14 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High

There are many people around the world who suffer from this health condition. Diabetes is a metabolic disease, in which the blood sugar levels are high. But, people with diabetes are not the only ones who should we worried about their blood sugar levels. Every person in the world should be worried about their own blood sugar levels. This is extremely important, because when a healthy person has high blood sugar levels for a longer period of time, it can lead to diabetes or other more serious health problems. You should know that some other foods can cause spikes and raise your blood sugar levels, not just candies, cakes, sodas and other sugary stuff.

What are the causes of high blood sugar symptoms?
You could be experiencing high blood sugar symptoms if you feel always hungry, if you gained weight even if you are trying to lower them, or if you have stomach problems.
Factors that can contribute to high blood sugar are:
-Poor diet
-Lack of regular exercise
-Certain health conditions
-Use of certain medications


High blood sugar is just a symptom of diabetes, so it does not mean that you have diabetes. But,in some case, an individual experiencing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) could have no symptoms at all. But, the most commonly experienced symptoms are:

  • Increased thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Always being hungry
  • Frequent urination and/or urination during the night
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Daily fatigue or extreme tiredness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excess abdominal fat/weight gain
  • Recurrent infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Impotence
  • Slow healing of cuts and wounds
  • Nerve problems
  • Stomach problems

Use this glycemic index food list to decrease high blood sugar symptoms:

You should use this glycemic index food list to decrease the high blood sugar symptoms. Glycemic index (GI) measures how some specific food that contains high amounts of carbohydrates can increase the blood sugar levels. These foods are ranked based on how they compare to a reference food – either glucose or white bread. This means that a food, which has a high glycemic index will raise the blood sugar levels more than a food with a medium or low glycemic index. The glycemic index scale goes from 0 to 100. You should also know that foods with high glycemic index are digested much faster, compared to the foods with low glycemic index. So, you can stop or prevent the high blood sugar symptoms just by consuming foods with low glycemic index.

You will prevent the high blood sugar symptoms if you consume more foods with low glycemic index, because these foods will reduce the insulin levels. Foods that have low glycemic index have other benefits for your health as well. They are very useful and effective in the weight loss process. So, if you want to lose weight, control your blood sugar levels and improve your health in general – then you should use this glycemic index food chart and consume foods with low glycemic index. These foods will help you achieve your goals much easier.

Glycemic Index Food List (for a few common foods)
1 egg-0
1 cup hummus – 6
1 cup broccoli – 10
1 medium yellow onion – 10
1 cup walnuts – 15
1 cup cashews – 22
1 cup cherries – 22
½ large grapefruit – 25
1 cup yogurt (without sugar added) – 23
1 Turkey sausage – 28
1 cup butter beans – 31
1 cup kidney beans – 34
1 medium apple – 38
8 oz. tomato juice – 38
1 cup spaghetti – 42
1 cup green grapes – 46
8 oz. pineapple juice – 46
1 large carrot – 47
1 medium orange – 48
1 large banana – 52
1 cup peas – 54
There are all low glycemic foods and they are ideal to consume. The scale is from 0 to 54 for low glycemic foods.
1 cup brown rice – 55
1 tablespoon honey – 55
1 cup oatmeal – 58
1 serving macaroni and cheese – 64
1 cup white rice – 64
These are moderate glycemic foods, and they should be used with caution. The scale is from 55 to 69 for moderate glycemic foods.
1 slice white bread – 70
2 cups popcorn – 72
1 glazed doughnut – 76
1 rice cake – 78
1 medium baked potato – 85
Corn flakes cereal – 92
50 grams glucose – 100
These are high glycemic foods, and you should try to avoid them or to completely eliminate them from your diet. The scale is from 70 to 100.

4 thoughts on “14 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High

  1. Found my way here through Jonathan’s reblog of this post. It’s appalling how many people in the world suffer form diabetes. And the number only seems to be increasing. I am 24 and thanks to a healthy lifestyle I am good but I know so many of my colleagues who are suffering from diabetes at this young age and it is ridiculous! Thank you for this post. I hope that people will wake up and get a hold of their lives as diabetes can be avoided in most cases by correcting simple lifestyle issues.
    Looking forward to more posts from you.

    • Its just an iceberg. More is yet to come. Thanks for your lovely comment. May I know your location and profession.
      Dr Chandan.
      Blog Admin. India.

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