Biocentrism Posits That Death Is Merely Transport into Another Universe

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Is death merely a portal into another place in the multiverse.

Swiss Engineer Michele Angelo Besso was a close friend of Einstein’s. Upon his death, the father of relativity said, “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us … know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

We often think of the afterlife as a spiritual or religious belief, when in a way, its pursuit is also somewhat familiar to science. Robert Lanza, M.D. takes things one step further. He thinks we start out with a wrong assumption, that we have it all backward. It isn’t the universe which is supreme, but life. In fact, life and in particular consciousness are essential to the makeup of the universe, he says. Through the theory of biocentrism, he believes he can prove that space and time do not exist, unless our consciousness says they do.

This is an all-encompassing theory which in Greek means “life center.”Though radical, if one day proven correct, it could have ramifications for the study of physics, biology, consciousness, the brain, and even AI. Consider a blade of grass. Your brain through your eyes tells you its green. But what if a neuroscientist could reconnoiter that part of the brain where the concept registers, and make it indicate red or yellow instead? Lanza reminds us that all reality is sensory information interpreted by our brain.

It’s our consciousness that puts our reality together. For instance, space-time in physics is different from how we experience these, separate concepts in real life. Science treats the space-time continuum as a solid principle. According to Lanza they are “simply tools of our mind.” Death too in his view “cannot exist in any real sense.”

Dr. Robert Lanza in his laboratory, 2009.

Notice how, for instance, when you are a child, days and weeks seem to drag on, while when you get older, they fly by. Time itself hasn’t changed, just our perception of it. Whether the universe actually works the way in which we perceive it isn’t readily known. One of the fundamental laws of Newtonian physics is that energy isn’t created or destroyed, it simply takes another form. The energy trapped in our brain must take another form then, even when a person dies. Meanwhile, our senses tell us that it’s their end. But where does this energy go? In a world with endless space and time, could death really exist? If not, is immortality a phenomenon which occurs within space-time or outside of it?

Dr. Lanza isn’t some newfangled guru. He’s a biotech Zion, and currently, the Chief Scientific Officer of the Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine. He’s studying stem cells and their application for treating disease. Previous to this, he did some research on embryonic stem cells and in cloning, both with animals and humans. Lanza is also an adjunct professor at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina.

In quantum physics, particles can be observed in several different states at the same time. This is called superposition. They in fact, exist in all possible states simultaneously. In terms of predicting what a particle will do, nothing is absolute. Each state has its own range of probability. In Lanza’s view, each corresponds with a different universe.

This coincides with the “many worlds” theory, also known as the multiverse. Each universe is thought to operate with its own physical laws. Anything that can occur does, with one possibility playing out in each realm. Our life, Lanza believes, at one stage or another, is occurring across many universes simultaneously. Yet, your life on one world wouldn’t influence your life in another.

What are the chances that death is a portal into another universe?

What has long plagued particle physicists is that observation affects reality. Consider the famous double-slit test. In this classic experiment, physicists observe a particle passing through two slits in a barrier. When the phenomenon is observed, it behaves like a particle, a little cannonball shooting directly through the slits. If it isn’t observed, it performs like a wave, gliding through both openings at once. This shows that energy and matter are made up of both particles and waves, and that one’s mere observation changes its form.

Such inconsistencies don’t prove the existence of the multiverse, however. Yet, through the scaffolding of biocentrism or this new “Theory of Everything,” the physics begins to take shape. Consciousness is an essential force in the universe, according to this theory, which shows why the properties of energy, matter, space, and time, depend on whether or not a conscious mind is observing them. Lanza uses other research to support his view.

A 2002 study of photons or light particles, showed that they communicated with one another. When one photon was guided to a certain place, it was picked up by a detector. Researchers used a scrambler to force it to remain a particle rather than a wave. After one was sent out and reached its destination, the second photon crossed the same space instantaneously. It was as if it knew where it was going, and the knowledge must have traveled back to it faster than the speed of light. Another supporting factor in an entirely different category, is the Goldilocks principle. This is the theory that the universe was made just right for supporting life.

Photons being smashed at the CERN large hadron collider. 

Critics argue that unexplained phenomena in physics only occurs on the quantum level. They also point out that there is no direct evidence of the existence of other universes. Several physicists have told Forbes that Lanza’s writings look more like works of philosophy rather than science. The doctor himself states that he is healing a glaring rift, and applying innovative methods from biotech to physics. He also admits his theory lacks a mathematical basis. As such, Lanza’s working on the supporting mathematical structure. Papers are expected to follow in scientific journals.

Another competing theory accounts for inconsistencies in quantum physics by stating that the universe is an illusion. It could be for instance, a projection created by a highly advanced quantum computer. Though still entirely theoretical, biocentrism offers those of us who want to hold onto a comforting afterlife scenario, without giving up a devotion to science, an avenue to explore. In this vein, Lanza wrote, “Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix. Life has a non-linear dimensionality; it’s like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.”

