Home Remedies for Hair Loss that Actually Work.

It is normal to lose 50-100 strands of hair and dermatologists suggest that there is no reason to worry about that, but when people lose more hair and some visible patches occur they might suffer from a condition known as alopecia. Nowadays, a common phenomenon is a bald man in his 30’s which usually results from hormonal disorders, improper diet, and stress.


You will be able to preserve hair and encourage its growth with these homemade cures:

  • Henna – in combination with mustard oil it possesses stronger properties. Mix 250 ml of mustard oil with 60 g of henna and place it on a heat until the henna leaves are fully blazed. Afterwards, let it cool down and put it in a container with a lid. Apply it on your hair on regular basis. Or make a pack that includes dry powder henna leaves and a large portion of crud. Apply on your hair and let it dry before your rinse it off with cool water. This will as well provide extra shine.
  • Amia – it is rich in vitamin C and cell reinforcements. Crush it so that you can extract the juice or just buy amia powder in a health store and combine 2 tbsp. of it with the same amount of like juice and whisk. Afterwards, apply it on your scalp, let it dry and rinse it.
  • Eggs – they are rich in sulfur, proteins and minerals, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, and iron, making the eggs very beneficial in hair growth enhancement, especially in the combination with olive oil. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp of olive oil and one egg white. Whisk well and put it on your scalp leaving it stay 15-20 minutes. Then wash the hair with cool water.
  • Hibiscus – it has restoration properties having the power to protect the hair from turning gray and helps you get rid of dandruff. Make yourself a paste with 2 flowers of hibiscus and mix it with sesame or coconut oil in a blender. Apply it on the scalp and let it stay for 2-3 hours before you wash it off with water.
  • Coconut – its milk is high in iron, potassium, proteins, and fats which will make your hair stronger and resistant to breaking. Just shop one coconut and draw out the milk. Mix it with a bit of water and apply it on your scalp leaving it stay during the night. In the morning wash it off with water. Repeat the procedure continually to prevent hair loss permanently.
  • Garlic and onion – they contain sulfur which enhances the production of collagen necessary for hair growth. Crash 4-5 garlic cloves and mix them with some coconut oil. Put it on a stove and let it boil leaving it thus for 2-3 minutes. After that, let it cool and apply it on your scalp massaging it smoothly. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week for the best results. Or juice the onion and apply it on your scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes. After that, wash it rinse it off.

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