Zika virus: Brazil dismisses link between larvicide and microcephaly

One state has suspended use of pyriproxyfen in drinking water after claims the chemical, rather than the Zika virus, could be behind the rise of the birth defect.

A dispute has broken out in Brazil over whether the Zika virus is responsible for a rise in cases of microcephaly after a report by Argentinian doctors claimed a larvicide used in drinking water was instead to blame.

Brazilian health officials were on Monday forced to address claims that the larvicide pyriproxyfen, which is used to control the Aedes aegypti mosquito, could be associated with a surge in babies born with the condition after one state said it was suspending use of the chemical.

A report last week by Argentinian group Physicians in Crop-Sprayed Towns suggested pyriproxyfen might be causing the deformity, which impairs foetal brain development.

Jackeline, 26, holds her 4-month old son who was born with microcephaly, in Olinda, near Recife, Brazil

Jackeline, 26, holds her 4-month old son who was born with microcephaly in Olinda, near Recife, Brazil  The organisation said the substance had been introduced into drinking water supplies since 2014 in affected areas of Brazil.

“In the area where most sick persons live, a chemical larvicide producing malformations in mosquitoes has been applied for 18 months, and that this poison (pyroproxifen) is applied by the State on drinking water used by the affected population,” the report said.

It added that cases of microcephaly being found in areas where pyriproxyfen was used was“not a coincidence” and said the Brazilian Ministry of Health was ignoring its responsibility”.

The report also pointed out that there had been no cases of microcephaly in other countries affected by Zika, such as Colombia, which has the highest incidence of the virus after Brazil.

In response, the local government in Rio Grande do Sul, a state in the south of Brazil, suspended the use of pyriproxyfen on Saturday.

“We decided to suspend the use of the product in drinking water until we have a position from the Ministry of Health, and so, we reinforce further still the appeal to the population to eliminate any possible mosquito breeding site,” said Joao Gabbardo dos Reis, state health secretary in Rio Grande do Sul.

However, the federal government was quick to dismiss the fears, insisting there had been no scientific study that linked pyriproxyfen to microcephaly.

“Unlike the relationship between the Zika virus and microcephaly, which has had its confirmation shown in tests that indicated the presence of the virus in samples of blood, tissue and amniotic fluid, the association between the use of pyriproxyfen and microcephaly has no scientific basis,” the statement said.

“It’s important to state that some localities that do not use pyriproxyfen also had reported cases of microcephaly.”

The government said it only used larvicides recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Some experts have raised questions over what is behind the Brazilian spike in microcephaly, particularly due to the absence of a similar surge in cases in other areas hit by the virus. Others have also suggested that it has been grossly over-reported in Brazil. The country has registered a total of 3,852 suspected cases, but of the roughly 1,200 investigated so far, just 462 have been confirmed. Evidence of Zika infection was found in just 41 of the affected babies.

Last week, a report by researchers in Paraiba, one of the worst hit areas, found that the state had been seeing high numbers of microcephaly cases since 2012, with the condition more common in 2014 than last year, when Zika virus was first recorded in Brazil.

But the WHO says a definitive link between the disease and the condition is within weeks of being confirmed. Two separate studies last week also found evidence of Zika virus in the brain tissue of aborted foetuses or babies who died soon after birth, who had microcephaly.

Scientists around the world are currently racing to develop a vaccine for the virus, with clinical trials expected within a year to 18 months.

Marcelo Castro, health minister, told journalists in Brazil that there was “no doubt” that there was a direct link between Zika and microcephaly.

“For us, theres no doubt at all that the microcephaly epidemic is a consequence of the epidemic of Zika virus, which did not exist in the Americas before,” he said, in comments reported by O Globo.


Zika virus

The most common symptoms of the Zika disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes), usually lasting from several days to a week, and most patients don’t need hospitalisation. However the outbreak in Brazil has led to instances of Guillain-Barre syndrome and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects

How it spreads

  • Through mosquitoes, which mostly spread the virus during the day
  • Through sexual transmission
  • Mosquitoes also spread dengue and chikungunya viruses
  • There is no vaccine

How to prevent it

  • Avoid getting mosquito bites by using insect repellants, and wearing long-sleeved shirts and trousers
  • Use air conditioning and/or a window screen to keep mosquitoes outside
  • Sleep under a mosquito bed net
  • Reduce the number of mosquitoes by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or bucket

Culex Mosquitoes Might Also Carry Zika

New evidence links the disease to the country’s most common mosquito species

Scientists in Recife, Brazil, have found Zika in a species of mosquito that was not thought to carry the virus, raising concerns about a much wider outbreak than has been anticipated in the U.S.

