Zika virus may cause men’s testicles to SHRINK by up to 90 per cent.

  • ZIKA infection could cause lasting infertility in men, experts in the US warn
  • Doctors found infection in mice caused their testicles to shrink by 90%
  • If findings apply to humans, it could spark an infertility epidemic caused be the disease, experts say

ZIKA infection could cause lasting infertility and lead to men’s testicles shrinking, medical researchers warn.

Doctors warn that if the ‘dramatic’ findings, in mice, apply to humans it could lead to an epidemic of infertility caused by the disease.

It is not yet known whether the 90 per cent shrinkage in mice would apply to humans – but doctors believe at the very least the virus is likely to reduce sperm counts and testosterone levels in affected men.

ZIKA infection could cause lasting infertility and lead to men's testicles shrinking, medical researchers warn (stock image)

ZIKA infection could cause lasting infertility and lead to men’s testicles shrinking, medical researchers warn (stock image)

The virus is already known to leads to shrunken heads in babies whose mothers catch the infection, which is carried in tropical countries and has recently been found in the tourist hotspot of Florida.

The virus has the unusual ability to cross the barrier that separates the male reproductive organs from the blood stream.

Michael Diamond, of Washington University School of Medicine said: ‘We undertook this study to understand the consequences of Zika virus infection in males.

‘While our study was in mice -and with the caveat that we don’t yet know whether Zika has the same effect in men – it does suggest that men might face low testosterone levels and low sperm counts after Zika infection, affecting their infertility.’

The virus was already known to persist in semen for months – but it was not known what impact this could have on an infected man.

Research published in Nature Genetics, Professor Diamond and colleagues infected mice with Zika.

After two weeks the testicles had shrunken significantly, their ‘internal structure collapsing’ with many dead or dying cells, the researchers said.

And after three weeks, the mices’ testicles had shrunk to a tenth of their normal size.

Their testicles did not heal even after six weeks, when the virus had cleared from their bodies.

Researchers hailed the study as 'proof of principle that Zika virus during pregnancy is treatable'. Tested on pregnant mice, it reduced levels of the virus in mothers, and protected pups. 

 Doctors warn that if the ‘dramatic’ findings, in mice, apply to humans it could lead to an epidemic of infertility caused by the disease

Professor Diamond said: ‘We don’t know for certain if the damage is irreversible, but I expect so, because the cells that hold the internal structure in place have been infected and destroyed.’

The Zika virus was found to attack Sertoli cells, which do not regenerate, and which nourish growing sperm cells.

Infected mice were four times less likely to get a female mouse pregnant, their sperm numbers fell tenfold, and their testosterone levels were very low.

Co-author Kelle Moley said: ‘This is the only virus I know of that causes such severe symptoms of infertility. There are very few microbes that can cross the barrier that seprates the testes from the bloodstream to infect the testes directly.

Because the study of Zika is relatively new, no studies have been published linking infertility to men with Zika.

‘People often don’t find out they’re infertile until they try to have children, and that could be years or decades after infection.

‘I think it is more likely doctors will start seeing men with symptoms of low testosterone, and they will work backward to make the connection to Zika.’

It is not yet known whether the 90 per cent shrinkage in mice would apply to humans – but doctors believe at the very least the virus will reduce sperm counts and testosterone levels in affected men (file picture)

It is not yet known whether the 90 per cent shrinkage in mice would apply to humans – but doctors believe at the very least the virus will reduce sperm counts and testosterone levels in affected men (file picture)

The effects of low testosterone, which can be diagnosed with a simple blood test, include low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fatigue and loss of body hair and muscle.

‘If testosterone levels drop in men like they did in the mice, I think we’ll start to see men coming forward saying, ‘I don’t feel like myself,’ and we’ll find out about it that way.

‘You might also ask ‘Wouldn’t a man notice if his testicles shrank?’ Well, probably.

