‘Landmark paper’ shows why ice age Europeans wore jewelry

Pendants and beads reveal nine cultures living across the continent 30,000 years age.

Your jewelry may be sending all kinds of messages: You’re married or a Super Bowl champion. You worship Jesus or belong to the pearls and suits set—or perhaps the piercings and purple hair crowd.

For ice age hunters in Europe some 30,000 years ago, styles of ornaments including amber pendants, ivory bangles, and fox tooth beads may have also signaled membership in a particular culture, researchers report today in Nature Human Behaviour. The study, which compared thousands of handcrafted beads and adornments from dozens of widespread sites, suggests at least nine distinct cultures existed across Europe at this time.

“It’s a landmark paper,” says archaeologist Peter Jordan, a professor at Lund University and  Hokkaido University who was not involved with the study. For centuries, archaeologists have tried to distinguish ancient peoples based on similarities in their artifacts. In recent years, however, sorting populations by ancient genetic group has at times overshadowed the archaeology. Here, “The archaeology strikes back,” Jordan says. “[It’s] showing that we can generate new narratives that also use a very rigorous, quantitative approach to the study of material traditions.”

The earliest known ornamental beads—seashells punched for stringing—come from early Homo sapiens sites dated to between 150,000 to 70,000 years ago in Africa and the eastern Mediterranean coast. Unlike knives or awls, ornaments offer no obvious survival functions. Instead, anthropologists think they likely communicated one’s traits and achievements, such as reaching adulthood, hunts completed, or family lines. “It’s a kind of common language or common discourse with other individuals in that group,” Jordan says. Many scholars think the invention of beads indicates that our ancestors had also evolved the capacity for symbolism and language.

Between 34,000 and 24,000 years ago, foragers in Europe fashioned beads from a diverse array of materials including ivory, bone, human and animal teeth, and flashy stones. These communities also painted caves and crafted so-called Venus figurines resembling voluptuous women, while coping with the glaciers and frigid temperatures of the last ice age. Despite the “horrendous” conditions, their artistic expressions suggest these people “weren’t just surviving—they were thriving,” says University of Bordeaux archaeologist and doctoral student Jack Baker.

Because of the widespread locations of figurines and similarly fashioned spearpoints, archaeologists traditionally clumped all these people into a single culture known as the Gravettian, spread from what is now Portugal to Russia. More recently, though, analyses of subtle differences in stone toolmaking, funerary practices, and ancient DNA have suggested more than one group roamed the continent at this time. Could the diverse beads found from this period result from different cultures?

As part of his dissertation, Baker aimed to find out. In 2020, he began to comb the literature for every ornament reported from 112 Gravettian burial and habitation sites excavated between the mid-1800s to 2010s. He classified thousands of beads into 134 types based on their raw materials and other design elements.

Next, he compared bead types between sites and found that places with similar accoutrements clustered geographically. Nine distinct groups emerged. People at the easternmost sites, such as Kostenki along the Don River in Russia, seemed to prefer ornaments made of stone and red deer canines, whereas those in northwest Europe wore tube-shaped shells of Dentalium mollusks.

A display of personal ornaments dating to 34,000 and 24,000 years ago
Different ice age peoples formed personal ornaments from a variety of shell species

The Gravettian was not “one monolithic thing,” Baker says, but instead included several culturally distinct groups, each hewing to their own ornamental traditions. His team thinks these groups crossed paths: The team’s computer simulations suggest the patterns of bead differences most resemble a scenario in which neighboring groups occasionally swapped styles or territories. Perhaps ivory-adorned people gazed across a river and spotted a band decked in vibrant seashells: “They would have been like, ‘Oh my God! Someone completely different!’” Baker imagines. Despite those differences, some cultural and genetic exchange seems to have occurred.

DNA from human remains excavated from Gravettian sites identified two major genetic lineages in Europe at the time: one situated around the Pyrenees Mountains, and another in central and Eastern Europe. The bead-based groups mostly accorded with these populations, but added more subdivisions and a few twists, including data for places that have yet to yield ancient DNA, such as Moldova and southern Spain.

For groups for which genetic data are available, being closely related didn’t necessarily mean they wore matching jewelry. Ancient groups living in modern-day Italy, for example, shared ancestry but some buried their dead with cowrie shells and others put fish vertebrae and ivory beads into graves. In contrast, in what’s now France and Belgium, individuals with different ancestry sported similar ornaments. These results imply somewhat porous, shifting cultural boundaries, and perhaps some adornment differences for people with special social roles.

It makes sense that some peoples with shared ancestry may develop different cultural identities, reflected by their fashions and other behaviors—and conversely, that distinct genetic groups can blend culturally, says Cosimo Posth, a paleogeneticist at the University of Tübingen who was not involved with the new study. “It’s expected that genes don’t always match the culture that you’re carrying.”

Bioarchaeologist Elizabeth Sawchuk of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History adds that the database of Gravettian beads is “an enormous contribution to the literature.” She also praised the study’s synthesis of archaeological and genetic results. “We’re in a cool, new, interdisciplinary space and these are exactly the kind of studies that I would hope to start coming out,” she says.

