What are the best foods to reverse symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

Image: What are the best foods to reverse symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating disease that causes the joints, usually in the hands, to become inflamed and painful. It usually affects older individuals, although people as young as 30 can suffer from the disease. Like most autoimmune diseases, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but effectively managing it begins with eating the right food.

There is strong evidence supporting the link between food and the symptoms and effects of rheumatoid arthritis, which can include swollen joints, pain, and disability. In a study published in the journal Frontiers of Nutrition, researchers found that the state of a person’s microflora, the bacteria in the gut, as well as a leaky gut, all contribute to the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Changes in a person’s diet, they found, can also have pronounced benefits. For instance, fasting produces ketones that help suppress the pro-inflammatory molecules that cause pain in rheumatoid arthritis. Shifting to a plant-based diet has also been found to reduce immune reactivity to antigens found in certain foods.

The Mediterranean diet against rheumatoid arthritis

Because of the close link between rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation, it goes without saying that the best diet for sufferers is one that incorporates a lot of anti-inflammatory foods. When it comes to ingredients that fight inflammation, nothing does it better than the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet places a lot of emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins, and whole, unrefined carbohydrates. According to experts, this diet is so healthy that it gives over 1,500 mg of polyphenols every day. Polyphenols are natural compounds with anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-allergenic properties.

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The Mediterranean diet is linked to a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. One explanation for this is the liberated use of anti-inflammatory ingredients in almost any dish. Research has proven that many of the staples in this diet can help reduce the expression of pro-inflammatory compounds that may worsen rheumatoid arthritis. (Related: Study finds Mediterranean diet more effective cure for acid reflux than meds.)

Here are some of the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory nutrients found in many of the foods under the Mediterranean diet:

  • Anthocyanins – These plant pigments are found in blueberries, blackberries, and eggplants. They are powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and help prevent inflammation.
  • Reservatrol – This antioxidant is abundant in grapes and red wine. Just like anthocyanins, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the joints from inflammation and damage.
  • Mangiferin – Another antioxidant, this time found in mangoes, mangiferin is so powerful that it has been described as having the ability to prevent the destruction of joints.
  • Kaempferol – A compound found in grapefruit, kaempferol reduces the molecules that destroy the bones and the cartilage. The degradation of these parts is one of the main causes of pain of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Bromelain – This compound from pineapples is known for being a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Studies vouch for its efficacy as a pain reliever that does not cause any adverse effects.
  • Oleic acid – Found in olive oil, this is one of the hallmark ingredients in the Mediterranean diet. This compound is known to provide therapeutic and protective effects from rheumatoid arthritis. When consumed by people without the condition, oleic acid can lower the risk of developing the disease.
  • Curcumin – This compound is found in turmeric and is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Some studies say that turmeric is best combined with ginger, yet another anti-inflammatory food, to maximize its ability to relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain.
  • Probiotics – These “friendly” bacteria help promote digestion and improve the overall health of the gut. They can help prevent the negative effects of leaky gut and offset bad bacteria that may be causing damage to the body. Probiotics are found in fermented foods. Lactobacillus casei, for instance, is found in yogurt.

Learn which foods you need to eat to relieve body pain at Remedies.news.

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