15 Ways to Be Happier

Put Some Pep in Your Step

Put Some Pep in Your Step


Scientists say walking tall with swinging arms helps you feel more positive. Even if you’re not feeling happy, a spirited stroll can help you fake it till you make it.

Slap on a Smile

Slap on a Smile


Want to lift your spirits? Lift the corners of your mouth. When you smile like you mean it, you can change your brain’s chemistry and feel happier.




Find ways to get involved in your community or help out a friend in need. You’ll help yourself, too. It can improve your mental health and well-being. Win-win.

Make New Friends

Make New Friends


It makes you feel good to spend time with people who care about you. So be open to new relationships, whether it’s someone you meet at the office, gym, church, or park. But be sure to maintain those lifelong connections, too. Studies show the more connected you are, the happier you are.

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings


Write down everything that’s good in your life. When you make an effort to look on the bright side, it helps you stay focused on the positive.

Break a Sweat

Break a Sweat


It can take as little as 5 minutes for exercise to put you in a better mood. Moving your body also has good long-term effects: Regular exercise helps keep depression at bay.

Forgive and Forget

Forgive and Forget


Are you holding a grudge? Let it go. Forgiveness frees you from negative thoughts and makes more room in your life for inner peace. And that brings you happiness.

Practice Mindfulness

Practice Mindfulness


Meditate for an hour a week. It’ll give you a dose of joy, peace, and contentment. It’ll also create new pathways in your brain to make it easier for you to feel joy. 

Turn on Some Tunes

Turn on Some Tunes


Music can have a powerful effect on your emotions. Pick your favorite music mix and get into the groove. You’ll get a real feel-good vibe.

Get the ZZZs You Need

Get the ZZZs You Need


Most adults need 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night to stay in a good mood. You’re more likely to be happy when you get enough shut-eye.

Remember Your “Why”

Remember Your “Why”


When you have a sense of purpose — why you work, exercise, or do something good for someone else — it gives your life meaning.  In the hurry of a busy day, it’s easy to lose sight of that. So take a moment to bring it to mind. Happiness is about more than momentary pleasure. It’s also in the satisfaction of pursuing your goals. 

Challenge Your Inner Critic

Challenge Your Inner Critic


You know that inner voice that loves to point out everything that isn’t so great? Try to notice when it takes control of your mood. Sometimes it has a good point and is letting you know about something that needs your attention.  But other times, it’s wrong, or it makes things seem worse than they are. Ask yourself, “Is this true?”

Tackle Your Goals

Tackle Your Goals


Ask yourself if they are realistic and within your reach now — or at least, things that you can start to work toward. Then get really specific about what the goal is — not “to work out more” but “to walk 30 minutes a day, three times this week,” or “I’ll have a salad for lunch twice this week.”  Write it down, and reward yourself for every step you take toward that goal!  

Seek Positive People

Seek Positive People


“Emotions are contagious,” as the saying goes. So you want people in your life who are confident, upbeat, and healthy. You’ll probably find that it rubs off on you, leaving you feeling better. And then you can pass that on, too.

Ask a Pro

Ask a Pro


If you feel a lot less happy than you used to, even after you try the tips in this slideshow, it’s time to call an expert. Book a session with a counselor to talk about how you feel. If depression is the reason you’re down, there are treatments. Even if you’re not depressed,  you might learn some helpful things about yourself and your challenges — and end up feeling better than you thought you could.

CAR T cells: engineered immune cells to treat brain cancers and beyond


Malignant brain tumors rank among the most challenging type of malignancies to manage. The current treatment protocol commonly entails surgery followed by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, however, the median patient survival rate is poor. Recent developments in immunotherapy for a variety of tumor types spark optimism that immunological strategies may help patients with brain cancer. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells exploit the tumor-targeting specificity of antibodies or receptor ligands to direct the cytolytic capacity of T cells. Several molecules have been discovered as potential targets for immunotherapy-based targeting, including but not limited to EGFRvIII, IL13Rα2, and HER2. The outstanding clinical responses to CAR T cell-based treatments in patients with hematological malignancies have generated interest in using this approach to treat solid tumors. Research results to date support the astounding clinical response rates of CD19-targeted CAR T cells, early clinical experiences in brain tumors demonstrating safety and evidence for disease-modifying activity, and the promise for further advances to ultimately assist patients clinically. However, several variable factors seem to slow down the progress rate regarding treating brain cancers utilizing CAR T cells. The current study offers a thorough analysis of CAR T cells’ promise in treating brain cancer, including design and delivery considerations, current strides in clinical and preclinical research, issues encountered, and potential solutions.

Conclusion and outlooks

CAR T cells could be a promising therapeutic option for brain cancer since so many potential target tumor antigens have been identified so far. However, one of the biggest hurdles in this field is choosing a suitable antigen to target, especially one that is expressed in brain cancer and brain cancer-initiating cells and destroys them without harming normal brain cells. Understanding the optimal trafficking of CAR T cells to brain tumors is still to be clearly interpreted. Though most clinical trials have demonstrated that CAR T cells as a monotherapy are often ineffective in cases of solid tumors due to their immune escape mechanisms, the efficacy and scope of CAR T cell therapies are continually being expanded, and innovative approaches are being explored to improve safety as well as efficacy. These innovative approaches would lead to the wider applications of this technology for the efficient management of brain cancer through the optimization of CAR T cell biology and others. However, concerns with CAR T cells also spin around their cost and scale-up, which also require substantial attention.


CAR T cells:

Chimeric antigen receptor T cellsCNS:

Central nervous systemCARs:

Chimeric antigen receptorsMHC:

Major histocompatibility complexBBB:

Blood-brain barrierBBTB:

Blood-brain tumor barrierTCR:

T cell receptor TRAC:

T cell receptor α constantFDA:

Food and drug administration

Source: molecular-cancer

Cardiometabolic benefits of micronutrient supplements vary

Supplementation of certain micronutrients benefited cardiometabolic health, but others did not, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Specifically, supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid and coenzyme Q10 conferred certain benefits, supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and selenium had no effect on CVD risk and supplementation with beta-carotene was harmful, researchers wrote in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

“For the first time, we developed a comprehensive, evidence-based integrative map to characterize and quantify micronutrient supplements’ potential effects on cardiometabolic outcomes,” Simin Liu, MD, MS, MPH, ScD, professor of epidemiology and medicine at Brown University, said in a press release. “Our study highlights the importance of micronutrient diversity and the balance of health benefits and risks.”