Deadly Stick Recovered from Germany Dates to 300,000 Years Ago

Early humans used a variety of wooden tools, but few have survived to the present day. In a new study, scientists reveal an ancient stick once used for hunting.

Sharpened stick

Hunting with a sharpened stick.

Some 300,000 years ago, an early hunter dropped a 30-inch stick in wet mud, and there it stayed through the Last Ice Age, two world wars and the dawning of the internet. The literal stick-in-the-mud remained in excellent condition, considering the amount of time, although it suffered some fungal and root damage.

new study has unearthed the stick and determines that it was once used as a hunting weapon and thrown like a boomerang.

Ancient Woodworking

Ancient craftspeople demonstrated great skill in seasoning the stick and sharpening it on each end.

“The woodworking involved multiple steps including cutting and stripping off the bark, carving it into an aerodynamic shape, scraping away more of the surface, seasoning the wood to avoid cracking and warping and sanding it for easier handling,” said archaeologist Dirk Leder in a statement.

The ancient woodworkers (likely Neanderthals or another early human species) stripped away knots from the spruce branch, the growth rings of which indicated less-than-favorable growing conditions. The researchers say the craftspeople would have just left a warmer interglacial period and entered a new glacial one with cooling temperatures.

Ancient Tool Anomaly?

Archaeologists first discovered the 30-inch stick in 1994 but weren’t sure whether to consider it an anomaly until they discovered a second, similar tool. Compared to ancient stone tools, wooden ones are less understood but have revealed a great deal about ancient societies.

“Discoveries of wooden tools have revolutionized our understanding of early human behaviors,” said Annemieke Milks, an archaeologist with the University of Reading, in a statement. “Amazingly, these early humans demonstrated an ability to plan well in advance, a strong knowledge of the properties of wood, and many sophisticated woodworking skills that we still use today.”

The two sharpened sticks and other spears recovered from a lakeside site near the town of Schöningen, Germany, stand as the earliest large-scale record of humanly-made wooden tools.

What Was the Stick Used For?

The study suggests that the stick was used to hunt medium-sized game such as red or roe deer, or perhaps small, fast-moving animals such as hare and birds. The tool worked through impact, and dark areas on the points could reflect blood or fat.

The stick may also have served as a toy spear for children, a practice seen in other hunter-gatherer societies. As a miniature version of the adult weapon, it would have allowed children to practice their skills and participate in hunting. The stick’s slightly curved shape, however, doesn’t reflect the spears recovered from the site.

The Fascinating World of Neanderthal Diet, Language and Other Behaviors

Ever wonder about the unique diet and language of the Neanderthals? Learn how our closest ancient relatives lived and interacted with their environment.

Neanderthal Behavior Traits

Neanderthal hunting a rabbit in the Ice Age.


The Neanderthals represent the richest, most robust and most studied species in the hominin record, other than our own. And thanks to the wealth of available specimens — including their remains, tools, trash, and many more traces of their activities — scientists are piecing together a picture of their basic behavior, bit by bit.

From the unique diet of the Neanderthal to the advanced language ability and communication skill, the picture that they’re producing is far from primitive. In fact, though the Neanderthals were a solitary species before they disappeared, sticking to themselves and a couple close companions, they were also accomplished and adaptable, with behavior traits that allowed them to weather some of the coldest conditions that the world has yet seen.

Among their most adaptive behaviors were their acquisition of food, manufacture of tools and articulation of ideas through speech and symbols.

Where Did the Neanderthals Live?

In the terrains of Africa around 400,000 years ago (or maybe as many as 800,000 years ago), an ancient population of hominins started to split apart, forever changing the course of human history. While one portion of this population stayed put, the other trudged to Europe and settled there, initiating a period of geographic isolation in which the two groups accumulated their own genetic traits gradually, generation after generation.

Over time, the two groups turned into two separate species, with Homo sapiens arising in Africa and Homo neanderthalensis appearing in Europe. And it was there that these so-called Neanderthals would contend with the impossibly cold conditions of the Ice Age, adapting to the temperatures by becoming shorter, broader and bigger-brained.

What Were Neanderthal Behavior Traits?

Armed with these adaptations, the Neanderthals thrived for thousands of years, producing an ample record of their activities throughout that time. And more than transmitting their genetic material to the genomes of many modern individuals, they also left many material traces from their lives, allowing archaeologists and anthropologists to speculate about their behavior.

Overall, scientists suspect that the Neanderthals behaved in an isolated, insular way, though they also showed adaptability and intelligence in several areas. Targeting an array of prey animals according to the season, they made and manipulated an assortment of tools and probably produced simple speech. Not only that, but they also participated in symbolic behaviors, dabbling in art, personal adornment and ritual burial, according to some scientists.

Neanderthal Society

Archaeologists tend to agree that the Neanderthals occupied open settlements or took shelter from the cold in caves, cycling through a couple of separate settlements according to the time of year. In these sites, they typically resided alongside 12 to 25 relatives.

Though these tribes usually stuck to themselves, they weren’t wholly isolated. Studies suggest that they probably interacted with 10 to 20 neighboring troops, and sometimes as many as 50, with whom they shared social identities and maintained associations for mating, manufacturing and collective coping in times of trouble.