Since early in the current outbreak, the Aedes aegypti mosquito has been regarded as the lone mosquito species capable of passing Zika to humans. But when researchers at the government-run Oswaldo Cruz Foundation collected about 5,000 mosquitoes from homes in Recife, the birthplace and epicenter of the current crisis, they found that the vast majority were not Aedes, but rather Culex.

Culex mosquitoes are known to transmit West Nile virus in the states and elsewhere. They are less aggressive than Aedes but far more widespread.

Constancia Ayres, a lead scientist on the project, said the findings proved that Culex mosquitoes might be at least partly responsible for the outbreak. “It can transmit Zika,” she said in a press conference last week. “What we need to know now is which species is the most important—if Culex is the primary vector or the secondary vector.”

Other scientists have resisted that conclusion. “We need more research to see if it’s a competent vector,” says Matthew Aliota, an infectious disease researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who has studied the Zika virus in Culex mosquitoes. “Just because you find virus in a Culex mosquito doesn’t mean the mosquito can transmit the virus.”

To understand why, consider how the virus is transmitted from mosquito to human. When a virus is first taken up by the mosquito in a bloodmeal, it lands in the mosquito’s gut, where it replicates itself. To infect another human, though, the virus needs to do more than that: it needs to spread from the gut to the salivary glands, where it can be spit out in a subsequent blood meal.

That doesn’t happen as efficiently in some mosquitoes as in others; in part because of anatomical barriers that can block viral replication. “A mosquito might pick up a virus when feeding and that virus might replicate in the midgut but still might not disseminate to secondary tissues,” says Aliota.

In fact, several studies, both in the field and in the lab (and including one by Aliota), have failed to find Zika virus in the salivary glands of many mosquito species, including Culex.

Aedes vs. Culex

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says Aedes aegypti mosquitoes remain the most significant driver of the current crisis. Even with sexual transmission emerging as very real problem, scientists at the CDC and elsewhere maintain that Zika is first and foremost a mosquito-borne illness, and that the virus is transmitted by this one mosquito above all others. “The body of scientific evidence to date clearly points to Aedes,” says CDC press officer Candice Hoffmann.

The Aedes aegypti is an aggressive daytime biter that thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. Its preference for human habitats has complicated mosquito-control efforts, because aerial spraying is less effective at killing mosquitoes that avoid the open air above lakes and large bodies of water.

The control measures that work best for Aedes species (namely integrated pest management, which involves ridding yards of standing water and fortifying the screens on doors and windows) are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Culex mosquitoes are nighttime biters that like to breed in the organic-rich water of lakes, streams, and the like. If additional research were to point to Culex as a transmitter of Zika, strategies for combating the current global outbreak would need to be adapted accordingly. In short, it could mean more aerial spraying, and more vigilance encouraged at night as opposed to the day.

In the meantime, your best bet is to avoid all mosquito bites, by using an effective insect repellent and takingother steps that can keep biting bugs away.

To Stop Malaria, Infect the Mosquitoes.


For thousands of years, mosquitoes have made people sick. But now humanity may have found a way to turn the tables. In a new study, researchers report that giving mosquitoes an infection of their own—with a strange bacterium that tinkers with the insects’ sex lives—may prevent mosquitoes from transmitting malaria.

The advance is being hailed by some as a milestone in medical entomology. “I’m quite jealous,” says entomologist Scott O’Neill of Monash University in Australia, who was not involved in the work. “We have all tried this for years and years and years.” The mosquito species in question, Anopheles stephensi, is a key malaria vector in South Asia and the Middle East, and the study offers the tantalizing possibility of ridding entire cities such as New Delhi and Calcutta of malaria, says Willem Takken of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, who was also not involved in the work. In the future, the same technique might also work for other malaria-carrying mosquitoes, such as A. gambiae, which predominates in Africa, Takken says.

Scientists have long dreamed of replacing disease-carrying mosquito populations with new ones that pose no threat to humans because they cannot transmit disease. In the past decade, a bacterium called Wolbachia has emerged as a promising ally in their work. These intracellular bacteria spread from insect mothers to their offspring and play some bizarre tricks on their hosts’ sex lives. For instance, by ensuring that infected males can’t reproduce with uninfected females—a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility—the bacteria can maximize the number of infected offspring in the next generation and sweep through populations in very little time.

Scientists’ initial idea was to introduce genes conferring resistance to human pathogens into mosquitoes, and then enlist Wolbachia to help these traits race through the population. The difficult part was infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia in the first place; for some reason, they seemed not amenable to a long-term, stable infection. A landmark came in a 2005 Science paper, in which Xi Zhiyong, then at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and colleagues infected a mosquito species called Aedes aegypti, which is the main carrier for dengue fever, a debilitating viral disease that causes intense muscle and joint pains.

A few years later, O’Neill and others made a startling discovery: They didn’t even need to couple Wolbachia to infection resistance genes. The bacterium alone made Ae. aegypti unable to transmit the virus. Others have shown that the same was true for several other viruses and parasites.

