Prescription painkiller tramadol ‘claiming more lives than any other drug’

For many, when given a prescription the assumption is that the drug they’re taking is safe. In the case of prescription painkiller Tramadol, however, that could hardly be further from the truth.

In fact, according to some experts, it may be claiming more lives than any other drug – including cocaine and heroine.

For instance, last year Tramadol was responsible for 33 deaths in Northern Ireland – including both a 16-year-old girl and a pensioner in his 70’s.

Tramadol is just one of many opiate-based painkillers on the market, and is illegal without a prescription. Like many other opiates, however, it’s easy for people to get hooked, and it’s becoming more widely available on the black market.

Rule-makers around the world are worried about what may happen as Tramadol becomes more widely available. Having seen the opiate crisis in the United States and elsewhere, it seems with good reason.

“I don’t think that people realise how potentially risky taking tramadol is.

I think it’s because it’s a prescription drug – people assume it’s safe.” – PROFESSOR JACK CRANE, STATE PATHOLOGIST FOR NI

The opiate-based drug used to treat moderate or severe pain should only be available on prescription – it was reclassified in 2014 making it an illegal Class C drug without prescription.

But anti-drug campaigners say more and more people are turning to the black market.

Professor Jack Crane has spoken out to say he fears more people will die unless urgent action is taken and he is calling for a crackdown on the illegal market.

He wants tramadol to be upgraded again, this time to Class A.

Professor Crane is now set to meet Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer later this month to push for change.


2 thoughts on “Prescription painkiller tramadol ‘claiming more lives than any other drug’

  1. As a bipolar person with chronic back pain I was treated years ago with 6 tramadol a day for a couple of months. No illicit substance (I’ve done them all in egregious quantities) or prescribed medication has ever made me seriously ideate suicide and feel more emotionally depressed and suicidal in my entire 47 years on planet earth and I have a friend who suffered the same experience, which is the only reason I am still here and not dead from my own undoing. This is the most over prescribed and disgusting drug as it’s both a potent SNRI and a synthetic opiate painkiller. Expect about 10 days of very palpable and deep sadness and lack of insight as you ideate suicidal thoughts and hopelessness caused by a drug that you had no idea is responsible for your exacerbated mood swings and emotional depression that seems inescapable for days on end. Isn’t it ironic how the weakest and most innocent and over prescribed of the painkillers is both responsible for both deadly side effects and suicidal ideation. The devil is in the details and it often comes to you in the opposite manner which you would expect. Forget pitchforks, horns, fire or brimstone as this innocent overly-prescribed medicine is silent killer as much as it’s a toxic shit drug.

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