Finally! An injection shot to provide condom-free sex for a year

Good news for those awaiting a durable and reversible male contraceptive: A single injection of a new contraceptive called Vasalgel can provide males condom-free sex for a year, finds a new study.


VasalgelTM is a long-acting, nonhormonal contraceptive with a significant advantage over vasectomy: it is likely to be more reversible. The procedure is similar to a no-scalpel vasectomy, except a gel is injected into the vas deferens (the tube the sperm swim through), rather than cutting the vas (as is done in vasectomy). If a man wishes to restore flow of sperm, whether after months or years, the polymer is flushed out of the vas with another injection.

Finally! An injection shot to provide condom-free sex for a year

Finally! An injection shot to provide condom-free sex for a year

Vasalgel was inspired by the work on a polymer contraceptive called RISUG®, which is in advanced clinical trials in India; some of the men have been using RISUG® for more than 15 years. But right now, only local men near the study sites in India are eligible for the trials, and formal reversibility studies have only been done in animals, not men.

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