of Singapore’s most popular restaurant chains – signed a memorandum of understanding on October 31 to launch the robots in five outlets.

They are looking for productivity-related government grants to help offset development costs, which are estimated to be a “low seven-figure sum,” according to Woon Junyang, chief executive officer at Infinium Robotics.

Woon said he believes that replacing waiters and waitresses with robots would help alleviate Singapore’s labor crunch and allow human waiters to focus on more interesting higher value tasks, such as getting feedback from customers and ordering wine.

“This will result in an enhanced dining experience which will eventually lead to increased sales and revenue for the restaurants,” he said.

Singapore has been facing a labor shortage, particularly in the service sector, due to ever stricter restrictions on the number of foreign workers allowed into the island state in recent years.

Infinium showed off a prototype of the flying robot to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the inaugural launch of National Productivity Month in early October.

Monsanto’s Roundup may be linked to fatal kidney disease, new study suggests

A heretofore inexplicable fatal, chronic kidney disease that has affected poor farming regions around the globe may be linked to the use of biochemical giant Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide in areas with hard water, a new study has found.

The new study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Researchers suggest that Roundup, or glyphosate, becomes highly toxic to the kidney once mixed with “hard” water or metals like arsenic and cadmium that often exist naturally in the soil or are added via fertilizer. Hard water contains metals like calcium, magnesium, strontium, and iron, among others. On its own, glyphosate is toxic, but not detrimental enough to eradicate kidney tissue.

The glyphosate molecule was patented as a herbicide by Monsanto in the early 1970s. The company soon brought glyphosate to market under the name “Roundup,” which is now the most commonly used herbicide in the world.

The hypothesis helps explain a global rash of the mysterious, fatal Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown etiology (CKDu) that has been found in rice paddy regions of northern Sri Lanka, for example, or in El Salvador, where CKDu is the second leading cause of death among males.

Furthermore, the study’s findings explain many observations associated with the disease, including the linkage between the consumption of hard water and CKDu, as 96 percent of patients have been found to have consumed “hard or very hard water for at least five years, from wells that receive their supply from shallow regolith aquifers.”

The CKDu was discovered in rice paddy farms in northern Sri Lanka around 20 years ago. The condition has spread quickly since then and now affects 15 percent of working age people in the region, or a total of 400,000 patients, the study says. At least 20,000 have died from CKDu there.

In 2009, the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health introduced criteria for CKDu. Basically, the Ministry found that CKDu did not share common risk factors as chronic kidney disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and glomerular nephritis, or inflammation of the kidney.

Based on geographical and socioeconomical factors associated with CKDu, it was assumed that environmental and occupational variables would offer clues to the disease’s origins – or in this case, it came from chemicals.

The new study noted that even the World Health Organization had found that CKDu is caused by exposure to arsenic, cadmium, and pesticides, in addition to hard water consumption, low water intake, and exposure to high temperatures. Yet why that certain area of Sri Lanka and why the disease didn’t show prior to the mid-1990s was left unanswered.

Researchers point out that political changes in Sri Lanka in the late 1970s led to the introduction of agrochemicals, especially in rice farming. They believe that 12 to 15 years of exposure to “low concentration kidney-damaging compounds” along with their accumulation in the body led to the appearance of CKDu in the mid-90s.

The incriminating agent, or Compound “X,” must have certain characteristics, researchers deduced. The compound, they hypothesized, must be: made of chemicals newly introduced in the last 20 to 30 years; capable of forming stable complexes with hard water; capable of retaining nephrotoxic metals and delivering them to the kidney; capable of multiple routes of exposure, such as ingestion, through skin or respiratory absorption, among other criteria.

These factors pointed to glyphosate, used in abundance in Sri Lanka. In the study, researchers noted that earlier studies had shown that typical glyphosate half-life of around 47 days in soil can increase up to 22 years after forming hard to biodegrade “strong complexes with metal ions.”

Scientists have derived three ways of exposure to glyphosate-metal complexes (GMCs): consumption of contaminated hard water, food, or the complex could be formed directly within circulation with glyphosate coming from dermal/respiratory route and metals from water and foods.

Rice farmers, for example, are at high risk of exposure to GMCs through skin absorption, inhalation, or tainted drinking water. GMCs seem to evade the normal liver’s detoxification process, thus damaging kidneys, the study found.

