How an Insulin Pump Can Help Improve Your Holiday Meal Coverage

Holiday Meal Coverage

One of the most notable differences between insulin pump therapy and multiple daily injections (MDI) is the ability to deliver an insulin bolus over an extended period of time. This can provide a great deal of flexibility and control when eating certain types of food, as well as when you’re eating over a longer period of time, like at parties or buffets.

Many people with diabetes find that certain high-fat foods, like pizza, lasagna and ice cream, are more challenging to their blood glucose control than others. As a result, these foods are often avoided.

How Can an Insulin Pump Help?

By using an extended bolus, you can enter all of the carbs you plan to eat, but choose to only deliver a certain percentage of your insulin up front, and have the rest delivered over an extended period of time. This helps to better match the insulin release with the carb breakdown.

Extended Bolus

In insulin pumps by Tandem Diabetes Care, the Extended Bolus option is conveniently included in the normal bolus workflow, so it’s simple to use when you need it.

To learn more about extended boluses call (877) 801-6901 to speak to a pump specialist.

Free Virtual Demo!

New to Tandem pumps? You can try out the Extended Bolus feature on the simple touchscreen interface of Tandem pumps with your smartphone or tablet using our t:simulator™ mobile app.

If you’ve never used the extended bolus feature before, talk to your health care provider about strategies for using it to make this holiday season a little easier to manage. This information is a summary only, if you’d like to learn more please reference your pump’s User Guide for further information.

From time to time, Tandem Diabetes Care may pass along: suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem Insulin Pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. However, please note individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information linked below before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.

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