Liu and colleagues analyzed 884 randomized controlled trials evaluating 27 types of micronutrients. The analysis included 883,627 participants and covered 4,895,544 person-years.

Benefits vary

The following micronutrients were associated with moderate- to high-quality evidence for reducing CVD risk factors: omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, L-arginine, L-citrulline, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, alpha-lipolic acid, coenzyme Q10, melatonin, catechin, curcumin, flavanol, genistein and quercetin, according to the researchers.

Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids was linked with reduced risk for CVD mortality (RR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.88-0.97), MI (RR = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.78-0.92) and CHD events (RR = 0.86; 95% CI, 0.8-0.93), while supplementation with folic acid reduced risk for stroke (RR = 0.84; 95% CI, 0.72-0.97) and supplementation with coenzyme Q10 reduced risk for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.68; 95% CI, 0.49-0.94), Liu and colleagues wrote.

There was no relationship between CVD or diabetes risk and supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and selenium, and supplementation with beta-carotene increased risk for all-cause mortality (RR = 1.1; 95% CI, 1.05-1.15), CVD mortality (RR = 1.12; 95% CI, 1.06-1.18) and stroke (RR = 1.09; 95% CI, 1.01-1.17), according to the researchers.

“Identifying the optimal mixture of micronutrients is important, as not all are beneficial, and some may even have harmful effects,” Liu said in the release.

More than antioxidant properties

In a related editorial, Juan G. Gormaz, PhD, from the faculty of medicine at the University of Chile in Santiago, and Rodrigo Carrasco, MD, PhD, from the Chilean Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in Santiago, wrote that “Given that the compounds with more pleiotropic properties produced the better outcomes, the antioxidant paradigm on cardiovascular prevention can be challenged. For example, inasmuch as omega-3 fatty acids have antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory properties, they are too complex to enable attribution of the observed benefits solely to their antioxidant capacity.”

The study supports the hypothesis that “only compounds able to have an impact on oxidative stress through more than one pathway and/or that have pleiotropic properties should have a significant clinical effect,” Gormaz and Carrasco wrote.

Higher vitamin B levels associated with less metabolic syndrome for young adults

Vitamin B status was inversely associated with incident metabolic syndrome among Black and white young adults in the U.S., according to an analysis of the CARDIA study published in JAMA Network Open.

“To the best of our knowledge, data remain unavailable on the longitudinal association of these B vitamin intakes with the development of metabolic syndrome among the general population of adults in the U.S.,” Jie Zhu, MD, PhD, assistant professor in the nutrition and foods program at the School of Family and Consumer Sciences at Texas State University, and colleagues wrote.

Higher vitamin B levels reduce risk for metabolic syndrome
Data were derived from Zhu J, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.50621.

This prospective study included 4,414 Black and white young adults (mean age, 24.9 years; 52.8% women; 50.4% Black) in the U.S. aged 18 to 30 years from four metropolitan areas in 1985 and 1986. Researchers assessed diet through a validated diet history at years 0, 7 and 20 and assayed serum concentrations of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 at years 0, 7 and 15. Researchers identified metabolic syndrome through laboratory measurements and self-reported medication use.

Overall, there were 1,240 incident metabolic syndrome cases during the 30 years of follow-up. When adjusted for potential confounders, incident metabolic syndrome was significantly lower for those with the highest vs lowest quintiles of B vitamin intake: folate (HR = 0.39; 95% CI, 0.31-0.49; P < .001), vitamin B6 (HR = 0.61; 95% CI, 0.46-0.81; P = .002) and vitamin B12 (HR = 0.74; 95% CI, 0.58-0.95; P = .008).

Similarly, incident metabolic syndrome was significantly lower for those with higher vs lower of serum concentrations: folate (HR = 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.33; P < .001), vitamin B6 (HR = 0.48; 95% CI, 0.34-0.67; P < .001) and vitamin B12 (HR = 0.7; 95% CI, 0.51-0.96; P = .01).

“The robustness of our findings is supported by the consistent results of intakes and serum concentrations of these B vitamins,” the researchers wrote. “The findings of serum B vitamin concentrations are consistent with a case-control study that reported lower plasma vitamin B6 concentrations in Nigerian metabolic syndrome patients and cross-sectional studies that found inverse associations between blood folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 and metabolic syndrome prevalence in various populations.”

Type 1 Diabetes May Be Treatable with Immunological Drug

Swedish researchers have begun a clinical study on an approved drug for treating psoriasis that will be tested on patients who were recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The theory is that the drug could preserve the patient’s remaining insulin production.

Marcus Lind, MD, PhD, a professor of diabetology at the University of Gothenburg and chief physician responsible for clinical diabetes research at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and NU-hospital Group, heads the project. He noted that the study could mean a big change in how type 1 diabetes is treated:

“Of the mechanisms now being investigated for immunological treatment of type 1 diabetes, I have the greatest confidence in this one, but I am well aware of how difficult success will be,” he says.

An immunological disease

Type 1 diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in children, but the disease can also develop in adults. In the disease, the body’s own immune response destroys beta cells in the pancreas so that the body can no longer produce insulin. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin injections or use an insulin pump and strictly track their blood sugar levels for the rest of their lives, which requires a lot of effort.

The beta cells die slowly, so everyone with newly developed type 1 diabetes continues to produce insulin during the first years of the disease.

“They benefit greatly from the remaining insulin their body produces. If they could just maintain this production, treating type 1 diabetes would be much easier. So far, we have not had a good treatment for preventing beta cell death, but we have reason to believe that a medication currently approved for individuals with psoriasis could have a protective effect for individuals with type 1 diabetes,” continued Lind.