The social organization of these tribes is still stuck in the shadows, though some genetic studies state that the females pursued partners in neighboring troops in an attempt to avoid inbreeding. And while some sites show the telltale signs of treatment for the sick and injured, so, too, appear the traces of intraspecies violence, suggesting a complexity of social interaction that’s similar to our own.

Neanderthal Diet

Anatomically, the Neanderthals were omnivores, though scientists suspect that they consumed more meat than plants thanks to the reduced availability of flora in their cold climate. In fact, the chemical composition of several Neanderthal skeletons substantiates this, showing scientists that the average Neanderthal diet consisted of meat, meat and more meat (with the addition of plant material only occasionally).

As such, the Neanderthals played the part of an apex predator, targeting species according to the seasons. Munching on reindeer in the winter and red deer in the summer, the Neanderthals also ate aurochs, mammoths and boars — among other animals — though they weren’t always as widely available.

Fans of flavor, the Neanderthals applied an assortment of tricks to make their meals tastier, pounding, crushing and cooking their food over fires prior to consumption. And though archaeologists aren’t absolutely certain whether the Neanderthals manufactured these fires themselves, the species frequently manipulated flames, according to the piles of ash in many of their settlements.

Neanderthal Language

Some scientists say that the sophistication of these tools testifies to the Neanderthals’ astute observational abilities, while others think that their toolmaking was too specialized to share and spread without words and sentences. That said, whether the language of the Neanderthal was necessary to make and manipulate these tools or not, studies do demonstrate a shared neurological basis for toolmaking and speech.

Ultimately, while scientists still struggle to pinpoint the particulars of Neanderthal language and speechanatomical and genetic analyses suggest that they possessed auditory and speech abilities similar to ours.

Neanderthal Rituals

Neanderthals weren’t constrained to verbal communication. Whether or not they spoke, archaeologists speculate that they also articulated themselves symbolically, creating a material culture of art and adornment.

Scratching the walls of their caves with spots, slashes and other abstractions and splashing them with paints and pigments, the Neanderthals also decorated themselves with beadsbones and shells and collected an assortment of unusual articles, such as crystals and animal skulls, which they stashed in their settlements.

Some scientists add that the Neanderthal’s tendency to deliberately bury their dead represents their symbolic thinking, too. And though there’s no single burial that’s universally interpreted as an instance of symbolism, the analysis of pollen particles at some sites suggests that the Neanderthals did decorate their dead with flowers, such as yarrow and bachelor’s button, before burial.

Neanderthal Tools

One of the clearest signs of their intelligence, Neanderthal toolmaking centered around the creation of sophisticated stone flakes (though they fashioned tools out of other materials, too). To form these flakes, the innovative Neanderthal selected a small lump of stone and struck slivers off the sides until it took the shape of a shell — flat on one side and spherical on the other. They then smashed the top of the stone several times over, hacking off a series of similarly sized slices, which they then wielded as tools.

The Neanderthals used some of these flakes without any added modification, though they turned some into points, spears, scrapers, awls and axes — among types of tools — for a wider assortment of applications.

For instance, though they thrust or threw their stone-tipped spears into their prey, they selected scrapers and awls to prepare and punch holes in hides, which they then tied together with torn animal tissues to create a simple form of clothing.

What Happened to the Neanderthals?

Despite all their advanced behaviors, the Neanderthals sustained small populations that made them more susceptible to obstacles such as climate change and competition.

In fact, though it’s a popular theory that the Neanderthals were wiped away around 40,000 years ago when their close cousins from Africa — our own species — started streaming into their European territories, there’s not much in the archaeological record to indicate that the Neanderthals disappeared due to interspecies violence alone.

Instead, a confluence of factors probably played a part in the extinction of the species, with small population sizes, sicknesses, worsening climate conditions and interspecies competition and assimilation, all contributing to their disappearance in different areas and times.

These findings challenge the previously held views of this species as primitive beings. Understanding their unique capability for language and their sophisticated use of tools to maintain their diet underscores the importance of continued study and excavation of archeological sites.

Fossils Finally Reveal Fiery Colors of Prehistoric Animals

An orange and gray fossil of a bird embedded in light brown rock.
The bird Confuciusornis, which lived more than 120 million years ago, had warm-colored feathers.

The prehistoric animal kingdom was a riot of colors, from iridescent-feathered dinosaurs to jet-black ink excreted by Jurassic squid relatives. Like modern-day animals, ancient species’ hues helped them communicate, camouflage and even regulate body temperature. But reconstructing these colors today is a challenge because compounds and structures that color animals’ skin, fur and feathers usually degrade or change during fossilization. Experts have developed methods to reliably detect structures and pigments related to dark colors like the black and brown of feathered dinosaurs, but other shades (like the yellow and reddish-orange made by pigments called pheomelanins) have been especially hard to pin down.

Now a team of scientists has filled in that missing chunk of the prehistoric palette by developing the first reliable test to detect these gingery colors in fossils. “Pheomelanin is clearly an elusive pigment, and these findings will absolutely help us to detect evidence of ginger pigments in other fossils,” says the study’s lead author Tiffany Slater, a paleobiologist at University College Cork in Ireland. The results were recently published in Nature Communications.

