7 Ayurvedic Herbs For Diabetics To Prevent Heart Attack

Ayurvedic Herbs For Diabetics To Prevent Heart Attack

Scroll down to know what Ayurvedic herbs you can add to your diet in order to keep heart attacks at bay when struggling with diabetes.

Heart disease and diabetes have a very old relationship. When left untreated and unmanaged, a diabetic patient can develop certain health complications that can tear apart the heart’s health, leading to life-threatening conditions like heart attacks and stroke. But, there are some easy and effective ways in which this condition can be managed at home – a good and well-regularised diet. But this time we will not share any diet ideas but will tell you about Ayurvedic herbs that can help you mitigate the risk of a heart attack when you are suffering from diabetes. Scroll down to know what Ayurvedic herbs you can add to your diet in order to keep heart attacks at bay when struggling with diabetes.

Ayurvedic Herbs To Prevent Heart Attack

Here is a list of all the Ayurvedic herbs that you can use in order to keep your heart healthy, especially when you are suffering from diabetes, or pre-diabetic conditions.


Punarnava can help instantly reduce sugar levels, blood pressure, and even cholesterol levels in the body. Thus providing protection to your heart against complications diabetes symptoms can cause.


Another Ayurvedic herb that acts great in keeping the heart healthy and happy when the body is dealing with diabetes is Shunthi. This is a freshly crushed dry ginger powder, which is known for its cardio-protective properties.

Black Pepper

This Ayurvedic herb comes packed with properties that can aid in improving insulin sensitivity – the major contributing factor to diabetes. It also aids digestion and reduced bad cholesterol levels.


Green cardamom, also known as elaichi is another Ayurvedic herb that a diabetic patient can consume when trying to keep the heart healthy. This spice comes packed with properties for aiding heart health and helping improve sugar levels.

Arjun Chaal

The bark of the Arjuna tree is known for its medicinal properties as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. This herb helps in reducing the risk of heart disease by strengthening and toning the heart muscles.

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