‘Exercise every day to avoid infertility’

Daily exercise is a sign of a healthy life, but it has come out that it can also prevent infertility. Doctors believe that a daily workout can cut extra fat from the belly area which helps the body’s pancreas secrete proper levels of hormones, leading to better reproductive health.

Beside this, the city has witnessed an 18 to 20% increase in fertility problems in women due to obesity and other lifestyle issues.

City-based senior endocrinologist Dr Parag Shah, at the sidelines of the 45th Annual Conference of the Endocrine Society of India – ESICON-2015, on Friday said that li festyle-related diseases are increasing due to the problem of hormone imbalance. Shah said Indians have a tendency to gain fat around the centre of the body -the belly area -which usually leads to problem like improper functioning of the pancreas and ultimately causes hormonal imbalance. “This creates problems of pimples, acne, facial hair and irregular menstruation cycle in unmarried girls. And most then suffer with problems with fertility after marriage,” Shah said.

The hormonal disorder, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is the most common among women of reproductive age, and has increased among the city’s women by around 15 to 20%. Usually , such patients seek treatment from gynaecologists, but actually many of they are affected by hormonal imbalances, he said, adding that daily exercise can prevent such hormone-related diseases.


Shah said six months of daily exercise with a proper diet, medication and strict routine is required to address hormone imbalances.

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