Based on immunological patterns in the blood, researchers can currently determine with a high probability who will develop type 1 diabetes (stage 1 of type 1 diabetes) within a few years. About a year before the onset of the disease, they can then see disturbances in the blood sugar pattern with stress tests, even if criteria for diabetes are not met (stage 2 of the disease). When clinical onset occurs, it is classified as stage 3.

Doctoral student Arndís Ólafsdóttir and Professor Marcus Lind, MD, PhD, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg. [Elin Lindström/University of Gothenburg]

“If we succeed in identifying the immunological mechanism that is central to the destruction of beta cells, we will also be able to screen children and adults in the future and treat them even before the onset of the disease,” pointed out Lind. “The disease will then be prevented from breaking out or counteracted so that it does not begin until much later in life.”

Psoriasis and type 1 diabetes

The drug to be tested affects the immune response in the body by inhibiting interleukin-17, which seems to be an important signaling molecule in the process that destroys beta cells. For the last few years, the drug has been used as a treatment for psoriasis, where a specific type of white blood cells (TRM cells) plays a key role in development of the disease, just as these cells seem to do in type 1 diabetes. Among other things, these cells act through IL-17, which the current treatment affects.

“In fact, research on type 1 diabetes and IL-17 has been going on for almost 20 years. Animal experiments have shown that stimulation of this signaling pathway accelerates the development of type 1 diabetes,” said Lind. “Other studies have shown that this signaling pathway is usually overactivated in people with type 1 diabetes. It will be particularly interesting to evaluate for the first time whether the treatment can protect insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, in light of recent research on TRM cells in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, just as in psoriasis.”

Recruitment of individuals with type 1 diabetes for a comprehensive multicenter study has now begun. The study will include adults, between ages 18 and 35, who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the last three months, where a blood test has shown that they have an ongoing immunological process affecting the beta cells. A total of 127 individuals will be included, with half being randomly assigned to receive IL-17 inhibitors and half receiving a placebo in the control group.

Towards precision medicine

In parallel with the Swedish study now being conducted at the University of Gothenburg, several other studies are underway elsewhere in the world. They are also seeking ways to treat the immunological cause behind type 1 diabetes and not just the symptoms, which until now has been the only treatment option.

As with many other diseases, researchers of type 1 diabetes now appear to be on the verge of precision medicine. Efforts to map different subgroups within type 1 diabetes have just begun to study, for example, a certain gene variation that causes a certain type of islet cell antibodies to first appear.

“It is likely that treatment with IL-17 inhibitors may be more effective for certain subgroups,” explained Lind. “If the results from our study are encouraging, over time we can investigate certain immunological patterns or cell types in the blood that can be used to identify patient groups that respond best to the treatment.”

Circadian Clock Gene Inhibition by FDA-Approved Drugs Could Improve Scar Healing

Research by scientists based at the University of California, Los Angeles, has found that compounds that target the circadian clock and affect the synthesis of collagen—a protein that is important for skin repair—could improve scar healing. The team carried out a screen to identify FDA-approved compounds that would suppress the expression of the gene neuronal PAS domain 2 (Npas2)—a core circadian clock gene that is expressed in dermal fibroblasts and has been shown to play a critical role in regulating collagen synthesis. Two of the compounds identified could, the researchers suggested, represent potential therapeutic candidates in future skin wound healing studies.

“Our aim was to find compounds that were able to increase the rate at which dermal wounds heal while mitigating the formation of hypertrophic scars,” said Akishige Hokugo, PhD, corresponding author of a study published in Frontiers in Medicine. “Scars can result in emotional distress following normal wound healing by serving as permanent reminders of the initial incident. Accounting for additional revision procedures, extended hospital stays, and increased incidences of infection following surgical operations, hypertrophic scars cause a quantifiable burden to healthcare institutions.” The researchers’ paper is titled, “In vitro assessment of neuronal PAS domain 2 mitigating compounds for scarless wound healing.” In their report they concluded, “This work has direct implications in the healing of surgical wounds, specifically following surgery, as the ability to prevent the formation of HTS will enhance both clinical success and patient experience.”

Skin wound healing following injury, surgical procedure, burn, or from systemic disease remains a common clinical problem that requires reliable wound management, the authors wrote. “The goal of wound management is to fully restore the protective function of the skin as quickly as possible and to optimize appearance.” Skin wound healing often leaves a scar. But the role of the scar itself in healing is often underestimated. A scar that doesn’t heal cleanly can be painful or upsetting or affect the range of movement of the affected body part. It may even require further surgical treatment. Normal wound healing involves three stages: the inflammatory phase, the proliferative phase, and the maturation phase. During the first two, different kinds of cells migrate toward the wound. First, cells that protect against infection, and then cells that lower inflammation and help the skin rebuild itself. During this second phase, cells migrate to refill the wound and collagen is generated to provide structure. But excess collagen deposition leads to scars that are thicker, raised, and less elastic than the surrounding skin.

Wounds that are received at different points in the circadian cycle heal at different rates, which is thought to be due to the links between circadian clock genes and the behavior of cells implicated in healing. “Recent studies have also established the relationship between circadian rhythm changes and the rate at which dermal wounds heal,” the investigators noted. “The role of specific cell types, including dermal fibroblasts, macrophages, keratinocytes, and subcutaneous adipocytes, all exhibit varying amounts in response to circadian gene activity levels.”  If the right cell types don’t reach a wound at the right time, healing is compromised. “Previous studies have shown that skin wounds in mice wounded during the circadian rest period healed less quickly than those wounded during the active period, and human burn injuries incurred during the night healed more slowly than wounds acquired during the day,” the authors wrote. “This phenomenon is believed to be due to the strong correlation between circadian cycles and activity of different immunological cell types.”

Npas2 is a core circadian gene, which means that it helps to regulate the natural rhythms of the body. And mice that are genetically modified so the Npas2 gene doesn’t express itself heal faster, with increased cell migration and less excessive collagen deposition. “In our previous study, we reported that mice lacking the Npas2 gene (Npas2 -/-) exhibited accelerated dermal wound healing mechanisms in comparison to those with fully functional circadian rhythm genes and showed increased cellular migration and contraction in vitro,” the investigators noted. “Previous experiments conducted in this area have shown that Npas2 knockout mice are able to produce significant decreases in total wound healing time, yet the lack of circadian control throughout all body systems in these subjects is not transferrable to clinical implementation,” said Hokugo.

