Science Finally Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells And it’s amazing

Only recently we had published an article explaining how scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) have found cannabis to be a potential killer of cancer cells. You can read the article here.

On that note, we’re going to talk about a scientific explanation that supports the NIH claim: “cannabis and cannabinoids may have benefits in treating the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of cancer therapies.”

A molecular biologist, Dr Christina Sanchez, at the Compultense University in Madrid (Spain) spells out the exact mechanism at work, wherein the THC – “the main psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant” – completely destroys the cancer cells.

Lab testing of cannabis

Cannabinoids is a group of compounds that comprise cannabinol and the active components of cannabis. These bring the cannabinoid receptors in our body alive. Dr Sanchez explains how our body itself produces endocannabinoids that activate various processes within, “creating a healthy environment”. According to her, it’s important to note that cannabis has the potential to kill anything cancerous, without giving birth to any psychoactive effects.

Cannabis kills cancer cells

Because cannabinoids aid towards strengthening the immune system, these have proven instrumental in killing cancer cells. There are instances to prove that cancer patients have registered a health boost by using cannabis as part of their treatment, in a short span of time.

The necessary ingredient, cannabinoid, however can’t be supplied into our systems through smoking. According to Dr Sanches, using the plant works best when it’s eaten or when its oil is extracted. It’s also important to note here that cannabis still has some ground to cover before it can rub shoulders with chemotherapy.

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