Slater and her colleagues went looking for ginger shades in the fossil record because evidence of pheomelanins has shown up there far less often than the researchers expected, compared with modern-day animals. And the previously reported evidence was largely inconclusive. Scientists who interpreted a reddish color for the armored dinosaur Borealopelta, for example, couldn’t distinguish whether the pheomelanin they found came from the original pigment or from contamination after the dinosaur’s death.

So Slater and her co-authors created a test to distinguish between true chemical traces of ginger colors and those introduced by nonbiological sources. They heated various modern-day bird feathers in an oven to mimic the breakdown of biological compounds during the fossilization process. By inspecting the heated feathers under a microscope and using a chemical assay to identify different types of melanin, the team found that biological pigments do leave a distinct and identifiable signature in fossils. The researchers then checked various fossils for the chemical markers of the pigment and found them in a 10-million-year-old frog, the Cretaceous bird Confuciusornis and the dinosaur Sinornithosaurus.

The new analysis technique offers a “more accurate determination” of the colors of fossilized animals, says Liliana D’Alba, an evolutionary biologist at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands, who was not involved in the new study. For example, flying pterosaurs are presumed to have been brightly colored but have not been examined in detail.

Further research might even reveal how ginger hues evolved in the first place. “Scientists still don’t know how, or why, pheomelanin evolved,” Slater says, especially because its production can cause cancer in an animal’s tissues. “The fossil record might just unlock the mystery.”

1.75-billion-year-old fossils help explain how photosynthesis evolved

Microscope image of modern cyanobacteria called oscillatoria

Researchers have identified photosynthetic structures inside fossils of cyanobacteria that are 1.75 billion years old. The discovery is the oldest evidence of these structures to date, providing clues into how photosynthesis evolved.

Emmanuelle Javaux at the University of Liège in Belgium and her colleagues analysed fossils collected from rocks at three sites. The oldest site was the roughly 1.75-billion-year-old McDermott Formation in Australia, and the other two were the billion-year-old Grassy Bay Formation in Canada and the Bllc6 formation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Read more We might officially enter the Anthropocene epoch in 2024

From these rocks, the researchers extracted fossilised cyanobacteria, which produce energy through photosynthesis. “They’re very tiny, less than a millimetre, so you cannot see them with your eyes,” says Javaux. She and her colleagues placed the fossils in resin and sliced them into 60 to 70-nanometre-thick sections using a diamond-edged knife, and then analysed the internal structures with an electron microscope.

They found that the cyanobacteria from Australia and Canada contained thylakoids, or membrane-bound sacs where photosynthesis occurs. “These are the oldest fossilised thylakoids that we know of today,” says Javaux. Previously, the oldest thylakoid fossils were about 550 million years old. “So, we pushed back the fossil record by 1.2 billion years,” she says.

This is important because not all cyanobacteria have thylakoids, and it is unclear when these structures, which made photosynthesis more efficient, first evolved, says Kevin Boyce at Stanford University in California. We can now date this diversification to at least 1.75 billion years ago, he says. The oldest fossils of cyanobacteria are about 2 billion years old, though other evidence, like geochemical signatures, indicate photosynthesis has been around for even longer than that.

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It is widely believed that cyanobacteria drove the accumulation of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere 2.4 billion years ago. “One idea is that, perhaps, they invented thylakoids at this time, and this increased the quantity of oxygen on Earth,” says Javaux. “Now that we’ve found very old thylakoids and that they can be preserved in very old rocks, we think that we could go further back in time and try to test this hypothesis,” she says.

The Permanent, Unmistakable Mark Human Beings Have Left on Planet Eart

Credit: PROP STYLING BY ANGELA CAMPOS Stockland Martel; Andrew Myers

The idea was born in Mexico, in the year 2000. It was pure improvisation, by Paul Crutzen, one of the world’s most respected scientists. The Dutch scholar was widely known for arguing that all-out atomic war would trigger a “nuclear winter” lethal to plant and animal life across the earth, and he had won a Nobel Prize for research into another global threat: human-caused destruction of the earth’s ozone layer.

In Mexico he was listening to experts discuss evidence for changes in the global environment that had occurred throughout the Holocene, a distinct epoch that geologists say began 11,700 years ago and continues today. Growing visibly more frustrated, he burst out: “No! We are no longer in the Holocene. We are in”—he paused to think—“the Anthropocene!”

The room went silent. The term had apparently hit home. And it kept coming up, again and again, for the rest of the meeting. That year Crutzen co-wrote an article with Eugene Stoermer (since deceased), a specialist in microscopic algae called diatoms who had independently coined the term “Anthropocene” some years earlier. The evidence, the two men said in the article, was clear: industrialized humanity had changed the composition of the earth’s atmosphere and oceans and had modified the landscape and biosphere—including diatom populations. We were living on a new human-driven earth, quite different from the old one. Spurred by Crutzen’s prestige and vivid, persuasive writing, the concept spread rapidly among the thousands of scientists in the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, which had sponsored the Mexico meeting. “The Anthropocene” began to appear in scientific papers around the world.

