The Oxygen Bomb: If You Put This Plant, You Will Eliminate All The Toxins From Your Home!

If you have a need for raising the level of oxygen in your apartment or home, be sure to have aloe plant.

Purifies the body and spirit: The plant that you have to have in the house!

Besides it is a real oxygen bomb, aloe vera absorbs carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. One Aloe plant has effect as nine biological air purifiers in cans!

In addition to aloe, you can also use ficus. This plant is very easy to maintain because it does not require a lot of light, and effectively cleans the air of formaldehyde. But you should be careful, because the leaves are poisonous, so it is not recommended to grow in homes where there are children and pets.

Ivy is a plant that everyone should have. It may seem unbelievable because it is reputed to be poisonous, but it removes as much as 60% of toxins form the air and 58% of the particles of faeces within just six hours.


Green Lily (spider plant) has the ability to carry out the synthesis under conditions of minimum illumination. It absorbs toxins from the air – formaldehyde, styrene, carbon monoxide and gasoline. One plant effectively cleans the air in a 200 square meter area.

 Estragon (grass snake) is almost indestructible and is a great for the house. It is very resistant, it needs a little light for photosynthesis. It removes toxins, it is good for the bedroom, because produces oxygen at night.
Also lilies are excellent for removing chemical toxins from the air. They filter formaldehyde from the air, as well as trichlorethylene.

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