It’s not clear exactly why this is; one hypothesis is that Wolbachia competes for resources with other intruders, such as the dengue virus. But that hasn’t stopped scientists from trying to make use of the phenomenon. In 2011, O’Neill’s group released Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in Australia, where they found that the infection took hold and spread. Currently, experiments are also underway in Vietnam, where dengue is an important disease.

But dengue isn’t the biggest mosquito-borne killer; that’s malaria, which is responsible for the deaths of more than half a million people annually and is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, a very different genus. They have proven even more difficult to infect with Wolbachia. The frustrating quest — and the fact that not a singleAnopheles species is known to be naturally infected with the bacteria — had led some researchers to question whether it was possible at all, O’Neill says.

But Xi, who now leads his own group at Michigan State University in East Lansing, has done it again. In a new study reported online today inScience, the researchers showed that they can infect A. stephensi withWolbachia, that the infection is passed down through at least 34 generations, and that it can take over entire populations in cages.

The secret? Part of it is luck, Takken says. The team worked with a strain called Wolbachia wAlbB that happened to catch on in this mosquito. Technical skill is another factor, says entomologist Jason Rasgon of Pennsylvania State University, University Park, who wasn’t involved in the work. Injecting mosquito eggs is “very much an art,” he says, and Xi “is probably the best person in the world to do it.”

The team had to inject thousands of embryos before they had success. Xi says part of the trick is to suck a minuscule amount of cytoplasm out of egg cells first to make room for the injected bacteria and prevent cells from bursting. Despite their horrendous death toll, Anopheles mosquitoes are delicate critters, he says.

Xi’s group also fed infected mosquitoes malaria parasites to test whether Wolbachia could block their life cycle inside the mosquito’s body. They showed that Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes didn’t become totally resistant to malaria, as hoped. Instead, the number of parasites in their saliva 14 days after their exposure went down only by about a factor of 3.4, which means the mosquitoes could still transmit the disease, although perhaps not as efficiently.

Another key issue is whether Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes can produce the same number of offspring as uninfected ones, Takken says. If they can’t, they won’t be able to outcompete wild populations, and the insects wouldn’t fly as a malaria control scheme. Xi says he plans to publish another paper on that issue. Studies are also needed to determine how many infected mosquitoes need to be released in the field to get results fast enough. There might be other Wolbachia strains that do the job better, Rasgon says. For now, what’s most important is that the researchers have succeeded in the first place, he says. He is inspired because his own group is trying to infect A. gambiae, the main malaria vector in Africa and an even more difficult target to infect. “It’s very good for me to see that it can actually be done,” he says. “We will keep pushing ahead.”

Source: sciencemag.org

Are genetically modified mosquitoes coming to America?

To control dengue fever, one biotech has developed genetically modified mosquitoes whose offspring die before they can spread the disease.

These mosquitoes have already been released in Brazil, Malaysia, and the Cayman Islands. In Key West, Florida, the disease reappeared 3 years ago, after an absence of over 70 years.

And the US Food and Drug Administration is currently reviewing an application from the UK-based Oxitec. Florida residents are gathering names for a petition.
Nature News explains:

  1. Their mosquitoes (known as OX513A) are an engineered version of Aedes aegypti, the main transmitter of dengue fever, which infects at least 50 million people a year.
  2. The modified males carry a lethal gene kept in check only by a special diet.
  3. They survive to mate with wild females, but the offspring die.
  4. In field tests conducted in Juazeiro, Brazil, the engineered insects shrank the A. aegypti population in an 11-hectare area by 85% over a year.

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) in Stock Island is a taxpayer-funded operation that spends more than $1 million a year to control A. aegypti in Key West with insecticides.

In 2010, the FKMCD asked Oxitec if it would do a field trial with its mosquitoes in Key West. The next year, the company applied for FDA approval. A media report that very month suggested that officials were hoping for a mosquito release as early as January 2012, prompting concerns among residents.

The petition raises prospects of unintended consequences, such as the emergence of a deadlier dengue virus that gets around the absence of A. aegypti. And residents in Key West say they don’t want to be tested like “guinea pigs” and “I don’t want my family being used as laboratory rats for this.” Michael Specter writes in The New Yorker:

There is, of course, another theoretical catastrophe to consider: a dengue epidemic in Key West. So far the city has largely been spared, but the region, as Oxitec’s chief scientist Luke Alphey told me when I spoke with him for my article, is “living in a sea of dengue.”

When Oxitec opened up Moscamed, a mosquito-production facility, earlier this month in Juazerio, residents cheered. But the University of Sao Paula team engaged the community before seeking approval for their trial from Brazil’s agency for biotechnological safety, CTNBio.

Source: Nature.