But was this really geologic change—change so profound that its signals are imprinted into geologic strata across the planet? Could humans really wreak change as dramatic as the transformations that occurred between 18,000 and 8,000 years ago, across the transition between the Pleistocene and the Holocene, when extensive glaciers covering much of the earth were retreating, melting so much they raised sea level globally by 120 meters?* Were human influences on the dirt beneath our feet as significant as when the Pleistocene epoch began, 2.6 million years ago, as the Ice Age tightened its grip? Could human effects only a few centuries old truly be measured alongside the great shifts of our planet’s tumultuous geologic past, where time units are measured in millions—and even billions—of years?

The idea had appeared before. In the 19th and early 20th centuries scholars such as Italian cleric Antonio Stoppani and American naturalist Joseph LeConte floated terms such as Anthropozoic and Psychozoic, but geologists were dismissive, even scathing. How could human activity—no matter how impressive—compare with profound changes such as the creation and destruction of entire oceans and mountain ranges, massive volcanic eruptions and monstrous collisions by incoming meteorites? Against such a scale, human actions appeared fleeting and ephemeral.

There was another problem, too. Geologic terms such as Jurassic, Cretaceous, Pleistocene and Holocene are not just labels. They are formal names that are part of a complex geologic time scale that fundamentally characterizes how the earth evolved, thrived and struggled over 4.6 billion years. The names were accepted only after decades of evidence gathering and discussion by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. “Epochs” and the “eras” they belong to have specific technical meanings, and geologists take them seriously. Declaring a new epoch would imply that scientists believe humans were altering the course of the earth’s evolution

The Anthropocene had gone through none of the usual assessments. And esteemed as Crutzen is, he was an atmospheric chemist working on environmental stresses, not a geologist who was an expert in rock strata. Yet by 2008 members of the Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London realized that the term was increasingly being used in the literature as if it were a formal epoch. The society decided it had to confront the trend.

This cautious and conservative group meets in the old-world Council Room in London’s Burlington House, complete with solemn portraits on the walls, where Victorian giants of the sciences such as Charles Darwin once walked. In this heavily traditional setting, the scientists began the geologic assessment of the Anthropocene. Perhaps to their own surprise, most of them agreed that the term “had merit” as a potentially formal unit of the proper geologic time scale and should be examined. Geologist Philip Gibbard, who also chaired the International Commission on Stratigraphy’s Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy—which has power over the geological time scale—proposed a working group that has been exploring the question ever since.

To make a case, scientists must show that human impacts will leave a clear mark, fossilized in strata, that could be readily recognized tens or hundreds of millions of years from now by some geologist in the far future. The focus on strata is important. To a geologist, geologic strata equal geologic time. The key is a “time-rock” interval—a layer of strata that can be hammered, sampled or dug in (as for dinosaur bones) and that defines a new course of history. For the Anthropocene epoch to have such deep geologic meaning and to have any chance of being made formal, it must show its own time-rock unit. Is there enough evidence to pass muster? One could make a good case.

Rocks and ‘Oids

Let’s start with minerals, the fundamental components of rocks. Metals, for example, are almost always bound up in various oxides, carbonates and silicates (with rare exceptions such as gold). Humans have learned to separate metals out of these compounds, in huge quantities. We have manufactured more than 500 million metric tons of aluminum since World War II, enough to coat the entire U.S. in kitchen foil. As we scatter billions of cans, appliances, cigarette pack liners and other refuse across the landscape and into landfills, pure aluminum is becoming part of modern sediment layers.

The last great rise in mineral forms occurred about 2.5 billion years ago, when the earth’s atmosphere became oxygenated. The event produced an array of oxides and hydroxides, including rust—which, incidentally, changed the color of the landscape from gray to red. But humans have now created another great rise by synthesizing many mineral compounds, such as tungsten carbide, common in tools and ballpoint pens. Perhaps the most striking inventions are “mineraloids” such as glasses and plastics. Before WWII plastics were limited to a few products such as shellac, Bakelite and rayon, but after the war they rocketed to the 300 million metric tons now made annually—roughly equivalent to the total human body mass. The qualities we find so useful in plastics—durability and resistance to decay—mean that they persist in the environment for many years.

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The signature of plastic litter in the ground is strong enough, but it is even more geologically significant in the oceans. Because many sea creatures eat plastics, much of it ends up in the muds of the seafloor when the animals die—a first step to fossilization. Invisible to our eyes but more pervasive still are microplastics, such as the fibers detached from synthetic clothes. Even on remote ocean floors, far from land, researchers are finding thousands of fibers in every square meter of mud.

Human-made rocks are everywhere, too. For sheer bulk, concrete now reigns supreme; we have manufactured something like half a trillion metric tons to date. That is about a kilogram of concrete for every square meter of the earth’s surface. Concrete forms the superstructures of our buildings, roads and dams, and broken-up fragments are now common in the turned-over ground underneath our towns and cities. It is already a signature rock of the Anthropocene, together with human-made bricks and ceramics. The enormous masses of the rocks we make impregnate the top part of the earth’s crust, which we are also redistributing as big machines dig and plow soil to construct buildings and grow food. Humans now shift more sediment than natural forces such as rivers and wind do.