But we don’t really know how the severity in men might compare with the severity in mice. I assume that something is happening to the testes of men, but whether it’s as dramatic as in the mice is hard to say.’

As of 26 October 2016, there have been 244 diagnosed cases of Zika caught by travellers returning home to the UK since 2015.

British experts not involved in the research said the findings may mean humans could be affected.

Dr Peter Barlow, British Society for Immunology spokesperson and Reader in Immunology & Infection at Edinburgh Napier University said: ‘While it is currently unclear if Zika virus infection would cause reduced testes size and fertility in man, this study does raise concerns that Zika virus could potentially have direct effects on male fertility. Therefore, more work is needed to determine if these observations in mice would translate to men.’

Dr Derek Gatherer, Lecturer in the Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Lancaster University, said: ‘It’s been known for a while that Zika virus in men can find its way into the reproductive organs and may then go on to be sexually transmitted, but this study in mice is the first suggestion that this passage through the reproductive tract may actually be damaging.’

Prof Richard Sharpe, Honorary Professor, MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, and expert in male reproductive health, University of Edinburgh, said there were already anecdotal reports of testicular and groin pain in infected men, but some virus effects could be ‘species specific’.

But he said: ‘the reality is that we do not know yet if effects shown here in the mouse can or will occur in humans.’




Scientists Created A Wormhole In A Lab

Wormholes are theoretical passages through spacetime, but maybe they’re possible in the real world. In August 2015, scientists at the Autonomous University of Barcelona created a magnetic wormhole, which appears to transfer a magnetic field through what the scientists call “an extra special dimension.” Watch the video below to learn about how they did it.

How Scientists Created A Wormhole In A Lab

Not a space-time wormhole, but a similar concept.

What Are Wormholes?

The concept was theorized by Albert Einstien and Nathan Rosen in 1935.

Theoretically, they would allow travel through spacetime.

Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow, degenerative brain damage.

Dementia and other neurological brain diseases are striking people younger and younger, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Bournemouth University in England and published in the journal Surgical Neurology International. These diseases have reached levels that are “almost epidemic,” the researchers said, and they reached them so quickly that environmental factors must be largely to blame.

“The rate of increase in such a short time suggests a silent or even a ‘hidden’ epidemic, in which environmental factors must play a major part, not just ageing,” lead researcher Colin Pritchard said. “Modern living produces multi-interactional environmental pollution but the changes in human morbidity, including neurological disease is remarkable and points to environmental influences.”

Death rates have more than doubled

The researchers compared the rates of neurological brain diseases in 21 Western countries from 1989 to 2010. They found that as of 2010, the average rate of onset for dementia was 10 years earlier than it was in 1989. In addition, deaths from neurological disease had increased significantly in people aged 55 to 74 and had nearly doubled in people aged 75 and older.

These changes were seen in all 21 countries, but the United States fared the worst by far. In the United States, neurological deaths in men older than 74 tripled from 1989 to 2010, and they increased nearly fivefold in women of the same age. More elderly U.S. women are now dying from brain diseases than from cancer for the first time in recorded history.

The researchers’ analysis showed that the findings could not simply be explained by improved treatment of other diseases.

“Crucially it is not just because people are living longer to get diseases they previously would not have lived long enough to develop but older people are developing neurological disease more than ever before,” Pritchard said.

Instead, a large part of the cause must be environmental changes that have taken place over the past two decades.

“The environmental changes in the last 20 years have seen increases in the human environment of petro-chemicals – air transport- quadrupling of motor vehicles, insecticides and rises in background electro-magnetic-field, and so on.

“These results will not be welcome news as there are many with short-term vested interests that will want to ignore them,” he said.

Vaccine connection?

Could mercury exposure from vaccines play a role in the rising rates of early onset dementia? Until 2001, mercury-containing thimerosal was used as a preservative in many childhood vaccines. Even today, the substance is still used in adult vaccines as well as in flu shots given to children and adults.