The study also suggests that glyphosate could be linked to similar epidemics of kidney disease of unknown origin in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and India.

Recent investigations by the Center for Public Integrity found that, in the last five years, CKDu is responsible for more deaths in El Salvador and Nicaragua than diabetes, AIDS, and leukemia combined.

How My Whole Life Changed Because of One Simple Thing.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” ~ T. S. Eliot

After living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 2 years, I am home again… the same place where I returned in the fall of 2009 after living in U.S. for 3 years, the place where I was born and raised, Suceava, Romania.

Things have changed so much since 2009, and so did I.

I remember how lost and how confused I used to feel back then, not knowing who I was, what I wanted to do with my life and which direction to take.

It’s incredible how much things can change in just a couple of years and how your whole life can change because of one simple thing.

I remember like it was yesterday how I used to sit down at this cute table we have in the living room, and write in my “dream notebooks” about the many things I wanted to be, do and have if there were no limits to what I could achieve.

“Become a very happy, confident, fierce, strong, kind, generous, gentle, honest person, always feeling and looking amazing.

Have a strong, healthy and beautiful body.

Understand, accept and love myself and others.

Happy and content with the way I look and feel.

I touch lives and help people change the way they think and live their lives…

Meditate at least 2 times per week, exercise.

I have attracted, and still do, wonderful and supportive friends, loving and positive people that encourage and help me grow.

I work with people from around the world who are in need for a change. They need to change their lives in order to be happy and I help them do just that.

I am grateful for my life, for who I am and for how happy my life is.

I only focus on having positive and powerful thoughts, nothing else.

Be present in the NOW!

Because I am living life in an authentic way, people are drawn to me.

Travel around the world.

Embrace my inner child. Be playful.

Live life my own way. Stop chasing approval outside yourself.

I no longer care about other people’s approval. My approval is the only approval I need.

Make my own rules. 

Overcome the fear of dying.

Incorporate photography and personal development in your work.

Work on writing powerful and life changing books.

Change the way you think about age.

I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

I am not afraid to take risks. If I don’t take risks I will live a sedentary, unfulfilled life, feeling depressed and down… feeling unhappy and incomplete… “

and these are some of the things I wrote on my “dream notebooks”. The simple act of writing down my dreams has changed my whole life for the better.

It’s because of this simple thing that I am no longer the lost, scared and insecure girl I used to be but rather a happy, confident, fierce, strong, kind, generous and loving person.

I traveled in the last 2 years like I never traveled in my whole life (see pictures bellow). I made so many new and wonderful friends, people whom I love and adore and who encourage and support me in everything I do.

I used to be afraid of growing older and terrified of dying. Not anymore!

Now I know that age is just a number and because of that it no longer matters how old I am. In fact, I am excited to grow “older” because I know that as years will go by, my life will get better and better and I will grow wiser.

As far as death is concern… because I am living life fully, I am no longer afraid of dying. In fact, I love to talk about death just as much as I love to talk about life.

A lot of things have changed since then and the best part about this whole list is the fact that at that time I had no idea how was I going to incorporate photography and personal development in my work. The funny thing is that I ended up creating the PurposeFairy blog, this beautiful baby that I love so much, which is all about personal development and the photos I use are all photos taken by me.

And it doesn’t end here. While I was in Malaysia, I worked in Mindvalley as a Product Development Creative Lead, working with authors like Burt Goldman, Laura Silva, Mike Dooley, Lee Holden and many others on creating personal development products.

This year I was also a photographer at Awesomeness Fest, Bali, one of the most incredible and impactful personal growth & entrepreneurship events in the world and in November I will go to A-Fest Dominican Republic where I will be a photographer and a speaker.

How funny is that?

I am also working on my first book (it’s taking a bit longer that I expected) which will most likely be published by the biggest book publisher in the world.

So many wonderful things have happened to me in these last 4 years and it was all because in the fall of 2009, I decided to write down the things I wanted from life, and then take the necessary action steps to move myself in that direction.

I am not sharing all of these things to brag, but rather to inspire you to do the same.

I know that there is something very special in each and one of us and I know that stories have the power, and I hope my story will inspire you to to write your own list of dreams and goals, and to dare to make them all come true.