Chemical Fingerprints

In the past century or so, the burning of fossil fuels has largely powered the accelerated production and planetary deposition of new strata materials such as aluminum, plastic and concrete. The by-products of combustion are themselves so voluminous that they, too, leave a variety of chemical signals in sediments worldwide. The rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution began is about 100 times faster than the rate of rise when the glaciers retreated at the start of the Holocene. The emissions are captured and recorded in bubbles of air trapped in layer on layer of snow and ice frozen in the world’s polar caps.

Combustion also produces smoke—incompletely burned particles that are tiny and inert. Falling to the ground worldwide, they form a geologically lasting smoke signal. The fires ignited by the meteorite impact that defines the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary intervals left a similar trace in the rocks. The carbon from burned fossil fuels is also distinctly rich in the light carbon 12 isotope (12C), which plants and animals readily absorb. As these life-forms die, they will be fossilized, leaving a permanent 12C mark of the Anthropocene.

Widespread agriculture is casting its own chemical shadow. Humankind started farming about 10,000 years ago, but only since the early 1900s have farmers applied vast quantities of nitrogen fertilizer, extracted from the air by a technique known as the Haber-Bosch process, together with phosphorus dug from the ground. The enormous perturbations in soil, water and air leave clear chemical signatures. Lakes at high latitudes become polluted by these compounds, blown in by winds from distant farming regions. Fertilizer runoff from farm fields into streams and rivers and out to the sea overstimulates plankton production; as the huge blooms die and decay, they create “dead zones” that now suffocate seafloor life over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers every year. The devastated marine biology will tell its story as fossils in future strata.

Other chemical signals include persistent organic pollutants such as insecticides and toxic industrial chemicals such as dioxins, which now contaminate many sediments. Some of these may persist over geologic time scales, as did the long-chain carbon compounds produced by some ancient algae that paleontologists now use as tracers of climate tens of millions of years ago.

Tiny radioactive particles that spread around the globe after every nuclear bomb explosion are also detectable. Although only a couple of such bombs were dropped as part of war, various countries detonated more than 500 test bombs in the atmosphere between the mid-1940s and the late 1990s. The particles fell into soil, polar ice and seafloor sediment alike, and they were absorbed by animals and plants at the surface. This radioactive layer is one of the most abrupt Anthropocene signatures.

Fossil Transitions

We humans have obviously left our mark on the earth’s biological landscape as well. In particular, our species—a very minor player amid the planet’s biota even a few thousand years ago—is now the dominant predator on land and sea. We appropriate roughly a quarter of the earth’s total biological production for our needs. As a result, we make up about a third of the mass of all land vertebrates (based simply on body weight), and the handful of animal species we have engineered to become our food make up most of the other two thirds. Wild animals, pushed to the margins, constitute 5 percent or less. In colonizing so much of the planet’s land, we have comprehensively reshuffled what is left of wildlife, too, purposely or accidentally transporting animals and plants across the globe, homogenizing biology worldwide. We are also killing so many species that in another century or two the planet’s biodiversity could take as catastrophic a hit as the one that happened when the dinosaurs disappeared. These transformations will show up in the distant future as a switch from one assemblage of fossils to another.

Humans have meanwhile taken the manufacture of “trace fossils”—such as footprints by dinosaurs and burrows by sea worms—to completely new levels. Our mines and boreholes penetrate several kilometers into the ground, so deep that these traces permanently scar the planet. The towns and cityscapes that have made over the earth’s surface are also mirrored in subsurface foundations, pipelines and subway systems.

Permanent or Fleeting?

All in all, we humans have left a formidable catalog of new geologic signatures. Will these effects permanently reconfigure the earth’s strata and future history, defining a formal new epoch? Or, with humans gone, will the earth system spring back to normal, eroding our constructions into dust, like the fate of the mighty Ozymandias empire in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem of the same name? It is still early days.

Luckily, four billion years of strata have left us a few lessons. Where the earth’s crust is rising, such as on growing mountain ranges, surface structures are indeed eroded and washed away as sedimentary particles into some far-off sea. Where the crust is subsiding—as below many of the world’s major deltas—the strata piling up can preserve even seemingly ephemeral traces, such as leaves, twigs and footprints. Therefore, San Francisco, pushed up by tectonic forces, seems destined to be weathered away. Sinking New Orleans, Shanghai and Amsterdam, however, will leave ample traces of their massive, complex structures, together with aluminum, plastic, ceramics—and skeletons with metal-filled teeth and artificial hips. When these strata are ultimately pushed up high by tectonic forces, millions of years from now, the newly minted cliffs will reveal a distinctive Anthropocene layer.

The permanence of fossils, and of long-term consequences of our actions, figures in the answer, too. The meteorite strike that ended the Cretaceous period was instantaneous; the immediate shock wave was over in hours. But its effects reshaped biology for millions of years, and the reverberations are still with us today. Without that meteorite we might not be here now; dinosaurs might still be ruling the earth.

