Transfusion Cutoff for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Anemia

In a large trial, differences in key outcomes favoring a liberal transfusion strategy just missed statistical significance.

A restrictive transfusion strategy (hemoglobin [Hb] cutoff, <7 g/dL) is accepted widely as the standard of care for most hospitalized patients. However, some controversy remains for patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) and anemia (NEJM JW Gen Med May 1 2021 and JAMA 2021; 325:552). In this international study, researchers randomized 3500 adult patients with MI and anemia (Hb level, ≤10 g/dL) to either a restrictive transfusion strategy (Hb cutoff, <7 or <8 g/dL, per clinician judgment) or a liberal transfusion strategy (Hb cutoff, <10 g/dL).

At 30 days after randomization, the incidence of key outcomes for patients in the restrictive- and liberal-transfusion groups, respectively, were as follows:

  • Primary outcome (recurrent MI or death at 30 days): 16.9% vs. 14.5%
  • Death: 9.9% vs. 8.3%
  • Recurrent MI: 8.5% vs. 7.2%

For each of the above endpoints, the numerical difference that suggested better outcomes with liberal transfusion just missed statistical significance. As expected, the total number of transfused units was much higher in the liberal-strategy group (4300 vs 1200 units), and patients in the liberal-strategy group were almost three times more likely to receive at least 1 transfused unit (95% vs. 34%). However, the incidence of new or worsening heart failure was only slightly (and not significantly) higher with the liberal strategy (6.3% vs. 5.8%).


This is the largest study to date of transfusion cutoffs among patients with acute MI and anemia. The borderline statistical differences in major adverse outcomes, slightly favoring the liberal strategy, suggest that clinicians should have some latitude in picking a transfusion threshold (i.e., somewhere between 7 and 10 g/dL). Nevertheless, a tendency toward a restrictive strategy also remains reasonable, given the lower consumption of blood resources, fewer transfusion reactions, and cost savings.

APPROACH to Cardiac Troponin Elevations in Patients With Renal Disease

A 62-year-old male presented to the emergency department with chest pain radiating down his left arm that lasted 40 minutes and awakened him 3 hours prior to arrival. It was associated with shortness of breath, nausea, and diaphoresis. You note a history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia controlled with hydrochlorothiazide and atorvastatin. In addition, he has chronic renal failure, for which he tells you that his doctor thinks he might soon require dialysis. His father had died of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) at 70 years of age. Physical examination shows no acute distress. His blood pressure is 149/89 mmHg and heart rate is 86 bpm. On auscultation, both heart sounds are audible and normal, although you do notice a fourth heart sound and bibasilar rales on the chest posteriorly along with bilateral pedal edema to the level of the mid-shins and mild jugular venous distension. A 12-lead ECG suggests left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) but is otherwise unremarkable, and his chest x-ray is normal. Upon reviewing his blood work you notice that his cardiac troponin (cTn) level drawn on admission was elevated and that his most recent estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is 23 mL/min. The resident with you concludes the elevated cTn can be explained by the patient’s renal failure and that his kidneys are no longer able to excrete it effectively. He goes on to state that, despite the patient’s highly suggestive report of chest pain and impressive risk factors, in the absence of ECG changes or “new” cTn elevations, this cannot be classified as an AMI. The patient is therefore not at high risk and so is not a candidate for an invasive strategy and can be managed with medical therapy alone.

Our approach

The resident is correct in recalling that the universal definition of AMI requires elevated biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis in addition to either symptoms of cardiac ischemia or ECG changes indicative of ischemia. In addition, he is correct in noting that elevated cTn levels related to cardiac ischemia are associated with an adverse prognosis and that these high-risk patients benefit from an early invasive strategy. However, the resident has made a number of errors as well. The cTn used here is a conventional assay and, with these, cTn is typically only elevated in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In this setting, raised levels increase progressively as the duration of dialysis increases and are associated with a poor prognosis. This patient may require renal replacement therapy soon, but, for the time being, his eGFR is not low enough to explain the elevated cTn. Even if it was low enough, there is no evidence that cTn is cleared renally. cTn may persist in the blood of patients with ESRD due to alternative cleavages involved in the degradation of the protein. This is also likely to be the reason why there are more elevations of cTnT than of cTnI, although both predict adverse long-term outcomes. Furthermore, concomitant changes such as LVH and other metabolic changes can often be attributed to cTn elevations.

This patient’s cTn may in fact be associated with a coronary event. A more diligent resident may have checked the patient’s chart for previous cTn levels, which, if in the normal range, would help to identify a rising pattern. The universal definition for AMI states that clinicians should look for a rising and/or falling pattern in cTn levels. This may not necessarily be synonymous with an AMI, but certainly indicates an acute event, which, along with a suggestive ECG or clinical history, should help to confirm the diagnosis of an AMI. Patients who present late (12–18 hours) after the onset of symptoms may not demonstrate a rising/falling pattern, so clinical judgment must be used. However, in this situation, the patient presented 3 hours after the onset of symptoms and one would expect a rising pattern associated with an acute coronary event. Thus, serial cTn levels should be drawn at 3 and 6 hours from the point of the patient’s arrival. A documented rising pattern in conjunction with the clinical history will confirm the diagnosis of AMI and trigger the decision for an early invasive approach, but the patient should receive full antiplatelet therapy in the meantime if suspicion of an acute coronary syndrome is high. If such a pattern is not present, alternative diagnoses should be sought. A presumptive diagnosis of AMI should not be made. This is particularly important among patients with ESRD whose cTn is elevated at baseline and who are at higher risk for bleeding as a result of their uremic state, and should not, therefore, be needlessly subjected to invasive procedures. In addition, the use of IV contrast during angiography may lead to worsening of already compromised renal function, further highlighting the need for appropriate case selection. A useful approach for these patients is to have cTn drawn routinely in outpatient settings, which can provide a baseline cTn level with which levels drawn during an acute presentation can be compared to help make a diagnosis.