For their newly reported work, the scientists aimed to change the expression of Npas2. “We have performed high throughput drug screening to identify genes responsible for downregulation of Npas2 while maintaining cell viability,” they explained. “From this, five FDA-approved hit compounds were shown to suppress Npas2 expression in fibroblasts.”

They named the five compounds Dwn1, Dwn2, Dwn3, Dwn4, and Dwn5, and each compound was screened using mouse fibroblasts to show that they did suppress Npas2 expression, before being applied to samples of scratched adult human dermal fibroblasts. Each different repeat of the experiment was conducted over 14 days, to monitor collagen development as it would happen for a real wound.

These results showed that while Dwn3, Dwn4, and Dwn5 had no apparent effect on collagen synthesis, Dwn1 and Dwn2 successfully modulated both cell migration and collagen synthesis without damaging the fibroblasts, improving the speed of cell migration and minimizing excess collagen synthesis. “Dwn1 and Dwn2 were found to significantly affect collagen synthesis and cell migration without any cytotoxicity,” the team stated.

The authors cautioned that more studies are needed that explain how the compounds work to speed up healing, test whether they work in patients, and determine the appropriate doses. But if the results can be translated into medicines, they offer promise for cleaner healing and less scarring.  “… although there is a few evidence in the current literature of Npas2-specific control of dermal wound healing, there is an extensive publication about the way elements of the circadian system interact with skin physiology to impact wound healing,” the scientists stated. “… this study puts forth a novel mechanism by which the circadian system is able to impact cutaneous wounds in order to accelerate dermal wound healing while focusing on the mitigation of excess collagen deposition … The results of this study suggest that Dwn1 and Dwn2 could be novel therapeutic agents capable of promoting collagen homeostasis and accelerating wound healing with minimal hypertrophic scarring.”

Hokugo added: “We hope that this work serves as a foundation for future investigations into how collagen expression may affect dermal wounds and impact the efficiency of native wound healing processes in postoperative patients.” The authors further suggested that further studies could be used to identify the specific pathways used by Dwn1 and Dwn2 to alter gene activity, “thereby providing insights into a possible cascade able to be utilized for more extensive wound healing studies.”

Remodeling How Cancer Vaccines Are Designed

Researchers from the International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) at Northwestern University have combined chemistry and nanotechnology to change the structural location of adjuvants and antigens on and within a nanoscale vaccine to boost potency and performance.

The study is published in Nature Biomedical Engineering in an article titled, “Multi-Antigen Spherical Nucleic Acid Cancer Vaccines.”

“Cancer vaccines must activate multiple immune cell types to be effective against aggressive tumors,” wrote the researchers. “Here we report the impact of the structural presentation of two antigenic peptides on immune responses at the transcriptomic, cellular, and organismal levels. We used spherical nucleic acid (SNA) nanoparticles to investigate how the spatial distribution and placement of two antigen classes affect antigen processing, cytokine production, and the induction of memory.”

“The work shows that vaccine structure and not just the components is a critical factor in determining vaccine efficacy,” explained lead investigator Chad A. Mirkin, PhD, director of the IIN. “Where and how we position the antigens and adjuvant within a single architecture markedly changes how the immune system recognizes and processes it.”

Mirkin and his team studied the effect of vaccine structure in the context of seven different types of cancer to date, including triple-negative breast cancer, papillomavirus-induced cervical cancer, melanoma, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

“A challenge with conventional vaccines is that out of that blended mish mosh, an immune cell might pick up 50 antigens and one adjuvant or one antigen and 50 adjuvants,” said study author and former Northwestern postdoctoral associate Michelle Teplensky, PhD, who is now an assistant professor at Boston University. “But there must be an optimum ratio of each that would maximize the vaccine’s effectiveness.”

The researchers turned to SNAs (spherical nucleic acids), which are the structural platform used in this new class of modular vaccines. SNAs allow scientists to pinpoint exactly how many antigens and adjuvants are being delivered to cells.

“Vaccines developed through rational vaccinology deliver the precise dose of antigen and adjuvant to every immune cell, so they are all equally primed to attack cancer cells,” said Mirkin. “If your immune cells are soldiers, a traditional vaccine leaves some unarmed; our vaccine arms them all with a powerful weapon with which to kill cancer. Which immune cell ‘soldiers’ do you want to attack your cancer cells?” Mirkin asked rhetorically.

The team developed a cancer vaccine that doubled the number of cancer antigen-specific T cells and increased the activation of these cells by 30% by reconfiguring the architecture of the vaccine to contain multiple targets to help the immune system find tumor cells.

The team investigated differences in how well two antigens were recognized by the immune system depending on their placement of the SNA structure. They also studied how the different placements affected the immune system’s ability to remember the invader, and whether the memory was long-term.

“Where and how we position the antigens and adjuvant within a single architecture markedly changes how the immune system recognizes and processes it,” Mirkin said.

The study data revealed that attaching two different antigens to an SNA comprising a shell of adjuvant was the most potent approach for a cancer vaccine structure. It led to a 30% increase in antigen-specific T-cell activation and doubled the number of proliferating T cells compared to a structure in which the same two antigens were attached to two separate SNAs.

“It is remarkable,” Mirkin said. “When altering the placement of antigens in two vaccines that are nearly identical from a compositional standpoint, the treatment benefit against tumors is dramatically changed. One vaccine is potent and useful, while the other is much less effective.”

“The collective importance of this work is that it lays the foundation for developing the most effective forms of vaccine for almost any type of cancer,” Teplensky said. “It is about redefining how we develop vaccines across the board, including ones for infectious diseases.”

“The developments made in this work provide a path forward to rethinking the design of vaccines for cancer and other diseases as a whole,” Mirkin concluded.

