Antioxidants reduces heart attack in women.

Eating lots of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables could help keep women’s heart attack risk low, according to a large new study.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute found that women who consumed the most antioxidants from foods — not to mention ate nearly seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day — had a 20 percent decreased risk of having a heart attack over a 10-year period.

Even though past studies have not shown any immense benefit from taking antioxidant supplements on heart attack risk, the researchers noted that the positive effect observed in this study may be because the women ate actual fruits and vegetables.

“In contrast to supplements of single antioxidants, the dietary total antioxidant capacity reflects all present antioxidants, including thousands of compounds, all of them in doses present in our usual diet, and even takes into account their synergistic effects,” study researcher Dr. Alicja Wolk, DrMedSci, said in a statement.

The study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, is based on food consumption and health data from 32,561 women from Sweden between ages 49 and 83. Data was collected from 1997 until 2007.

By the end of the study period, 1,114 women had had a heart attack. Women who ate the most vegetables in the study consumed nearly three times more than those who ate the least vegetables in the study (just 2.4 servings per day).

Olive Oil:

Switching from butter to olive oil (or even olive oil to canola oil) can lower cholesterol levels. The “healthy” monounsaturated fats found in olive oil are still fats however, so use in moderation.


A large 2011 study found that swapping nuts for red meat as a leaner source of protein resulted in a 17 percent lower risk of stroke. The unsaturated fat in nuts can help reduce cholesterol in comparison to eating red meat, but nuts are still high in fat and calories, so be aware of portion sizes.


Berries are rich in a type of antioxidant called polyphenols, which can lower blood pressure and boost “good” HDL cholesterol.
A 2011 study focussed on blueberries found that they contain a compound called anthocyanins (also found in other dark fruits like raspberries) that can protect against high blood pressure.


The soluble fiber in oatmeal (as well in other whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables) reduces the absorption of “bad” LDL cholesterol into the bloodstream, helping to keep arteries clear.


While the cholesterol-lowering claims of soy protein have been debated, there’s no question that it’s a low-fat source of protein when compared to fattier options, like red meat.

Dark Chocolate:

Thanks to compounds called flavonoids that operate like antioxidants, satisfying that sweet tooth can actually lower bad cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and prevent blood clots.


When air-popped (read, not drenched in butter and smothered in salt), popcorn is actually a surprisingly good source of heart-healthy antioxidants and fiber, according to a 2009 study, because it’s technically a whole grain.


Tomatoes are the biggest source of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) in the American diet, according to a 2011 review of literature on the topic. While more research is needed still, preliminary experiments suggest that lycopene could play a role in preventing cardiovascular problems due to its anti-inflammatory properties.


Just like their leafy, green, land-grown counterparts, seaweeds pack some impressive benefits for the heart, including antioxidants and even some good fats.


Sweet potatoes are packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, and both sweets and regular spuds contain fiber and potassium, key in keeping your heart functioning its best.


A 2011 study suggests that coffee is one of the biggest sources of antioxidants in the average person’s diet, and that caffeine is actually behind the heart-healthy effects of that morning (or afternoon) pick-me-up. Although more research is still needed to more clearly understand the process of how caffeine counteracts free radicals in the body, it seems to help fight heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more.


A 2011 review published in the “British Medical Journal” found a 14 to 25 percent drop in heart disease in moderate alcohol drinkers compared to teetotalers.

For years, research has flip-flopped on the healthy or not debate over alcohol. While once-heralded resveratrol might not be worth all the hype, a recent Spanish study suggests it’s alcohol itself that has cardiovascular benefits, not just the compounds in red wine.

Source: AOL