Adrenal fatigue – A natural solution revealed

The old way of ‘treating’ disease symptoms with toxic medications, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, has failed to successfully eliminate the true cause of most chronic health conditions – especially adrenal fatigue. Simply put, toxic drugs will only add to the problem of stress experienced by the body.

The best way to eliminate disease symptoms. On the next NatrualNews Talk Hour, you’ll discover the most effective way to regain your energy and vitality – without the need for toxic drugs. Don’t ignore fatigue and brain fog issues any longer.

Understanding the common symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue

One of the most common issues with someone suffering with adrenal fatigue is feeling sluggish or tired – even after plenty of time in bed. Other symptoms include difficulty with mental concentration, strong cravings for salty food and a low tolerance for stress of any kind.

When you overstress your adrenals – by way of too many toxins or emotional stress – you are at a much greater risk for chronic disease conditions because of a weakened immune system. An experienced healthcare provider should carefully analyze your family and personal health history, as well as have the ability to advise you on the best foods, supplements and lifestyle habits to restore your natural energy levels.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, we’ll talk about the connection between fatigue and emotional issues. Plus, Dr. Zodkoy will talk about his vast experience in helping people with post-traumatic stress disorder – a major reason for fatigue.

Why depending on health insurance for your healthcare needs is a BIG mistake

According to Dr. Zodkoy, “our insurance system is falling apart.” In the past, people were used to getting lots of attention from their doctor and the ‘out-of-pocket’ expense was minimal. Today, thanks to Obamacare, health insurance premiums are skyrocketing; co-pays are going up and medical services are being denied – because it’s all too expensive for insurance companies to afford.

To make matter worse, the mainstream media and conventionally-trained physicians promote the idea that fatigue is not a serious medical condition. Instead, those suffering from burnout are told to ‘get some rest’ or resort to taking some kind of stimulant (temporary fix) such as, coffee or a sugary snack.

But the real solution for fatigue is a simple change to lifestyle habits. Just because your doctor and/or friends fail to mention its effectiveness – doesn’t make it less significant. In fact, just improving your sleep habits alone will dramatically improve the quality of your life. (Hint: Don’t sleep next to your cell phone)

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman invites you to discover the most comprehensive (successful) methods for overcoming adrenal fatigue.

Dr. Steven Zodkoy has spent the last 20 years striving to improve the physical and emotional potential of his patients. He has been involved in groundbreaking alternative treatment therapies for both musculoskeletal and neuro-emotional health conditions. His practice primarily consists of treating patients that have not responded to traditional care with his expertise being sought out by patients, companies, government agencies and physicians alike.

Dr. Zodkoy has been a longtime pioneer and leader in his field. He became the first Chiropractor to become a Certified Nutritional Specialist, a certification previously awarded only to MDs and PhDs. He developed the Nutritional Education Council, which is responsible for educating 1000s of physicians every year and is now one of the largest organizations of its kind.

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