An Old TB Vaccine Might Help Stave Off Diabetes, Cancer Alzheimer’s, and More

The BCG vaccine might assist in preventing a range of major disease

An Old TB Vaccine Might Help Stave Off Diabetes, Cancer Alzheimer's, and More 
Packing ampoules of the BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccine for tuberculosis in 1931.

The bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine against tuberculosis—or simply BCG—is the oldest vaccine in the world that is still currently in use. Millions of infants in Africa and Asia receive the inoculation each year.

The vaccine provides effective protection against tuberculosis (TB), a leading cause of infectious disease deaths worldwide, second only to COVID. Its development began in Lille, France in 1900, when Albert Calmette, an army physician, was working with Camille Guérin, a veterinarian, to understand how TB was transmitted. The team cultured TB bacteria on potato slices and found that after several passages of the microbes from one slice to a fresh one, they became less virulent over time. The researchers started to vaccinate calves with this live, weakened form of TB to protect cattle. By 1921, after 231 passages, the TB strain was stable and nonvirulent for all animals they tested it on.

At the time, French children born in a family in which someone had TB faced a 25 percent chance of dying from the disease within their first year of life. So in 1921 Calmette and Guérin gave the first dose of BCG to a child born into a family with TB, and the child survived. In 1924 a large clinical trial of more than 5,000 French children showed that the BCG vaccine had 93 percent efficacy in preventing death in the first year of life. As a result, it was widely adopted in France and around the world. Different countries developed different strains of the vaccine over time.

In the midst of this progress against TB, something unexpected happened. It was discovered that BCG seemed to furnish benefits beyond protection against TB deaths. A 1927 trial in very young Swedish children showed that BCG reduced early-life mortality by 1931, and the benefit could not be explained by just the reduction in TB deaths. The researcher who reported these results, Carl Naeslund, suggested that BCG might trigger some “nonspecific” immunity—meaning that it protected against other causes of death, too, through unknown means.

In the ensuing century since the vaccine was first developed, laboratory-based immunological studies, epidemiological surveys and clinical trials have documented that these nonspecific effects appear to be real and robust. Other live vaccines, such as the measles vaccine, also show nonspecific effects, though the best-studied ones are for BCG.

Beyond protecting against various infections, researchers are starting to find that the BCG vaccine can also modulate the risk of other diseases in which the immune system goes awry, including type 1 diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Claims about such broad-ranging effects have been controversial but have grown less so in recent years. Open questions still linger, however, as to which patient groups, and for which conditions, the nonspecific effects of BCG might produce a meaningful clinical benefit.

More clinical trials are needed to address these questions, although there has been limited funding and little to no pharmaceutical interest because the vaccine’s patent expired long ago. From a basic science perspective, researchers are also striving to elucidate the mechanisms by which the BCG vaccine works with an eye to using this knowledge to build better vaccines that could confer broad-based immunity.

In October and November 2022, two conferences brought together researchers and policy makers to explore how to better harness BCG’s nonspecific effects for clinical benefit—and to evaluate whether there is sufficient evidence to recommend policy changes to the schedules of vaccinations for children.

One piece of evidence that spurred the current enthusiasm for BCG’s nonspecific effects came from three clinical trials of the BCG vaccine—in 2011, 2012 and 2017—that were conducted by Danish physician-epidemiologist Christine Stabell Benn, anthropologist Peter Aaby and their colleagues. They found that BCG given at birth to children from Guinea-Bissau with low birth weight reduced all-cause mortality in these children by about 40 percent in the first year of life. The reduction in mortality was the result of fewer cases of non-TB infections, which the vaccine protected against in an undetermined way.

In the past two decades, evidence has surfaced that BCG’s nonspecific effects could modulate the risk of a variety conditions that involve the immune system, including type 1 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis. For example, clinician-scientist Denise Faustman and her colleagues performed a clinical trial at Massachusetts General Hospital demonstrating that three doses of BCG can improve blood sugar control in patients with type 1 diabetes, although the effect takes a couple of years to become manifest. Now she is working to understand how BCG affects the immune cells in these patients.

Some compelling longterm data about BCG’s impact on diabetes risk comes from a 2022 epidemiological study by Marie-Claude Rousseau of the National Institute of Scientific Research in Quebec and her colleagues. The researchers used records from Canada’s national health registry to track people who had received the BCG vaccine as children in the 1970s. They found that early-life BCG vaccination did not reduce the risk of diabetes in adolescence, but by the time those children were adults older than age 30, their risk of type 1 diabetes was 35 percent lower than that of people who had not received BCG in early life.

BCG also seems to diminish the risk of cancer. A 60-year follow-up of a clinical trial that began in 1935 among Native American and Alaska Native school-aged children showed that the group that had received BCG in childhood had not only a reduced risk of TB in the ensuing 60 years but also a 2.5-fold lower incidence of lung cancer at the end of the follow-up period. (The original trial, whose first results were published in 1952, was conducted by U.S. Army physician Joseph Aronson. The retrospective record review, from 1992 to 1998, was conducted by his granddaughter Naomi Aronson, director of infectious diseases at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Md. The follow-up study was published in 2019.)

Adding to the growing body of research, an intriguing 2019 study by Hervé Bercovier of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his colleagues showed that bladder cancer patients who were treated with  BCG in the bladder—a Food and Drug Administration–approved immunotherapy for this type of cancer—had a more than fourfold lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than those who did not receive the vaccine during a follow-up period of about eight years. Alzheimer’s is challenging to study because of the long time course over which the disease progresses. Still, Jeff Cirillo, an immunologistat Texas A&M University, is conducting a two-year trial to see if BCG vaccination can alter the “cognitive trajectory” of patients with very early-stage Alzheimer’s.

BCG also came into the public eye during the COVID pandemic. Researchers worldwide investigated whether BCG’s nonspecific effects might be harnessed to protect against the disease as a stopgap measure before COVID vaccines became available. The results were mixed, in part, because the trials were done with different strains of the vaccine and in different populations. The trials that showed some efficacy were mostly done in vulnerable populations, such as people with type 1 diabetes or hospitalized elderly patients, whereas the trials that didn’t demonstrate any effect were done in healthy populations, such as health care workers, Faustman explains, who pivoted her trial of BCG’s effects on type 1 diabetes during the pandemic to study the vaccine’s possible protective effects against COVID.