In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in 2010, researchers reviewed 100 prior experimental and clinical studies looking at the effects of mercury on cells, animals and humans. They found that long-term mercury exposure produced many of the same changes seen in Alzheimer’s disease, including confusion and impairments to memory and cognitive function.

“Mercury is clearly contributing to neurological problems, whose rate is increasing in parallel with rising levels of mercury,” researcher Richard Deth said. “It seems that the two are tied together.”

Aluminum, another common vaccine ingredient, has also been linked to dementia. For example, a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people with the highest aluminum content in their drinking water also had the highest risk of dementia. Clinical studies have also directly linked aluminum to brain damage.

Both aluminum and mercury are also widely found in the environment due to contamination from other sources. Coal-burning power plants are the world’s foremost source of mercury pollution and a major contributor to mercury contamination of fish. Dental fillings are also a major source of human mercury exposure.

BREAKING: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement

CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See the full statement reprinted below.)

The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:

My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

The full letter was originally posted at this link which has now been removed. (See posted letter, below.) In the letter, Dr. Thompson confirms the fact that he had multiple phone conversations with Brian Hooker and that the CDC has not been honest about the risks associated with MMR vaccines.

The letter then goes on to repeat the typical vaccine propaganda of our time: all vaccines are miracle medicine, the CDC is highly professional, there has been no retaliation against him and so on. Intelligent readers will of course take all these statements with a grain of salt, understanding just how much political and legal pressure has no doubt been exerted onto Dr. Thompson up to this point.

The relevant portion of Dr. Thompson’s statement is contained in the first paragraph. It is an open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC, and the admission of this by William Thompson is an historic moment for our world.

Here’s a screen shot of the original statement posted by Dr. Thompson. Click here for the hi-res version.

Dr. Thompson’s public statement follows the release of secret emails by Natural News

Dr. William Thompson chose to release his public statement less than one day after Natural News published the second in a series of once-secret emails between Dr. Thompson and his CDC colleagues.

The release of those emails may have been pivotal in Dr. Thompson’s choice to go public with his own statement. The vaccine establishment, which immediately and predictably accused Natural News of fabricating the two emails, is now backpedaling as rapidly as possible with the full knowledge that Dr. Thompson’s public statement affirms and supports the authenticity of those emails. Natural News, in other words, was instrumental in breaking this historical story about medical fraud at the highest levels of the CDC. (Credit is also due to many other independent media organizations and alternative journalists who pounded this story from day one.)

Those two emails are available here:

February 2nd, 2004 letter to Dr. Julie Gerberding:

October 18, 2002 letter to Melinda Wharton, Coleen Boyle and others, where William Thompson announces he is hiring his own lawyer and implies a CDC cover-up of a D.O.J. investigation:

MMR vaccine fraud at the CDC now admitted by a key CDC scientist

There are four astonishing realizations that now come to mind from Dr. Thompson’s public statement:

Firstly, this admission proves beyond any question that the reporting of this fraud by the alternative media has been factual and true. It also underscores the astonishing fact that the alternative media alone broke this story, pre-empting the New York Times, Washington Post and every Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist in the world. The tables have now turned. It is solely the alternative media which is now breaking most of the really important investigative stories of our time. Does this mean alternative media journalists will now be nominated for Pulitzer prizes? Don’t hold your breath on that one…

Secondly, it also proves that CDC scientists did in fact conspire to alter the study data in order to bury significant results linking the MMR vaccine to heightened autism risk in African-American children. This is now openly admitted by a key author of the 2004 study cited by the CDC as “proof” that vaccines are absolutely safe.

Thirdly, it now demands that the 2004 study referenced in all this be immediately retracted. This is an open admission of scientific fraud. Any failure to retract the study will now only underline the depth of the fraud and the abandonment of scientific principles by the CDC and the science journal itself.

Fourthly, all this also reveals that the entire world owes a massive and immediate apology to Dr. Andrew Wakefield whose career and reputation have been destroyed by the very people who conspired to commit scientific fraud at the CDC. We must all now call upon the media to run headlines like, “Dr. Wakefield Vindicated: MMR Vaccine Fraud Confirmed.”

