Are your diet and mood linked? Read on to find out

If you’re feeling a bit down because of the miserable weather some other day of sitting at home due to the pandemic, what you eat can help. Dr Rohini Patil who specializes in the field of Diet and Nutrition opines that certain meals and minerals aid in the production of chemicals in your brain that affects your mood, concentration, and focus, while others deplete your vitality.

The Mediterranean Diet

Gut health has been related to diets high in healthy fats, fibre, dairy, fermented foods, and antioxidants. Traditional diets like the Mediterranean, Japanese, and Norwegian cuisines have been associated with fewer cases of mental illness. Healthy fats, fibre, dairy, fermented foods, and antioxidants are all abundant in these diets. As a result, eating a diet high in healthy fats, fibre, fermented foods, and antioxidants may provide you with the best chance of having a healthy gut and mind!

Breakfast Should Be Balanced

Eating breakfast on a daily basis improves mood, memory, and energy throughout the day, as well as feelings of peacefulness. It follows that skipping breakfast would have the reverse effect, resulting in weariness and anxiety. What makes a decent breakfast, anyway? There’s a lot of fibre and nutrients, as well as some lean protein, healthy fats, and whole-grain carbs.

The effect of caffeine

Caffeine, which may be found in coffee, cola, and energy drinks, is often referred to as a drug since it acts as a stimulant, increasing alertness and counteracting lethargy. However, it’s possible that some of caffeine’s effects ‘normalise’ the lower levels of alertness experienced by habitual caffeine users who haven’t had enough caffeine that day. Caffeine overdose can produce irritability and headaches, especially in persons who aren’t accustomed to it. Caffeine withdrawal can cause similar symptoms in persons who are accustomed to consuming large amounts of caffeine on a regular basis.

Pinkvilla Carbohydrates

It takes energy for your brain to be able to concentrate and focus. Blood glucose provides this energy, and the glucose in our blood originates from the carbohydrates we consume. When the brain is depleted of energy, we can feel lousy, weary, and unable to think effectively. This can be aided by eating regular meals that include some carbohydrates.It’s critical to maintain a constant blood glucose level throughout the day. Try foods like oats, cereals, almonds, and seeds that release energy slowly, and strive to eat smaller servings spaced out throughout.


Fatty acids, which include omega-3 fats, make up around 60% of the brain. As a result, omega-3 fatty acids are required for appropriate brain function. Oily fish, seeds like chia, flax, and hemp, nuts, fortified meals, and supplements are all good sources of omega-3. Depression is less likely in people who consume a lot of fatty fish. Omega-3 fats have the ability to alleviate some of the neurological symptoms associated with these disorders by reducing inflammation.

Minerals and vitamins

Your body may lack important vitamins and minerals if you don’t eat sufficient nutrient-rich foods, which can influence your vitality, mood, and cognitive function.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables to get your vitamins and minerals.

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