“The way I see the evidence, BCG reduces the risk of new infections in vulnerable groups,” Stabell Benn says. For those with a well-functioning immune system, there is likely little benefit from BCG, but for vulnerable groups, the vaccine can make a difference. It also seems that several doses are needed, she adds.

Mihai Netea, an immunologist and infectious disease clinician who heads the division of experimental medicine at the department of internal medicine at Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands, says that BCG hasn’t helped reduce the number of COVID infections, but the evidence suggests that it could reduce disease severity. In a meta-analysis that he, Stabell Benn and Aaby published in Lancet Infectious Diseaseson the effects of live vaccines against COVID, they found that across five trials, there was a 40 percent reduction in overall mortality in those who received BCG, compared with those who did not.

Netea envisions that by deconstructing how BCG actually works, the scientific community could design vaccines that provide better protection than BCG for emerging infectious diseases and a whole host of other conditions, including cancer. “What we should do now is actually build new vaccines in which the nonspecific … protection can reach not 30 or 40 percent but 60 or 70 percent,” he says. “Then, at the next pandemic, we will have something which is on the shelf that can already protect 60 to 70 percent of the population against mortality,” he says, emphasizing the importance of figuring out how BCG actually changes the immune system.

“To me, it is very important to understand, ‘How does it work?’” concurs Maziar Divangahi, a pulmonary immunologist at the McGill International TB Center. Without the mechanism, these nonspecific effects are a “magical” phenomenon. But by figuring out the mechanism, “we could harness the power of that mechanism to advance health in general,” he says.

Broadly speaking, the immune system has two branches: the innate immune system, which provides a first response against infection, and the adaptive immune system, which takes longer to activate and is aimed at specific targets, or antigens. Vaccines typically work by activating the adaptive immune system’s T and B cells and triggering, in the latter, the production of antibodies to a specific antigen such as the spike protein of the coronavirus that causes COVID.

Previously, researchers thought that the generalized response of the innate immune system was optimized for a rapid defense against infection and kept no persistent memory of an invading pathogen. But what Netea and others have shown over the past decade is that the innate immune system is capable of remembering previous encounters and if this system has prior exposure to the BCG vaccines, the next meeting with an invasive pathogen will trigger an enhanced response, such as the production of more signaling molecules called cytokines that attack microbial invaders.

Netea and his colleagues have worked over the past decade to understand this phenomenon, which they call “trained immunity.” They have shown that BCG vaccination causes metabolic changes in immune cells such as monocytes and macrophages, which in turn alter either the placement or removal of chemical, or “epigenetic,” marks on DNA through processes known as methylation and acetylation. These marks serve as bookmarks for immune-related genes in the innate immune system and enhance the monocytes’ production of cytokines when challenged with an infection. “What BCG is doing is putting an epigenetic bookmark in your DNA. So when you need to read it, you already have the bookmark, and the book opens automatically at the right page,” Netea says.

The researchers found that the BCG vaccine does not only affect the epigenetic marks in circulating innate immune cells such as relatively short-lived macrophages, which provide protection by consuming viruses or other invaders. It also alters marks on the DNA in stem cells in the bone marrow that produce new immune cells, which could explain how the effect of the vaccine can persist for many years.

The body of evidence on BCG’s off-target effects is substantial enough now that researchers and policy makers recently convened a workshop in Alexandria, Va., on October 15, 2022, and a meeting in Denmark on November 9–11, 2022, to discuss how to bring this science to bear on public health policy and to optimize the use of the vaccine in public health settings. “If we wanted to be sure that we have the perfect information,” Stabell Benn says, “we will never get going. So this is about finding that cutoff, where you can start and say, ‘We know enough now to move to policy and be reasonably sure that this policy will really truly benefit most of the recipients.’”

Still, the idea of using BCG’s nonspecific effects to treat or prevent a whole host of diseases is not universally accepted. “I’ve never come across a topic that is more polarizing,” says Nigel Curtis, a pediatric infectious diseases physician and BCG researcher at the University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia, who calls himself an “agnostic” on the issue of off-target effects. Although there is no question that live vaccines—in particular, BCG—have immune effects beyond their main target, “the bit that remains controversial is to what extent those changes in the immune system are translated to clinically apparent effects,” he explains. In other words, in which populations, and for which conditions, can these off-target effects meaningfully help patients?

In Stabell Benn’s view, sufficient evidence has accumulated for life-saving policy changes to be implemented for some uses. First, in low-income countries where neo-natal mortality is high, BCG should be given at birth rather than months later. Many African countries already vaccinate children with BCG. But only 50 percent of those children receive the vaccine within the first month of life, when they are extremely vulnerable to other infections. Because BCG is given for TB, and children rarely die of TB in the first few months of life, “there’s no incentive for vaccination programs to improve the coverage early on in life,” Stabell Benn explains. But her clinical trials in Guinea-Bissau have shown that receiving the vaccine at birth, rather than months later, can reduce neonatal mortality by about a third. “So you can see that [if you are] coming too late with the vaccine after the neonatal period, the first month of life, you lose a lot of potential for doing a lot of good,” she says.

“My dream would be that we repurpose BCG as a vaccine against neonatal mortality [rather than specifically TB] because that would be a policy change that would really change how it is being used,” she says. Neonatal mortality remains high in Africa, even as child mortality has declined. “So if you can intervene there [in the first month of life], it means many more lives saved in absolute numbers.”

In North America, Europe and Australia, TB is less of a concern, but the vaccine could still be of interest because of its potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, allergic diseases and other conditions. Both Stabell Benn and Curtis have conducted clinical trials in Denmark and Australia, respectively, showing that BCG vaccination at birth reduces the risk of eczema—especially in babies who are predisposed to the condition because one or both of their parents had it. But before BCG could be recommended as a way to reduce the risk of eczema in babies, regulatory and practical obstacles would have to be overcome. Regulatory agencies would have to review the evidence and approve BCG for a new condition. Also, the vaccine would have to become broadly available, which is not the case in North America, Europe or Australia.