Humanity’s impact, swift though not that sudden, could likewise change the planet in ways that will be felt long after we disappear. Many trends are accelerating, and some—species extinction, climate change and sea-level rise—are only in their early stages. Regardless of when the fossil-fuel era finally ends, its effects will diminish only slowly, over many millennia. (And human civilization, which developed in the environmentally stable Holocene, will have to adapt to an unstable, changing planet for many generations.)

We may exert a long-term influence in another way as well. Humanity is a much more complex, protean planetary force than a meteorite strike or glacial retreat. Our extraordinary geologic power is driven by our intelligence, our manipulative ability and our hypersocial interactions that pass on new knowledge. These traits have allowed us to develop the technology that now keeps us alive, and that itself is evolving at an accelerating rate, literally from year to year.

This emergent technosphere, as Duke University professor emeritus Peter Haff calls it, can be considered an outgrowth of the biosphere. It has its own dynamics, over which we have only partial control. It includes the possibility that a silicon-based intelligence could soon vie with our own. Among all the ongoing global changes that will determine the geologic future of the earth, the technosphere is the wild card. It could produce a revised Anthropocene planetary state—only humans may no longer be calling the shots. For now scientists can decide only how to characterize the present. Should an earth that is rapidly, profoundly and permanently being transformed by humans be formally recognized in a new epoch in the geologic timescale?

For the geologists who would make the determination, the jury is still out. Important decisions need be made. When would the Anthropocene have begun, for instance? Suggestions have ranged from thousands of years ago, when human impacts first became discernible, to far into the future, once our impacts are fully expressed. For practical purposes, the most suitable boundary seems to be the extraordinary “great acceleration” of population, energy use and industrialization begun in the mid-1900s. Strata after that time are marked by strong rises in concrete, plastics, plutonium and the remains of a transformed biology.

Geologists are searching for a suitable “golden spike”—a carefully selected reference that serves as a global marker for a new epoch. Would that be provided by the radioactive nuclei or carbon particles trapped in the snow and ice layers of Greenland and Antarctica, in sediment layers in far-flung lakes and fjords, and on undisturbed seafloors? Or might it be some other indicator, a telltale change in living chemistry preserved within tree rings and annual coral growth bands? The hunt is on.

This 1,200-Year-Old Artifact Is Stunning—but Nobody Knows What It Is

The intricately decorated silver object was likely created by a highly skilled craftsperson in England

The object was found by metal detectorists in Norfolk, England.

Metal detectorists have unearthed a tiny trinket covered in beautiful, intricate designs in Norfolk, England. The 1,200-year-old gilded silver artifact was likely created by skilled workers, but its purpose remains a mystery.

The strange object is about three-quarters of an inch in diameter. Found near the village of Langham, it resembles a small, crumpled cap. It’s adorned with tactile patterns and the image of an animal resembling a horse.

The artifact captivated historian Helen Geake, Norfolk’s finds liaison officer, reports BBC News’ Katy Prickett.

Object's Face Sketch
The object has cylindrical sides and a cicular top adorned with an animal.

“It’s so tiny, and yet it was created just as carefully as something like a Bible or piece of jewelry,” says Geake, who has also appeared as an expert on the archaeology television show “Time Team.”

Based on the object’s complicated design, Geake infers that its craftsperson was “multi-talented and doing lots of different things.” The creator likely mixed imported Spanish mercury with powdered gold to create a gilding liquid, not unlike the paints used in illuminated manuscripts—handwritten books adorned with metallics and colorful drawings—made around the same time.

Geake recognizes the spiral pattern on the object’s sides from two illuminated manuscripts, both containing the four gospels of the New Testament: the 1,200-year-old Book of Kells and the 1,300-year-old Lindisfarne Gospel.

The newly discovered artifact dates to the late eighth or early ninth century. Its dominant motif, the animal carved and delicately painted on its top, could be a horse with its head turned backward, says Geake. Outlined by gold, the horse is dark brown, with dark swirling lines drawn through its body. Its face is shown in profile, with one eye visible.

Photos of Object
The object reminds historian Helen Geake of other designs from the period. Andrew Williams / Norfolk County Council

“I love its color,” she tells BBC News. “A lot of the time, we don’t see the colors of the past because clothes don’t survive and enamels drop out of settings.”

The expensive materials and highly detailed artisanship suggest the object was treasured, perhaps serving a meaningful personal or religious purpose, writes the Telegraph’s Craig Simpson. One possibility, Geake suggests, is that it was once a decorative cap on the end of a staff.

Multiple Drawings of the Object
The artifact was found crushed on one side, with a resulting crack in its wall. Jason Gibbons / Norfolk County Council

Archaeological discoveries are “consistently churned up from the Norfolk soil,” according to the Telegraph. In 2022, the county reported the most treasure finds of any area in the United Kingdom.

Though many curious objects have been discovered in Norfolk, Geake says the gilded cap is “completely unlike” any other find. BBC News reports that it has been declared a treasure, and the local Norwich Castle Museum expressed interest in acquiring it, despite its unknown purpose.

“It’s a mysterious object, and you can’t say what kind of thing it’s off at all,” Geake adds. “But it was made by someone with a real eye for loveliness.”

