The Technique Of Kundalini Awakening

Among various methods of awakening the dormant kundalini, ‘shaktipat’ or transmission of energy, says Swami Muktananda Paramhansa, is the easiest, safest and most potent method that, over a period of time, bestows upon the seeker the priceless gift of Self-realisation.

Shaktipat is a spiritual technique through which the master “injects” in the astral body of the seeker a current of psychic power or a dose of astral fluid. This can be effected by the master either through look, touch, word or simply thought.


At the time of shaktipat, some bad karmas of the seeker “attack” the master and as a result the latter’s body begins to ache severely and the top of his head becomes hot.  The reason why the master takes upon himself the seeker’s karma is that he wants to ensure that the seeker is able to withstand the powerful currents generated by the awakened kundalini.  Such masters, who are blessed with the power to bestow grace through shaktipat,  are hard to come by.


Swami Muktananda


In his magnum opus entitled, ‘The Play of Consciousness’, Swami Muktananda describes his experience of receiving shaktipat-initiation from his master, Bhagwan Nityananda, in the following words:  “As  he looked into my eyes, I saw  brilliant rays of light  emanating from his pupils, and going right inside me. Its brilliance dazzled my eyes like a high-powered bulb.  I stood there, stunned, and my body was completely motionless.”


How shaktipat helps


The conspicuous feature of shaktipat is that it not only helps the seeker in meditating deeply but also enables him to excel in his profession and other  areas of worldly life. The seeker’s health improves substantially,  his memory gets sharpened,  and he is blessed with the capacity to  work at high efficiency and  output  levels.


Strict discipline


After having received shaktipat the seeker should constantly endeavour to nurture and develop the shakti given by the master. The seeker can sit in meditation on a regular basis, preferably in early morning hours, for at least 30 minutes and steadfastly follow the principles of ‘yama’ — morality and ‘niyama’  –discipline.


Adhering to the principles of non-violence and truth, avoiding covetousness at all costs, doing good to others, performing one’s duty with utmost sincerity, all  constitute ‘yama’. Leading a highly disciplined life, avoiding negative company, total abstinence from alcohol and tobacco, and non-vegetarian food, and devotion to the Almighty, are some elements of ‘niyama’.


Kundalini awakening


When the dormant kundalini is ignited through shaktipat, prana, the life-force moves through the sushumna, the central nadi, in the base chakra, at lightning speed; in the process the seeker experiences electric-like currents in the body.


The fire of yoga then begins to blaze spontaneously within the seeker, purifying him at all levels and paving the way for his evolution to the highest level of consciousness.  As the seeker’s awareness gets stabilized in the upper spaces of sahasrara, the crown chakra, in deep meditation, he begins to listen to the celestial music that fills him with rapture.


Beatific Vision


Finally, the seeker is blessed by the beatific vision when, to his utter amazement, he sees a tiny blue pearl within the sahasrara that begins to expand infinitely, encompassing the entire universe.  His ego then gets completely dissolved in the Divine Effulgence and all his past karmas are burnt in the fire of Atma-jnana, Self-knowledge.  Realisation then dawns upon the seeker that the entire universe is nothing but a blissful sport of Consciousness.

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