How Doctors Are Treated Nowadays

A trader was going by boat. On the way, his boat started sinking. He saw a fisherman on a nearby boat and asked him to take him aboard and save him. He told the fisherman that otherwise he would drown and die. And that if he took him aboard, then he would give him all his property.

The fisherman agreed. Once the boat started moving safely towards the shore, the trader regained his senses and started repenting for having offered all his property to the fisherman. Then he told the fisherman that although he was ready to give him all his property, his wife would not agree to it, so he would only give him half of it, as he had to give the other half to his wife and family. For that he was helpless, as they also needed the property. The fisherman kept silent and continued rowing towards the shore. Then the trader wondered why he had offered him half his property. What great thing had he done by saving him from the river? It is his duty to ferry people across, and, after all, protecting others is only humane.

He was just doing his duty and would have committed a sin if he had not saved him. He had actually protected the fisherman from committing a sin. So he told the fisherman he would only give him a quarter of his property. The fisherman did not make a sound. Then, when they reached the shore, the trader gave him a five rupee coin and said “you take this. Have tea for yourself and get some biscuits for your children.’ The fisherman is the Doctor and the merchant is the patient and relatives. The boat was sinking means patient has come to the casualty due to some emergency.

They are ready to offer Doctor anything to save patient’s life. The boat safely started to move towards shore means the patient is stabilised by the doctor. At this point, Doctor is still being thanked because still a lot depends on him but they start thinking about money and billing at this point. They decide in their mind that they will not pay the full bill. The boat moves more towards shore means the patient is now in very good shape and being transferred from ICU to ward. The patient and relatives think there is nothing great a doctor has done. It was his duty. And doctor is going to get half of their property (bill).

So they decide that they won’t pay even that much. Now the boat is at the shore and patient is being discharged. Relatives and patient go to Doctor’s office and thank him and give him 5 Rs to buy tea for himself and say that he can even buy some biscuits for his children. Don’t you think this has become the ultimate destiny of a doctor nowadays? Share Your Ideas & Experience in this context.

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