WHO prequalifies JE vaccine, clears way to reach children in poor countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) today granted its seal of approval to a vaccine that protects children from a deadly brain infection. The live, attenuated Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine, known as SA 14-14-2 and manufactured in China through a unique partnership with PATH, has the potential to protect millions of children in Asia against the devastating infection.

“With WHO prequalification, we can accelerate the availability of a safe, affordable vaccine to children who need it most,” said Dr. Kathleen Neuzil, director of PATH’s Vaccine Access and Delivery program. “It’s a landmark moment that signals the power of collaboration in tackling this devastating disease and bringing lifesaving solutions to vulnerable communities.”


A historic moment

From negotiating an affordable public-sector price for the vaccine to constructing a new manufacturing facility, PATH and the Chengdu Institute of Biological Products (CDIBP) have worked toward this tremendous milestone for more than ten years with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

WHO’s prequalification clears the way for international financing to help bring greater access to the vaccine in low-resource, JE-endemic countries where 4 billion people live in areas at risk for the disease.

JE kills as many as 15,000 people, mostly children, each year and causes lifelong disabilities for tens of thousands more. The disease, transmitted by mosquitoes, is untreatable, which makes prevention even more critical.


Tapping into China’s capacity to improve health

The vaccine is the first-ever Chinese vaccine to receive WHO prequalification, marking China’s debut as a manufacturer of high-quality vaccines for the global health marketplace. The model has the potential to have a long-term effect on the availability and affordability of more vaccines for the people who need them most.

PATH harnessed our technical expertise and forged effective partnerships to help distribute the vaccine beyond China, where it has been used successfully for more than two decades, to reach millions more people in poor countries with affordable and sustainable protection. Outside of China, more than 200 million people in India, Cambodia, Nepal, and eight other countries have already received SA 14-14-2—the first JE vaccine prequalified for use in children—with stellar results.




Bayer and FDA Knowingly Exposed Thousands of People to HIV.

Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia – Unearthed documents show that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine — Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs — to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS. Bayer knew about the fact that the drug was tainted and told the FDA to keep things under wraps while they made a profit off of a drug that infected its patients.

If these allegations are true, then both Bayer and the FDA are at fault for this catastrophe. FDA regulators helped to keep the continued sales hidden, asking the company that the problem be ”quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public,” according to the minutes of a 1985 meeting

Source: rawforbeauty.com

Cryptococcal meningitis: improving access to essential antifungal medicines in resource-poor countries.

Cryptococcal meningitis is the leading cause of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa, and contributes up to 20% of AIDS-related mortality in low-income and middle-income countries every year. Antifungal treatment for cryptococcal meningitis relies on three old, off-patent antifungal drugs: amphotericin B deoxycholate, flucytosine, and fluconazole. Widely accepted treatment guidelines recommend amphotericin B and flucytosine as first-line induction treatment for cryptococcal meningitis. However, flucytosine is unavailable in Africa and most of Asia, and safe amphotericin B administration requires patient hospitalisation and careful laboratory monitoring to identify and treat common side-effects. Therefore, fluconazole monotherapy is widely used in low-income and middle-income countries for induction therapy, but treatment is associated with significantly increased rates of mortality. We review the antifungal drugs used to treat cryptococcal meningitis with respect to clinical effectiveness and access issues specific to low-income and middle-income countries. Each drug poses unique access challenges: amphotericin B through cost, toxic effects, and insufficiently coordinated distribution; flucytosine through cost and scarcity of registration; and fluconazole through challenges in maintenance of local stocks—eg, sustainability of donations or insufficient generic supplies. We advocate ten steps that need to be taken to improve access to safe and effective antifungal therapy for cryptococcal meningitis.

Source: Lancet

Current status on the diagnosis and evaluation of pancreatic tumour in Asia with particular emphasis on the role of endoscopic ultrasound.

In Asia, the incidence of pancreatic cancer in some countries has been increasing. Owing to most cases being diagnosed late, prognosis for pancreatic cancer remains dismal. It is clear the future for pancreatic cancer is early detection. While the possible presence of pancreatic masses is often first raised by non-invasive abdominal imaging such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), smaller lesions and locoregional lymph node metastases are often not detectable by these means. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) offers a higher sensitivity (93-100%) for the detection of small potentially curable pancreatic masses than other existing imaging modalities. It is also recommended to evaluate portal vein confluence, portal vein, celiac axis and SMA origin, and exclude respectability. Due to the closer proximity of EUS to the target structure, and lower rate of needle tract seeding, EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of pancreatic mass is considered the most suitable tissue acquisition technique. Lastly, EUS also enables the performance of endoscopic interventions. Its performance can be further enhanced with newer techniques, including contrast enhanced ultrasound and elastrography. It is anticipated that in the near future, molecular technologies may make it possible to detect microscopic amounts of cancer in tissue or blood, predict relapse and survival after therapy, as well as determine optimal therapy.