Because BCG is not protected by a patent—a dose would cost about six cents—pharmaceutical companies are not gearing up to conduct the necessary trials to obtain regulatory approval for such use of the vaccine. “The challenges that we face are not really scientific,” says Jaykumar Menon, chair and co-founder of the Open Source Pharma Foundation, a nonprofit attempting to develop affordable therapeutics. “It’s a story of market failure.”

A solution might begin by gaining better insight into the mechanisms of BCG’s off-target effects. Then pharmaceutical companies could improve on the existing vaccine to create a new one for which they would then be able seek patents, Netea says. His group has identified some of the chemical components on the cell wall of BCG that induces trained immunity and developed a nanoparticle on whose surface the BCG-derived components could be placed. The researchers have already shown that the nanoparticle could stimulate trained immunity in animal experiments. Netea envisions that the patentable nanoparticle technology could be the basis for a wholly new vaccine for treating cancer patients—a population in which using the BCG vaccine is usually too risky because such patients are immunosuppressed and might be put at risk by receiving a vaccine made from weakened tuberculosis bacteria. (Bladder cancer is an exception. To treat this type of cancer, BCG is injected into the bladder rather than the bloodstream, and it is evacuated with the urine, so it poses a low risk of infections.)

The “holy grail” of the research that scientists in this area are conducting is not just to understand how vaccines have these effects, Curtis says, but also to use that understanding to design better vaccines and compounds that would target specific conditions, from diabetes to cancer.

Dense breasts raise breast cancer risk, but many women aren’t aware of that — here’s what to know

The only way to tell if you have dense breasts is via a mammogram, and not all states require providers to notify women of their breast density.

A woman gets a mammogram at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago

A woman gets a mammogram at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago in 2012.Heather Charles / Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service

Most women are aware that a family history of breast cancer increases their risk of the disease, but far fewer understand that extremely dense breasts can pose a greater risk.

A survey published Monday in the journal JAMA Network Open found that of nearly 1,900 women who participated, the majority saw breast density as a less consequential risk factor than family history.

But women with extremely dense breasts, which are characterized by minimal fatty tissue, face a risk of breast cancer four times higher than women with the lowest breast densities, according to the study. About 10% of women who get mammograms have this level of breast density. By comparison, having a mother, sister or daughter who’s had breast cancer is associated with double the risk of the disease.

Women who have a substantial amount of dense breast tissue but not to an extreme degree— about 40% of those who get mammograms — have a 20% higher risk of breast cancer relativeto those with average breast density, according to the study.

That’s slightly lower than the risk associated with having a glass of wine each night, according to Dr. Phoebe Freer, chief of breast imaging at the University of Utah’s Huntsman Cancer Institute, who wasn’t involved in the survey.

“Everybody has a different amount of fibroglandular tissue and a different pattern,” Freer said, referring to dense breast tissue. “It’s almost like a patient’s fingerprint.”

The only way to tell if you have dense breasts is via a mammogram, which doctors generally recommend every one or two years for women starting in their 40s or 50s.

The Food and Drug Administration proposed a rule in 2019 that would require mammography facilities to inform patients about their breast density and its significance. In October, the FDA said it was optimistic that the final rule would be published by early 2023.

Thirty-eight states already require providers to give women information about breast density after a mammogram, but not all of them require providers to notify a woman if she herself has dense breasts.

A woman leaves a mammography mobile screening bus in Anaheim, Calif.
A woman leaves a mammography mobile screening bus in Anaheim, Calif. on Oct. 17, 2016.Mindy Schauer / Digital First Media/Orange County Register

Since dense breasts are common, doctors may inadvertently downplay the risks, said Christine Gunn, a researcher at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, who conducted the JAMA research.

“There are a lot of conversations with primary care doctors where they say, ‘This is normal.’ For some women, it translates to, ‘Oh, I don’t have to worry about that,'” Gunn said.

In individual interviews as part of Gunn’s survey, six out of 61 women said dense breasts contributed to breast cancer risk. 

There are two reasons dense breasts are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.

First, the composition of the breast might predispose people to cancer. The reasons for that aren’t clear, but scientists suspect that cancer is more likely to develop in fibroglandular tissue, which is unique to the breast, as opposed to fatty tissue, which is found throughout the body.

Second, because women with extremely dense breasts have almost all fibroglandular tissue, it’s harder to detect cancerous masses or calcium deposits on a mammogram. That makes it easier for cancer to grow or spread undetected rather than being spotted and treated early.

Checking for cancer in a patient with dense breasts is like searching for a white spot on a white wall, according to Dr. Melissa Durand, an associate professor at the Yale School of Medicine Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Durand explained that both fibroglandular tissue and cancer show up white on a mammogram, whereas fatty tissue shows up black.

“In a completely fatty breast — so lots and lots of black on the mammogram — we can be as accurate as 98%,” she said. “But our sensitivity can drop really low — in some studies, even as low as 30% — if you have an extremely, extremely dense breast.”

Radiologists said the ideal type of mammogram, especially for women with dense breasts, is a digital breast tomosynthesis, which is often better at detecting cancer than standard mammograms.

From there, doctors might recommend an ultrasound or MRI. Women with dense breasts should probably get supplemental screenings each year, radiologists said.

Ultrasounds are safe and relatively inexpensive, but Freer said they can miss cancer or show false positives, which can be confusing for patients. MRIs are the most sensitive option, but to get insurance companies to cover the cost, patients usually need to show additional risk factors, such as a genetic mutation or family history of breast cancer.

“The more often you get screened, the more likely you are to be called back for additional imaging,” Freer said. “It does create some anxiety and it definitely takes time. Most patients are willing to undergo that risk in order to get the life-saving benefit.”

Women can’t change their breast density, but it can shift with age.

“Typically, younger women will have denser breasts,” Durand said. “As we age, just like other parts of our bodies, we acquire more fat, so your breast tissue can get more fatty tissue in it.”

