Real life Forrest Gump beats record set in film after running every day for 3 years – Mirror Online

Jim Plunkett-Cole, 46, first set off on January 1 2013 with his faithful border collie Alfredo after being inspired by the London Olympics.

A real-life Forrest Gump has run every day for 1,172 days on the trot – a total of 3yrs, 14 days, 16hrs – just like the film.

Jim Plunkett-Cole, 46, first set off on January 1 2013 with his faithful border collie Alfredo after being inspired by the London Olympics.

He ran 10km every day for a year but ended up carrying on for more than three years without a single day off.

And now Jim – nicknamed Jim Gump – has beaten his fictional hero for real and clocked up a total of 8,700 miles.

He has even managed to maintain his full-time job as an self-employed economist throughout the challenge.

Jim, of Kilmersdon, Somerset, said: “I’m completely amazed at having achieved the Forrest Gump target.

“I work full time and have had many illnesses and injuries along the way – I even hadNorovirus last year. But I did it.

“I’ve really enjoyed it – all of my running is done outdoors and I love getting out there everyday.

Real life Forrest Gump Jim Plunkett-Cole running.
Jim has covered 8,700 miles so far

“I think it’s because I feel that I’m doing what I’m designed for. I see my running as a little bit of hunting and gathering – something a little physical every day.”

Jim has lost his mother and close friends to cancer along the way, and has put all of his effort into raising around £25,000 for four charities, including Positive Action on Cancer.

Last year he added a 10km daily cycle and 750m swim to his run, which he described as “horrible”.

Real life Forrest Gump Jim Plunkett-Cole with his faithful border collie Alfredo.
Runner Jim Plunkett-Cole with his faithful border collie Alfredo

His next goal is to go to America and complete Forrest’s run for real, covering a staggering 19, 024 miles across the US in three years.

He has plans to set off from Mobile, Alabama – just like fictional Forrest – to raise awareness about the obesity epidemic in the States.

Jim, who has a daughter aged 21, will be calling on film star Tom Hanks and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to join him.

He aims to run 16 miles a day for three years, beginning on October 1, and will drop in on schools along his route to explain the importance of health and fitness.

Real life Forrest Gump Jim Plunkett-Cole with his faithful border collie Alfredo.
After losing his mother and friends to cancer, he put his efforts into raising thousands for charity

He said: “The aim is to translate the seven minutes in the film into reality tackling weight an obesity issues in children and adults along the way.”

The US quest will be a continuation of what Jim has been doing in the UK where he has visited primary schools to talk about his challenges and the importance of daily physical activity.

He’s so far met with around 1,250 children and hopes to have inspired them.

Real life Forrest Gump Jim Plunkett-Cole's torn trainers.

Jim’s battered trainers have run thousands of miles

Jim, who runs his own business from his home, said: “I work from 9am to 1pm and then I do a 10km run on my lunch break.

“Then I eat a sandwich at my desk for lunch and finish work between five and six.

“Afterwards, I cycle 10km to the swimming pool, swim 30 lengths in the pool and then cycle another 10km home.”

Jim, who weighs ten stone, survives on a carb-heavy diet of spaghetti bolognese, roast dinner and curries and endured swollen knees, bruised ribs – and even a cow attack.

He has made his mark at various famous locations, doing a lap around Glastonbury while the Rolling Stones were playing their set in 2013 and during the Solstice at Stonehenge.

He added: “I have always been a runner. It is a really good way of dealing with anxiety and depression issues.

“I’ve had swollen knees too and have fallen over during a couple of runs and badly bruised my ribs, but you just have to get on with it.

“I don’t have any spare time. I’m either eating, sleeping, running, cycling, swimming or working.

“Outside of that, the only thing I have time for is a glass of red wine, once a day.

“I don’t have a partner, either. I imagine that if I did they wouldn’t tolerate it very well.”

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