Marked elevations in cTn tend to occur in only four situations: AMI, myocarditis, renal failure, and, on rare occasions, with an analytical error. Thus, serially drawn levels are still required, and a crucial facet of this problem is defining what degree of change in cTn is required. One such approach may be to define a level of change that exceeds the degree of analytical imprecision associated with a particular assay. This will vary from assay to assay and should be calculated and reported by laboratories. The changes required will be large on a percentage basis when the initial level is low, but, in ESRD where the baseline levels are elevated, lesser changes are required. Some have suggested a change of 50% when values are close to the 99% upper reference limit and 20% when they are above this.

With a high-sensitivity troponin assay, a higher proportion of elevated levels will be appreciated and will often be associated with abnormal renal function, even when it is mild. As with conventional assays, these elevations also predict poor outcomes. These observations clarify to some extent the relationship between renal dysfunction and troponin, but also create the clinical challenge of discriminating elevations related to an acute cardiac event from other pathologies.

Ultimately, an understanding of cTn testing in conjunction with Bayesian principles of diagnostic testing must inform the decision-making process. This patient’s risk factors (including the fact that he has chronic renal failure) and clinical presentation give rise to a high pretest probability of disease. The isolated elevation in cTn determined using a conventional assay is unlikely to be related to his renal failure but cannot be immediately attributed to AMI until a changing pattern is observed, at which point his post-test probability of disease will justify an early invasive approach. When in doubt, clinical judgment must be used. Lastly, but of equal importance, is the fact that the elevation is associated with an adverse prognosis. Thus, our astute resident should investigate whether there is good control of blood pressure, volume, and lipids and institute preventative pharmacotherapy as appropriate.

Alteplase Is Effective Up to 4.5 Hours After Onset of Ischemic Stroke But earlier is better.

On the basis of reports published in September 2008 from two large international studies, professional stroke organizations extended the recommended time between symptom onset and administration of alteplase from 3 to 4.5 hours (JW Emerg Med Sep 24 2008 and JW Emerg Med Sep 15 2008). To assess implementation of the wider treatment window and its effects, investigators analyzed data for nearly 24,000 patients who were included in one of the study’s stroke registry from 2002 to 2010.

Overall, 2376 patients received alteplase between 3 and 4.5 hours after symptom onset; the proportion of patients who were treated within this window was three times higher in the last quarter of 2009 than in the first quarter of 2008. Rates of poor outcomes were low: 7.1% of patients treated within 3 hours and 7.4% of those treated at 3 to 4.5 hours had symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage and 12.3% and 12.0%, respectively, died within 3 months. However, in analyses adjusted for confounding variables, patients treated at 3 to 4.5 hours had significantly higher rates of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (1 extra hemorrhage for every 200 patients) and 3-month mortality (1 extra death for every 333 patients), as well as significantly worse functional outcomes (odds ratio for functional independence, 0.84). Median time from admission to treatment was 65 minutes before and after the reports. The authors conclude that the extended treatment window was implemented rapidly with no overall increase in admission-to-treatment time and that although risk from alteplase was greater when administered at 3 to 4.5 hours, treatment was still beneficial.

Comment: Although the U.S. FDA has not yet approved use of alteplase beyond 3 and up to 4.5 hours after onset of ischemic stroke symptoms, this evidence supports a wider treatment window and professional organizations recommend it. Nevertheless, time is brain, and eligible patients should be treated as soon as possible.

Published in Journal Watch Emergency Medicine August 27, 2010

Why Don’t Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death After Recent Myocardial Infarction?

Recurrent MI and mechanical factors such as cardiac rupture may account for nearly 50% of SCD early after MI.

The risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) is particularly high in the early months after a myocardial infarction (MI). However, two trials of prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) placement after MI failed to show a survival benefit in ICD recipients (JW Cardiol Jan 28 2005 and Oct 7 2009), in contrast to results of other ICD trials. To examine this lack of benefit more closely, investigators studied data from VALIANT, an international trial of valsartan in MI survivors.

Of 14,703 participants with left ventricular dysfunction, clinical heart failure, or both, 2878 died during a median of 25 months of follow-up, and autopsy results were available for 398. Of these, the cause of death was clinically judged to be SCD in 105; autopsy revealed recurrent MI or cardiac rupture in 44; pump failure in 4; and stroke, pulmonary embolism, and drug overdose in 1 each. The proportion of clinically adjudicated SCDs that were nonarrhythmic on autopsy was even more dramatic during the first post-MI month (24 of 30 deaths).

Comment: This unique analysis of the causes of SCD early after MI yielded a surprising result: Nearly 50% of SCDs in the first 2 years — and 80% of SCDs within the first month — were nonarrhythmic. If confirmed in other populations, this finding would explain the failure of ICDs to prevent SCD in previous trials. This study appears to validate current guidelines that call for a 40-day delay in ICD placement after an acute MI.

Published in Journal Watch Cardiology August 11, 2010