To lower one’s risk of breast cancer overall, doctors recommend limiting alcohol intake, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. The Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium offers an online tool to help people gauge their breast cancer risk based on multiple factors, including breast density.

Ultra-processed foods – like cookies, chips, frozen meals and fast food – may contribute to cognitive decline

Scientists have known for years that unhealthy diets – particularly those that are high in fat and sugar – may cause detrimental changes to the brain and lead to cognitive impairment.

Many factors that contribute to cognitive decline are out of a person’s control, such as genetics and socioeconomic factors. But ongoing research increasingly indicates that a poor diet is a risk factor for memory impairments during normal aging and increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

But when evaluating how some diets may erode brain health as we age, research on the effects of consuming minimally processed versus ultra-processed foods has been scant – that is, until now.

Two recent large-scale studies suggest that eating ultra-processed foods may exacerbate age-related cognitive decline and increase the risk of developing dementia. In contrast, another recent study reported that ultra-processed food consumption was not associated with worse cognition in people over 60.

Although more research is needed, as a neuroscientist who researches how diet can influence cognition later in life, I find that these early studies add a new layer for considering how fundamental nutrition is to brain health.

Lots of ingredients, minimal nutrition

Ultra-processed foods tend to be lower in nutrients and fiber and higher in sugar, fat and salt compared to unprocessed or minimally processed foods. Some examples of ultra-processed foods include soda, packaged cookies, chips, frozen meals, flavored nuts, flavored yogurt, distilled alcoholic beverages and fast foods. Even packaged breads, including those high in nutritious whole grains, qualify as ultra-processed in many cases because of the additives and preservatives they contain.

Another way to look at it: You are not likely to find the ingredients that make up most of these foods in your home kitchen.

But don’t confuse ultra-processed with processed foods, which still retain most of their natural characteristics, although they’ve undergone some form of processing – like canned vegetables, dried pasta or frozen fruit. A look at three categories of foods.

Parsing the research

In a December 2022 study, researchers compared the rate of cognitive decline over approximately eight years between groups of people that consumed different amounts of ultra-processed foods.

At the beginning of the study, over 10,000 participants living in Brazil reported their dietary habits from the previous 12 months. Then, for the ensuing years, the researchers evaluated the cognitive performance of the participants with standard tests of memory and executive function.

Those who ate a diet containing more ultra-processed foods at the start of the study showed slightly more cognitive decline compared with those that ate little to no ultra-processed foods. This was a relatively modest difference in the rate of cognitive decline between experimental groups. It is not yet clear if the small difference in cognitive decline associated with higher consumption of ultra-processed foods will have a meaningful effect at the level of an individual person.

The second study, with about 72,000 participants in the U.K., measured the association between eating ultra-processed foods and dementia. For the group eating the highest amounts of ultra-processed foods, approximately 1 out of 120 people were diagnosed with dementia over a 10-year period. For the group that consumed little to no ultra-processed foods, this number was 1 out of 170.

Research examining the relationship between health and ultra-processed foods uses the NOVA classification, which is a categorization system based on the type and extent of industrial food processing. Some nutritionists have criticized the NOVA classification for not having clear definitions of food processing, which could lead to misclassification. They also argue that the potential health risks from consuming ultra-processed foods could be explained by low levels of fiber and nutrients and high levels of fat, sugar and salt in the diet rather than the amount of processing.

Many ultra-processed foods are high in additives, preservatives or coloring agents, while also having other features of an unhealthy diet, such as being low in fiber and nutrients. Thus, it is unclear if eating food that has undergone more processing has an additional negative impact on health beyond low diet quality.

For example, you could eat a burger and fries from a fast food chain, which would be high in fat, sugar and salt as well as being ultra-processed. You could make that same meal at home, which could also be high in fat, sugar and salt but would not be ultra-processed. More research is needed to determine whether one is worse than the other.

Brain-healthy diets

Even when the processes that lead to dementia are not occurring, the aging brain undergoes biochemical and structural changes that are associated with worsening cognition.

But for adults over the age of 55, a healthier diet could increase the likelihood of maintaining better brain function. In particular, the Mediterranean diet and ketogenic diet are associated with better cognition in advanced age.

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the consumption of plant-based foods and healthy fats, like olive oil, seeds and nuts. The ketogenic diet is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, with the primary fiber source being from vegetables. Both diets minimize or eliminate the consumption of sugar.

Our research and the work of others show that both diets can reverse some of these changes and improve cognitive function – possibly by reducing harmful inflammation.

Although inflammation is a normal immune response to injury or infection, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to the brain. Studies have shown that excess sugar and fat can contribute to chronic inflammation, and ultra-processed foods might also exacerbate harmful inflammation.

Another way that diet and ultra-processed foods may influence brain health is through the gut-brain axis, which is the communication that occurs between the brain and the gut microbiome, or the community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract.

Not only does the gut microbiome help with digestion, but it also influences the immune system, while producing hormones and neurotransmitters that are critical for brain function.

Studies have shown that the ketogenic and Mediterranean diets change the composition of microorganisms in the gut in ways that benefit the person. Ultra-processed food consumption is also associated with alterations in the type and abundance of gut microorganisms that have more harmful effects. There’s a war going on in your gut: good bacteria versus bad bacteria.

The uncertainties

Disentangling the specific effects of individual foods on the human body is difficult, in part because maintaining strict control over people’s diets to study them over long periods of time is problematic. Moreover, randomized controlled trials, the most reliable type of study for establishing causality, are expensive to carry out.

So far, most nutritional studies, including these two, have only shown correlations between ultra-processed food consumption and health. But they cannot rule out other lifestyle factors such as exercise, education, socioeconomic status, social connections, stress and many more variables that may influence cognitive function.

This is where lab-based studies using animals are incredibly useful. Rats show cognitive decline in old age that parallels humans. It’s easy to control rodent diets and activity levels in a laboratory. And rats go from middle to old age within months, which shortens study times.

Lab-based studies in animals will make it possible to determine if ultra-processed foods are playing a key role in the development of cognitive impairments and dementia in people. As the world’s population ages and the number of older adults with dementia increases, this knowledge cannot come soon enough.