Want to Burn Belly Fat? Try This Kind of Food


Losing weight is not easy, and losing belly fat is even harder. Is there a simple and effective way to lose that stubborn fat? The answer is yes. Just adding a certain amount of soluble fiber to your food can help melt belly fat away.

Two Kinds of Plant Fibers

There are two types of plant cellulose: Soluble and insoluble. Insoluble means it is not able to be broken down by the water and is excreted directly by the body. Eating an excess of insoluble cellulose can cause diarrhea.

Water-soluble cellulose plays an important role in our digestive tract and has a lot to do with our health and weight.

The Role of Soluble Plant Fiber

The first role of soluble plant fiber is to help the body lose excess weight by absorbing water in our digestive tract and then expanding it. As a result, we experience a feeling of satiety and reduce the tendency to overeat. If you do happen to eat too much soluble plant fiber, you may become constipated due to the absorptive factor in the intestines.

The second role of soluble plant fiber is its ability to nourish the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract. Our body’s microbiome resides in our nasal, oral, respiratory, reproductive, and digestive tracts and is most abundant in the digestive tract. These microorganisms include protozoa, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Among them, bacteria account for the majority. There are at least 100 trillion bacteria within the human body.

Soluble plant fiber can feed the microbiome in our body. The health of the microbiome is essential to us. They protect the integrity of the lining of our gastrointestinal tract and help the lining of the gastrointestinal tract to perform its functions. It can also help us metabolize food so that the nutrients in food can be fully absorbed and utilized. On top of that, the microbiota also reduces inflammation in our gastrointestinal tract.

Studies have found that the level of gastrointestinal microbiota is inseparable from our digestive, immune, and nervous system functions. Many autoimmune and neuropsychiatric diseases are related to an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Another benefit of soluble fiber is to enhance blood sugar balance. Although it is a carbohydrate, soluble fiber does not generate calories and can adjust the body’s sensitivity to insulin and blood sugar balance.

Foods Containing Soluble Fiber

Not all soluble cellulose has this effect—only thick and sticky cellulose exhibits this function. Because this kind of cellulose can stay in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time and makes us feel full, it brings about various biochemical effects.

Which foods contain this viscous soluble cellulose? All kinds of beans, flaxseed, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oats.

Worth noting is that the effects of fiber supplements are not as good as fiber derived from whole foods—and eating food containing 30 grams (1 oz) of fiber per day, is effective.

To summarize, in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, a daily intake of at least 30 grams (1 oz) of soluble viscous cellulose aids in weight loss. Soluble fiber comes mainly from beans, green vegetables, and oats. Remember—don’t eat too much soluble fiber at once as it can cause constipation.

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