Before incubation, a coworking space for start-up conception.


It is a large “coworking” office finely tuned to the requirements of people who need space to dream about their start-ups, to be creative, to find like-minded individuals just to hash out ideas, to find partners, to take constructive breaks in a comfortable environment.

Coming here costs US$125 a month, a considerably smaller fee than coworking spaces in other metropolises. Members who use the space, called CoCoon, do not need to have a start-up, but they have to have a good idea or a useful skill, and be interested in interacting with other members to build a kind of supportive community that is said to be sorely lacking in Hong Kong.

CoCoon occupies the third floor of a shiny office building. Its main founder, Max Ma, who is in the jewelry retail business, owns the space.

He said he hopes it will help entrepreneurs build small and medium-size businesses that will create employment in Hong Kong — a city where giant conglomerates run most of the show and the wealth gap is the highest among all developed economies in the world, according to UN stats.

“This is my small contribution to Hong Kong,” said Ma, whose children Theodore and Erica Ma, also entrepreneurs, help oversee CoCoon. If leased out, the space’s monthly rent would be US$25,000, he said.

When CoCoon meets its goal of having 400 paying members, it is expected to recoup all costs — but Theodore Ma stresses that costs are beside the point; the most important factor for them is maintaining high-quality members, hosting useful events and helping start-ups that will be meaningful.

“Only when our entrepreneurs succeed in satisfying their customers and users will Cocoon truly
become profitable and meaningful in the long term,” he said in an e-mail.

Having opened its doors for less than two months, CoCoon is still working on screening and accepting members, or “tenants.” An application process helps identify who would have something to offer.

The group is looking for entrepreneurs, investors who would also act as seasoned mentors, and people who can offer skills like programming or graphic design. These varied members often come here looking for partners.

In space-tight Hong Kong, CoCoon is refreshingly bright, airy and open. The main working area, taking up half the floor, is sparsely populated with large desks — no cubicles in sight. A long row of metal lockers line one of the walls, high-school style. Small office-type rooms are in the back for making the occasional loud phone calls.

The other half of the space features a coffee bar, ping-pong table, foosball table, a meditation room with three bean-bag chairs (chairs are generally all over the place) and a library of start-up and tech-related books.

“We have foosball and ping pong, because watching fast-moving objects is supposed to provide good eye exercise,” especially for workers staring at computers all day, said Darren Yung, a manager at CoCoon.

Some of the wall space is covered in bright orange dry-erase boards, where ideas, inspiration and job openings get shared. The place’s other accent color motif is the techland favorite Android green.

But other than enviable toys and ample breathing room, CoCoon offers support for innovation, something that entrepreneurs says is rather deficient in Hong Kong.

Rayfil Wong comes here to work on his project, a children’s self-help book for the iPad. He laments that the government provides only scant funding for technology and is not doing enough to encourage innovation.

“There is a lack of motivation and constant fear,” he said, adding that individuals are reluctant to step out and do something innovative.

Tenants at CoCoon say Hong Kong’s obsession with its banks is, as usual, part of the blame. “Because of the booming financial industry, a lot of talent gets sucked into those sectors,” said Vicky Wu, a former banker who co-founder of ZaoZao, a crowd-funding website for fashion designers that is set to launch at the end of this month.

For example, Wu said, local graduates in programming make a beeline for operations and tech support jobs at banks. This makes it hard for start-ups to find programmers on a project basis. But CoCoon aims to fill some of that gap by helping to connect freelancers with small business people.

Wu and her partner, Ling Cai, were CoCoon’s first tenants. But their days spent here are nearing an end, as ZaoZao has been accepted into Science Park, a bona fide incubator that provides space — and much coveted government funding. Giving entrepreneurs the means to progress in their start-ups is one of CoCoon’s goals — and ZaoZao has become one of CoCoon’s first success stories.

Source: Smart planet