8 habits to kick off the New Year on a positive note

Being in tune with our “self” is the key to happiness and satisfaction.

As stress overwhelms us for a greater part of our daily lives, it is essential to switch off external factors and tune into our own selves. Your relationship with your “self” affects impacts various aspects of our life. It alters our moods, influences our relationships with others, and affects our productivity at work. It is important to bring into focus these varied aspects and determine ways in which they can be taken care of so that the “self” stays strong and happy. Here are some simple yet effective ways to stay mentally energised and uplifted in the New Year:

#1. See the positive side: Everything has two sides. Learn to look at the other side as well. Taking a negative outlook on matters makes it difficult to tackle problems. A holistic view of the situation is a must to problem solving.

#2. Learn to let go of things: Clinging on to negative things only makes life more difficult and challenging. Avoid falling prey to the convoluted web of negative thoughts. Remind yourself to stay focused on the present moment by taking a few deep breaths.

#3. Do not focus on others alone: Look at yourself and your needs as well. Taking care of yourself will help you feel satisfied with your life.

#4. Strike a balance between work and fun: Recreation is an important aspect of life and it helps you to connect with your “self” and your loved ones. From joining a hobby class to exercising outdoors, recreation activities help unlock our creativity and strengthen our connection with ourselves. Try and experiment with new activities in your daily life.

#5. Give yourself positive affirmations to maintain your sense of positivity: Reminding yourself of good things, practicing gratitude aids in reinforcing positive thoughts and actions. As you shift your focus towards things you want and away from situations you abhor or dislike, you begin to act in accordance with your goals rather than your worries.

#6. Spend time with family and friends: Social networks go a long way in helping take care of stress. Catch up with old friends and make new friends. It is relatively easy to stay connected in this digital age.

#7. Stay physically fit: Take care of your physical health. It is intricately connected to mental health as well. So eat healthy meals and exercise regularly.

#8. Eliminate any form of drug addiction: Stay away from substances of any type and form. They tend to alter the brain chemistry and can severely affect moods and behaviour.

So in this New Year take care of your “self”. Do things for your “self” and make sure that this year is good for both your mind and your body.

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