Concussions at Altitude: No Longer Worth Investigating?

Can a single meta-analysis of three retrospective studies really close the case on a controversial topic? Two researchers believe they have done just that for the risk of concussion for athletes in contact sports at higher altitude.
Gerald Zavorsky, PhD, of Georgia State University in Atlanta, and James Smoliga, DVM, PhD, of High Point University in High Point, N.C., said their review provides conclusive evidence that playing football at a higher elevation isn’t protective against concussion — and that other researchers shouldn’t waste any more time on the question.

“We firmly believe epidemiologic data are already sufficient to indicate that this is an issue that should not be examined further,” they wrote in a research letter in JAMA Neurology.
They noted that any additional research “will simply divert resources from more clinically effective research aimed at identifying modifiable risk factors for concussion, developing scientifically sound technologies that improve athlete safety, and improving acute and long-term management of sport-related head injuries.”
The potential biological mechanism? If higher altitude increases cerebral blood flow, it may lead to a slight brain swelling that creates a tighter fit between the brain and the skull, which prevents the brain from sloshing around, and potentially reducing concussions.
But Zavorsky and Smoliga say that mechanism “is not scientifically sound.”
In their meta-analysis, they found similar ranges in concussion rates at sea level (0.07% to 0.45%) and at higher altitudes of about 650 ft and above (0.06% to 0.50%), leading to no difference in relative risk of concussion in a random effects model.

However, not everyone is convinced that these findings are the last word. Four concussion experts from the University of Florida in Gainesville — Steven DeKosky, MD, Russell Bauer, MD, Mike Jaffee, MD, and Breton Asken — reviewed the research letter, and said that while the statistics were solid, there were several issues that limit the conclusions that can be drawn.
Only three studies met their inclusion criteria, which is too small a number “to ‘close the book’ on any scientific question, the large number of hits [included] notwithstanding,” DeKosky said, speaking on behalf of the foursome, none of whom were involved in the meta-analysis.
And all three were retrospective studies, which carry several caveats that prevent researchers from drawing firm conclusions. In this case, for instance, that includes variables such as “differences in acclimatization to the altitude by the visiting team and if it had an effect, and effects on autoregulation that might be different in low-altitude versus high-altitude players,” DeKosky said.
“The idea that three retrospective studies answers all the questions to the point where there is not more work to be done is, I think, a risky conclusion to an otherwise methodologically well-performed study,” he told MedPage Today. “Prospective studies, especially noting differences in the high-altitude acclimated versus the low-altitude dwelling visiting team, would be helpful in trying to determine actual risks.”

Test ‘may predict altitude sickness’

Mountaineers in the French Alps

Scientists say they have developed a way of predicting who will develop altitude sickness.

The condition, otherwise known as acute mountain sickness, occurs when people have difficulty adapting to low oxygen levels at high altitude.

Most cases are mild – but in rare cases there can be a potentially fatal build-up of fluid on the brain and lungs.

Altitude sickness often affects skiers and mountaineers.

It affects people only when they go above 8,000ft (2,500m).

Around 30% experience a mild form of the condition. Between 1%-2% develop the more severe form of the disease.

It is not possible to get altitude sickness in the UK because the highest mountain – Ben Nevis in Scotland – is only 4,406ft (1,344m) high.

The condition usually causes relatively mild symptoms such as headaches, nausea and dizziness. But it can in rare cases cause fluid to build up on the lungs or brain.

Current advice is to aim to acclimatise slowly to higher altitudes to give the body a chance to adapt.

Drugs which can reduce the severity of symptoms are also available, but can have side-effects.

Ultrasound check

Details of the new test are being presented to the EuroEcho-Imaging conference in Istanbul.

The researchers looked at how the heart responds to hypoxia – low oxygen levels.

They studied cardiovascular function, using non-invasive, ultrasound-based techniques, in 34 healthy volunteers once at sea level and again after going by cable car up Aiguille de Midi, a mountain in the French Alps, to a height of 12,600 ft (3,842m).

“Start Quote

An increasing number of people of all ages go to high altitude, mainly for recreational purposes but also for working without being conscious of the potential risks”

Dr Rosa Maria Bruno, Researcher

Around a third of them had experienced severe altitude sickness previously.

Participants had oxygen saturation levels monitored and had an ultrasound check of their heart function, using a portable device, after four hours on the mountain.

After 24 hours at high altitude, 13 out of 34 volunteers developed moderate to severe symptoms.

They had lower oxygen saturation levels and the ultrasound showed poorer function in the systolic (pumping) ability in the right ventricle.

The changes were not seen in people who did not display altitude sickness symptoms.


Dr Rosa Maria Bruno, who led the study, said: “If these results are confirmed by larger studies, it will be possible to identify vulnerable individuals and suggest particular behaviours and drugs.

“Thus we can limit drug use (and side-effects) only to those who will really need them, and give them special advice and recommendations such as avoiding high altitudes or spending more time ascending to allow time for acclimatisation.”

She added: “At the moment we don’t know exactly why some people can adapt successfully to high altitude and other people cannot, or how to identify susceptible individuals in whom preventative strategies may be applied.

“This can be an important problem since an increasing number of people of all ages go to high altitude, mainly for recreational purposes but also for working without being conscious of the potential risks.”

The test can now only be done once people have spent at least four hours at high altitude but the team hope it can be developed so it can work sooner.