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EWAO Scientists might have spotted another universe sitting next to our own

Scientists might have spotted another universe sitting next to our own

Astronomers might have just spotted another universe, sitting right next to ours, it is considered as one of the greatest discoveries of 2015, and could change everything we know about Space, the universe and astrophysics forever.

According to astronomers, light spotted in outer space might have ‘spilled through’ from another universe very close to our own. The bright patches could be in fact leftovers from another universe that began in the vicinity of our own according to scientific study.

Thanks to a new ‘glow’ spotted in space, researchers believe another universe exists and the light we have seen might have come from that universe, outside of our own. The cosmological multiverse theory has been proposed nearly a century ago and includes the concept of ‘bubble universes’ which interact with each other, clashing ever since the Big Bang, revealing in plain sight, a visible ‘footprint’ of one another.

Scientists believe that they can actually get a peek at one if the said universe started out close enough to our universe, so the two were able to ‘touch’ which would then leave a viewable signature in our universe. In order to find these signatures, scientists have compared a map of the cosmic microwave background (which are basically leftovers from the early universe) with a picture of the entire sky taken by the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope. What they found after left researchers mesmerized. After they subtracted one from the other, they saw an eerie patch of light in the sky, a patch of light that could be explained as being the remains of collisions with other universes.

This incredible fading – reported by Dr. Ranga-Ram Chary in a study called ‘Spectral Variations of the Sky: Constraints on Alternate Universes‘ as reported by New Scientist – demonstrate that the said universe would have to have an entirely different makeup to outs.

The microwaves studied by Dr. Chary were once considered as simple electromagnetic noise, but Chary believes they are the key to sustaining the theory and that parallel universes must be very different from ours. He believes that in another universe subatomic particles, baptized as baryons and photons, with a size ten times greater than what we see in our universe exist, making the physics of that universe totally different from ours.

Chary believes that our universe could be a small region “in a super-region that inflates forever … beyond our observable universe, existing in such a way that each region would be governed by a different set of physical parameters”.

Chary concludes his paper writing: “The CMB power spectrum extracted from the Planck frequency maps has been shown to be consistent with a ΛCDM cosmology with a specific set of cosmological parameters measured with unprecedented sensitivity (Planck Collaboration et al. 2015). Much of this consistency arises from precise measurements of the power spectrum on angular scales smaller than 1◦. Why these parameters are the values they are is a question that doesn’t have a clear answer. One possibility is there is an infinite set of Universes with different parameters and our Universe just happens to have the values that we measure. Searching for these alternate Universes is a challenge. One hypothesis suggests that as each Universe evolves independently, it may collide with our observable Universe, leaving a signature on the signal we see. Since the CMB intensity has been shown to be isotropic, it is clear that such a collision is not seen in the intensity of the photons. Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”

Why these parameters are the values they are is a question that doesn’t have a clear answer. One possibility is there are an infinite set of Universes with different parameters and our Universe just happens to have the values that we measure. Searching for these alternate Universes is a challenge. One hypothesis suggests that as each Universe evolves independently, it may collide with our observable Universe, leaving a signature on the signal we see. Since the CMB intensity has been shown to be isotropic, it is clear that such a collision is not seen in the intensity of the photons. Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”

Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”

The scientific community believes that the results presented in the study by Ranga-Ram Chary are on the right track, but stress that it is necessary to study his findings in greater depth, to establish more solid conclusions and to be sure that what was identified isn’t something else… like space dust getting in the way.

Black holes are a passage to another universe, says Stephen Hawking

New theory is an answer to a paradox that has puzzled physicists for decades

Humans could escape from black holes, rather than getting stuck in them, according to a new theory proposed by Stephen Hawking.

Unfortunate space travellers won’t be able to return to their own universe, according to Hawking. But they will be able to escape somewhere else, he has proposed at a conference in Stockholm.

Black holes in fact aren’t as “black” as people thought and could be a way of getting through to an alternative universe.

“The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible,” Hawking said, according to a report from Stockholm University. “The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldn’t come back to our universe. So although I’m keen on space flight, I’m not going to try that.

Now Hawking has proposed that the information is stored on the boundary, at the event horizon. That means that it never makes its way into the black hole, and so never needs to make its way out again either.

“If you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up,” he told the audience at the end of his speech. “There’s a way out.”

Hawking’s proposal is an attempt to answer a problem that has tormented physicists about what happens to things when they go beyond the event horizon, where even light can’t get back. The information about the object has to be preserved, scientists believe, even if the thing itself is swallowed up — and that paradox has puzzled scientists for decades.