Is It Too Late to Get a Flu Shot? Because the Flu Season Isn’t Over Yet

Asking for the procrastinators among us.

Flu season has been especially severe this year, which is why, if you haven’t gotten the flu, you might feel like you managed to dodge a bullet now that it’s basically allergy season already. Well, we hate to break it to you, but flu season isn’t over yet. In fact, a new surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that a different influenza virus is becoming more prevalent.

Flu season can actually last all the way through May, according to the CDC, so we’ve got some time before this thing is really over.

Since October 2017, over 70 percent of flu cases overall have been influenza A. But during the week ending March 17, only about 42 percent of flu cases were influenza A, and nearly 58 percent were influenza B, per the new report. That suggests that influenza B has overtaken influenza A, which was the predominant type of flu this season until recently.

The CDC data also notes that the proportion of outpatient visits for flu-like illness is 2.7 percent, which is still above the national baseline of 2.2 percent. That means that although we’re past peak flu season, the overall amount of flu cases nationwide still remains “elevated.”

We tend to think that influenza B isn’t as severe as influenza A, but that’s not necessarily true. The major influenza A strain this year, H3N2 (aka the “Aussie flu“), is notoriously severe and tends to result in complications more often than some other strains. But that doesn’t mean all influenza A strains are universally awful—or that all influenza B strains are a walk in the park. In fact, results of a CDC study released last year found that influenza B viruses caused “equally severe disease outcomes” as influenza A viruses.

This “second wave” is actually normal flu activity, partly because people let up on other flu prevention strategies thinking they can’t get sick this late in the season.

Influenza B is usually the most prominent strain that circulates late in flu season, William Schaffner, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, tells SELF. So, while you’re probably already a little nervous about the flu, this news doesn’t mean that mutant flu strains are popping up everywhere—this isn’t all that unusual.

But it is important to realize that you can still get the flu now, Alan Taege, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells SELF. “What tends to happen too often is people reach this point in the flu season where the number of cases are dropping and they aren’t as careful,” he says. “People start developing symptoms and say, ‘I can’t get the flu now,’ but they can.”

So following good hand hygiene (and trying to avoid touching your mouth or eyes with your hands) is still important. This should help you ride out the remainder of the season in good health, Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the John’s Hopkins Center for Health Security, tells SELF.

For those people who haven’t gotten their flu shot yet, don’t assume you’ve missed the boat.

If you procrastinated getting your flu shot up until this point, you should still should go, Richard R. Watkins, M.D., an infectious disease physician in Akron, Ohio, and an associate professor at the Northeast Ohio Medical University, tells SELF. “Everyone not vaccinated since the fall until now needs one,” he says.

The CDC estimates that this year’s vaccine is 36 percent effective at preventing the flu, but the number is better for influenza B strains specifically. This year’s shot is 42 percent effective against influenza B and just 25 percent effective against influenza A. So it may be even more helpful this late in the season when B strains dominate. (Also, it’s worth pointing out that it’s possible to catch the flu outside of flu season.)

Dr. Taege agrees: “If people are at risk of influenza and they’ve not had the shot yet, they should still obtain it,” he says. “It’s not too late and it’s still worth it.” That’s especially true if you have an underlying health condition or other issue that puts you at an increased risk for complications from the flu, which can be deadly.

Worth noting: Even if you already got the flu (oof, sorry), you should still get your flu shot. Having the flu twice in one season would suck—and it’s actually possible. If you’ve had the flu already, that does provide some protection against the one strain you got, but you’re still vulnerable to every other strain out there, Scientific American explains. So, again, it’s worth thinking about getting the vaccine.

But keep in mind for next year: You’ll get more protection the earlier you get your flu shot.

“The flu season is winding down and should end soon,” Dr. Adalja says. Because it takes two weeks for the shot to give protection, getting the vaccine now isn’t as urgent as it was at the beginning of the season. Though, again, that’s not necessarily reason to skip it if you haven’t gotten it.

You also may have trouble actually locating the flu shot, given that many pharmacies and doctor’s offices may have depleted their supplies by now, Dr. Schaffner says. So you might have to call around to a few pharmacies or use the CDC’s Vaccine Finder before getting your shot.

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