Dr. Thompson condemns the CDC’s secrecy regarding vaccine risks

What’s also very interesting about this statement by William Thompson is his implication that the CDC knowingly hides the truth about vaccine risks from the public. He says:

There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.

There are three crucial points to understand here:

#1) Vaccines ALWAYS come with risks.

#2) The CDC has a moral obligation to communicate these risks to the public.

#3) (Implied) The CDC has FAILED to communicate these risks to the public.

I agree with all three of these points, by the way. That Dr. Thompson would feel these are so important to include in his one and only public statement on this matter underscores the importance of what he’s trying to communicate. What Dr. Thompson is saying is that the CDC is hiding the truth about vaccine dangers from the public. And that’s what I’ve also been saying all along.

See, the modern scientific delusion about vaccines has been predicated on the belief that vaccines only offer benefits while imposing zero risks. This is the anti-science quackery which is brazenly repeated by the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, doctors and health organizations.

A more honest analysis of vaccines would have to conclude that vaccines come with some level of inherent risk of harm and death. Scientists can argue all day about the size of such risks, but no rational person can ever honestly say such risks are zero.

And yet the position of the CDC has always been that vaccines are “magically safe” as if they possess magical powers that prohibit all harm. This position is ridiculous at every level, yet it is the official stance of the CDC.

This is why no one trusts the CDC: they lie as a matter of policy

It is this ridiculous, quack science position which discredits the CDC and the entire vaccine industry. For vaccine promoters to lie to the public and say vaccines have “zero risk of harm” is to admit they are all quacks and liars. It would be far more believable and ethical to say something like, “For every 100,000 children who receive these vaccines, 250 will become autistic and 15 will die in a coma.” (Numbers invented here for illustration purposes only. These are not actual numbers from any particular study, in case you were wondering.)

If the CDC were honest with the public, then parents could make informed decisions about what level of risk they wish to undergo. Is it worth vaccinating a child against measles if the risk of that child becoming autistic is 1 in 100,000? How about 1 in 1,000? What if it’s actually more like 1 in 250?

The public has never been allowed to know these numbers because people like Dr. William Thompson conspired to commit scientific fraud and bury these numbers. And that’s the point in all this. That’s the smoking gun which has now been revealed, thanks almost entirely to the independent (alternative) media and our relentless dedication to real investigative journalism.

There is no such thing as “absolute safety” in any medical procedure; not even in something as incredibly safe as therapeutic massage. But the sad fact that the CDC, the vaccine industry and the vaccine zealots have pushed the absurd delusion that vaccines are “absolutely safe” — i.e. they present ZERO risk — is an admission of scientific quackery (or scientific illiteracy).

This is why the vaccine industry has lost the public relations war on vaccines: because everybody knows the CDC is lying all the time. How do you know when the CDC is lying? When their lips are moving.

Professional criminals at the CDC: It’s all business

The funny thing about all this is that here, as the editor of Natural News, I’m not even an opponent of the theory of immunization! If vaccines were honestly marketed with credible descriptions of their inherent risks, thereby allowing parents to make informed decisions about those risks, there would probably be very little resistance against them. (And if all the toxic preservatives and adjuvants were removed from vaccines, there might not be any resistance at all.)

The CDC, through precisely the kind of scientific fraud Dr. Thompson has admitted to, has become its own worst enemy by actively deciding to lie to the American public for decades through the deliberate commission of scientific fraud, pushing a quack science delusion which has now been shattered by one of its own scientists.

Now we know the CDC is a cabal of liars and criminals, even if they are “professional” criminals as Dr. Thompson laments in his public statement when he says, “My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public.” Bank robbers and kidnappers can also be “professional,” because just like the vaccine industry, it’s all business! Nothing personal!