Archaeologists Uncover First Direct Evidence of Drug Use From the Bronze Age

Drugs — whether psychedelics or otherwise — are experiencing a bit of a renaissance.

Gone are the decades when LSD, marijuana, or magic mushrooms carried a heavy and often criminalized stigma. Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, is now being used to alleviate major depression, as well as alcohol use disorder, and midomafetamine (MDMA) is being considered a potential treatment for PTSD.

But if we dip back in human history long before psychedelics and other stimulants got their infamous bad rep, it seems our ancestors had no qualms about getting lit on a Friday night (or maybe a Tuesday afternoon).

Whether in South America, where some ancient civilizations used psychedelic plants before ritual human sacrifice, or opium in ancient Greece for healing and channeling the divine, humanity’s drug use was globally pervasive and incalculably old.

But there’s been one problem: Finding direct evidence connecting our blissed-out forebears with their abandoned paraphernalia or drug-inspired rock art. For that, the best evidence is human remains, some of which archaeologists have largely uncovered from ancient hair and bone samples of mummies.

In a paper published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, archaeologists have found more direct evidence of ancient drug use — arguably the first for Europe — from a prehistoric cave in Menorca, one of the Balearic Islands off of eastern Spain. Hair strands recovered from this cave (known as Cova d’es Càrritx) dating back 3,000 years ago tested positive for a whole slew of plant-derived compounds, specifically atropine, scopolamine, and ephedrine. Given where and how the hair was stashed and the amounts of chemicals contained, the researchers believe the plants were used as a part of a ritual ceremony overseen by a shaman, in line with other archaeological finds pointing to drug use as entwined with ancient spiritual traditions and practices.

The inner chamber of Cova d’es Càrritx cave.ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

A cave dating back to the Bronze Age

Cova d’es Càrritx was first excavated in March 1995 by archaeologists in the U.K. and Spain and discovered to hold not one but seven connected chambers that branch like a single trunk burrowing into the interior of the Algendar Canyon, a rocky landscape that’s considered to be one of the most important of the Late Bronze Age — so about 3,300 years ago — on Menorca.

Judging from the artifacts excavated, the cave served as a sort of mortuary around 3,600 years ago, chamber one being the main funerary space. Archaeologists believe while the dead were being prepared in this chamber, a piece of hair was cut, sometimes dyed red with plant extracts, and then placed in tubular containers made of wood or antler. These containers would remain with the dead but at some point in the cave’s history, select containers of hair were being put for safekeeping within the mid-section of Cova d’es Càrritx in chamber five.

In the new paper, archaeologists led by Elisa Guerra-Doce, an associate professor of prehistory at the University of Valladolid in Spain, who’s previously done research in the use of psychoactive substances in prehistoric Eurasia, unearthed 10 of these containers but only did a toxicology study of the reddish, five-inch long hairs nestled inside one container. (Whenever someone ingests or is exposed to a substance in their immediate environment, the chemical compounds tend to get incorporated into hair cells on the scalp and body and into strands of hair themselves.)

Close-up of hair strands retrieved from containers in Cova d’es Càrritx.ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Guerra-Doce and her team found that the hairs, dating back 3,000 years ago, contained atropine, a chemical belonging to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics, often used to dilate the pupil before eye exams. Toxicology results also came back positive for scopolamine, a drug that we now use to treat nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness or from the surgical anesthetic, and in a drug that’s long been found in many diet pills and sports supplements (but since banned in the US), ephedrine.

Drug use was likely associated with medicinal and maybe spiritual practices

But where did these potent chemicals come from, and why were our ancient ancestors using them? To answer the latter, researchers surmise they were used for medicinal purposes and maybe for spiritual ones as well.

Atropine and scopolamine can both be found in plants and vegetables belonging to the nightshade family Solanaceae, the same family as potatoes, eggplants, and tomatoes. There are plenty of nightshade plants on Menorca, such as mandrake, henbane, and thorn apple (also known as jimsonweed). Various parts of these plants have been used medicinally; mandrake has been used as a sedative and painkiller for over 2,000 years.

In the Mediterranean, ephedrine can be found in plants like joint pine, a poisonous shrub that’s been highly prized for its medicinal and stimulant properties (it can increase alertness and physical activity) since antiquity.

Dyeing scene in the funerary chamber.Oriol Garcia i Quera, ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

It’s hard to say when exactly the individual who the hair belongs started partaking in any of these plants, but it was probably over a period of a year or longer and right up until this person’s death.

Since this hair was stored in a container farther down from the main chamber and was covered in an interesting pattern of concentric circles surrounding a single dot (the researchers say this pattern could be interpreted as dilated pupils under the influence), this individual might have held some special importance in ancient Menorcan society, perhaps a shaman. The researchers speculate that this container made of olive tree wood was probably placed in the deeper chamber by individuals who sought to preserve their ancient traditions as society evolved and modernized.

This 390 million-year-old fish-like creature is revealed to be earliest ancestors of humans.


Scientists Find Liquid Blood in 42,000-Year Foal and They Won’t Stop There

Scientists Find Liquid Blood in 42,000-Year Foal and They Won’t Stop There https://www.scienceexplorist.com/2022/03/scientists-find-liquid-blood-in-42000.html?m=1