Why Dr. Thompson should be granted immunity and called to testify before Congress

Personally, I want to thank Dr. Thompson for breaking the conspiracy of silence and going public with his open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC. I believe Dr. Thompson operates with a far higher ethical and moral standard than most of his colleagues, and I believe he is now operating in crisis mode to protect his own life while under the threat of professional persecution or worse.

It is now a matter of public record that Dr. William Thompson and his colleagues at the CDC knowingly and willfully conspired to commit scientific fraud in order to hide from the public the truth about the dangers of MMR vaccines. This fact is now irrefutable and stands as a milestone in the history of corruption and criminality at the CDC.

The fact that Dr. Thompson is still a “fan” of vaccines only brings more weight to his admission that vaccine fraud was committed at the CDC. If anything, Dr. Thompson has every reason to disclaim any such fraud ever took place. In fact, I half expected Dr. Thompson to come out with a carefully-engineered statement claiming he never talked to Brian Hooker, never wrote the emails we released and never committed any fraud at all.

And yet, to his credit, he has honestly and openly admitted to the scientific fraud in which he participated. For that reason alone, I believe Dr. William Thompson should be commended for his honesty. At the same time, he should also be called before a congressional investigations committee and asked a long series of additional questions about what really went on at the CDC.

In preparation for that testimony, Dr. Thompson should, I believe, be granted legal immunity from government prosecution for his role in committing the vaccine fraud we now know took place.

I realize that some in the autism community might disagree with my view on this particular point. Some would say that Dr. Thompson should be charged with felony crimes and prosecuted by the government. Although I can very easily understand the anger and frustration that would lead many people to suggest such actions, I personally believe it is far more valuable for us all if Dr. Thompson is granted immunity and encouraged to testify under oath so that the true depth of the scientific fraud at the CDC can be made part of the official congressional record. If Dr. Thompson truly believes in CDC transparency as his letter suggests, he will be happy to testify before Congress.

After all, Dr. Thompson is merely a small fish in a very large crime ring. The real ring leaders are right now getting away scot-free. They are the ones who need to be brought to justice and prosecuted in a court of law.

Full statement of Dr. William Thompson

Click here for the source.

August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism”


My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.

My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub­ group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.

I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his beliefthat CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.

I am grateful for the many supportive e-mails that I have received over the last several days.

I will not be answering further questions at this time. I am providing information to Congressman William Posey, and of course will continue to cooperate with Congress. I have also offered to assist with reanalysis of the study data or development of further studies. For the time being, however, I am focused on my job and my family.

Reasonable scientists can and do differ in their interpretation of information. I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.

My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public. In fact, I received a performance-based award after this story came out. I have experienced no pressure or retaliation and certainly was not escorted from the building, as some have stated.

Watch the vodeo on youtube. URL:https://youtu.be/gsPHFE0Amkk

Sex robot cafe to open in London, offering patrons coffee and blow jobs

Soon, you will be able to grab a morning espresso and a bit of oral sex for just £60 (US$78) in London.

Businessman Bradley Charvet, plans to open the ‘blow job cafe’ in Paddington, claiming that robot sex will soon be completely normal.

Similar to Dr. BJ’s Salon in Bangkok, Charvet’s cafe may find resistance due to Britain’s stringent anti-prostitution laws.  Charvet believes that robots can offer people something that prostitutes can’t, that is, guilt-free sex.

“Sex robots will always be pleasing and could even become better at technique because they would be programmable to a person’s need,” he told the Daily Star Online.  “They will improve the sex service.

“It’s totally normal to see a new way of using robots and others sex toys to have pleasure,” he adds.

Charvet believes the cafe is an opportunity for people to meet and chat, while also receiving sex from robots.

This is not a joke.

“The bar is the place to meet people, to extend your network and the way to start the morning,” he says.  “What could be better than meet your friends around a cafe and to enjoy a nice blow job from a sex robot?”

The Paddington cafe will have eight robots dressed in a variety of costumes, including “nurse, police, student and secretary.”